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300 Level UDUS Student Needs N3m For Surgery - Education - Nairaland

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300 Level UDUS Student Needs N3m For Surgery by Seuncoded(f): 1:01am On Sep 26, 2015
A 300 level student of Microbiology at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto(UDUS) has been left hospitalized after damaging her spinal cord in an auto crash near Talata-Mafara along Gusau-Sokoto road, in Zamfara state.

Fatima Abdullahi, who has been on admission at a hospital in Abuja, now needs N3 million for a surgery after doctors at a Zamfara hospital diagnosed her with severe Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).

Student Pulse learnt that Fatima was left without care for two months after the diagnosis, because her parents cannot afford healthcare.

Speaking with Daily Trust, the leader of the UDUS chapter of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria(MSSN), Mallam Rabiu Barau, said Fatima's situation is very critical.

“Her case was so disturbing that her parents were prevented from taking her away from the government hospital in Zamfara.

“Other parents were allowed to take their children away but Fatima’s parents could not take her away due to the severity of her condition.”

Barau said doctors have confirmed that Fatima could be treated abroad if the funds are available but the funds are not forthcoming.
"Her parents are not rich enough to fly her out.”

One of the students who partook in the fundraising,Mubarak Abdullahi,said less than 10% of the needed sum was realized.

“We learnt that the amount needed for her surgery was N3 million which was quite difficult for her family to raise, in addition to other hospital bills they had to settle,”Abdullahi said.

“We raised a little above two hundred thousand naira which was immediately paid into her account.”

In early August, her colleagues held a fundraising rally; ‪#‎Match4Fatimah and a social media camping with the ‪#‎SAVEFATIMA hashtag to raise funds for her surgery.

The family is still looking for support from members of the public.


cc:Lalasticlala seun
Re: 300 Level UDUS Student Needs N3m For Surgery by Goldenboy842(m): 6:33am On Sep 26, 2015
Pictures or u want free traffic to your site.
Re: 300 Level UDUS Student Needs N3m For Surgery by medoyin(m): 6:50am On Sep 26, 2015
Sorry about her condition but SCI is at different stages. What level is hers and what type of surgery is she going to do? As for now,there is no cure for SCI except cell transplant which is not advisable. The level of her injury may determine the type of surgery she needs.

Who says Nigerian Doctors are not capable in handling her condition. Let her find an orthopedic hospital around and see a spinal surgeon to advise better.
Re: 300 Level UDUS Student Needs N3m For Surgery by Seuncoded(f): 8:19am On Sep 26, 2015
Pictures or u want free traffic to your site.

You can The traffic state Cux it just a forum like this

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