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Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Nobody: 7:38am On Oct 31, 2015

you see wetin i talk before... you to like diickkk! oya come make i give you better one that will last you for a while so that your body can calm down!! cool

Stop following me up and down.Its beginning to disgust me.

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Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by defendedvictim(m): 7:40am On Oct 31, 2015
Story. To fuccck those ladies so dey hungry you grin grin.
Your imaginations is already running wild.Those winches don start to dey play with wire wey connect your brain to your di, ck.A grown man seeking for advice on how to deal with loose gurls needs to take 3 tablet of panadol extra(500mg), painkil 2 tabs (500mg), 4 tablet ibuprofen (500mg), Advil (2 tablets in the morning, after noon, night and midnight).
dat prescription tho; u'd mk a terrible doctor.lol.
Op, handle this urself. If u arent interested, tell d ladies n avoid dem. U can tell ur wife later later; maybe in 10yrs
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Sunnypar(m): 10:04am On Oct 31, 2015
Can I tell my wife that my landlord's daughters are asking me to hook them up with my friends. I am living a comfortable life and they seem to want a piece of me or my friends. Two of them walked up to me in my company, that is how desperate they are.

I like the feeling, but I feel like telling my wife
Abeg pass the girl over to me.
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by ayoolagoke(m): 11:47am On Oct 31, 2015
Can I tell my wife that my landlord's daughters are asking me to hook them up with my friends. I am living a comfortable life and they seem to want a piece of me or my friends. Two of them walked up to me in my company, that is how desperate they are.

I like the feeling, but I feel like telling my wife

The ball is in your court... If your wife trusts you, it can only make her trust and respect you more. If she doesn't trust you, that's trouble looming ooo..
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Tee1branson: 12:26pm On Oct 31, 2015
Thanks for the support
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Tee1branson: 12:27pm On Oct 31, 2015
Thanks for the support . My naira fam
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Qualer: 7:19am On Nov 01, 2015

Stop following me up and down.Its beginning to disgust me.

you know there are two sides to everything, so this is going to end in one of two ways.

scenario one:

Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Qualer: 7:25am On Nov 01, 2015
scenario two:

Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Qualer: 7:33am On Nov 01, 2015

Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Qualer: 7:34am On Nov 01, 2015


so what is it gonna be girl?! cheesy
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by LaRoyalHighness(f): 11:51am On Nov 01, 2015
... If things turn around and your landlord hits on your wife, what would you expect her to do?

You think it's impossible... Right?

Btw... I imagine that a woman created this thread. That would have made the thread more interesting....
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by itstpia8: 6:36pm On Nov 01, 2015
I just dont find sneakiness or trouble mongers exciting, dunno why.

wetin you dey sell wey nobody never sell before sef?

and fortunately, nairaland does not provide that kind of incentive for me personally. You come near me, I ask you if your nose no longer percives the odour from smelly vagina.

imagine being tripped that some wizard who is working for some witch, is asking me for a dilly dally. So he/she/they can have lots to cackle over as they prepare the "news" for "global release". Or while they "hold meeting" on what type of wrench to throw in your destiny.

I pass abeg.

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Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by MarryMeee: 7:02pm On Nov 01, 2015
Just let your friends meet them so they can stop disturbing you.
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Greatidonis: 9:53pm On Nov 01, 2015
Can I tell my wife that my landlord's daughters are asking me to hook them up with my friends. I am living a comfortable life and they seem to want a piece of me or my friends. Two of them walked up to me in my company, that is how desperate they are.

I like the feeling, but I feel like telling my wife
Comfortable life as Tenant in this Naija? SMH. Guy go build your own house when you finish you fit start to talk about comfort or Ikaete
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Chidoks(f): 1:10am On Nov 02, 2015
Mr comfortable man,you want me to tell you if you should have an extra marital affair/connecting girls to your equally comfortable friends.okay na! Remember you too have or will have daughters,na so comfortable men go dey pass them around.
You are so comfortable that girls are now approaching you abi?continue.the D day is fast approaching!
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by Tee1branson: 2:13pm On Nov 15, 2015
Mr comfortable man,you want me to tell you if you should have an extra marital affair/connecting girls to your equally comfortable friends.okay na! Remember you too have or will have daughters,na so comfortable men go dey pass them around.
You are so comfortable that girls are now approaching you abi?continue.the D day is fast approaching!

Na my fault say dem come meet me now abi. Madam think am na. I haven't touched any oda woman apart from my wife and I don't have the intentions too. I am only wondering if I should tell her.

Meanwhile u don't have to emphasise on the comfortable thingy. Let's just say I am okay.
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by byvan03: 3:12pm On Nov 15, 2015
If you didn't sell yourself cheap, they won't have the guts to approach you. You probably laugh too much with them, keeping secrets can birth the unbelievable. Tell...she can't cut off your head for that.
Re: Can I Tell My Wife This Little Secret. by jabojafa(m): 8:34am On Nov 16, 2015
u knw ur wife beta dan all of us. So tellin her or not is up to u. Women can b vry jealous and can even twist d whole tin sef. Plus she fit go start calling dos gals husband snatcher in dier father's hus. Mehn dt is a bigger trouble for u. Jst keep it to ursef. Connect dem to ur frnds n dont get involved. Becos sleeping with dos gals is d biggest disrespect to ur wife. Imagin dose smalls girls eatin wot madam is also eatin. But again if dose ur frnds are also married den i pity deir wives too. Bt again dey are adults n can choose btw rite n wrong. Or beta still look for unmarried frnd of urs n connect dem.

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