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Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel - Pets (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel (26493 Views)

Murphy the Boerboel and Gustaf the German shepherd / Bella The Boerboel Dropped Her First Litter Yesterday / Life & Time Of Maximus The Boerboel (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 6:21pm On Mar 13, 2016
my female rott's ritual is flapping her mouth in the drinking bowl as if she is trying to catch something in d water after satisfying herself
Lovely diary
Hehehe! That's a first. Apparently most dogs have their weird "rituals".
Thank you sir.
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by miremoses(m): 6:33pm On Mar 13, 2016
Yes Miremoses. Truth be told I try my possible best to treat them equally, I can't help but treat Mo a lil bit more special. We've had and I've lived with Dogs all my life but Mo is the first dog I raised, I got her myself, she's family. I mean the other dogs are family too but every family has a favourite.
I love them equally, but I love Mo a lil bit more if that makes any sense.
Yeah, we were planning on putting Bella up for adoption, I'll probably give her to my neighbour. I'm afraid Mo would try to play rough with bella and maybe injure her in the process. If they ever get into a fight, bella doesn't stand a chance.
Plus, she's just not as active as before.
Ya!! its better to let go of dem..&also since ur not breeding COCO & BELLA..wats d essence of keeping them..all if u really wanna keep them,try & make them corporate 2geda..
but if u ask me,it will be beta to sell them & focuse on MO since she's d one u fancy.
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 11:38am On Apr 16, 2016
So we finally decided to give bella out to a friend's brother. He's a young lad who simply adore dogs. I know for sure that she's in safe hands.
Farewell bella, you will be missed.

Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by dochman779: 10:13pm On Apr 16, 2016
Mo's aggression is getting off the chart. Recently, she started preventing the other dogs from coming close to me. She snaps and tries to ward them off. Bella growls back at Mo anytime she starts her "Body guard" acts, then comes the part where Mo chases her and poor bella is left with climbing one of the cars. That's her safe house 'cuz Mo is terrible at climbing.
Mo is a certified bully, she's bigger than the other dogs so she uses her size to the fullest advantage. She see's me petting or patting any of the other dogs while she's chained? She goes berserk! Growls, cries, whines, and tries to cut her leash.
She tried chasing Coco this one time, but it went from growling, to mouthing, to nibbling, to face licking, to ear licking, then they turned it to their usual rough play. Running back and forth like they are preparing for the olympics.
She gets very very very jealous. Lately I've been feeling guilty for ignoring the other dogs, I give Mo the most attention, but still she craves more. Women ehn!
You see Mo's innocent puppy dog look? It's all a charade! she's evil I tell you! Evil!
PS: This is Mo and bella. Mind not her size, bella is actually two years older.
Bella d one close to Mo look expectly like mongrel called sparky apart from d colour whichine
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by dochman779: 10:14pm On Apr 16, 2016
Mo's aggression is getting off the chart. Recently, she started preventing the other dogs from coming close to me. She snaps and tries to ward them off. Bella growls back at Mo anytime she starts her "Body guard" acts, then comes the part where Mo chases her and poor bella is left with climbing one of the cars. That's her safe house 'cuz Mo is terrible at climbing.
Mo is a certified bully, she's bigger than the other dogs so she uses her size to the fullest advantage. She see's me petting or patting any of the other dogs while she's chained? She goes berserk! Growls, cries, whines, and tries to cut her leash.
She tried chasing Coco this one time, but it went from growling, to mouthing, to nibbling, to face licking, to ear licking, then they turned it to their usual rough play. Running back and forth like they are preparing for the olympics.
She gets very very very jealous. Lately I've been feeling guilty for ignoring the other dogs, I give Mo the most attention, but still she craves more. Women ehn!
You see Mo's innocent puppy dog look? It's all a charade! she's evil I tell you! Evil!
PS: This is Mo and bella. Mind not her size, bella is actually two years older.
Bella d one close to Mo look expectly like mongrel called sparky apart from d colour which mine is abit light Brown
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 10:57am On Apr 17, 2016
dochman779 I would love to see. You have pictures?
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 11:17am On Apr 17, 2016
Few days Later, I gave Coco and Mo their monthly bath. I started from simple to complex, that is Coco to Mo.
Bathing Coco has always been a breeze since she was a pup. She'd gladly stand still and raise her legs if need be. She's the best dog there is.
Then it was Mo's turn, it was no joke when I said bathing her is like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands. I had to make sure her collar was super tight else she'd literally pull till the collar comes off her neck and run like an escapee from jail.
As much as her love for food is second to none, I'm pretty sure if she had to choose between starving and bath, she'd rather starve.
After the collar is secured, I tied the leash to a small tree but she kept on pulling and the leaves were falling off. I had to up my game to two big car tyres for the tree's safety.
One tyre beneath with the leash tied tightly around it and another tyre on top.
I poured water on her a couple of times, then I went in to get soap. "I'll be back" I said to her in Arnold Schwarzenegger's terminator voice.
I returned only to see her in sand, her paws were muddy. Apparently she pulled till the top tyre fell and despite being chained to one big tyre she ran pulling the tyre with her. My sister nicknamed Mo "Batista", now I'm starting to see why.
At that point I got mad, I carried her with my hands (picture me lifting a bag of rice, now you have an idea of how heavy she is) This time, I tied the leash to one big tyre, then I applied my body weight. Yes! I sat on the tyre and pulled Mo close to me.
The hard part is usually at the beginning. Once you pour water on her and lather with soap, she mellows down, the remaining stages come easy.
When I was done, I served their meal. Surprisingly, they did not touch their food, rather they both slept off.
They probably miss their sister Bella, as do I. cry


Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 7:22pm On Apr 17, 2016
@op- I really enjoy your diary, nd I do run here to check updates. I am being curious...Coco is an hybrid of which breeds?
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 8:42pm On Apr 17, 2016
@op- I really enjoy your diary, nd I do run here to check updates. I am being curious...Coco is an hybrid of which breeds?

Thank you. I was curious about this too. About a year and a half ago, I paid the man whom I got her from a visit. He has a lot of dogs, I mean a whole lot of them! German shepherd dogs, Labradors, Rotties, Caucasian shepherd dogs, etcetera. He also doesn't know who the sire is, Coco was conceived as a result of his carelessness.
Her mother is a fawn German shepherd but its hard to tell what breed the Sire is as she takes a lot after her mother, with the exception of her floppy ears.
She was born with the black saddle but it faded over time.
Coco is the dog on the right in the first picture. About 7 weeks old.
She was about 3 months plus in the second picture. The black saddle faded.

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 10:35pm On Apr 18, 2016

Thank you. I was curious about this too. About a year and a half ago, I paid the man whom I got her from a visit. He has a lot of dogs, I mean a whole lot of them! German shepherd dogs, Labradors, Rotties, Caucasian shepherd dogs, etcetera. He also doesn't know who the sire is, Coco was conceived as a result of his carelessness.
Her mother is a fawn German shepherd but its hard to tell what breed the Sire is as she takes a lot after her mother, with the exception of her floppy ears.
She was born with the black saddle but it faded over time.
Coco is the dog on the right in the first picture. About 7 weeks old.
She was about 3 months plus in the second picture. The black saddle faded.

then I gues my initial guess might be valid. I was of the opion that he is an hybrid of Golden retriever (the fur colour, height, stamina, tail, Nd dropping ears), Nd a German Shepherd (the long snout) . I luv her though. abeg find time dey update your diary nw, we plenty wey dey read am. by the way, thumbs up on the photographic records of your dogs... you have inspired me to do same, when I havd the same, time and money to own my dog's. by the way, am still having problem deciding my first dog...I luv big dogs, so boerboel (huge fan of brindle boerboel, esp esp gray-brindle) comes to mind, but the way dem dey chop ehnn, pocket go just dey leak. I luv rottweiller too, but I am very choosy. I will luv one with a tan colouration on on chest also (cos some usually h none or faded colour). any advice for me?
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 10:39pm On Apr 18, 2016

Thank you. I was curious about this too. About a year and a half ago, I paid the man whom I got her from a visit. He has a lot of dogs, I mean a whole lot of them! German shepherd dogs, Labradors, Rotties, Caucasian shepherd dogs, etcetera. He also doesn't know who the sire is, Coco was conceived as a result of his carelessness.
Her mother is a fawn German shepherd but its hard to tell what breed the Sire is as she takes a lot after her mother, with the exception of her floppy ears.
She was born with the black saddle but it faded over time.
Coco is the dog on the right in the first picture. About 7 weeks old.
She was about 3 months plus in the second picture. The black saddle faded.

then I gues my initial guess might be valid. I was of the opion that she is an hybrid of Golden retriever (the fur colour, height, stamina, tail, Nd dropping ears), Nd a German Shepherd (the long snout) . I luv her though. abeg find time dey update your diary nw, we plenty wey dey read am. by the way, thumbs up on the photographic records of your dogs... you have inspired me to do same, when I havd the same, time and money to own my dog's. by the way, am still having problem deciding my first dog...I luv big dogs, so boerboel (huge fan of brindle boerboel, esp esp gray-brindle) comes to mind, but the way dem dey chop ehnn, pocket go just dey leak. I luv rottweiller too, but I am very choosy. I will luv one with a tan colouration on on chest also (cos some usually h none or faded colour). any advice for me?
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 6:31pm On Apr 19, 2016
okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption.
Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it.
I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands.
German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. grin
If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em!
I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great.
In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins.
If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched.

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 12:17am On Apr 20, 2016
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 12:21am On Apr 20, 2016
okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption.
Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it.
I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands.
German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. grin
If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em!
I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great.
In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins.
If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched.

I also luv rottweiller's real big, but am extremely choosy with the colour distribution . not all pure rotties have tan colouring on their chest, as some have it faded or absent, but all hav the mahogany dot close to to eyes. personally, I will luv one with tan colouration by the chest,else I will kukuma prefer not to own one, so I don't hate it. for German Shepherd , I am also very choosy with the colour distribution. will luv a black snout, and tan/cream colour by the underbelly hind legs(startn from the waist) nd from the shoulders down, for the front legs. also I luv short-haired ones, and dem being slant. getting the German Shepherd of my choice could be challenging, so I also will rather not go for one, than go for one that doesn't match my desire. I think I will settle for Brindle boerboel (cos I luv brindle furs, as even brindle ekuke thrills me. Don't doubt me, they exist). I have also being eyeing Dutch shepherd for some time now, but it is not as big as a breed I will want (let's say they are a slightly smaller version of GSD, just like Belgian Malnois). I feel I have what it takes to start out with the rottie or boerboel ... I have been researching on them, and I have been studying canine communication. Most importantly, I have to maintain the alpha position, of the pack at all time, and scold them promptly and appropriately when they err
By the way,attached, is it pix of a German Shepherd I'll love to own

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by knyte(m): 9:57pm On Apr 21, 2016
okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption.
Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it.
I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands.
German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. grin
If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em!
I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great.
In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins.
If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched.
Been off nd on for a while so am just sees. Thanks bro , Rothes truly rock nd am a die hard fan of the breed

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by knyte(m): 9:57pm On Apr 21, 2016
okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption.
Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it.
I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands.
German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. grin
If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em!
I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great.
In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins.
If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched.
Been off nd on for a while so am just seeing this. Thanks bro , Rothes truly rock nd am a die hard fan of the breed


Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by blasiangurl85(f): 5:34pm On Apr 26, 2016
okikiosibodu, We settled for "German shepherd dog X Labrador retriever", but that is just based on assumption.
Thank you, pictures do come in handy. Call me weird but sometimes I view all their pictures just for the fun of it.
I wouldn't advice you to get rotties or Boerboel if you are a first time dog owner. They are powerful breeds and can be quite a handful, they require experienced hands.
German Shepherd dogs are best for first time dog owners, they are just simply amazing. I adore GSD's! I've always wanted one. Lord knows someday I'll steal blasiangurl85's shadow and younghartz's Nicky. grin
If you are experienced do proceed to get a boerboel, you'll definitely love 'em!
I think all Pure bred Rottweilers have the chest marking? I've never owned Rotties but a friend has one and I must say his is just great.
In my opinion, Rotties and Boerboels are not so different, they are like distant cousins.
If you need more information about Rottweilers, Knyte is your go to guy. His love for the breed is unmatched.

Hahaha please don't steal my Shadow o! He's my baby


Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 8:16pm On May 17, 2016
okikiosibodu The Gsd looks pretty good.
Its a good thing you've been researching, even better that you know what you want.
Goodluck on your journey to owning a Dog. God's blessings

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 11:38pm On May 20, 2016

Hahaha please don't steal my Shadow o! He's my baby

but I can borrow him for about 9yrs and return him abi? *wink* I really love Shadow

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 4:28pm On May 21, 2016
okikiosibodu The Gsd looks pretty good.
Its a good thing you've been researching, even better that you know what you want.
Goodluck on your journey to owning a Dog. God's blessings

here is one of the canine communications I have come across on my quest to be a good pet owner (this also is a reason I can't start with a dog with docked tail: so my love for rottweiller and boerboel is an "afar- love"

Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by femora007(m): 9:11pm On May 21, 2016
wat is d reason for docking dog tail
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by cybriz82(m): 10:25am On May 24, 2016
D sign dat describe playful is d wayy my gsd bark as strangerz.n when am playing ruff play with a frnd.

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by blasiangurl85(f): 6:00pm On May 25, 2016

but I can borrow him for about 9yrs and return him abi? *wink* I really love Shadow

Hahaha come and "borrow" him if he'll let you grin

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by nikkyshyne(f): 10:07pm On May 25, 2016
Op, enjoying your dairy. But it is derailing now sad


Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 11:30pm On May 25, 2016
wat is d reason for docking dog tail

if you ask me, I will say for aesthetic reason. the initial purpose was to prevent dogs' tail from gettin hooked in the wheel of a cart when they (the dogs) are pulling them (as it was practiced during that era. Rottweiller for one, was regarded as "butcher's dog, and d butcher also hangs his purse on the rottweiller's neck :so the rottweiller serves as security, and also pulls the cart for him (since they are working dogs). another reason for docking, is medical reasons. some dogs "break" their tails and have to gt the tail "amputated" to prevent decay. for me sha, when I was growing up to love dogs, all the Rotts, dobermen (as I love to call plural of doberman *winks*), and Boerboels, all have their tails docked. Some big dogs also have small tail that doesn't correspond to their size, so docking helps make them more "appealing" to the eyes. So for me, those breeds aren't to pleasant to the sight until they are docked (everyone is entitled to his opinion) .But some people (and some countries) nw advocate against docking of tails in dogs (they see it as animal cruelty) an an only reason it will be allowed is for medical reasons (say broken tail), and the owner should be able to prove that wit a document from his vet. But one must note, a docked dog is quite dangerous (not"more aggressive " as some people thnk) because dogs communicate more with their tails to express their moods (check previous replies on on thread for a pix on canine communication that I posted), And so a dog without a tail, will be difficult to understand. he might be warning you to keep off (without a bark or growl), and you will be wanting to touch him at that tym...we need to oracle to tell you the outcome esp if it's a big breed involved (say rottie or Boerboel )

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by okikiosibodu(m): 4:50pm On Aug 14, 2016
@ sphinx92, blasiangurl85, knyte; I am working creating about 3 threads on my experience with some canines I cam across. More like a diary sha. I will mention your monikers so you see the thread. Cheers

Below, is a tip for the iceberg

Here is the link to one of my Diaries

Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by petlover1: 4:21am On Aug 15, 2016
gosh..I think I'll get a boerboel or a Rottweiler soon!!!!
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by texaco1: 4:35am On Aug 15, 2016
This is one of my favourite picture for sure. Coco and Mo "before meets after"
I love this picture

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 9:18pm On Oct 24, 2016
Konichiwa Nairalanders! I have been a bit preoccupied; thus, unable to update Mo's Diary.
A lot has happened in the past couple of months. I'll update as often as I can to bring everyone up to speed
Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 9:23pm On Oct 24, 2016
Hey there, sniff my butt will ya? grin


Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by sphinx92(m): 1:48pm On Oct 29, 2016
Couple of months later, we were all inside the house going about our business like we always do, the dogs were outside roaming the compound freely.
I went outside to receive a call as the network reception indoors was ultra crappy. Coco heard my voice and immediately rushed to where I was, about two minutes later Mo came along.
I was talking on the phone when they both started mouthing, nipping and play biting, Coco and Mo. I paid them no attention as this is something they do often.
Then, the mouthing later turned to them standing on their hind legs with their forelegs in the air trying to overpower each other. Next thing I knew, Coco started to growl, Mo's light squeaky playful bark almost immediately turned deep.....she went from "zero to a hundred real quick!"
Before you would finish saying “knick-knack paddy whack , give the dog a bone”, Bam! Mo pinned Coco to the ground. Sh*t just got real!
Immediately! I jumped in and pulled Mo by the collar, but she still wouldn't let go. After a few tries, I was able to pull Mo off of Coco.
Then Coco came back looking to do some damage.
"Go back!" I yelled at Coco while holding Mo.
Now usually these dogs obey basic commands , but at this time she barely listened to a word I said, it all went over her head.
Immediately, she launched forward and grabbed Mo by her face! I still held on to Mo because I know how deadly she is. She could easily do five times more damage to Coco.
I did not have anything intention of letting Mo go no matter how many injuries I sustained, better me getting hurt than anyone of them.
One would think this is not a fair fight on Mo's part because I held her down the whole time, but that's the thing, the highest Coco could possibly do is give Mo minor injuries and that's about it. If I let Mo go, she would kill! Wounds will heal overtime but a dead dog can not be replaced.
I've seen Mo do really terrible things to a stray dog that tried to attack us when we went jogging one morning, I know what she's capable of.
Luckily my old man was at home at the time, so he quickly rushed out to assist. He pulled Coco but boy did she mean business, her jaws were tightly locked.
My Dad raised Coco's two back legs up like a wheel barrow, she was literally in the air with none of her legs touching the floor. This is going on longer than I expected.
Finally! Coco lost grip and my Dad immediately held her collar.
Mo was still struggling, trying to break free from me. Honestly at the point I was super exhausted. I had cough and catarrh at the time, I could barely breathe properly but still I mustered every ounce of strength I had left to hold her down till Coco was successfully returned and locked in her kennel.
Then I let Mo go and I just sat on the floor, gasping for breathe. It was dusty, my heart was super heavy, I just laid there and did not utter a single word.
I put myself in harm's way really, my hands were close to their mouths, we pulled their tails, did a lot of things that usually would make most dogs snap and turn against their owners, but no, they did not. I never got bitten or growled at by either of them. This made me love them more.
I only got a few scratches and bruises here and there from trying to hold Mo down, this BTW was not in anyway intentional.
After the whole episode there was blood everywhere, mostly Coco's blood, she was bleeding heavily and limped for a couple of days. Coco suffered greatly from the ordeal.
After putting Mo in her kennel, she still did not calm down for couple of hours. She actually destroyed her gate, fell the damn thing down! We had to take off her collar and used chains only because she could easily cut her collar, she has done that a couple of times before.
I have always read about how keeping dogs of the same sex is terrible, even more terrible when both are females.The need for dominance arises and fights are bound to happen.
I always knew sooner or later this would happen, but I never wanted it to be this soon.

PS: Look closely at the picture and you'll see the white gate Mo destroyed behind her on the floor and Gentian Violet (GV) for the few bite wounds she sustained on her chest and right leg.

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Re: Diary Of Mo: The Boerboel by miremoses(m): 4:41pm On Oct 29, 2016
Wow..dog fight is something I hate watching.its so bloody that if you don't separate them one of em can chop off the other one's ear.bro you lucky that both are female.if they where both male,boerboel precisely, it would be very difficult to come between them in a fight.
That being said,from your story,it looks like MO is a strong one after all,if you had watched them fight mehn! Mo would have ripped off Coco's intestines out.

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