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Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by mokemegeo: 9:52am On Dec 01, 2015
A 60-year-old pastor has married his 19-year-old girlfriend with the full support of his 44-year-old wife - and now his teen bride is pregnant.Thom Miller, is now building a new house in their hometown of Mansfield, Ohio, with one wing for each wife...read more and see more photos below..

Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Danhumprey: 9:53am On Dec 01, 2015
hmmmmmmm! i thought the Whites are againsts poligamy? undecided


Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Niyeal(m): 9:54am On Dec 01, 2015

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by mymadam(m): 9:55am On Dec 01, 2015
hmmmmmmm! i thought the Whites are againsts poligamy? undecided

Yes, they were. But now... guard don changi. Change everywhere, not just in Nigeria grin


Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Jakasybo(m): 11:59am On Dec 01, 2015
Endtime pastor

1 Like

Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by oglalasioux(m): 12:25pm On Dec 01, 2015
Bigamy is still a crime over there. The state even arrest offenders who aren't reported by their spouses. So I doubt the story.
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by barnaboy(m): 12:44pm On Dec 01, 2015
hmmm!!!! End Time Marriage
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Nobody: 1:02pm On Dec 01, 2015
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by pojophilius(m): 1:34pm On Dec 01, 2015
the moment i saw 'with the wife's blessings,i knew it will never be nigeria

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Mariojane(f): 1:47pm On Dec 01, 2015
hmmmmm. endtime indeed
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Nobody: 1:49pm On Dec 01, 2015
One big happy family. smiley
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Nobody: 2:20pm On Dec 01, 2015
Almost everything about them involves neatness
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by osesology(m): 3:14pm On Dec 01, 2015
What church and from which country?

Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by mu2sa2: 3:40pm On Dec 01, 2015
I don't expect much comments like " virgin hunter","paedophile " and insults because the man is not a Muslim.
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by heykims(m): 3:45pm On Dec 01, 2015
hmm monogamy and world deception

This write up was written by Chief Tola Adeniyi, a former MD of Daily Times.
It was at the Church service for the 90th birthday of the legendary Matriarch of
the Awo dynasty Chief Dr Hannah Dideolu Awolowo in Ikenne that the thoughts
that prompted this article began.
Some well known highly placed gentlemen and their wives were called upon to
partake in the wine sipping, bread breaking ritual called Holy Communion. As
soon as these respectable ladies and gentlemen, all of them past age 70, and
amongst whom were renowned professors, high court judges, legal luminaries
and business moguls, finished their spiritual blessing and were returning to their
seats, they caught a pitiable sight in their over-flowing garb of hypocrisy.
They wore forlorn mien plastered with furrowed frowned faces like some one
afflicted with putrid smell of heavy dose of fart.
They looked as if they were mourning a three-year-old boy mistakenly killed by
his own father, or the passing of a poor woman who has just succumbed to
excruciatingly painful cancer.
They clung to their wives as if they were newly wedded. I temporarily forgot
that I was in a holy Church, the spiritual enclave of Christians.
I almost laughed my head off because I knew each of the ‘holy' ‘monogamous'
men intimately and by Jove, I knew of their second, third or fourth wives/
mistresses with whom they had sired several children.
To the whole world they were champions of monogamy, but to their hearts and
conscience they were celebrated polygamists, or at best, serial monogamists.
I saw pain written all over them, the agony of living a lie, the unease of
hypocrisy, and the shame of going through life pretending to be what you are
This is the sort of agony a lot of the so-called monogamists go through all their
The series of lies they sell to their wives, and the double life they present to
their pastors and church leaders, most of whom are actually equally guilty of
hypocrisy and double life living.
This piece is not set out to condemn or criticize monogamy. Monogamy is
perfect for those who believe in its concept and can genuinely keep to it. I too
have been married to one lovely woman for almost 45 years and it has been like
a marriage made in heaven. I happen also to be the promoter along with some
friends the 35-year-old Family Club of Nigeria which is dedicated to the
upliftment and celebration of marriage and family values.
The article is designed to expose the hypocrisy and pain associated with
embracing false notions which are really not observed by any culture in the
world, and to advise those who erroneously sentence themselves to a life of
sadness and emptiness because they were deceived to believe that there is
some utopia somewhere called monogamy.
I am very much aware that this article will generate a lot of controversy most
especially from those who live holier-than-thou life and have continued to
deceive the world that they are upholders of a doctrine that is not supported by
true and enlightened interpretation of any religious doctrine.
The white men, I am yet to see any human being whose skin colour is like that
of chalk, came and told the unfortunate lands they invaded that the cherished
cultures, traditions and religions of such lands were rubbish, and instead
indoctrinated them with values which they themselves never believed in or truly
We know of King Henry Vlll, and several major historical figures in
pe who had more than one wife in addition of a string of wives who their ‘laws'
forbade them to address as wives but who nonetheless perform all the
functions of wife minus name.
God bless President Mitterrand who openly confessed to having two women in
his life, with the one in the other house with whom he fathered an 18-year-old
daughter at the time he passed on.
I have schooled, worked and lived virtually in all the continents of the world and
I make bold to say with all emphasis at my disposal that no culture on planet
earth truly practices monogamy.
My Greek, Italian, Russian, British, American and other Caucasians routinely
visit their other wives [called by other names] with whom they have children.
But back in the homes shared with the one carrying the ring, they are
If God had wanted humanity to be monogamous He or She would not have
made the pigeon the only monogamous creature. The cultures that practice
polygamy had always known that at any given time, the number of available
marriageable women far out number available men plus the fact that an 80-
year-old man, if he has money, is still very much in the market whereas a 60-
year-old woman may not be that lucky. The biological limitation to a woman's
productive age is also a factor. Why should a woman therefore remain on the
shelf till age 45 (!) when she could jolly well get married as second or sixth wife
to a man who can afford to share life's responsibilities with her?
Why should a woman leave a man with whom she is No 1, simply because he
took a second wife and end up being numberless in the hands of several men
with whom she naturally shares bed just because of some doctrine she hardly
All the women who should go and marry but are saying they do not want to
share their man with another woman in a polygamous setting, are sharing
current boyfriends with several other women. Where is the logic?
The argument that children in a polygamous house are always at each other's
throat does not hold water. Many siblings of monogamous families are known
to have had worse and irresolvable, irreconcilable squabble, with dirty bitterness
over inheritance than children from different mothers.
The agony suffered by both men and women in the hand of unnatural laws and
doctrines is too stifling for comfort.
In 2002, five hundred and two Reverend mothers were reported to have died
while procuring abortion in Rome (!!). Nigerian Tribune wrote an editorial on the
unfortunate incident. And stories of Reverend fathers having children and
sodomising young men in their care are legion! Why the hypocrisy? Why should
the world continue to live the life of Ostrich?
A well known Nigerian journalist hid his other wives from his wife because his
religion would not permit of it and his wife, living in monogamy should not hear
of it. At his funeral, 9 Funeral Service programmes by his 9 wives surfaced and
the woman parading the ring collapsed. It was the grace of God that prevented
double interment that day!
The Western world which had not learnt the art of living amicably with more
than one partner under the same roof has indulged in multiple serial marriages,
divorcing innocent wives under flimsy excuses so that another woman can
move in should not be measure of standard for the world.
Thank God Mrs Hillary Clinton in the US and Mrs Cook in England were very
much wiser. They refused to allow some indiscretion on the part of their
husbands to ruin their marriages.
There was a well known American actor who passed on about a decade ago
and all his 11 ex-wives with their numerous children attended his funeral. To
ridicule the lie of their hypocritical existence, all the women were recognized and
addressed as wives. As far as records show, the man had 11 wives!
Society must rethink this issue of pretentious monogamy vis-à-vis polygamy so
that in the not-too-distant future we do not end up with millions of unmarried
women whose life style would be worse than prostitutes' and millions of
children whose fathers would be nowhere to be found.

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Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Idydarling(f): 4:24pm On Dec 01, 2015
the poster above me is high on Pepsi
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by godwinky: 4:54pm On Dec 01, 2015
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Qualer: 5:55pm On Dec 01, 2015
the poster above me is high on Pepsi

grin grin correct Akwaibom babe, how far? will you be my second wife? cool
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by JudgementHammer: 6:29pm On Dec 01, 2015
Is his wife really a woman? Abi she's a man. Oyinbo life simple o. I trust naija pastor wife, she go make sure say she kill d girl and scatter d church by herself.

Or could it be dat the woman didn't really suffer with the man? Cus she's 44(16 yrs younger than her hubby). The man must have been made before she married him so her complain has limits or how? Well there's no culture of 1st n 2nd wife over there, but certainly the feminine jealousy is in every woman na, so wetin dey really happen?

That man must be feeling like a king sitting on human heads right now to have such a peaceful and gentle wife in this kinda situation. But I fear 4 him life o. The woman fit pull trigger inside him head overnight

Besides, I thought d pastor was just supposed to accept d child alone abi polygamy dey inside oyinbo bible?


Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by KelvinKelt(m): 6:46pm On Dec 01, 2015
Wolves in angels garment. End time pastor!
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Frostty: 7:31pm On Dec 01, 2015
if it were to be a muslim dat is involveld,we wld av had a lot of comments.mtcheeeeew.World of hypocrisy
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Idydarling(f): 7:34pm On Dec 01, 2015

grin grin correct Akwaibom babe, how far? will you be my second wife? cool
lols oga, make our wife no vex abeg
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by esther1994(f): 7:50pm On Dec 01, 2015
me too
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by Qualer: 8:42pm On Dec 01, 2015

lols oga, make our wife no vex abeg

she don give consent+blessing already, she was inspired by this article grin
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by teeboila(m): 9:43pm On Dec 01, 2015
End Time

End Time

End Time Marriage
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by OCTAVO: 12:22am On Dec 02, 2015
It's Ok.
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by miqos02(m): 6:05am On Dec 02, 2015
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by iamrealdeji(m): 7:14am On Dec 02, 2015
Bigamy is still a crime over there. The state even arrest offenders who aren't reported by their spouses. So I doubt the story.
what if the husband is a muslim and he marries 2 wives,is he still going to be arrested?
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by iamrealdeji(m): 7:27am On Dec 02, 2015
The man na trend setter,other whites go dey marry wives now
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by oglalasioux(m): 8:44am On Dec 02, 2015
what if the husband is a muslim and he marries 2 wives,is he still going to be arrested?
In saner climes state laws supersede religious laws.
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by nikkypearl(f): 8:46am On Dec 02, 2015
Endtime wife

@heykims angry angry u typed "209lines" and "989words".. Like seriously
Na your thread?
Re: Pastor Marries Pregnant Girlfriend With Wife’s Blessing(photos) by heykims(m): 9:31am On Dec 02, 2015
Endtime wife
@heykims angry angry u typed "209lines" and "989words".. Like seriously Na your thread?
u counted 209 lines and 989 words, na so u dey jobless, like seriously? No mind me jare, na copy and paste.

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