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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Phones / Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones (2323 Views)
Top 10 Most Powerful Apps For Rooted Android [personal List] / TECNO L8 And L8+ For Rooted Users / Try These Dangerously Awesome Apps On Your Rooted Android Device (2) (3) (4)
Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by Gangerr(m): 10:00pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
Best applications for established portable, this is something which We Dreamy Tricks is going to impart to you Today. In this way, We are sharing the gathering of best android applications, which is most downloaded a year ago. These applications are just made to open the genuine capability of your android established gadget. Best Root applications 2015 are exceptional applications which are made for gadgets which are established or we can say the gadgets, which can give root authorization to applications when inquired. Along these lines, folks Lets, begin to What is root essentially. What is root? Establishing your telephone makes a pathway in your telephone framework which is available by you and you can roll out improvements to your telephone, even you can change framework records. In any case, it voids your guarantee which you can get back by glimmering stock ROM. (Stock ROM is the android form of your telephone that comes when you purchase your fresh out of the plastic new telephone). In this way, essentially look at best root applications. What to do after rooting your phone? In the wake of, establishing your gadget, you can just utilize these unique root applications, which we are sharing today on this blog.After establishing your android gadget, you can utilize numerous valuable applications on your telephone. I will specify here some extremely prevalent applications and their uses which require root.So, without squandering time, lets move to the gathering of some must-have root applications. Some of best root applications: In the event that you are hunting down 2017-2018, then this could be the best place. Look at take after top root applications 2017. Xposed Installer Best Rooted App 2015 Xposed Installer is certainly one of nice rooted app 2015.That is a further app which is equal to rooting your cell. This app installs the internal binary to your cell which will exchange you notification bar appears, your settings, observe subject matters to your rom and alter virtually whatever to your cell. You can download from xda. Although, this is pleasant root app, however nonetheless this app is to be had totally free from the Google Play store.No marvel this app is one of first-class root apps for rooted android mobiles 2015. Gravity Box Best Root app 2015 This nice root app is the heart of rooted android cell, who want to customise their telephone and move it to subsequent level. Gravity field is sincerely one of satisfactory root app which is able to work most effective when Xposed Installer is working.This app requires Xposed installer mounted. It will probably make changes to you mobilephone buttons, add navigation bar, change the notification bar, exchange lock monitor, add wallpaper to lock reveal and lots of extra extraordinary things. Xui Mod Top root app 2015 Xui Mod is one of best root app 2015.We have listed this app on Rank 3 in list of best Root apps 2015, as this app is awesome for users, who love to play with interface of their android smartphone. This is awesome app that changes you scrolling type and add many awesome animations to it. The pop up that appear on screen it changes even their animations. DPI Changer Latest Root app 2015 DPI Changer is one of top root app 2015.This best root app basically changes the PPI or DPI of your screen, according to your requirements. It somehow enhances the visuals according to you to the great level. This app is must have app for users who want to play games on different resolution. Set CPU SetCPU is one of best root app 2015 who want to increase the processing power of their android mobile or who want to increase the battery life of rooted android mobile.It controls the frequency of your phone’s CPU. If you want to save the battery then lower the frequency and battery performance will increase. Using SetCPU, you can overclock CPU or even underclock CPU easily without any problem. Best Features of SetCPU Top root app: - Overclock CPU of android mobile. - Underclock CPU of android mobile. - Increase battery life of rooted android mobile. - Increase CPU frequency easily for superior performance. Battery Calibration Battery Calibration is top root app for android devices, which has root permissions enabled in their android mobile.After some time, your system creates a battery stats.bin file which decreases the battery backup. Calibrating it deletes that file and you have now awesome battery backup. This app is life saver app to increase the battery life of android mobile without doing any kind of hard work as resets battery charging cycle of android mobile. Flashify Flashify is top root app for users who love to flash their android mobile with different CWM or TWRP. This app is the fantastic app which can be used to flash any recovery or flashable zip which contains any systemui.apk mod. It flashes custom recovery right from your mobile. The best feature of this best root app is there is no need of PC to flash any boot image or recovery image. Root Browser Root browser is top root app of the year 2014, and even listed in a list of best root apps 2015, due to its amazing features.This app helps you access your system menu which you can’t access. Its really helpful like if you want to make a change to build.prop it will allow you to help you. love-vendor my ROM love-vendor my ROM is best root app for advance root users 2015.It makes awesome changes to your rom. It tweaks it awesomely. It gives you many decent options for your ram management. This app can edit many system files easily without any kind of problem. MTK Tools or Mobile uncle tools This app is one of best root app for MTK Android devices 2015.If you’re having any GPS related problem or want increase the volume of you speaker it helps you do that also. This app can change almost every functionality of Rooted MTK Android devices without any kind of problem. Screen Standby Screen Standby can increase battery life of your android mobile to great level.This app is also a super battery saving app, as it can prevent yout screen from waking up uselessly, which prevents your mobile phone from getting heating up or battery problem.This app will make sure that you screen does not wake up without any purpose. |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by DanielLee5: 8:27am On Nov 26, 2015 |
Thanks for sharing ! I like lists like this, here's one more top list of free applications - , all the apps are categorized, rated and arranged. One can find applications both for iOS and Android platforms. |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by Lebee4(m): 8:37am On Nov 26, 2015 |
Since my Nokia XL is rooted, is there anyway either Mobile uncle or MTK tools will work on it? |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by lilreese: 12:02pm On Nov 26, 2015 |
Thabks |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by techwhack: 2:24pm On Aug 03, 2016 |
I have made a new post on check out. |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by sunny66058: 11:05pm On Aug 03, 2016 |
If you are looking for best rooting apps for android then you may use either iRoot APK Download or vRoot APK Download for that. Get the link below; |
Re: Best Root Apps For Rooted Android Phones by annacheem: 1:11pm On Aug 04, 2016 |
nice |
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