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How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? - Health - Nairaland

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How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Greatpeter(m): 11:06pm On Nov 02, 2005
How Do You Care for Your Pimples?

Pimples, to some are an embarrassment. To prevent and care for it when it strikes is very paramount.

So, how do we prevent it or care for it when it strikes? What are the causes of Pimples?

Many of us have these pimples and they will gain if you contribute meaningfully to this topic.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by layi(m): 12:24am On Nov 03, 2005
Cause - pores blocked wit dirt
Treatment - keep pores open and clean (use cleansers)

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Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by IAH(f): 12:08pm On Nov 03, 2005
Nice topic. I used to have pimples from SSS2 - SSS3. They later disappeared miraculously.

Then, I used different things like Neo-Medrol, Glycerine, Ten-O-Six facial cleanser, TCP shocked, Nixoderm etc. Although my Dad claims it was the Neo-Medrol he recommended that made them go, I still believe it is the work of God. Because many people who have pimples have used that Neo-Medrol and a whole range of other medications and it won't go.

I think it's caused by eating too much fatty foods which causes secretion of oil in the pores of the facial skin. The oil blocks the pores and combine with bacteria to cause pimples. Washing the face twice a day and using cleansers might go a long a way in preventing pimples.

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Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Seun(m): 12:18pm On Nov 03, 2005
Pimples cannot be "cured" as far as I know, but they can be managed.  Anything you use beyond a simple alcohol-based cleanser will probably make it worse.  Anything that irritates the skin - such as medicated soap - will only make it worse.  Scratching, pressinf, et cetera, will only make it worse.

So what can you do?
- Keep your face clean by washing with a gentle soap and using an alcohol-based cleanser.
- Avoid pressing or bursting the pimples if you don't wand permanent black marks on your face.
- Eat less fatty foods: I have actually noticed pimples appearing on my face a few days after eating roasted groudnuts!
- Wait patiently for the pimples to leave your face.  If you're a teenager, wait till you're 20-25 and it should go away, like IAH's case.  Pimples are one of the signs of the onset of puberty and for most people as you go older the pimples dissapear by themselves.

"Fine boy no pimples grin"

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Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by kikelomo(f): 12:42pm On Nov 03, 2005
I have one annoying one right in the middle of my forehead and it's sooooooo embarrassing. Anyways, i'd just use a bit of facials and in 2-3 days it would dissappear. I only get them like one or 2 a month.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by layi(m): 12:54pm On Nov 03, 2005
As for the breakouts. Dab a drop of ATZEN Sp Gel. It'll dry off without any spot/trace.

As for cure: Lyphobiology and microdermabrassion treatment gets rid of acne.

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Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by blendz4real(m): 4:07pm On Nov 03, 2005
I don't think Pimples have any known cure. All I know is Pimples go off with time though some can be managed with Bitter Leaf and Honey.
But not in every care. Ohhhhhhhhhhh smiley
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by blendz4real(m): 4:09pm On Nov 03, 2005
But not in every "case" and not care above
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by kazey(m): 4:44pm On Nov 03, 2005
hmm God blessed my face, I dont have pimples, only had acne. But one thing that worked for my younger brother is just avoiding oily snacks (peanuts etc) and using face washers at night, and keeping his face always clean.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Greatpeter(m): 8:58pm On Nov 03, 2005

I don't think Pimples have any known cure. All I know is Pimples go off with time though some can be managed with Bitter Leaf and Honey.
But not in every care. Ohhhhhhhhhhh smiley

Please can you expanciate on this bitter leave and honey medication.
How do we use them?
This will help most of us to tackle our pimples.
Though I'm pimples free but I want others to gain that's the essence of this topic.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by anton(m): 9:26pm On Nov 03, 2005
Diet, Diet, Diet...

That is the most important thing to consider. In the countries of the 'West' all of this fatty junk 'food' is practically shoved down your throat. All of those artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sugars, poly chain fats, create hay wire in the human body. Look at the obesity in american and uk.

It's especially bad for young people because thier hormones react to the garbage they eat and create these out breaks. Look at the history, 30 yrs ago, you didn't find pimply teens and no obesity. Now there are more types of junk food than fruits and veggies!!!

Also, think about what a whitehead is. Al large percentage of waste is passed thru the skin. Your skin is your first line of defense, so if you have eruptions on your skin (pus is dead white blood cells, poison and the invader cells) there is something going on internally. Rashes are usually an allergic reaction to something you ingested or came into contact with. Blackheads, also indicate internal problems.

Leave the garbage factory 'food' alone and stick to friuts and veggies. I garauntee your acne will get better. You don't have to wait till your hormones change at 20 - 25, change your diet now to get the clear skin you want.

I think i learned most of this in the book African Holistic Health, by Dr. Laila O. Africa.

Leave those chemical alone! just Eat right! rolleyes tongue cheesy

And use shea butter soap! All you need...



Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by tamia(f): 9:33pm On Nov 03, 2005

Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by aloib(f): 6:04am On Nov 04, 2005
peanuts!!!!!!!!!!!, thats mainly the cause. i had pimples wn i was in naija. but wen i got to philippines and i didnt get peanuts to eat agin, i think they dissappeared. but if u ave pimples, get a good face cleanser, stop eating peanuts and dont ever touch them. wen u touch or burst, they leave scars on ur face.
i also used some filipino facial wash and its been effective, forn now i`m pimples free.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Seun(m): 6:27am On Nov 04, 2005
Ok, I think we have a consensus here: (1) don't touch them (2) avoid fatty foods like peanuts (3) keep your face clean with soft soap and face cleanser (4) don't touch, press or burst them or use any strange chemicals on your face. Thanks aloib!
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by fabian(f): 10:35am On Nov 04, 2005
Wash your face regularly, esp at bed time. Don't oil your face unless you must moisturize,
watch your diet and try to cut down on your fat intake. Drink lots of water, eat fruits and veggies. Try using a mild cleanser, like Johnsons' cleanser.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by mckaycee(m): 10:44am On Nov 04, 2005
I eat peanuts like 2morow no dey, I had pimples, when i stopped, it became worse. Now, I have continued eating my peanuts and they have somehow disappeared.

Posted on: Today at 10:35:03 AMPosted by: fabian
Insert Quote
Wash your face regularly, esp at bed time. Don't oil your face unless you must moisturize,
watch your diet and try to cut down on your fat intake. Drink lots of water, eat fruits and veggies

fabian has provided some of the solutions and I want to add " Keep your face dry almost everytime with powder(not antiseptic though) and your life will not remain the same again..... grin grin
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by fabian(f): 12:27pm On Nov 04, 2005

Keep your face dry almost everytime with powder(not antiseptic though) and your life will not remain the same again..... grin grin

LOL! cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Michellej(f): 12:29pm On Nov 04, 2005
by not wearing too much makeup and washing your face regularly; i can not stand women that wear so much makeup.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by loveth(f): 1:46pm On Nov 10, 2005
By cleaning your face with facial cleaser.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Kenya(f): 8:31am On Nov 11, 2005
Usually people who get pimples have very sensitive skin.
My skin is so sensitive that I can only use natural products, which is best anyways.
All of the animal fat's, artifical coloring and smells and perservatives are destroying our skin and stripping away the bodies nautral oils.

I would not advise using soap on the face and private area's.
Be as natural as you can be and drink plently of water.

As a teenage I used to have pimple so bad I used to get called 21 Bump street. My face looked as if I had a rash.
It went away when I was about 22 as someone said before, but it does re=appear at times when I don't drink enough water.

When the outbreak gets Bad I use Neutragena face wash to help fight the ance, then back to water to keep it under control.

1) Wash your face with pure water warm enough to open the pours on your face.
2) Wash you face again with cold enough water to close the pours on your face.
I mean the pours won't close completly, but just enough to protect your skin.

If all fails, go to see a dermatologist, They specialize in this area.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by affordable: 7:10pm On Nov 14, 2005
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Z4M4eva(f): 1:34pm On Nov 15, 2005
If u don't use cleanser, how are you gonna stop them?@seun
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Z4M4eva(f): 1:36pm On Nov 15, 2005
What will WATER do to ur face
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Kenya(f): 10:27am On Nov 16, 2005
Pure water is the best cleanser for the human body system. Drinking enough water will definatly help your skin retain good natural moisture and health. It will clean the toxics out of your body with a combination for good eating, workout, rest and proper care of your spirit.

Water is so amazing, it covers so many area's.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Kenya(f): 10:41am On Nov 16, 2005
When I don't drink enough water, It's almost as if the toxics start to build up in my body and then i have an outbreak. So again water is the most natural and best cleansing agent for the body.
Any other cosmetic products should be temporary (no matter how well they work). I say temporary because what happens is that your body becomes immune to it or addicted to it, till the point of you having to use it all of the time and when you don't use it you will have an out break.
Kind of like the water but the difference is that water is natural and very, very good for your entire body. 

Another remedy I used for my oily skin was an Oatmeal mix. I used natural oatmeal mixed with water on my face. let it dry and tightend my skin the washed it away. It felt smooth.

Avocado works on the skin. tightens and moisturize the skin.

UN-cooked eggs. tightens the skin.

Natural UN-fertalized Mud works really well.

there are many natural remedies that work very well, it may take longer but they work.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by vickybabe(f): 12:34am On Jan 27, 2006
i am telling you guys, i have the worst pimples ever. it started alittle when i was in SS2 in ibadan.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by snazzydawn(f): 6:54pm On Feb 09, 2006
Seun was so right.Pimples can also be as a result of puberty.
The best way to keep them off is wash your face with clean water at least twice a day.In the morning,and in the evening before you go to bed.As for peanuts,I think it is an individual yhing cos I eat lots of them yet my face is still as a bottle.I only see one pimple on my forehead once a month-when I am seeing my period,and it disappears one day after.
Just keep your face clean always.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by beatty(f): 12:15pm On Mar 17, 2006
using the un - cooked egg, is it use it to wash the face or what?
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by Zahymaka(m): 4:49am On Mar 31, 2006
It depends on the kind of person. I have a very very oily face [in fact I use a bandanna a day instead of a hanky] but I rarely get pimples. When I do they're massive and appear on very annoying spots [around and on my nose and under my chin so I can't shave]. I wash my face a lot -- maybe that's why I've stayed pimple-free through most of my adolescence.
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by rikkyjen(m): 7:43am On Mar 31, 2006
Pro- Active is da Bomb, its just $35.99 +$5 shipping, its very good
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by gentleaura(m): 6:45am On Apr 01, 2006
Been there done that, just make sure you keep the face clean, every time, I rarely touch my face with my bare palm, i believe its dirty.
I have an oily face though but make sure you keep a clean face, pimples will find their way out!!
Re: How Do You Deal With Your Pimples? by dblock(m): 3:18am On Sep 27, 2006
i'm not a single percent embarresed, but those rch ass celebrities make normal people like me feel like scum with their great skin and fat wallets-------peace-------- cool

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