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Agony Of An Unemployed Graduate - Politics - Nairaland

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Agony Of An Unemployed Graduate by Oladeleibrahim75(m): 10:42pm On Aug 20, 2015
According to Oxford dictionary,"Education"is defined as a process of teaching,training and learning,especially in schools or colleges,to improve knowledge and develop skills.
Many years ago,Martin Luther wrote "The prosperity of a country depends,not on the abundance of its revenues,nor on the strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings; but it consists in the number of its cultivated citizens, in its men of education, enlightenment and character". When he wrote this,he was of the view that education in its best form will refine and shape the future of a country,and he channeled this to inspire the developing countries, majorly black nations to invest more in education to fortify their immediate future.
Also as a way of encouraging developing nations,one of the MDGs that was set in the year 2000,by the United Nations,was that by 2015,children everywhere should be able to achieve basic education which significantly translate to achieving the first two set of the 6-3-3-4 educational system we practiced in Nigeria.
With the growing level of civilisation and development around the world,everyone exhibited a certain level of determination to pass through a certain level of education to be classified as literate citizens. After passing through thick and thin to acquire some certain level of knowledge,it is disheartening, and ridiculous that there isn't a platform to practice what you've garnered down the years. There is no gainsaying that a country that failed to harness its best brain and product is doomed. It is so hard for any Chinese factory to employ a non-Chinese because they have an effective education system that is productive,likewise India,Russia and many countries around the world.
It is crystal clear that those entrusted with the nation educational policy has lost their touch and have been left dumb headed by the rest of the world. The first major problem that has enveloped the education system of Nigeria is the inability of the system to encourage Functional education. Imagine a foremost university in the country teaching its computer science students FORTRAN programming up till date. Little wonder some Nigerian graduates are unable to compete with their mates globally.
Let me state categorically, majority of Nigerian students are brilliant,inquisitive,effervescent and can stand up to their mate around the world if the system is being fixed to be positively productive.
The Nigeria educational system can be described as a schematic way of enslaving the helpless youths by the power that be. The mode of slavery is to send children to school,upon graduation from a balderdash system, they will be turn to political jobbers,praise-singers,and indirectly turn them to worshippers of their ill-acquired fame and fortune. It is disgustingly frustrating,for someone to graduate and end up as a jobless citizen.
Nigeria educationists needs to adopt a functional educational system that corroborates practical and theoretical mode of learning together. Functional education should be Paramount in any society.It defines a role for the individual in nation building and it enables the individual to chart a meaningful path towards the realization of that role.Functional education builds a complete human being who is able to meet challenges of the world.
Another problem that has affected the education system of the country gravely is the compulsory One-year service for all graduates. It is imperative for me to state some reasons why I detest NYSC and described it as a wasteful program that needs to be checked and essentially needs to be reform. NYSC as a program has been successful in the aspect of instilling discipline in many people. The prior motives of the initiators of NYSC was to integrate National Unity amidst our diversity which was to curb the act of ethnic bigotry and accord mutual respect to a fellow country man, it is safe to say that NYSC on this front have been successful.On a larger scale NYSC is wasteful for individual development.Any system or program that gives preference should be deemed useless.
Why will a graduate of medicine be posted to a hospital and an Engineer will be posted to a secondary school to teach Mathematics?
Why will a law graduate be posted to a law firm and a graduate of Agricultural science be posted to a Local Government office?
It is apparent that one graduate will be able to further his practice on the knowledge he acquired down the years,while one will jettison all he has learnt for good one year. The program needs to be reformed or replaced with a better program- a program where graduates will be able to practice the experience they garnered in school to enable them impact positively to the growth and developments of their immediate community. Those that went to University of education or studied a course that is related to education should be posted to schools. It is sane that NYSC should be a program where graduates will be posted to their respective field.
Nigeria leaders down the years,were bunch of selfish,visionless,and corrupts people, who never took their time to understand the context and significance of education to the development of a country. India was never where it is today in terms of education, it was the dedication of the government, that led them to the India of today.
Jawarhalal Nehru,India first prime minister, took an economic decision that placed pressure on the education system of the country. He closed door on importation of any foreign products varying from the essential to the less valued product and encouraged indians to make use of locally made products that was not available at the time. It took those in charge of the education system to put the onus on themselves,they designed an effective system that will be able to meet the demands of the teeming populace,the result is India of today.
Sequel to the failure in the education system,National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) came with a structural plan which was never executed by the power that be. They realised that the main target of the plan was for the emancipation of helpless Nigeria students and graduates from the educational slavery we are being condemned to. It is conspicuous that the successful implementation of the NEEDS plan will improve the nations education system and consequently reduce the level of unemployed graduates in the country. The NEEDS plan structurally have in it,a goal with its respective targets and how to execute them. It is unfortunate we found ourself in a nation where a viable plan will be jettisoned by those entrusted with the execution of the plan because of their lack of vision and selfish interest.
Nigeria is humorously referred to as the giant of Africa-a giant with the head of a newt, a giant that is unable to cater for the needs of it body. Nigeria used to be a country with great potentials. It is frustrating that the future of the country lies in the hand of a growing number of unemployed citizens. The nation has failed to harness its potential at independence to secure the present which has resulted in the woeful state of the nation.
The growing rate of unemployment needs to be checked in order to dent a general saying that an idle hand is the devil's workshop. It need to be referenced that the mind of a typical youth is like an open-blanked book,where anything written is indelible. Unfortunately, we are in a society where bad influence is the order of the day. Bad influence is parasitic and found its host in a jobless person, the host need to be catered for in order to reduce the rate of negative influence in the society.
Bad influence and joblessness are entangled together and it takes a careful and viable action to separate them, if not done properly,the state of mockery Nigeria will found itself will be unbearable.
The growing rate of unemployed graduate in the country is an indication that Nigeria is a failed state, she has been governed by leaders whose only attributes is failure, and lack of progressive vision for the Nigerian state.
The present day government needs to checkmate the failure of the previous government and put in place a viable education system where its graduate will be able to rub shoulders with its mate globally. I hope the new regime implements his employment plan sooner before we form an Association of Unemployed Graduates which will be ridiculous to Nigeria as a country.
Little word of encouragement for my fellow unemployed graduates, it isn't our fault being a product of a failed system, a failed country down the years. While we remain morally upright in our course to better standard of living,let's hope the sun that shines on the face will make it brighter.

@2HVS7 on Twitter
Re: Agony Of An Unemployed Graduate by owobokiri(m): 10:57pm On Aug 20, 2015
Excellent write up. You nailed it especially as it relates to lack of functional curriculum. Some of the courses being taught here are so totally removed from reality you start to wonder what the student will do with it under this economy. No wonder everybody wants to work in a bank. . That said, I think our youth orientation needs to change. Lads need to start believing in themselves. Start networking and start broadening your horizon so as to add to the little you get from Nigerian schools.. I hate it when graduates line up in their tens of thousands waiting for interviews for few jobs. In this country there are several areas one can network with former classmates, raise some cash from relatives or friends annd start something. You can be an employer. Don't think yourself to be only good enough to be employed. . I know how hard it is but it is doable. Confidence, inventive plannings and positive mindset matter.

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