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Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:32pm On Aug 23, 2015 |
Some of the Ford freestyle are incorporated with continuesly drive chain variable transmission. Note : only Motorcraft cvt fluid is applicable and do not add a slightest drop of any other which can contaminate the fluid and destroys the transaxle. 2 Likes |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by pato405(m): 9:34pm On Aug 23, 2015 |
Motorcraft all the way |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:23am On Aug 24, 2015 |
Yes Pato405, thanks very much for the recognition of Motorcraft. I had great challenges on Ford when I invested my workshop after being trained by RT-BRISCOE MOTORS as service engineer of their ford dept from 2005-2007 and also COSCHARIS MOTORS as workshop manager of their ford dept in 2007-2010. I almost run and become one of those that condemned Ford. Take for instance, you repair your transmission on Ford, it worked for a month and went bad then you were advised to replace it out rightly, it also worked for two months and went bad. You also visited a transmission wizard somewhere across the country, the transmission worked for few period and spoilt. All these series of events will cost you hug sum from your hard earned and great stress. This one of the challenges I encountered at the beginning. It came to a time that I had to remove transmission assembly in good condition from my Explorer and fixed on a challenged one it also went bad after few weeks, it was an hell experience. I almost went bankrupt because I had to refund in full most of the customers payment. At the end of the struggle, all those transmission were OK but being damage by the use those quality fluid so to say : dextron and others etc. Thanks goodness, I went back and adhere to the use of Motorcraft transmission fluid recommendation, since 2012 all my transmission repair have been successful. As far as am concerned, am not just a Motorcraft sales rep but strong and cogent propagating ambassador of Motorcraft spare parts. 9 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 2:36pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
Ford FIVE HUNDRED 3.0lit saloon 2005-2007 acceleration not responding will involve only replacement of transmission fluid Motorcraft continues variable chain (xt-7-qcft). Do not vandalize the vehicle by trying to work on the electronic accelerator or pcm. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by pato405(m): 3:55pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
Nigerians don't read their manuals. It's CLEARLY written on the manual. That's what I've been using and I'm enjoying it. Will upload pix later. However, I'm in search of Motorcraft engine oil 5w 20. Not in dire search however, because I have one that I'm already addicted to, but just wanna try out some others. 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 11:04am On Aug 25, 2015 |
Yes it is the best choice to use Motorcraft 5w20 in synthetic, premium synthetic and full synthetic. It's good available at femtop integrated ventures(Ford, Lincoln And Mercury) and other Ford sole distributor across the country. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:36am On Aug 26, 2015 |
Ford vehicles keep flying the flag |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:54am On Aug 28, 2015 |
You need not add any fuel treatment or additives to your fuel, it will react with the hydrocarbon structure of the fuel and cause precipitate in the fuel tank, which will congill and lead to fuel pump seizure, choke the fuel filter and injection nozzles. 2 Likes |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 7:04pm On Aug 29, 2015 |
Motorcraft recommended brake pads should be used on Ford to avoid burnt or damage brake disc. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Kashif(m): 7:18pm On Aug 29, 2015 |
Femtopford: Wait o, you were trained by RT-BRISCOE and Coscharis, and you did not know the right transmission fluid to use? Am I missing something? 8 Likes |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:04pm On Aug 29, 2015 |
Yes, you have missed already. Try and go through all my analysis sequentially, then you will realize and be categorically convinced that Motorcraft oil and fluid for Ford, Lincoln And Mercury is paramount, no imitation and compromise. As for Femtopford, it's been embedded with Motorcraft and can never be wiggled. To be highly cognizant of various grades of Motorcraft fluid supernatural Ford therapy, Traverse deeply with FEMTOPFORD. 2 Likes |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:05am On Aug 31, 2015 |
Ford, Lincoln And Mercury a/c is superb, try and find out, you will hardly come across these vehicles in a/c technician 's workshop. Even though you see any, is one percent of their volume. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 4:50pm On Aug 31, 2015 |
Transmission transaxle/automatic gearbox shouldn't give any problem once you use the right and recommend fluid. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Kashif(m): 5:08pm On Aug 31, 2015 |
Femtopford: They will die one day, no matter what you use. They are mechanical pieces, and wear out with time, just like any tranny. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:18pm On Aug 31, 2015 |
Yes, aside Mechanical comments there is no existence that is perpetual under the sun "depreciation and transformation" but why assaulting them, because they ironically have no mouth to reject which ever blood tonic we give to them after doctor has prescribed the suitable for such species. It's very bad compromising the genuineness of spare parts and fluids then reducing their lifespan of about 20years to 5 years. 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 12:52pm On Sep 02, 2015 |
Kashif, I expect you to comment on our babies without mouths that we give any medication outside their own wish, well it's just a riddle. I believe that you comprehend my principles, let us obey the manufacturer's specifications and extend their lifespan. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Kashif(m): 6:19pm On Sep 02, 2015 |
Femtopford: That was deep. 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 6:56am On Sep 03, 2015 |
Yes, very deep! As you and I know, vehicles are part of our lives, if not 100% it's 99. Is paramount among our series of events, so we must go through the ordeal to give our optimum. 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 7:49am On Sep 04, 2015 |
Ford manufacturer's recommended engine oil doesn't dry or reduce while running the car rigorously. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:07am On Sep 05, 2015 |
Avoid the use of various sides brake fluid, it will react with the seals and damage the Brake's master cylinder 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 3:30pm On Sep 06, 2015 |
When a/c is of, car Interior temperature can be high, have the vent control system checked by adjusting to the proper direction or replace faulty component in the system. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 9:55am On Sep 07, 2015 |
People are disappointed with their cars a/c working and diminishes always and finally say, there are no competent a/c man. Unlike Ford, you don't go through this unpleasant issue of a/c. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Nobody: 10:13am On Sep 07, 2015 |
Femtopford please how good is the Ford E 350 series (passenger version) for the transportation business in Nigeria? 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:45am On Sep 08, 2015 |
E350 is very suitable in all areas, despite the fact that the engine is electronically managed is not complicated means open loop pcm(brain box) needs no programming. All Mechanical components are very durable, the suspension parts last long like donkey years as they frequently encounter rough roads. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 2:37pm On Sep 08, 2015 |
Pls dumo 1, I will advise you to go for the E350, is best for your transportation. You won't regret buying it. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 10:07am On Sep 09, 2015 |
02 sensor is a paizo resistor that helps in correction of carbon(II)oxide in the exhaust consistent, which is poisonous to human health and also destroys atmospheric ozone layer. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 11:21am On Sep 10, 2015 |
Ford f150 is highly efficient on farm land and remote area the 4WD is positive lock with high torque that easily pull the vehicle out of sand or swamp. 2 Likes |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:44am On Sep 11, 2015 |
Ford headlamps have high durability, mostly last till the lifespan of the vehicles, it's hardly occur that you replace them. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 6:21pm On Sep 12, 2015 |
Catalyst is very important in vehicles, aside from being the interpreter between up and down stream oxygen sensors. It helps in creation of exhaust control back pressure which balances the flow of incoming fuel/air mixture and scavenged exhaust gas therefore reduces the fuel consumption to reasonable level. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 4:59pm On Sep 14, 2015 |
Use of brake pads other than Motorcraft recommended or other imitation will get the Brake discs burnt and damage. |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 8:28am On Sep 15, 2015 |
Nairaland forum really appreciated. 1 Like |
Re: Ford Cars Quite Explicit by Femtopford(m): 5:13pm On Sep 15, 2015 |
Ford a/c evaporator is very durable, it usually last till the lifespan of the vehicle. 1 Like |
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