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Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? - Career - Nairaland

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Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by adren(m): 7:01am On Nov 28, 2015
I am currently stucked in the middle with my head hurting so bad from thinking progressively..

I had a 2.2 in metallurgical and materials engineering and with this system of employment in nigeria- massive graduates, limited jobs, I must confess that i am forced to look elsewhere for my lifetime opportunities..

i believe in myself...YES i do!!! however, quite obviously, my chances of been gainfully employed are low, that is even if they meagerly exist..

so... i have made up my mind... perhaps, because i am still very young or because i am from a lowly background where my father nor my relative can give me a huge amount of money to start a lucrative business..therefore, i want to go all out by myself..

now.. i have two resolutions..

should i go for an eighteen months full time master program to supplement my 2.2 or take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go hustle for myself abroad..??

which is better??

matured advice needed with experiences...
how did you made it to the top on your own especially when you started from the rock bottom??

Mods please help a brother get to canaanland by doing the needful

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Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by amtaken(f): 7:04am On Nov 28, 2015
Are you a male or female?

Italy has its own problems ooooo.

42 Likes 1 Share

Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by damton(m): 9:13am On Nov 28, 2015
If you can hustle and study as well, I think Italy is your best shot.

Talk of killing 2 birds with one stone


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by engrjosefz(m): 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Nobody: 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
You need help.
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by dapsoneh: 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
If you have the opportunity, go abroad. U said you are still young, so dat gives you the luxury of time to work and still get registered for masters there. Howevr, if you are thinking of going abroad to engage in illegal stuffs, u better stay back and do ur masters here. My candid advise

83 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by tigonana: 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
Abroad all d way.

1 Like

Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Nobody: 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
Nawa oooo.
Guy do ur masters in Italy

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Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by costandi(m): 9:14am On Nov 28, 2015
Nice to know you graduated from met/mat as we call it. I just did too.

Going to Italy to hustle? What do you mean by 'hustle'? To get involved with illegal activities?
A wise man once said, 'A lizard in Nigeria won't turn to an alligator in America'. Most people you
see with admirable lifestyles in Europe are into fraudulent activities, that's why you see them being
deported daily. Don't you think you still need capital to start business abroad? If you don't think you'd
be gainfully employed in Nigeria, do you think otherwise about Italy?

I just feel you you are too scared of the future and you have the 'get rich quick' syndrome. Get a
masters degree if you can. And, don't depend on being gainfully employed. Because that's not why
you went to school. Don't be afraid of starting small. Just be focused, always get busy and be keen
on self-development. You are young! Take advantage of it!

As the holy scriptures declare, 'the stone that the builder refused will one day become the chief corner stone'

80 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by freemanbubble: 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by FYB(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
I will definitely benefit from the advice given here, cus im facing similar decision


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by mysteriousman(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
Go to Italy if things don't work out you can always come back home but it's still your choice


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by mrphysics(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
Depends on what you want in life. to me, going for a master degree program is the best for you in the long run. u may get to Italy to discover its not easy there too

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Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by ModiKen(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
You have to weigh the pros and cons of both choices and balance them with ur current situation and what u intend to achieve in life.

First of, as Amtaken said, Italy has its problems.
I have to ask, do you have someone there who is willing to go the extra mile to get you legally settld there and also get u a job?

If yes that would be a fine choice as u can work and save; then also get you masters from a university of ur choice abroad.

If na illegally u wan tak enta Italy, things go rough well well ooo.

Second, as per studying for masters, this also a good choice as it boost your chances of getting a job.

However, going to Italy (legally) and finding a job is the best option, but if its not thru a legal means you intend going there, I wld advice you stay in naija and begin ur master.

Entering a European country illegal is like sentencing your self to years of hard labour.

Ask those who have gone or best still watch videos on Youtube of Nigerians living illegally in European countries especially Italy and see the suffering.

Anyways best of luck.


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by surestsam(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
my broda.. U can always do masters anytime.... Masters no gurantee u beta job o... Enter Italy asap..


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by PLANETMARS(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
I am currently stucked in the middle with my head hurting so bad from thinking progressively..

I had a 2.2 in metallurgical and materials engineering and with this system of employment in nigeria- massive graduates, limited jobs, I must confess that i am forced to look elsewhere for my lifetime opportunities..

i believe in myself...YES i do!!! however, quite obviously, my chances of been gainfully employed are low, that is even if they meagerly exist..

so... i have made up my mind... perhaps, because i am still very young or because i am from a lowly background where my father nor my relative can give me a huge amount of money to start a lucrative business..therefore, i want to go all out by myself..

now.. i have two resolutions..

should i go for an eighteen months full time master program to supplement my 2.2 or take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go hustle for myself abroad..??

which is better??

matured advice needed with experiences...
how did you made it to the top on your own especially when you started from the rock bottom??

Mods please help a brother get to canaanland by doing the needful
gerara here men! U need slap b4 u sabi say u go comot d zoo?


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Segse(m): 9:15am On Nov 28, 2015
I think it's better you do your masters and hope that you will get a good job than hussling on a country that can deport you anytime if you don't get the required documents


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Nobody: 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015
Let me tell you the truth, even if you do your masters degree or not, it will not get you any type of meaningful job, especially in Italy. I know a lot of Nigerians in Italy and i'm telling you now eh, na suffer. I've been there myself as i went to visit my aunt during the summer and it's not as nice as you may think. They are taxing everything, slashing salaries by like half and a lot of people including Italians are leaving the country. so did my aunt who just moved to the UK last month to get a job. There is a serious lack good jobs there and i'm telling you now, if you go there, you'll probably start working as a cleaner and will get peanuts as salary. so my advice to you is, forget about Italy cos you have more of a chance getting a Job in naija as they won't even look at your qualifications in Italy. They can be very racist especially cos the africans there are already a nuisance.
Instead of Italy, think about the UK. There are much more opportunities here. The only issue is actually getting in because the current government is really tough on immigration and that's why if you ever want to apply to the UK, you better make sure that everything you do is legitimate. Or apply to Canada. The prospects are good there and immigration is less tough so its up to you

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Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by ofofoCEO(f): 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015

1 Like

Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Demmocrats(m): 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by kennytidistar(m): 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015
It depends on your mission to Italy, but know this, even PhD does not guarantee you a decent job in Nigeria, just pray.


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Ximolee: 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015
Life changing trip to Italy
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by jerryunit48: 9:16am On Nov 28, 2015
Italy ? Think well o


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by kennyman2000(m): 9:17am On Nov 28, 2015
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by fabem(m): 9:17am On Nov 28, 2015
It depends on your mentality. You can make it here and overthere as well. But go there only if you have gotten job or have people there to help you.
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by LieDetector(m): 9:17am On Nov 28, 2015
End time advice
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by prettyjo(f): 9:17am On Nov 28, 2015
Italy mehn .
no dulling #
Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Lytech(m): 9:18am On Nov 28, 2015
I am currently stucked in the middle with my head hurting so bad from thinking progressively..

I had a 2.2 in metallurgical and materials engineering and with this system of employment in nigeria- massive graduates, limited jobs, I must confess that i am forced to look elsewhere for my lifetime opportunities..

i believe in myself...YES i do!!! however, quite obviously, my chances of been gainfully employed are low, that is even if they meagerly exist..

so... i have made up my mind... perhaps, because i am still very young or because i am from a lowly background where my father nor my relative can give me a huge amount of money to start a lucrative business..therefore, i want to go all out by myself..

now.. i have two resolutions..

should i go for an eighteen months full time master program to supplement my 2.2 or take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go hustle for myself abroad..??

which is better??

matured advice needed with experiences...
how did you made it to the top on your own especially when you started from the rock bottom??

Mods please help a brother get to canaanland by doing the needful
that little change set aside for your masters program or traveling to abroad can make you an employer...
Y nt use d fund to invest and be ur own boss........


Re: Advice Needed:a Masters Degree To Aid My 2.2 Or A Life-changing Trip To Italy? by Kk4(m): 9:18am On Nov 28, 2015
Masters 18 months for naija? Okay

My advise is travel abroad, because at the end of the day na money we dey all pursue..

Good luck Man


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