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Patriotism In Nigeria by easytech1(m): 2:34pm On Oct 10, 2015
Devotion to ones' country is a responsibility every
government of any country expects from her
people. While it is generally believed that with the
presence of this salient characteristics in any
country, no matter how less endowed (in terms of
natural resources) they might be, such country
would develop consistently, peacefully and
collectively in all ramifications.
Patriotism is the brain behind progress made by
reigning countries of the world. Patriotism
surpasses something that could be paid for. It
surpasses mere support for ones country. It is the
devotion to the welfare of one's country; the
passion or ardent will to serve one's country and
give whatever it takes in the preservation of its
Nigeria is the giant of Africa and one of the country
to reckon with in continent of Africa. Though the
country (Nigeria) has passed through many hurdles,
it remains a force in the emancipation and
realization of greatness of Africa. No decision
concerning Africa and Africans at this moment
could be made anywhere around the world without
input from Nigeria.
Nigeria has maintained a rich profile and praise in
the globe for a long period of time even till now,
however, no matter how great a country could be, it
needs supports of her people to reach greatness
and maintain her progress.
Nigerians really need their country at this crucial
moment. Nigerians are eagerly waiting for their
country to save them from maladministration,
corruption and directionless government.
Governments in Nigeria along with their various
parastatals have neglected their source of powers.
Section 14 subsection 2 article A of the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria says that
"sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from
whom government through this constitution derives
all its powers and authority". But Nigerian
government has consistently negate this provision
in the practical sense. Nigerians have been
subjected to governmental torture and
mismanagement at all levels.
Despite the rich resources at our disposal,
Nigerians have continue to endure untold hardship
with minimal expectations of a better future. We
have representatives who are only loyal to their
pockets and God fathers. It is in Nigeria that
lawmakers would, in their large size, support a
corrupt member against the law of the land which is
a product of their effort. Nigerian lawmakers made
laws for the good governance of Nigeria and also
device means to checkmate the functionality of
such law whenever it attempts to checkmate them.
It is evidently clear that our lawmakers DONT
they are not concerned with the provision of Section
14(2)(a) of our constitution.
Thanks to God we now have a president that we
could look up to to right the wrong with our society.
A president who is not just willing but also wield the
know-how to pilot a complex and diverse country
like ours.
The questions to ask are that:
Do we need patriotism in Nigeria?
Can Nigerians be patriotic to Nigeria?
What could be done to achieve selfless patriotism
from Nigerians?
Do we possess what it takes to celebrate
How can patriotism be celebrated for it to be
These and other salient questions must be
answered by the appropriate body or authority
whom the question relates.
Nigerians deserve nothing but only the best.
Nigerian government must, as a matter of urgency,
man up to the occasion and save the suffering
majority by checkmating the excesses of the
enjoying minority. Government at all levels must be
held accountable for all their misdeeds. People must
be relentlessly educated and kept informed so as to
reduce infringement of their fundamental rights.
Nigerians, especially political and non political office
holders must start developing, practicing, and
preaching PATRIOTISM because without it, no
country could do great things nor overcome her
basic challenges.
May God bless Nigerians,
May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
May God bless Africa and Africans.

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Re: Patriotism In Nigeria by vladimiros: 2:44pm On Oct 10, 2015
[size=15pt]"patriotism is loyalty to the state, and loyalty to the Government when it deserves it"

now tell me OP, how can you be loyal to the Government when somebody who has a reputation of being an idiot like Lai mohammed is made a Minister?

How can you be local to the Government, when Nigerians are the most religious people on earth, yet our leaders are the most Kleptomaniac thieves?

How can you be loyal to the Government, when Religion is a hotter topic than Scientific discourse amongst our Politicans

HOW?? [/size]
Re: Patriotism In Nigeria by kingzizzy: 2:47pm On Oct 10, 2015
How can I be patriotic to Nigeria when I believe in Biafra far more than I believe in Nigeria?

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