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Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 8:31am On Oct 01, 2015
Venus rotates very slowly.
By the time it has completed one revolution around the sun, it would still be yet to have made a full 360° rotation about its axis.
Good one

ROTATION around itself is slower than REVOLUTION around the SUN

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 8:31am On Oct 01, 2015
really? Support your hypothetical claim with a scientific Proof or an empirical evidence or its a fluke.
my guy take am easy with that ENGLISH no be fight cheesy grin

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Chuukwudi(m): 9:26am On Oct 01, 2015
Venus rotates backwards

God bless you. You are right.
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by 400billionman: 9:53am On Oct 01, 2015
A year is 365 days.

It means a day in Venus lasts longer than 365 days on earth..
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 10:01am On Oct 01, 2015
Venus takes 224.65 days to complete each orbit. This is a little less than a year on Earth. But instead of a similar rotational period to Earth’s 24 hours, Venus takes 243 days to rotate once.

In other words, a day on Venus is longer than a year. This is the longest day in the entire Solar System. Even stranger, Venus rotates backwards compared to the other planets in the Solar System.

If you could stand on the surface of Venus, the Sun would appear to rise in the West and then set in the East.
You sure about that
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by eightsin(m): 10:32am On Oct 01, 2015
dumb comment.... Thonk b4 yu talk. Not hating buh seem yu jux a born idiiooot

Who is this...? and you think you know
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by HopeAtHand: 10:33am On Oct 01, 2015
One interesting fact about Venus is that a day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus. A Venusian day lasts 243 days, and a year is 224 days. That means that the day on Venus is 19 days longer than the year.


In the case, Venus is literally on a long thing..

Corrupt Nigerian politicians should serve 10yr jail terms in Venus. grin

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by mlanreh: 11:12am On Oct 01, 2015
You sure about that
Very sure
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by ruggedtimi(m): 11:45am On Oct 01, 2015
A day on Venus lasts longer than a year: It takes 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis. The planet's orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth days, compared to the Earth's 365.

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by falcon01: 12:38pm On Oct 01, 2015

ha... I never knew you were this intelligent o undecided intelligent copy copy.. falcon01 supports my initial answer

ha... I never knew you were this intelligent o undecided intelligent copy copy.. falcon01 supports my initial answer
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by dazzlingd(m): 12:48pm On Oct 01, 2015
A day is d time taken to complete one rotation about itz own axis.
A year is the revolution of the planet round d sun

meaning itz rotation is far slower than its revolution

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Adatob(m): 1:43pm On Oct 01, 2015
Venus rotates backwards
tnk GOD u r back alive,i knew u r safe in d hand of nairaland kidnappers so far olu falae was not hurt.... erlcom bak
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by ThePeacemaker(m): 2:14pm On Oct 01, 2015
A day on venus last lonqer than a year on venus williams........Lool
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by oleeee(m): 3:18pm On Oct 01, 2015
intelligent nairalanders,,,,,I m just here to read reasonable comments
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by KeriBaby(f): 4:12pm On Oct 01, 2015
Intelligence is sexy
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Explorers(m): 4:15pm On Oct 01, 2015
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by adanny01(m): 4:17pm On Oct 01, 2015
Yea i get the context.

I had to confirm from wiki

Orbital period
224.701 d
0.615198 yr
1.92 Venus solar day
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by dialfa: 4:17pm On Oct 01, 2015
how will life be like on venus?

You will be older than your grand father in venus.
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Oblitz(m): 4:17pm On Oct 01, 2015
Venus completes one revolution round the sun before it rotates once
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 4:18pm On Oct 01, 2015
It takes 225 Earth days or 7 1/5 months for Venus to
make a complete orbit around the sun (that\'s 1 Venus
year). However, it takes 243 Earth days for Venus to spin
around its own axis (1 Venus day).
Therefore: 1 Venus year=225 Earth days and 1 Venus
day=243 Earth days.
Meaning that

If we lived on Venus, a day would be strange indeed.
Venus rotates on its axis the opposite direction of the
Earth. This means that on Venus, the Sun rises in the west
and sets in the east! And it is a very long day, equal to 243
Earth days!
Stranger still is the fact that a day on Venus is longer
than a year! It's orbital period around the Sun is only 225
days. According to the Venusian calendar, WW II ended
only 56 days ago!
Venus is one of only two planets that rotate the opposite
direction, called retrograde motion. There are several
theories why Venus rotates this way. Both involve collision
in Venus' past that altered the rotation of the planet.

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 4:19pm On Oct 01, 2015
The world itself is just an illusion.
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 4:29pm On Oct 01, 2015
this is ridculously simple to understand. you don't have to be a bloody genius to get the hang of it.

venus rotates very slowly . . . so slowly in fact, that it takes less time for it to travel around the sun than for it to complete on revolution.

if this phenomena were to occur on earth, an afternoon would last about . . . six months?

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 4:30pm On Oct 01, 2015
I'm here to learn about VENUS.
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by kelvyn7: 4:30pm On Oct 01, 2015
The venus is closer to the sun than the earth so it would experience more gravitational force than the earth even though it's mass is quite lesser than that of the earth , so the centripetal force of the venus would be more than that of the earth because of the square distance factor , leading to a higher revolutionary velocity which can be interpreted into a short year, but due to the relatively large radius of venus compared to that of the orbit , According to the popular equation wr=v, the angular velocity of venus would be very small relatively to the revolutionary velocity, infact smaller than the revolutionary velocity which leads to a longer day than year. grin

if na play make u stop am angry which kain grammar and fomula be all that one to confuse us abi undecided watin concern us and St. Peter force undecided

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by 3rdlegxxx(m): 4:31pm On Oct 01, 2015

In the case, Venus is literally on a long thing..

Corrupt Nigerian politicians should serve 10yr jail terms in Venus. grin

noooo, ah that one na die oooo, make them serve just 20 days on Planet venus!
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Nobody: 4:31pm On Oct 01, 2015
We talking money, u talking being genius. Sowie, I made 25k btw 9am to 2pm today. Cashy Independence day.
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by ZUBY77(m): 4:31pm On Oct 01, 2015
Great. I didn't know some of us has been up there.
I am already tired of earth anyway..
Anybody with a ride to Venus?

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Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by 3rdlegxxx(m): 4:33pm On Oct 01, 2015
The world itself is just an illusion.

if that is true then is religion a lie? if everything is an illusion and i wonder if they actually exists more than one God.... hmm
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by Genycharl(f): 4:34pm On Oct 01, 2015

ha... I never knew you were this intelligent o undecided intelligent copy copy.. falcon01 supports my initial answer

lol. intelligent copy cat
Re: Only A Genius Can Interpret This (photo) by MrLouisVanGaal1: 4:35pm On Oct 01, 2015
The venus is closer to the sun than the earth so it would experience more gravitational force than the earth even though it's mass is quite lesser than that of the earth , so the centripetal force of the venus would be more than that of the earth because of the square distance factor , leading to a higher revolutionary velocity which can be interpreted into a short year, but due to the relatively large radius of venus compared to that of the orbit , According to the popular equation wr=v, the angular velocity of venus would be very small relatively to the revolutionary velocity, infact smaller than the revolutionary velocity which leads to a longer day than year. grin

smh...na your children i dey pity. Common get me something over there you go quote newton's law of motion.

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