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Python Smtp Scanner - Programming (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Python Smtp Scanner by Nobody: 9:02am On Nov 15, 2015
the assembler you were talking about..is it a language or a software..excuse my ignorance...i dont know it thats why ayam asking..

It's a language used in reverse engineering and system automation. Most hackers use it to reverse a software and add thier own patch. Like suppose I want to make a crack of a software not to show serial number requirement, I can easily reverse it, debug and look for the ASCII codes and then fill with NOP(no operation) other than CMP(compare)

Assembler has different types
NASM(net wide assembler)
MASM(Microsoft macro assembler)
HLA (high level assembler)

And so many other flavours. But the one I know is NASM. I also have knowledge of c/c++ and c#, also am learning Pascal and python nd mercury.

Re: Python Smtp Scanner by samlexxy: 10:48am On Nov 15, 2015

It's a language used in reverse engineering and system automation. Most hackers use it to reverse a software and add thier own patch. Like suppose I want to make a crack of a software not to show serial number requirement, I can easily reverse it, debug and look for the ASCII codes and then fill with NOP(no operation) other than CMP(compare)

Assembler has different types
NASM(net wide assembler)
MASM(Microsoft macro assembler)
HLA (high level assembler)

And so many other flavours. But the one I know is NASM. I also have knowledge of c/c++ and c#, also am learning Pascal and python nd mercury.

wow sweet...reverse engineering is the real deal...i also have knowledge of c++, atleast the basic part..i put it hiatus to learn python..cus i wanted to build AI and Robotic..been doing python for a while now, thinking of returning to back c++...lets say you want to teah me NASM, how much knowledge of C++ would be required of me...
Re: Python Smtp Scanner by samlexxy: 6:39am On Nov 16, 2015

It's a language used in reverse engineering and system automation. Most hackers use it to reverse a software and add thier own patch. Like suppose I want to make a crack of a software not to show serial number requirement, I can easily reverse it, debug and look for the ASCII codes and then fill with NOP(no operation) other than CMP(compare)

Assembler has different types
NASM(net wide assembler)
MASM(Microsoft macro assembler)
HLA (high level assembler)

And so many other flavours. But the one I know is NASM. I also have knowledge of c/c++ and c#, also am learning Pascal and python nd mercury.

Re: Python Smtp Scanner by Nobody: 6:52am On Nov 16, 2015

I'm here.
Re: Python Smtp Scanner by samlexxy: 8:27am On Nov 16, 2015

I'm here.
bro so how is it gonna be na??would you be my tutor??
Re: Python Smtp Scanner by Nobody: 8:41am On Nov 16, 2015
bro so how is it gonna be na??would you be my tutor??

Heheheheheheh I don't know much o. You have to do some reading yourself
Re: Python Smtp Scanner by samlexxy: 8:49am On Nov 16, 2015

Heheheheheheh I don't know much o. You have to do some reading yourself
alright just give me an heads up about what i gotta read...
Re: Python Smtp Scanner by Nmeri17: 10:16pm On Nov 19, 2015
alright just give me an heads up about what i gotta read...
I know just the right book for you cool

Re: Python Smtp Scanner by samlexxy: 4:17am On Nov 20, 2015
I know just the right book for you cool
very funny right??

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