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Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty - Romance - Nairaland

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Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by TheHeGoat: 11:29am On Sep 26, 2015
She's 23.

She was born without legs.

She's more beautiful than most Nigerian girls.

But she's a model and a skater. Can do what most Nigerian girls can never think of doing.

And she has a boyfriend, while most of you girls here are still single and searching. God help you! undecided

A 23-year-old woman who was born without legs is defying odds and reportedly earning more than $1,000-a-day working as a lingerie model.

Kanya Sesser, of Los Angeles, is breaking through the boundaries of the modelling industry by posing in racy bras and underwear in revealing photos that display her disability.

The aspiring model, who was abandoned on the steps of a Buddhist temple in Thailand when she was just one week old and brought to Portland, Oregon at age five by her adoptive parents, is hoping to use her career to show that different is sexy.

Kanya shared: 'It's something fun and it shows my story - I'm different and that is sexy. I don't need legs to feel sexy.'

The beauty said she has modeled for Volcom, Nike and Rip Curl Girl, but those shoots have not been verified.

After beginning her modelling career at age 15 by posing for a number of sports brands, including doing a feature for Billabong, Kanya said she was then scouted by underwear brands.

She revealed: 'I enjoy making money from it and I love showing people what beauty can look like.'

'These images show my strength,' Kanya said of her modelling shots, which show her posing in lace thongs and bras in range of seductive positions.

Kanya, who loves extreme sports and hopes to compete in mono-ski competition at the 2018 Winter Paralympics South Korea, said she never intended to be a model, but 'it just happened' for her.

'I like expressing myself in a different way than people usually see,' she shared, adding: 'This is just who I am.'

Kanya, who is an active skier, skateboarder and surfer, often doesn't use a wheelchair and prefers to get around on a skateboard or walking on her hands.

She said that one of her biggest supporters is her boyfriend of one month, Brian Waters.

'Brian is awesome - he is very supportive of everything I do,' Kanya shared of the pair's relationship.

'He recently saw me modelling for first time and told me he thought it was beautiful and unique,' she added.

Outside of modelling, Kanya says she doesn't wear make-up and prefers to look natural.

'I can be girly and I don't mind wearing it - I like getting my make-up done when I am on a shoot,' she offered, saying she feels 'beautiful' whether she's wearing make-up or not.

Kanya revealed that she hopes to continue modelling as she trains for the Paralympics and is also writing a book about her courageous journey from orphan to model.

Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by TheHeGoat: 11:30am On Sep 26, 2015

Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by TheHeGoat: 11:33am On Sep 26, 2015

Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by kimnicki(f): 11:48am On Sep 26, 2015
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by williamsean(m): 11:52am On Sep 26, 2015
Wow amazing grin. I like her spirit
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by Remilekun101: 12:40pm On Sep 26, 2015
Sorry..... She got kitten?
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by hayjay16(f): 1:30pm On Sep 26, 2015
shocked shocked shocked
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by collinsdera(m): 1:51pm On Sep 26, 2015
Don't let your disability get you down,Bravo gal!!
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by SLIDEwaxie(m): 3:09pm On Sep 26, 2015
I dnt give a Bleep...she's ugly
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by Imoy(m): 3:13pm On Sep 26, 2015
Sorry..... She got kitten?
Lol, na dat one interest u abi? Bad boi.
@OP wch one come be she is better dan Naija girls?
Re: Meet Kanya Sesser, The Legless, Multi-talented Beauty by Swissheart(f): 4:03pm On Sep 26, 2015

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