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Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed - Crime (6) - Nairaland

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WASSCE Candidate, Father, Mother Killed By Ritualist In Lagos (pic) / FESTAC Bank Robbery Suspect Arrested With 86 Bullets (photo) / The Mum And 14-Month-Old Daughter Killed By Festac Bank Robbers Yesterday (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Bakbillz44(m): 9:37pm On Oct 13, 2015
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nobody: 9:42pm On Oct 13, 2015
That hospital that rejected the woman should be shutdown,wtf..what is the logic or idea rejecting a patient that needs immediate medical attention,are they only capable of treating only malaria? Which way Nigeria?

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Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by olawooro: 9:44pm On Oct 13, 2015
Buhari is not only a cause to Nigeria, he is also a course to Africa and a cost to the world!
mr man, I can see the type of the family you come from. Stop behave like a mad. You are human being, you don't know what will befall you in the next moment. Secondly, it seems you are a primary school drop-out. You don't know the difference between course, cause and curse. Akpu and ogbono don block ya head
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by moses320(m): 9:44pm On Oct 13, 2015
cool ;Dmay her soul rest in peace
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by smthingspecial: 9:46pm On Oct 13, 2015
May their souls rest in peace. Amen.
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by lumeneng22: 9:53pm On Oct 13, 2015
Why festac police no fit catch these yeye petty robbers wet dey use ordinary chakabula?
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by oluwasemi1977: 9:57pm On Oct 13, 2015
O.p.c better than Nigeria police
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by bigerboy200: 10:00pm On Oct 13, 2015
Buhari is a cause to Nigeria
you are a curse to your English language teacher..
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nicepoker(m): 10:08pm On Oct 13, 2015
Innocent nigerians will soon be. Arrested by the lazy police
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by debagsy: 10:11pm On Oct 13, 2015
Buhari is a cause to Nigeria

You are really a big fool
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by lekan29ice(m): 10:36pm On Oct 13, 2015
Rest in peace to the mother and baby .... for the armed robbers they will never have peace in their life
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Spybradd: 10:39pm On Oct 13, 2015

".1ike Buhari was the president when those animals visited lekki.."

if your own stuppidity aint above humanity as well,why did you have to quote the above?
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Spybradd: 10:44pm On Oct 13, 2015
mr man, I can see the type of the family you come from. shocked "stop behave like a mad.." shocked You are human being, you don't know what will befall you in the next moment. Secondly, it seems you are a primary school drop-out. You don't know the difference between course, cause and curse. Akpu and ogbono don block ya head

you self na wa!!
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by kday(m): 10:48pm On Oct 13, 2015
Buhari is a cause to Nigeria

And you must be a disgrace and of course a curse to your family.Idiot!
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by kunlegboye(m): 11:27pm On Oct 13, 2015
it's very sad indeed,RIP to the lost souls...our police are just there to harass and bully the innocent souls in the streets....we the youth are there to complain endlessly and forget everything later....there is no practical youth in this country that demand some answer to questions.if there is...the police, the hospital in question and the Govt by now would not be finding easy at all...the question is how shall we continue like this?
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nickymezor(f): 11:48pm On Oct 13, 2015
This is indeed awful... May dey rest in peace
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Praise5: 11:49pm On Oct 13, 2015
Rest in peace mother and child.
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by lastpage: 4:41am On Oct 14, 2015
OPC made me proud. cool

Mom and baby, RIP cry

So one single OPC is better than the who equivalent of Area E and their DPO?
Why are we then wasting money on these criminals and liars?

Why not just enlist these "authentic OPC" marshals for security.
I think the banks have a better idea of what to do now. undecided undecided

Mrs. Ndirieka was first rushed to a nearby hospital in Festac Town where she was rejected. All pleas made to the hospital to treat her was rebuffed. At this point, Ndirieka had lost a lot of blood and was losing consciousness.

I want to sponsor a Bill which make it criminal and punishable for manslaughter, if ANY HOSPITAL refuse to offer FIRST AID TREATMENT to any distressed Bullet Victim brought to them.... when robber or not.

You treat first (to save life), detain the person and alert the Police immediately.
Maybe that innocent woman will be alive today, if not for the insanity in this country's medical field.

Any supporters? I guess we need about a Million vote or so, to start a private Bill since our Senators are too daft to harp on something like this. angry angry


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Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nobody: 7:05am On Oct 14, 2015
Nigeria police force are full of shhiit.only in countries like nigeria you hear news as pathetic as this,arriving 30minutes after the robbers have left?wow
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Ossaifamous(m): 7:20am On Oct 14, 2015
This is bad
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nobody: 7:22am On Oct 14, 2015
those robbers shall never find peace
na dem dey njoy pass.... Jux leave dem fr God
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Nobody: 7:44am On Oct 14, 2015
I hope Mr Satan reserves the hottest room in his hotel for those f'kin murderers
RIP to the victims, Rot In Hell to the armed robbers

That is not a realistic response to this matter, the robbers made away with cash and killed innocet people, where was the police .
Off course sleeping as usual , they are so professionally incompetent. angry
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by kobonaire(m): 7:46am On Oct 14, 2015

That is not a realistic response to this matter, the robbers made away with cash and killed innocet people, where was the police .
Off course sleeping as usual , they are so professionally incompetent. angry
Bros, as you said. The police were either sleeping or the first to run away ...
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by back2sender: 7:56am On Oct 14, 2015
Its high time Nigerians starts living up to being there brothers keeper.
This robbers came through the waters and this was in the morning. some people would have seen this people and should have made calls to friends and authorities to intimate them of tis group of suspicious people seen in speeds boats in groups . This is enough to raise the red flags.
people should be conscious of their environments and reports any suspicious persons or group of persons in their neighbourhood to government authorities not just to the police but DSS and Armed forces . this is the only way we can combat crime and nip it in the bud.
when you see someone living large with no commiserate job, that's enough pointer
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by phlemzy: 9:19am On Oct 14, 2015
Its so sad dat in this age,Nigerian security arms can't have stationed helicopters that can respond to distress calls of this kind to instantly track location of this robbers just as they operate to at least track down their destination as they make way.
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by francotunsco: 9:44am On Oct 14, 2015
mr man, I can see the type of the family you come from. Stop behave like a mad. You are human being, you don't know what will befall you in the next moment. Secondly, it seems you are a primary school drop-out. You don't know the difference between course, cause and curse. Akpu and ogbono don block ya head
Olawooro, i wont reply u anymore after now because we are not in the same intellectual class. My phrase is only an attempt to comically play with words and technically react to the guy who was wallowing in abject hatred for Buhari for no just cause thereby exposing his shallowness in the knowledge of English words and their correct applications.

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Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by rigarmortis: 10:09am On Oct 14, 2015
when I wrote on NL that some OPC guards treated dare devil thieves like children trying to steal chocolate, catching them with bare hands and working various magic on them, some dudes said I was lying and asked for pictures.

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Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by kaelz(m): 10:12am On Oct 14, 2015
Mumu-Oshi Na Buhari send dem go rob
Buhari is a cause to Nigeria
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by 400billionman: 10:25am On Oct 14, 2015
those robbers shall never find peace

Thesame usual story. Remedy after death.

Why didnt police destroy their operational boats at the canal let us see how they will get away with their loot ?

Police needs lectures..
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by Trypa(f): 10:51am On Oct 14, 2015
Am ashamed of my country both the hospitals, the doctors,nurse and police imagine after the robbers ave left dat when they arrived!!!

And the hospital refuse treating a woman who ave lost so many blood where is that done if not only in nigeria. Even countries that nigeria is better dan won't see they people perish in pains but nigeria they don't care, go to outside country and see the calling ambulance at a slight incident start they treatment immediately b4 even asking for payment nigeria is as good as nothing I pray God help us

R.I.P young angel take good care of ur mummy anywhere she is RIP to the mum
Re: Photos From The Festac Bank Robbery Incidence, 14-month-old Baby & Mother Killed by deloon(m): 11:02am On Oct 14, 2015
The gunmen arrived in boats and created road blocks, no police.
They started shooting sporadically, no police.
They used explosives to break down the doors to the banks, no police.
Neighboring residents alerted the police but after an hour, no police.
The robbers snatched two cars and used them to move their loots yet no police.
They got to the canal and fled with their boats and yet there was no police.
An hour after they fled, the Area Commander arrived with his men.
Thats what someone rightly described as professional incompetence.

That woman also may not have died if the first hospital displayed a little competency.
Nigeria has serious issues. It's shameful.

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