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Photo Of Damaged River Niger Bridge During The Biafran War In 1968 - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Photo Of Damaged River Niger Bridge During The Biafran War In 1968 by SUPOL(m): 3:59pm On Nov 02, 2015
ibos like making silly mistakes.

The war was formally between the north and Ibos. The ibos had a fine showing then till they decided to crossover to yoruba land all in the name of trying to liberate us. I wonder who told them we were under captivity. Their aim was to annex lagos. Such covetousness is still ingrained in them as can be seen in the post above. They met their waterloo in Ore when the yorubas raised an army in a short period to decimate the biafran army. With Benjamin Adekunle fighting from SS and Pa Awolowo dishing out wise policies, Ojukwu had no choice but to run away to abidjan like a coward. He ran cos Awo prevented him from gaining access to the food meant for the kwashiorkor biafran kids. The coward was seizing the food and using it to feed his soldiers and himself so as to be able to continue fighting like the oil thief and landgrabber that he is.

If the yorubas hadn't interfered, the hausas won't have been able to contain the menace of the ibos.

It's just so sad that these lots want a rematch of what left them with a bloody nose. This time around, don't complain that an Awo didn't feed you o!

Leave yorubas out of your shenanigans
I respect ur sincerity, tho am ibo

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Re: Photo Of Damaged River Niger Bridge During The Biafran War In 1968 by chimafoster(m): 5:01pm On Nov 02, 2015
is only a stupid man that will keep mute always and watch being punch at his face often and not take action to end it. I pity the south easterner each time I look around I fine nothing to say they are really part of Nigeria, is only in the west and north that the federal government can cough out whooping sum of money to build dam, 5 lane road, standard stadia and other federal present that cost billions and trillions . I always say and will keeping saying it. if the federal government wants to award any contract in the south east , what stops them from using julious begger for those project . from the look of things the trend that was toad by Niger delta before their voice was heard n now boko haram seems to be the only solution to national issue like this. I think if MR president under the leadership of Buhari if not careful in handling the issue on ground now , massob will be the issue that he will face this time around.

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Re: Photo Of Damaged River Niger Bridge During The Biafran War In 1968 by haconjy(m): 7:24pm On Nov 02, 2015
either you like it or not the Biafra has started fighting and have their way through one day, but where are we Yoruba, must we remain slave to this cow? for me I will rather die for freedom than being a slave for killer....Yoruba ronu
Re: Photo Of Damaged River Niger Bridge During The Biafran War In 1968 by hariorh: 8:32pm On Nov 02, 2015
Ore resemble Onitsha or Aba for your eye? Did you seek and obtain the permission of Yorubas before the "stationing of troops" at Ore?
What did we do to you before Your officers killed our politicians, we let go, your troops bombed Lagos, we still remained neutral. To rub salt to injury, you invaded Ore, enroute to occupy Lagos. When we entered the war, viola! three million enemies died, Ojukwu fled to Ivory Coast. You cried genocide. For God's sake, what were your soldiers coming to do in Lagos with their guns? play polo or ice hockey?
You looked for trouble, you got served really bad.
Your types don't know Yorubas strike when the iron is hottest.

This got me cracking

grin grin grin

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