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What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Isaacmacdon(m): 8:42pm On Oct 03, 2015
I agree...
glad u do.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by porozhniy(m): 8:51pm On Oct 03, 2015
(3) The legislature fails to make clear cut laws to combat the menace while the govt. on it's own part fails to implement already existing laws. (4) The media only reports the crime but fails to follow up on the stories. they fail in their crucial role of pressuring everyone involved to do their jobs. by not reporting on the outcome of such cases, they fail to remind potential peadophiles the price to pay for such crimes.

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Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by liquidmetall: 9:04pm On Oct 03, 2015

Exactly! that's d whole essence of the awareness....Some fathers are no longer to be trusted....Mothers now have an extra responsibility to shield their children in d best way they can from sexual assault from whatsoever individual.....

So mothers are now the saints and fathers the he-devil
So mothers don't abuse their children it's only fathers abi
Fathers are not to be trusted
I don't care about the title of your thread or your intentions for creating this thread but if you want to condemn something,
You balance it, not making it one sided....


Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by porozhniy(m): 9:05pm On Oct 03, 2015
(5) Our NGO's are just toothless local dogs. no awareness, no public enlightment, not to talk of advocacy or putting pressure on relevant authorities to do their job. (6) finally, the general public. when we read\hear such stories, we only curse the culprites then the females label all men rapists & peadophiles while the men get on the defensive and fight back. threads like "my husband fingers our girls" and "should men bath their daughters" pops up everywhere. at the end of the whole show, no solution is profered.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by liquidmetall: 9:09pm On Oct 03, 2015

Thank you for this topic. i posted a topic on "Should fathers be allowed to bath their daughters" and i was already being called a suspect for raising the topic. This issue is a serious issue and must be addressed. there is no way of knowing which father is capable of such act so it is best a mother is cautious with her daughters irrespective of weather its the father or a relative that is around her. if the world is changing, change along with it to protect yourself. ignorance can be chaotic!

This is the topic i posted weeks ago: https://www.nairaland.com/2623726/it-right-fathers-bath-daughters

Should mothers be allowed to bath their son?

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Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by neocortex: 9:11pm On Oct 03, 2015

i blame JONADAFT_ na him no give him people job,making them turn PIPELINE VANDALS and MEND TERRORISTS

What the hell is wrong with your brain ?
Can we also blame Buhari because na him no give him people job making them turn Boko haram terrorists.
SMH for you.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 9:15pm On Oct 03, 2015
There's nothing new under the sun wink
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Halimi24: 9:20pm On Oct 03, 2015

What the hell is wrong with your brain ?
Can we also blame Buhari because na him no give him people job making them turn Boko haram terrorists.
SMH for you.

U're really dumb

She insulted me using buhari

I insulted her using jonathan

Case closed

May u shake dat ur coconut sized head very well&listen

2 ur groundnut sized brain moving around ur olumo rock sized skull

Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by alexis007(m): 9:32pm On Oct 03, 2015
Can't believe I followed this thread to page 4......Halimi, thanks for the laughs. You'd make a career in comedy. With you, 'humour' and 'trouble' comes in the same sentence.

Nl's celebrities, where una dey?? Come in and crush this troublesome gnat in one swat, if you canundecided

Op, you stated the obvious without proffering solutions.... what makes this thread different from the Biblical book of Lamentions?
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Mznaett: 9:42pm On Oct 03, 2015

Am sorry ma,am just against anything supporting rape or child molestation even with the excuse that the rest of us are approaching d issue with sentiments,its a devilish act
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Mznaett: 9:47pm On Oct 03, 2015

Am sorry ma,am just against anything supporting rape or child molestation even with the excuse that the rest of us are approaching d issue with sentiments,its a devilish act

That's alright dear,I understand you very well and am totally in support of any type of punishment that should be melted out on them
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by porozhniy(m): 10:28pm On Oct 03, 2015

Exactly! that's d whole essence of the awareness....Some fathers are no longer to be trusted....Mothers now have an extra responsibility to shield their children in d best way they can from sexual assault from whatsoever individual.....
it seems y'all conveniently forget that women all molest little boy in their droves, but as always women are always the saints and therefore faultless.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by gab264(m): 10:39pm On Oct 03, 2015
Dear I feel the pain as you are experiencing it.
always remember that many people are mad but only few are raoming.
Probably they are roaming inform of raping with there duagthers in there various houses etc
Some family will go to the extent of hiding such a barbaric act from the appropriate authorities in other to secure the pride and dignity of there useless families.
#pity #
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 10:54pm On Oct 03, 2015

Reply my posts oooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see u're both still online oooo

Unemployed mofos forming busy

I go whip una small nyanshes here 2day
It's very hopeless nd terribly unfulfilling replying u...wasted precious time on u...U're just an incorrigible nit-wit..Do wah yhu can to salvage ur crushed esteem. Sure that's d reason u're hiding under a pseudonym. Ass wiper!
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 10:57pm On Oct 03, 2015
Where are u oooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Where are u!!
Am less busy so its i&u both 2day
They are both waiting 4 me 2 log off first b4 putting up post
Cowards!!!!!!! Cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fink u need serious psychiatric attention...U're raving mad!
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 11:06pm On Oct 03, 2015
Can't believe I followed this thread to page 4......Halimi, thanks for the laughs. You'd make a career in comedy. With you, 'humour' and 'trouble' comes in the same sentence.

Nl's celebrities, where una dey?? Come in and crush this troublesome gnat in one swat, if you canundecided

Op, you stated the obvious without proffering solutions.... what makes this thread different from the Biblical book of Lamentions?
'Tleast,it created awareness..that was my primary aim Plus,I did suggest capital punishment 4 culprits...You could proffer ur own solutions rather than just tell me I didn't proffer solutions.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by misspicy(f): 11:06pm On Oct 03, 2015

I fink u need serious psychiatric attention...U're raving mad!
Silence they say is d best answer for a fool
I say IGNORING is d best answer for a raving mad foolish fool... Bae,ignore the hangry halimi24...i know he is both hungry and angry with life
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 11:11pm On Oct 03, 2015
it seems y'all conveniently forget that women all molest little boy in their droves, but as always women are always the saints and therefore faultless.
It's not as rampant as it is with the men...that's why d trend's become worrisome. Child sexual abuse by some fathers suddenly took a dumbfounding dimension... Hence,the need to address the situation.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Halimi24: 11:17pm On Oct 03, 2015

Silence they say is d best answer for a fool

I say IGNORING is d best answer for a raving mad foolish fool...
Bae,ignore the hangry halimi24...i know he is both hungry and angry with life

Oliviaarims who do u think u're fooling??

Why are u discussing wit urself&acting as someone else??

U are a very very very very very big fool

&a super coward!!!!!!!!

If u are ignoring or trying 2 ignore me

Why are u indirectly mentioning my name??

Jst look at dat ur ugly face in d mirror right now

&give urself a very hot slap

_idiot feeling funky&pretending 2 be busy

One month&4 days online

U no dey shame

Better get something 2 do cos like play like play

U don dey take style old

Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by porozhniy(m): 11:47pm On Oct 03, 2015

It's not as rampant as it is with the men...that's why d trend's become worrisome. Child sexual abuse by some fathers suddenly took a dumbfounding dimension... Hence,the need to address the situation.
you may have a point when you stated that it isn't prevalent with women as with men. but you failed to recognise that boys & men hardly report sexual abuse perpetrated by women. even when they do, they re ridiculed or laughed off as the case maybe. so when addressing the situation, spare a thought for the little boy by the corner who is afraid to speak up.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 11:52pm On Oct 03, 2015
you may have a point when you stated that it isn't prevalent with women as with men. but you failed to recognise that boys & men hardly report sexual abuse perpetrated by women. even when they do, they re ridiculed or laughed off as the case maybe. so when addressing the situation, spare a thought for the little boy by the corner who is afraid to speak up.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 11:57pm On Oct 03, 2015

Oliviaarims who do u think u're fooling??

Why are u discussing wit urself&acting as someone else??

U are a very very very very very big fool

&a super coward!!!!!!!!

If u are ignoring or trying 2 ignore me

Why are u indirectly mentioning my name??

Jst look at dat ur ugly face in d mirror right now

&give urself a very hot slap

_idiot feeling funky&pretending 2 be busy

One month&4 days online

U no dey shame

Better get something 2 do cos like play like play
U don dey take style old


Now,nothing makes sense. U're terribly confused....oliviaarims and misspicy are two different people..Everybody isn't as fake as you are...Methinks u've got intractable inferiority complex..Coming to NL to pose as what u're not...U really must be broken in spirit!

#Philosopher Quëën#
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by AfroKnight: 11:57pm On Oct 03, 2015
Empty lamentation. There are laws in place. Act on them.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Halimi24: 12:08am On Oct 04, 2015

Now,nothing makes sense. U're terribly confused....oliviaarims and misspicy are two different people..Everybody isn't as fake as you are...Methinks u've got intractable inferiority complex..Coming to NL to pose as what u're not...U really must be broken in spirit!


&quit d insinuations

Oliviaarims logs in mispicy logs in

Oliviaarims logs off misspicy logs off

Oliviaarims puts up a post misspicy puts up a post 5mins later

Oliviaarims plays d good guy misspicy plays d bad guy

Instead of all dis drama thank me 4

Making dis. ur ill-formed thread exciting

&be gone!

Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by montezz(f): 1:36am On Oct 04, 2015
Op do u knw dia r numerous cases wia male children r being molested by older women? Do u also knw dat calling dz bunch of idiots names won't solve a shit till we create a platform 2 educate d girl child on how 2 defend demslvz. Its high time parents took dia tym 2 monitor dia children in every aspects. I agree dat d govt shud pass a strict/capital punishment on dz evil people bt wat do we do in a society wia corruptn has eaten so dp in2 heart of ppu most esp d police officers. I was discussing a similar with a dpo nt 2 long ago and ol he cud say was dat i shud swear if most women victim dsnt enjoy d act*i was dumbfounded,hearing such 4rm a DPO*
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by neocortex: 10:14am On Oct 04, 2015

U're really dumb

She insulted me using buhari

I insulted her using jonathan

Case closed

May u shake dat ur coconut sized head very well&listen

2 ur groundnut sized brain moving around ur olumo rock sized skull


So you had to exhibit stupidity just to prove a point to someone.
That shows the extent you can go in real life to prove useless
point and you must be unstable and notorious. I pity those that
are close to you.

Just hear yourself :

She insulted me using buhari
I insulted her using jonathan

How does that sound to you ?
Doesn't that remind you of an imbecilic kid fighting over toy ?

I assume you are a matured sensible adult,
but if you are not kindly forgive
me for my post.

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Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 10:57am On Oct 04, 2015
With the rate at which some ladies dress provocatively, I think it would be foooolish to blame the rapists.

& I doubt the OP is even modest in the way she dresses..... "Dress the way...."
#My Opinion..
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Kingsley1000(m): 11:09am On Oct 04, 2015
it seems y'all conveniently forget that women all molest little boy in their droves, but as always women are always the saints and therefore faultless.
no mind her,she might even be among the female paedophiles
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Kingsley1000(m): 11:14am On Oct 04, 2015
Op do u knw dia r numerous cases wia male children r being molested by older women? Do u also knw dat calling dz bunch of idiots names won't solve a shit till we create a platform 2 educate d girl child on how 2 defend demslvz. Its high time parents took dia tym 2 monitor dia children in every aspects. I agree dat d govt shud pass a strict/capital punishment on dz evil people bt wat do we do in a society wia corruptn has eaten so dp in2 heart of ppu most esp d police officers. I was discussing a similar with a dpo nt 2 long ago and ol he cud say was dat i shud swear if most women victim dsnt enjoy d act*i was dumbfounded,hearing such 4rm a DPO*
i once heard a story of a lad that was molested by their maid,in this situation,what would be her verdict?
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by Nobody: 8:16pm On Oct 04, 2015
Op do u knw dia r numerous cases wia male children r being molested by older women? Do u also knw dat calling dz bunch of idiots names won't solve a shit till we create a platform 2 educate d girl child on how 2 defend demslvz. Its high time parents took dia tym 2 monitor dia children in every aspects. I agree dat d govt shud pass a strict/capital punishment on dz evil people bt wat do we do in a society wia corruptn has eaten so dp in2 heart of ppu most esp d police officers. I was discussing a similar with a dpo nt 2 long ago and ol he cud say was dat i shud swear if most women victim dsnt enjoy d act*i was dumbfounded,hearing such 4rm a DPO*
Imagine that!...yea..too many things gone wrong in d society we live in.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by montezz(f): 8:18pm On Oct 04, 2015

Imagine that!...yea..too many things gone wrong in d society we live in.
m telling u.
Re: What Are Men Turning Into..hopelessly Randy Creatures? by montezz(f): 8:21pm On Oct 04, 2015
i once heard a story of a lad that was molested by their maid,in this situation,what would be her verdict?
same punishment. wat mks her diff 4rm doz he-diots?

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