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Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by obo389(m): 3:40pm On Sep 06, 2015

What? there are at least three hydro power plants in Niger state alone sending the power generate to national station (dont kw the real name) at Osogbo for distribution. The worst part is that power generation always peaked at this tym of the year under GEJ and u hypocrites have always attributed it to the volume of water in the dams.
read my comment well before u start quoting me.were in my comment dis I attribute shortfall to electricity to water?
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by fromnigeria(m): 3:51pm On Sep 06, 2015

Oshiomole, the governor of Edo State is the leading supporter of the body language, he may have the best answer to Edo power problem. grin

Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Pluslargent(m): 3:52pm On Sep 06, 2015
Truth is to every problem Nigerian masses go through, some cabals use it to get ill wealth.like power for instance,am sure the generator importers and fuel sellers are experiencing a sharp drop in patronage (reminds me of a pix trending a while back of a trader asleep at his generator shop).
hence this set of people would do anything for power to go back to status quo so thier ill gotten profits can keep flowing in.
Just like some one said, who ever the members of that union are,thier jobs should be unsustainable too,and PMB should keep sacking till he gets the crop of. workers who understands that mediocrity will no longer be tolerated for the benefit of a few and the detriment of the masses
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by FOREXMART(m): 4:18pm On Sep 06, 2015
Could this some sort of window dressing? time will tell. Let's enjoy it while it lasts.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by luthorcorp: 5:33pm On Sep 06, 2015
okay,its better they dispense all the current for consumption,when we get to the bridge of low water level smokes screen bla bla,we know how to adjust I mean if we could stay without light for 1year during the gej tenure,then I see no mistery throw at us that we can't handle
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 5:54pm On Sep 06, 2015

What? there are at least three hydro power plants in Niger state alone sending the power generate to national station (dont kw the real name) at Osogbo for distribution. The worst part is that power generation always peaked at this tym of the year under GEJ and u hypocrites have always attributed it to the volume of water in the dams.
Hydro electricity accounts for only about 1100mw generation of power supply. The remaining capacity of about 3000-5000mw is from thermal/fossil fuel generation.. This larger part was mainly achieved and started by Obasanjo and co, we've had the hydro for longer periods. The GEJ administration was meant to do what we're currently seeing, that is build on the capacity by supplying gas efficiently, rehabilitation and adding power stations. Unfortunately, cosmetic and political work is what was major.

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Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 5:58pm On Sep 06, 2015

Benin distribution company is doing a bad job. i was in Akure, one of their catchment areas and power situation was so bad

Oshiomole, the governor of Edo State is the leading supporter of the body language, he may have the best answer to Edo power problem. grin

Eeyah, i hear that the Benin DISCO is owned by patience Jonathan and company, no be me talk am oh.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by mikolo80: 8:15pm On Sep 06, 2015
Guys above.
Don't you see the part he say the fear of buhari has made those in charge to sit up. No more gas vandalisation,no gas diverting, no more fake pipe repair contract every quarter.
you get energy ,to still de try convince clueless wailing thieves
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by grizzz(m): 9:14pm On Sep 06, 2015
Power supply has improved everywhere drastically!!
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Nobody: 9:45pm On Sep 06, 2015
I've said it several times here on nairaland that the improved power supply is due to rainy season. I've known this for long. For those of you who close your eyes to the truth that water level affects power supply, go and make research.

From the post the fear of Buhari may have contributed by 5%, it does not have a significant bearing on this ,otherwise the writer wouldn't say that power supply will return to 'normal' when water level drops.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by roob: 9:52pm On Sep 06, 2015
Guys above.
Don't you see the part he say the fear of buhari has made those in charge to sit up. No more gas vandalisation,no gas diverting, no more fake pipe repair contract every quarter.

If the FEAR fades, kai ! oluwa oo! It will be jumping out of fry pan into fire o...
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by rama606: 10:07pm On Sep 06, 2015
when the light situation return to the previous point, i want to see monthly billing returning to the same point in all fairness.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by monex(m): 10:08pm On Sep 06, 2015
everybody is saying power supply has improved, but in benin its worse than it used to be

actually it is transmission that improved. Lagos had its own unique transmission issues. Benin and other interior cities, it is more of power generation problem. truth is that we have not increased our power generating capacity despite the improved power in lagos and some parts of PHC.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by repogirl(f): 1:30am On Sep 07, 2015
LMAO....these people lie will make devil salute sef.... Abeg can anyone tell me specifically what Buhari did that improved the power supply.

Was it him that brought about the rainy season?
Abi was it him that provided the infrastructure that is on ground now?
Oh maybe it was him that gave the pipeline vandals permission to stop vandalising the pipelines?

Who dash monkey banana? Rubbish!
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by SKYQUEST(m): 8:05am On Sep 07, 2015
It troubles me how Nigerian youths, supposedly young with high memory, yet keep exhibiting chronic amnesia. This improved power occurs around this time yearly. Last year, around this period of heavy rain, they hailed GEJ for improved power, I can still recall how Senate president, David Mark, descibed it as a hoax. This year, again they've started attributting power improvement to Buhari, Nigerians and Nigeria need divine intervention, seriously undecided

This person you're deceptively praising for political gains is enjoying 24hrs light in the government house...Well, they say common sense isn't common, otherwise they would have known it's just rise in water level that occurs yearly during rainy season.

I think Nigerians are the people with shortest memory in the world. They always forget so soon. This is not the first time we are experiencing this kind of improvement in power and the annoying part of it is all this unreasonable reasons of body movement. Things will soon go back to their old bad ways except PMB immediately start firing things up from where GEJ stopped. Hate it or like it, but that is the truth.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by SKYQUEST(m): 8:12am On Sep 07, 2015
Truth is to every problem Nigerian masses go through, some cabals use it to get ill wealth.like power for instance,am sure the generator importers and fuel sellers are experiencing a sharp drop in patronage (reminds me of a pix trending a while back of a trader asleep at his generator shop).
hence this set of people would do anything for power to go back to status quo so thier ill gotten profits can keep flowing in.
Just like some one said, who ever the members of that union are,thier jobs should be unsustainable too,and PMB should keep sacking till he gets the crop of. workers who understands that mediocrity will no longer be tolerated for the benefit of a few and the detriment of the masses

Do you have facts and figures to back up this claims or cabals and generator importers or is just the usual speculative proposition that runs on the pages of our newspapers? I will rather recommend PMB building a structure or system that will sustain power generation and distribution. If we have this all the claim of cabals and generator importer things really don, t hold.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Migines(m): 8:17am On Sep 07, 2015

The media of today has become painfully unreliable. We all must be our own detectives.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by samx4real(m): 7:32am On Sep 08, 2015

I don't know where you live but in my area there has been a great improvement in power supply and to me that is progress.

Bunkum! angry
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 5:50pm On Sep 08, 2015
LMAO....these people lie will make devil salute sef.... Abeg can anyone tell me specifically what Buhari did that improved the power supply.

Was it him that brought about the rainy season?
Abi was it him that provided the infrastructure that is on ground now?
Oh maybe it was him that gave the pipeline vandals permission to stop vandalising the pipelines?

Who dash monkey banana? Rubbish!

Na God dash monkey banana, who else? Good that you agree that there is improved power supply, something that was not possible in the past administration, we are generating over 4500MW consistently. This is caused by improved GAS SUPPLY, not Jonathan, not IPP or NIPPs, simply improved gas supply to the IPPs and NIPPs. Our dams account for just about 1100MW, they have been there since forever, GEJ didn't build any hydro power. Now, what GEJ needed to do was improve gas supply to the NIPPs and we would have power like this but he didn't, or couldn't, or just wouldn't. So, only rainy seasons helped him since the hydro dams give more MW then, but currently we have both hydrodams and NIPPs giving more MW.

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Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 5:51pm On Sep 08, 2015

I think Nigerians are the people with shortest memory in the world. They always forget so soon. This is not the first time we are experiencing this kind of improvement in power and the annoying part of it is all this unreasonable reasons of body movement. Things will soon go back to their old bad ways except PMB immediately start firing things up from where GEJ stopped. Hate it or like it, but that is the truth.

Good that you agree that there is improved power supply, something that was not possible in the past administration, we are generating over 4500MW consistently. This is caused by improved GAS SUPPLY, not Jonathan, not IPP or NIPPs, simply improved gas supply to the IPPs and NIPPs. Our dams account for just about 1100MW, they have been there since forever, GEJ didn't build any hydro power. Now, what GEJ needed to do was improve gas supply to the NIPPs and we would have power like this but he didn't, or couldn't, or just wouldn't. So, only rainy seasons helped him since the hydro dams give more MW then, but currently we have both hydrodams and NIPPs giving more MW.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by repogirl(f): 10:38am On Sep 09, 2015

Na God dash monkey banana, who else? Good that you agree that there is improved power supply, something that was not possible in the past administration, we are generating over 4500MW consistently. This is caused by improved GAS SUPPLY, not Jonathan, not IPP or NIPPs, simply improved gas supply to the IPPs and NIPPs. Our dams account for just about 1100MW, they have been there since forever, GEJ didn't build any hydro power. Now, what GEJ needed to do was improve gas supply to the NIPPs and we would have power like this but he didn't, or couldn't, or just wouldn't. So, only rainy seasons helped him since the hydro dams give more MW then, but currently we have both hydrodams and NIPPs giving more MW.
so how did Buhari now improve the gas supply?

If you recall, the same month Buhari resumed office the power seemed to improve...so what exactly did Buhari do to improve the gas supply because I didn't see any thing in the news that said he did something about it.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 12:00pm On Sep 09, 2015
so how did Buhari now improve the gas supply?

If you recall, the same month Buhari resumed office the power seemed to improve...so what exactly did Buhari do to improve the gas supply because I didn't see any thing in the news that said he did something about it.
See these then,




Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by repogirl(f): 1:50pm On Sep 09, 2015

See these then,




The reason for the noticeable relative stability in supply is attributable to improvements across the electricity supply value chain, which include gas supply, reduced vandalism and upgrade of generation facilities by the new investors.

I went through all the links and this is the general reason for the improved power supply.

I knew about the reduced vandalism part and I wonder, isn't it funny that the vandalism ended when Buhari won the elections?

Isn't it suspect? Maybe not to you anyway but for me, I wonder why it is now their so called 'antivandalism' campaign is taking effect.

I guess we should thank Buharis body language odour.

As for the new investors, was it also Buhari who brought them in? I strongly doubt it, we all know how hard Jonathan worked trying to restructure and privatise the power sector but thanks to saboteurs and vandals, his efforts were frustrated.

Buhari who cannot name ministers, under his watch, even with the renewed power supply, our economy is on a steady decline and you tell me the same day he was inaugurated, he improved power supply?

Abeg, that lie is too hard for me to swallow.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 2:57pm On Sep 09, 2015

I went through all the links and this is the general reason for the improved power supply.

I knew about the reduced vandalism part and I wonder, isn't it funny that the vandalism ended when Buhari won the elections?

Isn't it suspect? Maybe not to you anyway but for me, I wonder why it is now their so called 'antivandalism' campaign is taking effect.

I guess we should thank Buharis body language odour.

As for the new investors, was it also Buhari who brought them in? I strongly doubt it, we all know how hard Jonathan worked trying to restructure and privatise the power sector but thanks to saboteurs and vandals, his efforts were frustrated.

Buhari who cannot name ministers, under his watch, even with the renewed power supply, our economy is on a steady decline and you tell me the same day he was inaugurated, he improved power supply?

Abeg, that lie is too hard for me to swallow.

Thanks be to God that you have seen the reasons for the improvement. All these were not done in the past government. I'm sure you do not expect Buhari to go and be joining cable or climbing pole so you will have light. That's competence and people management for you, , I see nothing suspect and no economic decline, I'm done with the paper statistics and figures of the past government that bore no tangible reprise to over 90% of Nigerians. Salaries are being paid without headache despite dwindling oil prices monthly allocations shared to the states are increasing.

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Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by chudionu58(f): 3:13pm On Sep 09, 2015

Good that you agree that there is improved power supply, something that was not possible in the past administration, we are generating over 4500MW consistently. This is caused by improved GAS SUPPLY, not Jonathan, not IPP or NIPPs, simply improved gas supply to the IPPs and NIPPs. Our dams account for just about 1100MW, they have been there since forever, GEJ didn't build any hydro power. Now, what GEJ needed to do was improve gas supply to the NIPPs and we would have power like this but he didn't, or couldn't, or just wouldn't. So, only rainy seasons helped him since the hydro dams give more MW then, but currently we have both hydrodams and NIPPs giving more MW.
You are just a shameless idiot! If Jonathan didn't improve gas then who did?? Or better still how did Buhari improve gas! Don't tell how us vandals have all run away because of his body odour!

You must be uncharitable for insinuating that GEJ have no impact on the hydros.. please note (if indeed you don't know)

It has come to a point where you must be permanently ignored! there is no gain educating a crass propagandist!
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 3:22pm On Sep 09, 2015
You are just a shameless idiot! If Jonathan didn't improve gas then who did?? Or better still how did Buhari improve gas! Don't tell how us vandals have all run away because of his body odour!

You must be uncharitable for insinuating that GEJ have no impact on the hydros.. please note (if indeed you don't know)

It has come to a point where you must be permanently ignored! there is no gain educating a crass propagandist!

See me see trouble oh, who is this one again? Sending us 2012 Facebook link for that matter.

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Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by repogirl(f): 3:45pm On Sep 09, 2015

Thanks be to God that you have seen the reasons for the improvement. All these were not done in the past government. I'm sure you do not expect Buhari to go and be joining cable or climbing pole so you will have light. That's competence and people management for you, , I see nothing suspect and no economic decline, I'm done with the paper statistics and figures of the past government that bore no tangible reprise to over 90% of Nigerians. Salaries are being paid without headache despite dwindling oil prices monthly allocations shared to the states are increasing.
okay and what do you have to say about the crashed stock market that has lost trillions of naira, that one is fact and not paper statistics.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 5:47pm On Sep 09, 2015
okay and what do you have to say about the crashed stock market that has lost trillions of naira, that one is fact and not paper statistics.

It hasn't literally lost trillions of naira. Market share values change constantly and globally. We're currently experiencing a bearish trend due to many factors. Yes,the current government is a factor but things will swing. Financial markets are that way,and thankfully it doesn't affect over 90% of Nigerians. Heaven is not falling like we're being made to believe.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by repogirl(f): 7:00pm On Sep 09, 2015

It hasn't literally lost trillions of naira. Market share values change constantly and globally. We're currently experiencing a bearish trend due to many factors. Yes,the current government is a factor but things will swing. Financial markets are that way,and thankfully it doesn't affect over 90% of Nigerians. Heaven is not falling like we're being made to believe.
how do you know it doesn't affect over 90 percent of Nigerians, I thought you didn't give credence to paper statistics?

Anyway, the plunge in the stocks affected me personally and I have lost much...stocks way below the cost I bought them. Millions lost and I am not joking.

Seriously I never saw this coming because i assumed the transition would be smooth, I never foresaw that his cabinet would be withheld with no direction concerning the economy.

I pray it bounces back soon because i am dead broke and important projects have been put on hold because my money is tied up. So forgive me if I have little/no faith in your messiah.
Re: Improved Power Supply Is Not Sustainable, Electricity Employees Explain by Image123(m): 7:32pm On Sep 09, 2015
how do you know it doesn't affect over 90 percent of Nigerians, I thought you didn't give credence to paper statistics?

Anyway, the plunge in the stocks affected me personally and I have lost much...stocks way below the cost I bought them. Millions lost and I am not joking.

Seriously I never saw this coming because i assumed the transition would be smooth, I never foresaw that his cabinet would be withheld with no direction concerning the economy.

I pray it bounces back soon because i am dead broke and important projects have been put on hold because my money is tied up. So forgive me if I have little/no faith in your messiah.

First of all, he's not my messiah. Two, sorry about your loss. Investors should not assume oh,pele. Market sentiments change and were expected to be volatile. i described paper statistics as having no bearing or repriseon the common people. Over 90% of Nigerians are common people who don't do stocks or plan to. The rich ones are the ones losing the bulk of the trillions,these are people who will make billions in a day. Sorry you're cut in the crossfire. Things will still get brighter though.

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