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An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. - Culture - Nairaland

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An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 6:24pm On Oct 14, 2015
I don't know how they bring up their children but Igbo's are rugged, hard-hearted people. They're always ready to fight, they don't trust anyone even themselves.
With the exception of those ones that have travelled out of East particularly to Lagos, others are sad n wicked individuals who can kill even if only N100 is the problem between two of u.
An Hausa man will easily tell u 'na barka da Allah' (I leave u with God)....but an Igbo man I'm sorry for u.
they don't like being cheated...
I noticed even between Igbo's its something else. Even if they speak the same language that doesn't teach them forgiveness.

why is it so nairalander Igbo's?
Even a small child, u will see their face very strong. they don't know how to respect elders n they're not afraid of elders.
what do u teach ur children? I want learn.


Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by Nobody: 6:26pm On Oct 14, 2015
Idiot-matic expression

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Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by coolebux(m): 6:27pm On Oct 14, 2015
Where are the mods oo!!
Another bigot is on rampage.

Help! Help! Help!
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 6:34pm On Oct 14, 2015
Where are the mods oo!!
Another bigot is on rampage.

Help! Help! Help!

No, I want to learn...
I find it extremely difficult making friends with them, except those ones that have been to Lagos.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by mexyk(m): 6:39pm On Oct 14, 2015
U dnt have anything better to do If you think lying down flat on the floor is the best way to respect elders. I would not fault you for your ignorance. Instead of hating on a successful tribe, you could humble yourself and maybe we could consider schooling you guys.


Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by tpiander: 6:50pm On Oct 14, 2015
Hm, what brought about this thread?
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by CARLOSZ: 6:56pm On Oct 14, 2015
We igbos possess all you just mentioned because that what it takes to survive in a harsh naija.

Start talking.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 7:08pm On Oct 14, 2015
U dnt have anything better to do If you think lying down flat on the floor is the best way to respect elders. I would not fault you for your ignorance. Instead of hating on a successful tribe, you could humble yourself and maybe we could consider schooling you guys.

I'm not hating, its strange to me...
it is more difficult to make an Igbo man smile compared to other people.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by hexy40: 7:09pm On Oct 14, 2015
Yes, they don't like to be cheated.... but generally, they are very nice people, u say hausa will leave u to God? if by God u mean sharp dagar then u might be right. Good igbos, hausas and yourbas exists.. may be u have met only the violent igbos


Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 7:10pm On Oct 14, 2015
it will take more time to get an Igbo man to forgive u compared to other people.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 7:17pm On Oct 14, 2015
Yes, they don't like to be cheated.... but generally, they are very nice people, u say hausa will leave u to God? if by God u mean sharp dagar then u might be right. Good igbos, hausas and yourbas exists.. may be u have met only the violent igbos

u mistakenly brush other peoples car, he looked at u with bad eye, u say oga sorry...pls...
he checked the car then drove away.
But an Igbo man will park the car, tells u to arrange how to fix it or he calls d police.
if u like continue begging, OYO

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Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by Masterclass32: 7:42pm On Oct 14, 2015
Idiot-matic expression

Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by Nobody: 8:00pm On Oct 14, 2015
Igbo man rugged and tough? Hahahaha must be a joke.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by oboy3(m): 9:17pm On Oct 14, 2015
I dont usually comment on useless threads but when i do,i call the O.P a jon snow (Bastard)
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by tpiander: 9:19pm On Oct 14, 2015
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 8:26am On Oct 15, 2015
Igbo man rugged and tough? Hahahaha must be a joke.

just don't want d thread closed, the main thing there is 'SAD'.... those people are not happy at all, this country is like another man's country to them.
Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by alexmakaay(m): 1:08pm On Mar 09, 2016
I don[s]'t know how they bring up their children but Igbo's are rugged, hard-hearted people. They're always ready to fight, they don't trust anyone even themselves.
With the exception of those ones that have travelled out of East particularly to Lagos, others are sad n wicked individuals who can kill even if only N100 is the problem between two of u.
An Hausa man will easily tell u 'na barka da Allah' (I leave u with God)....but an Igbo man I'm sorry for u.
they don't like being cheated...
I noticed even between Igbo's its something else. Even if they speak the same language that doesn't teach them forgiveness.

why is it so nairalander Igbo's?
Even a small child, u will see their face very strong. they don't know how to respect elders n they're not afraid of elders.
what do u teach ur children? I want learn.

Re: An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. by sexaddict08(m): 3:22pm On Mar 09, 2016


you better sorry for yourself ooo, i see your village people doing meeting on top your head.

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