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The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by tommysparks: 7:04pm On Sep 28, 2015
I seem not to have any comment for this picture but a lot has been said by the picture.

Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by jmichlins(m): 7:19pm On Sep 28, 2015
and what does this shet suppose to mean? am a catholic but that does not mean you should yab other peoples faith leader. do you know that the cost of security of the pope can maintain a private jet. do you know how exhausted that pastor was that made him crash out like that. buhari please get some people job please
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by plaetton: 9:31pm On Sep 28, 2015
A picture says a thousand words.
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by dayowunmi(m): 9:44pm On Sep 28, 2015
I doubt the authenticity of the pope picture, are you saying the pope goes into planes doing evangelism? Or why's he standing while others are sitting? Abi plane don become molue now? Please!!!! The pope uses Alitalia(italy's national carrier) for his travels but I doubt he sits in commercial class, so the authenticity of that pics is errrhh debatable.
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by plaetton: 10:01pm On Sep 28, 2015
A picture says a thousand words.

If you were god, which of these two would you trust to represent your love, mercy and grace?

The selfish over-fed pompous vulture that feeds fat on the carcas of Africa's failed states, or, the humble dove that is Flying around the globe spreading love, acceptance, harmony, charity and self responsibility?

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Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by nobilis: 4:53am On Sep 29, 2015
I doubt the authenticity of the pope picture, are you saying the pope goes into planes doing evangelism? Or why's he standing while others are sitting? Abi plane don become molue now? Please!!!! The pope uses Alitalia(italy's national carrier) for his travels but I doubt he sits in commercial class, so the authenticity of that pics is errrhh debatable.

You are very wise.
You know the pope uses Alitalia, Italy's national carrier.
You don't know which part of the plane he stays but u can see him in what appears to be commercial class yet u still doubt.

And from here you're seeing that the pope is evangelizing?
Is that so?
What makes you think that he is evangelizing?
Or is it that the Pope has nothing else to issue forth from his mouth except evangelism?

And from what we all know about this pope, he might just be having a normal conversation with his fellow passengers.

Thirdly, it is impossible to stand in a plane when it is in flight? You're indeed wise. Because I guess air hostesses have to slide along the plane aisles on their buttocks during flight, in order to serve refreshments and attend to the needs of the passengers.
Or maybe if u want to ease urself, u slide along towards the toilet on your buttocks.

Take note, this Pope has always been a public transport user right from his days as a priest.
Even as a Bishop and Cardinal, he had no official cars. Always uses public transport.
He had no official residence but rents apartments just like every other person.
He has always been a jovial and interactive person. Always reaching out to people

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Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by Amerinancy(f): 4:56am On Sep 29, 2015
People come out of the Roman Catholic Church and accept Christ. All Roman Catholic will go to hell if they remain there.
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by nobilis: 5:00am On Sep 29, 2015
People come out of the Roman Catholic Church and accept Christ. All Roman Catholic will go to hell if they remain there.

But your bible said you shouldn't judge nor condemn.
Yet that is exactly what you're doing.
Heaven-bound hypocrite
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by jmichlins(m): 5:01am On Sep 29, 2015
People come out of the Roman Catholic Church and accept Christ. All Roman Catholic will go to hell if they remain there.
see as your life no get direction. are the judge abi you no dey read your bible
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by Amerinancy(f): 5:10am On Sep 29, 2015

see as your life no get direction. are the judge abi you no dey read your bible
i didn't make a point for you to insult me. I'm saying the truth, but because, you are too ignorant it wouldn't make sense to you. The bible says " do not judge" but the same bible says "if any man teach you other than what he has told you, the same shall drink of the wrath" I think you need to read your bible and first of all repent from your sins, and accept Christ. Then the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the truth.
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by Amerinancy(f): 5:19am On Sep 29, 2015

But your bible said you shouldn't judge nor condemn.
Yet that is exactly what you're doing.
Heaven-bound hypocrite
This is the problem people have. I'm no hypocrite. I'm only saying the truth. The bible commanded us to go into the world, and preach the gospel. Is that judging? Of course not. I'm saying the real truth, not judging. If you have a son and he is a an armed robber, won't you warn him of the dangers? Will you sit down there, and say you don't want to judge him? No you won't. I'm not judging nor condemning them, do you know why? because, I'm also an ex catholic who got out after the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me. I'm only saying this in love. I have nothing against Catholics, but an endtime warning to all who will not drink of the cup of their abomination.
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by Chizzled06(m): 5:31am On Sep 29, 2015
Please don't forget to pay your tithes this month to fund your preacher's next private jet/flash car. Gracias

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Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by tommysparks: 9:27am On Sep 29, 2015
When I see this modern day pastors, that are filled with the good spirit and richly blessed because they preach the word, I now wonder what st Paul (the greatest evangelist ever liveth) did wrong not to have even a canoe or donkey for his missionary work throughout Asia and present day Europe. Let some spirit filled fellow tell me the reason why Paul had no church of his own and why he did not own any boat, ship or canoe to aid his missionary work the way our pastors fly expensive private jets claiming it's for evangelism
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by dayowunmi(m): 10:28am On Sep 29, 2015

You are very wise.
You know the pope uses Alitalia, Italy's national carrier.
You don't know which part of the plane he stays but u can see him in what appears to be commercial class yet u still doubt.

And from here you're seeing that the pope is evangelizing?
Is that so?
What makes you think that he is evangelizing?
Or is it that the Pope has nothing else to issue forth from his mouth except evangelism?

And from what we all know about this pope, he might just be having a normal conversation with his fellow passengers.

Thirdly, it is impossible to stand in a plane when it is in flight? You're indeed wise. Because I guess air hostesses have to slide along the plane aisles on their buttocks during flight, in order to serve refreshments and attend to the needs of the passengers.
Or maybe if u want to ease urself, u slide along towards the toilet on your buttocks.

Take note, this Pope has always been a public transport user right from his days as a priest.
Even as a Bishop and Cardinal, he had no official cars. Always uses public transport.
He had no official residence but rents apartments just like every other person.
He has always been a jovial and interactive person. Always reaching out to people
Lolz, you are really funny, your questions are enough to design a questionaire. I wasn't sure he flys commercial, neither are you sure he does, the pope is the head of a small nation (vatican), I doubt he flys commercial class, if u wanna contest this, do so with evidence. Pope rents apartment and uses public transport? I guess all pastors should start boarding molue and brt buses cos of that, Lolz, pope also doesn't marry, that's his life, oyedepo is not a catholic so u should compare your pope with catholic priests. I don't get all the hate about oyedepo, is he the only pastor with Jet? Kenneth copeland has several jets, bishop benny hinn has several jets, their american congregation aint complaining. He needs it and he has the money that's why he's getting it/them as the case may apply. Doctrine of catholic is different from pentecostal churches, so comparing the pope with oyedepo is already defective ethically. One thing I find funny, you claim he's using church money for his personal needs, its biblical that pastors should feed on the offerings made by the congregation, u may avail urself the opportunity of reading the book of leviticus so u can see first hand what's supposed to happen to the animals and food the israelites bring for burnt offering and guilt offering also read 1cor 9:13 and tell me the interpretation, or the offerings in catholic church is posted to the heaven's branch of Gtb or first bank abi?
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by nobilis: 1:33pm On Sep 29, 2015

Lolz, you are really funny, your questions are enough to design a questionaire. I wasn't sure he flys commercial, neither are you sure he does, the pope is the head of a small nation (vatican), I doubt he flys commercial class, if u wanna contest this, do so with evidence. Pope rents apartment and uses public transport? I guess all pastors should start boarding molue and brt buses cos of that, Lolz, pope also doesn't marry, that's his life, oyedepo is not a catholic so u should compare your pope with catholic priests. I don't get all the hate about oyedepo, is he the only pastor with Jet? Kenneth copeland has several jets, bishop benny hinn has several jets, their american congregation aint complaining. He needs it and he has the money that's why he's getting it/them as the case may apply. Doctrine of catholic is different from pentecostal churches, so comparing the pope with oyedepo is already defective ethically. One thing I find funny, you claim he's using church money for his personal needs, its biblical that pastors should feed on the offerings made by the congregation, u may avail urself the opportunity of reading the book of leviticus so u can see first hand what's supposed to happen to the animals and food the israelites bring for burnt offering and guilt offering also read 1cor 9:13 and tell me the interpretation, or the offerings in catholic church is posted to the heaven's branch of Gtb or first bank abi?

I think you mistake me for the OP.
I'm not the OP neither am I the Pope's personal assistant.
I was correcting the impression you're making: since you're not sure about something, don't make emphatic statements about it.
Simple and short
Re: The Pope And The General Overseer, A Short Pictorial by tommysparks: 6:50pm On Sep 29, 2015
When I see this modern day pastors, that are filled with the good spirit and richly blessed because they preach the word, I now wonder what st Paul (the greatest evangelist ever liveth) did wrong not to have even a canoe or donkey for his missionary work throughout Asia and present day Europe. Let some spirit filled fellow tell me the reason why Paul had no church of his own and why he did not own any boat, ship or canoe to aid his missionary work the way our pastors fly expensive private jets claiming it's for evangelism
so no body has an answer for me.

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