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Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm - Car Talk - Nairaland

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Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by boldan: 12:06pm On Aug 31, 2015
Good day all,

My car a Rover 620SLI 1994 model (Honda engine) manual transmission has been giving problems for quite some time now.

The problem is the rpm flunctuates(surges) up and down so fast even when idling that sometimes the car shuts off on its own.

Anytime it is on motion and it does this, the car will start jerking seriously, and after sometime, it Will pick up and move again.

Things Done Already
1.Fuel filter and pump changed
2.Air fliter blown
3.Carburator cleaner used to clean a place where they write PGM-FI
4.Spark plug cleaned but not changed

Please, pardon me if the correct terms are not used, I need advise, please don't tell me the car is old, I know that already. I need help sincerely.

Lastly, is it possible to scan that car model

Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by Mojibola(m): 12:46am On Sep 01, 2015
It could be a sensor malfunction, perhaps the crankshaft position sensor. Yes it can be scanned, though its a little technical. If you can locate a two-pin socket by the passenger's side foot well close to the door, short circuit the two pins and note how many times the 'check engine' mil blinks.
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by Readonee35L(m): 6:25am On Sep 01, 2015
did you do an engine swap, like changing the engine
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by boldan: 2:14pm On Sep 01, 2015
did you do an engine
swap, like changing the engine

No engine swap was done. I am just wondering what could be wrong. I did not know the car can be scanned, I would have scanned it before now. I was seriously thinking it was the fuel pump, so when the rewire(technician) came and said it was the fuel pump, we just bought a new one, only for the car to continue malfunctioning.If we start it now, it will start normally, and it will continue idling for like 2mins and after, it starts behaving as if fuel is not getting to the engine and then shuts off.Please good and experienced people of nairaland help o as even the technician is confused now.The new fuel pump is working perfectly because he checked it.
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by eherbal(m): 10:54am On Sep 03, 2015
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by GAZZUZZ(m): 1:12pm On Sep 03, 2015

This one spiritual pass your own grin I think you guys should meet and start a club grin

Op you need proper diagnostics.

Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by boldan: 1:51pm On Sep 03, 2015
I want to say thank you to all those that have given their own input to this issue.I want to confirm if it is possible to diagnose a 1994 car model.

Also, can a weak battery cause jerking and stalling of a car, because I am even planning to buy a new battery

Thanks Oga Gazzuzz, Readonee, Mojibola

Please help me answer as soon as possible
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by whyteboyz03(m): 1:55pm On Sep 03, 2015
Has ur rover been fixed ? If not , does it have an actuator ? If yes , that could be it but as Oga Gazzuzzzz said, proper diagnostics should be done first
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by GAZZUZZ(m): 2:23pm On Sep 03, 2015
I want to say thank you to all those that have given their own input to this issue.I want to confirm if it is possible to diagnose a 1994 car model.

Also, can a weak battery cause jerking and stalling of a car, because I am even planning to buy a new battery

Thanks Oga Gazzuzz, Readonee, Mojibola

Please help me answer as soon as possible

A weak battery cannot cause jerking and stalling.

It is possible to diagnose a 1994 accord (I didn't say scanning)
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by eherbal(m): 12:19am On Sep 04, 2015

This one spiritual pass your own grin I think you guys should meet and start a club grin

Op you need proper diagnostics.


honored my niggga.atleast na you solve am grin
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by Mojibola(m): 1:28am On Sep 04, 2015
the battery is just there to startup the vehicle and run the accessories while engine has been shut down.

Jerking and stalling are usually fuel metering issues. from bad air flow meter to bad fuel pump to clogged nozzles or blocked fuel lines.

However, a proper diagnosis will be the right thing to do.
Re: Rover 620sli (honda Engine) Rpm by cardoctor(m): 4:29pm On Sep 08, 2015
Very simple. Adjust the Idle Air Control valve. This has to be done manually with a short, medium sized flat screwdriver. You will find the IAC valve on the side of the Throttle Body aka Injector mouth with a straight grove for the adjustment. Screw it in or out til the idle speed stabilises. You do not need a scanner for this operation.

Good luck.


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