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Review: Best Debit Card (international)!! - Business - Nairaland

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Review: Best Debit Card (international)!! by fm4real2k6(m): 2:48pm On Sep 23, 2015
I know a similar post like this would have been online before. But i am trying to bring it again.

This Review is based on the Payoneer debit card and how it will benefit you. I use Payoneer myself and feel qualified to give my opinion regarding this payment processor. Okay so you are wondering what Payoneer is all about and how will you use it? The Prepaid Debit Card works like any other debit card and you can make purchases in stores, online and at ATM’s Worldwide where MasterCard is accepted.

Payoneer review

Payoneer was founded in 2005 and it is a leading global payment company that provides cost effective payment solutions for independent workers and affiliates in more than 200 countries worldwide. Cardholders will be able to receive funds immediately without hassles and they can withdraw money anywhere in the world where MasterCard is accepted. Unlike traditional payment methods – No credit or bank account history is required to apply.
Payment options include:

Deposits to local banks worldwide

Prepaid Debit cards

Wire transfers

Global and local e-wallets

Local-currency paper checks.

Who will benefit?

Payoneer card

Payoneer’s private label debit cards enable freelancers, vendors, affiliates and publishers to receive their payouts and commissions immediately. Affiliate commissions are usually paid out through checks, PayPal and international wire transfers. For these types of payments the recipient is required to have a bank account, and transfers can take anything from a few days up to weeks to complete. With Payoneer transfers are quick and usually payments are available within 24 hours.

If you are tired of waiting for days or even weeks to get your hard-earned money, then this payment processor will work for you.

The safe, efficient and cost-saving solution is an alternative for web-based businesses that require affiliate payments.

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Re: Review: Best Debit Card (international)!! by fm4real2k6(m): 9:30pm On Sep 23, 2015
I know a similar post like this would have been online before. But i am trying to bring it again.
This Review is based on the Payoneer debit card and how it will benefit you. I use Payoneer myself and feel qualified to give my opinion regarding this payment processor. Okay so you are wondering what Payoneer is all about and how will you use it? The Prepaid Debit Card works like any other debit card and you can make purchases in stores, online and at ATM’s Worldwide where MasterCard is accepted.
Payoneer review
Payoneer was founded in 2005 and it is a leading global payment company that provides cost effective payment solutions for independent workers and affiliates in more than 200 countries worldwide. Cardholders will be able to receive funds immediately without hassles and they can withdraw money anywhere in the world where MasterCard is accepted. Unlike traditional payment methods – No credit or bank account history is required to apply.
Payment options include:
Deposits to local banks worldwide
Prepaid Debit cards
Wire transfers
Global and local e-wallets
Local-currency paper checks.
Who will benefit?
Payoneer card
Payoneer’s private label debit cards enable freelancers, vendors, affiliates and publishers to receive their payouts and commissions immediately. Affiliate commissions are usually paid out through checks, PayPal and international wire transfers. For these types of payments the recipient is required to have a bank account, and transfers can take anything from a few days up to weeks to complete. With Payoneer transfers are quick and usually payments are available within 24 hours.
If you are tired of waiting for days or even weeks to get your hard-earned money, then this payment processor will work for you.
The safe, efficient and cost-saving solution is an alternative for web-based businesses that require affiliate payments.
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This is interesting!!

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