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(poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by kennyfol2000: 6:41pm On Nov 24, 2015 |
Hello and welcome to this wealth of information blog, in this post, i will be showing you how egg production is terrifically Profiting and my poultry business plan for layers and broilers. You might want to read my article on Poultry Farming (How to set up and operate a profitable poultry farm) if you are new here...Going into poultry production for the purpose of egg production means you intend to raise laying hen. They could be from Day-old-chicks (DOC), or stock as Point-of-Lay(POL) birds. Layers can be reared on Deep litter system or Battery Cage system. Caged birds need more capital but the merits include; easy of management, cleaner eggs, safety from breakages, minimal feed wastage, reduced water contamination and maximized space. A unit of cage from my company with the capacity of 120 birds cost N90, 000 ($450). Beginners with limited resources could start with deep litter system. It is affordable, litter material are readily available. The major requirements are conducive housing and more intense management of the water, feed and litters. The roof in all cases should be heat repealing, made from asbestos, thatch etc. Vent, created to let out heat, wall should be less than two feet high, 'curtain' from sacks or tarpaulin provided to prevent entrance of rain water to prevent incidences of coccidiosis and other enteric diseases. Beginners should minimize the cost of poultry house construction and utilize local materials as equipments so that the limited resources could be channel into productive running cost such as DOC or POL and feed. Beginners could start with POL, these are birds in their fourteen to twenty weeks of Age, (birds often start dropping their first egg from 22weeks to 24weeks of age). Advantage of acquiring Point Of Lay birds is the reduced risk. Prices of POL at press time ranges from N750 to N950/bird. In budgeting for feeding, a bag cost about N2,200 ( $11) today and 4bags could feed 1000birds per days. Let me open your understanding to how profitable egg production could be Let us use just 1000 Birds for example. A layer chicken lay at least 1 egg daily and a create of egg consists of 30eggs 1000 layers Will produce at least 30 creates daily ( 1000 layers birds Divided by 30 eggs ) Feed consumption The aim should be a daily consumption of 120g feed per hen a day. 120kg of feed daily= 4bags @N2, 200 ( $11) = N8, 800 ($44) to produce 30 creates daily 30 creates x N600 ($3) per crate = N18, 000 ($90) profit – N8, 800 ($44) daily feed consumption =N9, 200 ($46) profit. Daily Gain = N9, 200 ($46) Don't forget, your layers will lay for at least 60 weeks... that meas Profit Per Week: N9, 200 ($46) profit multiply by 7days = N64, 400 ($322) Profit For 60weeks: N64, 400 ($322) multiply by 60 weeks = N3, 864, 000 ($19,320) 60 to 72weeks of lay, the spent layers would be sold for even more than the equivalent amount with which the POL is purchased. Lets do the calculation on that Profit on Layers birds When finished laying : 1000layers multiply by N1000 = N1,000,000 ($5000) Total Gain for 60 weeks: N3, 864, 000 ($19,320) Plus N1,000,000 ($5000) = N4, 864, 000 ($24,320) You can see that egg production is terrifically profiting. And trust me, if you produce your own feed yourself and do not buy it, you will definitely gain almost x2 of this profit. Though many successful companies have been started without the benefit of a formal business plan, it can be an essential factor in the birth and growth of your company. Our business plan will help you obtain financing, arrange strategic alliances, attract key employees, and boost your confidence. Our business plan sells your company to the world and gives you direction as the world answers back. From the table of contents to the financial tables, Our business plan covers a lot of ground. How can you make your executive summary stand out? How much detail is appropriate when outlining your marketing strategy? What is the best way to present the financial projections? Here are best resources to help you create each part of your business plan Our 2015 Poultry farming Business Plan is full of help and industry secrets to make sure your Poultry Farming Business succeeds. So what is different about our Poultry farming Business Plan? A comprehensive business plan that includes marketing and finances can help determine the feasibility of a value-added enterprise. Developing your business and marketing plan helps you define your business, creates a road map to operate the business, sets the goals you will aim for, and satisfies outsiders’. The basics of a business plan include the following. What? Describe your product or service. Why? Describe the need for your product or service. Who? Describe the customer. When? Draw a timeline and list all the tasks that need to be accomplished. Where? Describe the location of your business. Building a Sustainable Business: A Guide to Developing a Poultry Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses helps alternative and sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs develop profitable enterprises. Sample worksheets illustrate how real farm families set goals, researched processing alternatives, determined potential markets, and evaluated financing options. Before setting up a project, one should have details on the following Land: Adequate land to house poultry structures and for carrying out various farm operations. Water: Adequate clean water is needed for consumption and cleaning within the poultry project. So it is imperative to identify a reliable source of portable water. Skills and experience: Basic training and experience in poultry management is essential for running a poultry enterprise. Capital: A source of potential funding for acquiring inputs and equipment needed to run the project. Requirements and policies of financial institutions ought to be known prior to loan acquisition. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES In egg production, the aim is to produce as many table eggs as possible over the laying life of the hen. The success or downfall of egg production is determined by the management practices used. Labour The manager should be experienced and have basic training in poultry management. A poultry house which accommodates 1000 and 2000 hens will require 1 and 2 poultry attendants respectively. Casual laborers will be required during cleaning and restocking. Production systems There are two main production systems in Nigeria. That is laying cage and deep litter systems. a) Laying cage system Here hens are kept throughout their productive life time in cages. However, this system requires high capital investment. As such, they are strictly commendable for use by commercial egg producers. The stocking density depends on the hen’s body size and weight. It is 3 to 5 hens per cubicle. That is, the heavier the hens the fewer they would be per cubicle. In a laying cage system, hens do not have contact with droppings which reduces infections. Feeding, providing water, egg collection, removal of litter and cleaning are easier for the poultry attendants to perform. b) Deep litter system Here hens are confined in a house with floor space of 8 to 10 birds/m2 to ensure free movement. The floor should be covered with a 5cm to 10cm deep litter of grain husks (maize or rice), straw, wood shavings or a similarly absorbent (but non-toxic) materials. Wood shavings are highly recommended for use since birds cannot eat them. Litter provide from the droppings. It also helps to prevent damage to the birds’ legs due to slippery surfaces. Usually old litter is renewed when replacement stock arrives. It is advisable not to re-use old litter. After old litter has been removed out of the house, the floor should be cleaned and disinfected. This guideline will focus on the laying cage system. Laying period Egg producers buy chicks at point of lay, which is between seventeen (17) to eighteen (18) weeks old. At this age, few hens will start laying eggs immediately. However, at around the 21st week, majority of the hens will start laying eggs through to 44 weeks (11months) old after which the flock will be replaced. Should egg-laying start when hens or pullets are too fat or before they are fully physically and sexually mature at 20 weeks or five (5) months of age, the overall performance during the laying period will be affected resulting in fewer eggs produced. Health and common diseases Disease prevalence varies from one area to the other. The problems that may trigger disease conditions are direct sunlight on egg trays or nests, poor ventilated houses and very high temperatures in and outside the poultry house, which may weaken egg shells resulting in poor egg quality. Mortality Under good management, mortality will range between 5 to10%. Records management Relative to records management, each project should have a record book on which information on the number of stocked live birds, slaughtered and deaths are recorded. Record keeping helps the farmer to budget accurately and make informed decisions about the project. The following records should be adequately kept. - All feeds consumed and purchased - Number of hens purchased - Deaths and causes - Vaccination and other veterinary requisites expenses - Labour and other variable costs - Number of eggs collected daily - Number of eggs sold and used for home consumption - Number of eggs damaged and - Water and feed intake daily. It should be noted that water and feed consumption records are excellent indicators of flock health MARKETING ISSUES Market survey A proper market survey is essential as that will enable the farmer to identify the current and emerging markets where eggs can be sold at a higher price. Marketing Marketing activities include among others grading, quality, promotions, packaging and value adding. These activities are essential as they will lead to selling large volumes of products as quickly as possible resulting in the farmer making a lot of profit. Grading Eggs should be graded by size and labelled according to weight. During selection and grading, care must be applied to ensure that weight is uniform to avoid disqualification. Recommended egg sizes Product details - See more at: 1 Like
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by Nobody: 7:02pm On Nov 24, 2015 |
Nice write up 2 Likes |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by mfm04622: 8:08pm On Nov 24, 2015 |
90% laying is very optimistic. I have not heard o a farmer that can maintain 90% laying rate for 60 weeks. It is not possible 2 Likes |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by bjizus(m): 12:25pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
Its very impossible. As time goes on their production will drop. Poultry is profitable but your projection is not realistic |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by teeboo: 4:48pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
wrong info,ave bin in dis business for a while, and ave not seen or heard 100% egg daily,even at d peak of their production dey can't give u 100% egg, egg price can't be 600 naira frm beginning of laying Habba,stop passing wrong info abeg |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by gentleaccess: 11:34am On Nov 28, 2015 |
as brilliant as your write-up is, it lacks proper articulation and convincing argument, first your profit assumption is faulty you forget to take note of the cost of purchase of 1000 POL against your profit margin and you didn't take cognizance of health risk and the appropriate medication then thirdly it is impossible to get a 1000 eggs from a 1000 birds daily....however i enjoyed your information and also would employ you to research and update this article so it can serve it purpose.. 2 Likes |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by Oyee4real: 3:52pm On Mar 06, 2017 |
U are doing nothing,bt copy cast,majority of ur write-up were copy from john Ayodele cypress,u just want to mislead people for something u dont know,i av been doing dis business for a while,u cannt realise 96% on egg production talkless of 100% 1 Like |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by idris01(m): 8:20pm On May 02, 2018 |
I have done a cafe business but not profitable, how can I diversify? Please contact me, Idris 08026248258 |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by konews: 11:55am On Feb 07, 2021 |
get our Poultry Business Plan For Layers In Nigeria |
Re: (poultry Farming) How Egg Production Is Terrifically Profitable And Get The Best by nafcy: 11:45am On Mar 02, 2023 |
Farm fresh eggs available ( distributors and wholesalers) Call us on 07033610055 07059244911
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