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Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Saddam: 2:23pm On Sep 30, 2006
Nokia Sponsors Silverbird Dance Party

A Nigerian might end up breaking the world's longest dance record set in 2003 with the participation of Nigerians at the Nokia Silverbird Danceathon. The record, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, stands at 52 hours 3 minutes and was set by the Heart Health Hop at a dance party marathon organized by St. Joseph Aspirin at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in the United States.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 9:48pm On Sep 30, 2006
Meanwhile, the first phase of Silver Bird Danceathon kicked off in Lagos, yesterday at the National Stadium Surulere.
The 2000 plus crowd passed the initial screening participated in a fitness trial marathon that would prune the number of contestants to 120.
The event is sponsored by Nokia.

A Nigerian might end up breaking the world's longest dance record set in 2003 with the participation of Nigerians at the Nokia Silverbird Danceathon. The record, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, stands at 52 hours 3 minutes and was set by the Heart Health Hop at a dance party marathon organized by St. Joseph Aspirin at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in the United States. The dance began on July 31, 2003.

Nokia N91 music phone, sponsors the Danceathon which kicks off at 6pm today at the Silverbird Studios in Lekki, Lagos, will feature select dance teams, who emerged from last weekend's marathon, with an eye on history: to break the world record.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 9:53pm On Sep 30, 2006
The current dancers have 24 hours left to beat the world record. They have been at this for 28 hours!
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Nobody: 10:15pm On Sep 30, 2006
money, is a great motivator

to stay on ur feet for 2 days plus to earn cash you couldnt earn in the same number of days wink
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by superman(m): 10:58pm On Sep 30, 2006
watch her now money is such a motivator! superman says na lie u de talk! what about the losers that dnt make it despite the fact money huge money dey on the side or a bi i sound aggressive now. anyway i go better jo
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Raymand(m): 11:14pm On Sep 30, 2006
I don't think this is for the money! i won't do it only for the money! having a world record is more than any amount of money!
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by momoney1(m): 11:46pm On Sep 30, 2006
superman and Raymand shune, salsera na im talk the truth
we value name without money for Nigeria? you go die nobody go remember ur name grin

Nigerians are known not to do such things for record purpose.
rather we do all sort of unbelievable things cuz of money(dancing for 3dys)
in a situation like this i dont think those participating in the
Silverbird danceathon are doing it for the record sake, they will
ask you
"if money no dey involve and as i dey dance i com falldown faint wetin i go talk"? grin grin grin

c'mon we all need money despirately in this country so every thing goes provided the money is there and the decision to per-take comes from you smiley smiley
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Anderso(m): 3:51am On Oct 01, 2006
Ha ha see d desperation on most of their faces due to d motivation of Money.cool
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 11:13am On Oct 01, 2006
I can't believe the number of Nigerians that have made it to the 41st hour. Especially the ladies!

Is this a sign that world records for feats of endurance will soon be held by black people exclusively?
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Nobody: 3:08pm On Oct 01, 2006
are they still at it?

i watchedd intermittently during the night stopped at about 4 am.

since i hadnt seen anything on tv yet i though they had given up

so what happens after they beat the record, they'll still continue to dance

cos na only last man satnding go collect cash, there are no consolation prizes as far as i know.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by layi(m): 4:55pm On Oct 01, 2006
Its 5pm now and they have 5hrs more to break record, 28dancers left on d dancing floor.
I'm optimistic the record will be broken. I trust kaffy and the zebra team.
they 'threaten'to stop on tuesday. grin
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Nobody: 5:35pm On Oct 01, 2006
Dancing for more than 53hours is not a joke men
i dont think i have the strenght 4 that

well i think this move to break a world record
shows that nigeria ie getting in tune with the world entertainment
we are not boring we are fun loving
i think we have the strenght to do it.


Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Raymand(m): 6:33pm On Oct 01, 2006
@ mo money

of course cash is good! but having a world record is even better! and the both? awesome!! every thing isn't about money you know! money is just coloured paper, thieves can steal ALL your money away sad! but a world record! NO ONE can touch cool. . . except they go out of their way to break it undecided. . . but thats another issue angry
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Nobody: 9:51pm On Oct 01, 2006
God have mercy!!!

so dem still dey there,

do they get to sleep at ALL, is food provided to cos all i saw them take was water

is this medically possible to still stand on two feet sleep deprived, no baths as well

When I see Kafi after this is over I'll crown her IGWE i know she has stamina but this is taking it to another level
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by igwe4life(m): 10:18pm On Oct 01, 2006
The Guinness Book of Record Dancethon Competition Hosted by silverbird and Nokia has finally ended a few minutes ago, so finally Nigerians are now in the Guinness Books of Record,

Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 10:38pm On Oct 01, 2006
salsera, who is kafi? Is there a Nairaland member in this danceathlon?

These Nigerians, especially the ladies, are absolutely going to smash the world record in dancing!
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by olufrost(m): 10:48pm On Oct 01, 2006
the record has been broken.

who will be the last man standing!
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Nobody: 10:49pm On Oct 01, 2006
Kafi is an aerobics trainer, dancer and choreographer

she's featured in almost every music video in Nigeria (ruggedman, lexxyd and the girl in the SOUNDCITY ads)
as far as the danceathon is concerned she's the group leader for the Zebra team, fair-complexioned one who's presently wearing shorts

about nairalanders there, its possible
i would have competed too, i just cant do long distance running so the marathon race to qualify put me off

I WATCHED THE COUNTDOWN!!!!  cool cool cool cool cool cool
they did it!!!

though i still say money is a good motivator and i dont see that as a bad thing either
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by yahoo2(m): 1:26am On Oct 02, 2006
I wonder who will be the last person standing. They have been reduced to 7 now two guys and 5 ladies wink wink
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 1:46am On Oct 02, 2006
I'm proud of them too. Especially the ladies. They are amazons, literally! I wish one of them wins.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by momoney1(m): 3:50am On Oct 02, 2006

now i understand better,

the Record, then the Money.

they just needed the last man standing, but what about others that also beat the world record, where will there record be? cuz they also should be record holders you know what i mean undecided
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by dblock(m): 5:38am On Oct 02, 2006

The Guinness Book of Record Dancethon Competition Hosted by silverbird and Nokia has finally ended a few minutes ago, so finally Nigerians are now in the Guinness Books of Record,


Nigerians were already in the guiness book of world records, gettin in the book isn't that hard
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Tmoni(m): 8:57am On Oct 02, 2006
pls could some one fill me in on the way the whole thing went or a site where i can get some news or see some pictures(better videos). i really wanted to watch it but had to leave to school and from the posts i have read, i know i missed a great deal of MAKING A GREAT NATION TREMENDOUSLY GREATER. sad grin cheesy
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by rayz101(m): 9:43am On Oct 02, 2006
i love to here that nigerians can break the record,but plz let me ask this question; did they take there bath atol? shocked shocked
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by imanko: 9:50am On Oct 02, 2006
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by layi(m): 12:11pm On Oct 02, 2006

did they take there bath atol?

Yes they had 5mins break @ 1hr intervals. You could also accumulate the breaks. There was food and drink and even massage outside the dancing marquee. I was there to encourage my guyz, me i no fit dance for 53hrs (except of course while sitting).
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Seun(m): 12:13pm On Oct 02, 2006
5 minute breaks? They can't get in the Guinness book of world records if they have such breaks!!
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by dblock(m): 12:25pm On Oct 02, 2006
I could do it, i prefer standing to sitting, no i'm not lying really, i'd rather have sore legs than a sore ass cool
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by layi(m): 1:21pm On Oct 02, 2006
5 minute breaks? They can't get in the Guinness book of world records if they have such breaks!!

Its the rule. Anyway, Its also not humanly possible to last for 52 hours without breaks at least to answer some of the calls of nature.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by Kajiang02(m): 4:10pm On Oct 02, 2006
Naija til i die.
those guys & galz r realy guud,its a great tin seeing our naija friends & family in d Guinness Book of Records
Thumbs up 4 dem
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by dominique(f): 4:39pm On Oct 02, 2006
I knew that girl looked familiar from ruggedman's vid. I didnt finish watching it. Whats the new dance record.
Re: Nokia Silverbird Danceathon Is Blazing Hot! by popsonj(m): 5:09pm On Oct 02, 2006
Yeah! i'm so happy a stuff of this gravity is happening here in NAIJA.
kudos to Nokia, Silvebird entertainment and all those who supported the event,
Greatest kudos to those that endeavoured to take part in the contest.
Naija 4 life!!!!!!!!!!!! cheesy

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