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Please Help! My Neighbour Is Threatening Me With Rape - Family (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Please Help! My Neighbour Is Threatening Me With Rape (3537 Views)

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Re: Please Help! My Neighbour Is Threatening Me With Rape by lizzygrace(f): 6:44am On Nov 26, 2015
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who gave me good advice on the issue I presented.... It has been resolved and the guy in question has packed out from the apartment... Kudos to you all.... And to that guy who saw it fit to bash me with words because of the errors in my write up, thank you too.... Next time contribute to issues bash the person privately if you truly care and not the other way around.


Re: Please Help! My Neighbour Is Threatening Me With Rape by pickabeau1: 7:26am On Nov 26, 2015
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who gave me good advice on the issue I presented.... It has been resolved and the guy in question has packed out from the apartment... Kudos to you all.... And to that guy who saw it fit to bash me with words because of the errors in my write up, thank you too.... Next time contribute to issues bash the person privately if you truly care and not the other way around.

So how was it resolved
Re: Please Help! My Neighbour Is Threatening Me With Rape by liquidmetall: 7:46am On Nov 26, 2015
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who gave me good advice on the issue I presented.... It has been resolved and the guy in question has packed out from the apartment... Kudos to you all.... And to that guy who saw it fit to bash me with words because of the errors in my write up, thank you too.... Next time contribute to issues bash the person privately if you truly care and not the other way around.

So you still carry that thing for mind, you girls should just grow some balls,
That's why someone threatened you and you ran to nairaland with out first going to the police

How can a master student not know what to do in a situation like yours?

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Alhamdulillah, God Has Blessed Me With Bouncing Baby Boy, Save Delivery / ... / Mention Your Most Embarrassing Moments With The Opposite Sex.

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