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5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible - Health (3) - Nairaland

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Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by professore(m): 5:11pm On Nov 04, 2015
This is nice
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by gsalvatore: 6:17pm On Nov 04, 2015
Contrary to what people think, these foods are readily available to the common man in Nigeria and most times cheap as hell. Naming of brands was avoided, so as not to be accused of picking on a particular company

1. “Soft Drinks” - Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi, Malt drinks.

2. Processed meats - Gala and the different variants of it cost about N100, not to talk of sausage rolls, meat pies, scotch eggs, etc.

3. Margarine - Blue band is the most commonly used bread spread in Nigeria, and it is margarine. Cheaper margarine brands sold in big tubs are used by most fast food outlets in the preparation of the cakes, sausage rolls, meat pies and other pastries enjoyed by many.

4. Packaged Fruits - Most supermarkets sell tinned fruits, with the cheap ones going from about N350 that are manufactured in places like Malaysia and Indonesia. Also fruit juice of any kind is included in this category. Some might contain natural juices but most are packed with sugar, artificial flavourings and preservatives. When next you think you are going for the healthy option by buying a pack of fuit juice, read the label first to see what you are actually consuming.

5. Diet/Sugar Free Drinks - Coke Zero, Seven Up Free, etc



''FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE AND LET IT KILL YOU. grin grin grin cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Pearlbim1(f): 7:51pm On Nov 04, 2015
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Pearlbim1(f): 7:51pm On Nov 04, 2015
Health is Wealth
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Pearlbim1(f): 7:52pm On Nov 04, 2015
Earn a stable income online this is genuine http://PayRefe.net/index.php?ref=282267
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Nobody: 7:54pm On Nov 04, 2015
That one na stress, it is quite different frm exercise. Upon all d sun, heat and sweat, peopl r gattin fatter every day, especialy women. It can only be curtail wen u eat less and exercise more, especialy d fat ones.
Not everyone can exercise but everyone can take a 30 minute walk daily. If you check transformation videos of former obese people they'd always say they started with walking as they were too heavy to exercise.

Just walking alone while still eating the same way does wonders for one's health; fat people's(most) bodies'rn't used to strenous activity of any sort.
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Cation(m): 7:58pm On Nov 04, 2015
Dear Nutritionist,
what are the kind of food and soft drinks you can recommend for safe consumption because it does appear all foods and drinks are dangerously going by the foods and drinks displayed for sale at eatery joints, restaurants, shops etc with respect to your article. thanks
eat raw food,most refined foods dont have 100% nutritional value cos some nutrients are lost during food processing at home and in indusries,that is why we must be careful of what we eat so we dont consume calorie rich nutrient less foods.too much sugar is bad because the body converts it to fat when it is in excess and stores it anywhere in the body especially under tissues,blood vessels and even our body organs like the heart and this may lead to heart diseases,obesity and diabetes.refined foods digest faster and releases all sugar content into the blood stream but raw food release the sugar into the body gradually due to the presence of fiber.


Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Cation(m): 8:09pm On Nov 04, 2015
eat raw food,most refined foods dont have 100% nutritional value cos some nutrients are lost during food processing at home and in indusries,that is why we must be careful of what we eat so we dont consume calorie rich nutrient less foods.too much sugar is bad because the body converts it to fat when it is in excess and stores it anywhere in the body especially under tissues,blood vessels and even our body organs like the heart and this may lead to heart diseases,obesity and diabetes.refined foods digest faster and releases all sugar content into the blood stream but raw food release the sugar into the body gradually due to the presence of fiber.
for example white flour used in making bread and other snack is gotten from cereals like wheat,in other to increase the shelf life of flour producers remove the aleuron layer of the parent cereal leaving behind the endosperm which is only calory rich.this aleuron layer consist of minerals,nutrients,fat and protein
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by Eronmosele(m): 10:43pm On Nov 04, 2015
Okay but I can't do without a bottle of sprite every other day. cry
Says who? Without that bottle of Sprite are you hopeless?
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by LoveJesus87(m): 10:51pm On Nov 04, 2015
Okay but I can't do without a bottle of sprite every other day. cry
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by flightz(f): 1:15am On Nov 05, 2015
And coke is my best drink so far!Can't imagine myself going a day witout it!

Just finished a chilled bottle of coke now,will find anoda 2moro!

Now d op is saying I shld quit,dis is really hrd to swallow now dat am mre like an addict! cry
addiction kills, discipline and self control is required. Don't say u are not warned!
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by ChEkWaSIyKe(f): 2:17am On Nov 05, 2015
noted!!! but the ones i ve eaten how do i flush it out?
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by bummyla(m): 7:46am On Nov 05, 2015
Thank You Very Much! http://www.bummyla.com
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by boujaye: 8:30am On Nov 05, 2015
eat raw food,most refined foods dont have 100% nutritional value cos some nutrients are lost during food processing at home and in indusries,that is why we must be careful of what we eat so we dont consume calorie rich nutrient less foods.too much sugar is bad because the body converts it to fat when it is in excess and stores it anywhere in the body especially under tissues,blood vessels and even our body organs like the heart and this may lead to heart diseases,obesity and diabetes.refined foods digest faster and releases all sugar content into the blood stream but raw food release the sugar into the body gradually due to the presence of fiber.
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by WellNewMe: 12:01pm On Nov 06, 2015
noted!!! but the ones i ve eaten how do i flush it out?

Hopefully they have already been flushed out by now. wink
Re: 5 Foods In Nigeria That You Should Avoid Eating As Much As Possible by WellNewMe: 11:44am On Dec 05, 2015
You can also add suya and bush meat to the list thanks to WHO

Nigeria’s favourite barbeque, suya, could cause cancer, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has indicated in its much-awaited report on the link between red meat and the disease. Although suya, as well as bush meat, are not expressly mentioned in the report, they fall under the definition of processed meat. In a report published by the BBC on Monday, processed meat is defined as meat that “has been modified to increase its shelf-life or alter its taste – such as by smoking, curing or adding salt or preservatives”. It also says high temperature cooking, such as on a barbeque, can create carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemicals. Suya, which is processed red meat, is prepared by barbeque and seasoned with salt, pepper and groundnut powder. Kilishi, a drier version of suya, is also preserved with seasoning, same for bush meat preserved for says along highways in wait for buyers. Other forms of processed meat are bacon, sausages and ham.

Read more at: https://www.thecable.ng/suya-can-cause-cancer-report-indicates

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