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11 Interesting Facts About Stars!!! by Nobody: 8:00am On Oct 14, 2015

Of all the celestial objects present in the
Universe, the stars have been the most
fascinating objects of study. Be it a small
kid who can’t stop wondering looking at
these twinkling stars or the modern
astronomers who are continuously
searching about stars, stars continue to
captivate one and all.

Here are some interesting facts that you
must know about stars:


There are approximately 400 billon
stars in the galaxy. With as many as
500 billion galaxies in the Universe, it
is almost impossible to count how
many stars are there in the Universe.


Stars are made out of dust clouds
scattered throughout the space. The
turbulence within these dust clouds
gives rise to knots which later on
develop mass, allowing gas and dust
to collapse. While this cloud
collapses, the object that is present at
the center starts to heat up. This hot
core becomes a star later on.


The stars do not twinkle. In fact it is
the turbulence in the sky that makes
the stars appear that they are


The closest star to Earth is Proxima
Centauri. It is located about 4.2
light-years away from the Earth.


There are many different colors of
stars. There are red, white, as well as
blue stars. Hot stars give away blue
lights and cool stars look white.


The sun is the smallest star. It is
referred as a G2 yellow dwarf star.
Most other stars are red dwarfs.


Betelgeuse is about 20 times the
mass of the Sun and it’s 1,000 times
larger than the Sun. The largest
known star is the monster VY Canis
Majoris. This star is believed to be
1,800 times the size of the Sun!!


It seems that most stars are out
there by themselves, but they are
actually in pairs. These are the binary
stars. Some stars appear in 3, 4 and
more numbers, creating a beautiful
system in the sky.


The bigger the star, the shorter is its
life. This is true because larger stars
consume their energy at a much
faster rate than the smaller ones.


Eta Carinae which is thought to be
the most massive star has been
around for a few million years only.
And Sun which is the smallest of all
the stars has been burning bright for
billions of years and will continue to
do so for many more years.


When you look at stars you are
literally look back in time. This is
because the light from the star takes
millions of years to reach the Earth.
When you look at any star, you are
actually looking how it looked
thousands of years ago. cheesy

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