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14 Tips for Raising Great children - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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14 Tips for Raising Great children by Aminat508(f): 8:27am On Dec 11, 2015
Children are easily influenced by their surroundings. These days, it is extremely difficult to expose our children to an ideal Islamic environment given the influences from media, friends and even other members of the family.
With television, radio, Internet and forms of media mostly touting un-Islamic values, it is up to parents and adults close to the children to set the correct example.
It is impossible to shield our children from all the negative forces that can shape their minds and, ultimately, their behavior.

However, by our own example and showing them better options, we can set them on the true path, which is to obey the commandments of Allah (SWT) and our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).

Here are some tips you may want to follow in helping your children grow up with Islamic values:

1. Start by teaching them the importance of Worshipping only Allah

The best thing any Muslim parent could ever teach their children is to emphasize, from the day they can comprehend, that Allah (SWT) is One and no one is worthy of worship except Allah (SWT). This is the fundamental message of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and it is our key to Paradise.

2. Treat them kindly:

Kindness begets kindness. If we were kind to our children, they in turn would show kindness to others. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was the best example in being kind to children.

3. Teach them examples of Muslim heroes

Instead of Batman or Superman, tell them about real heroes such as Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and others Muslims heroes. Tell them how Muslim leaders brought a real peaceful change in the world and won the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

4. Let children sit with adults

It is preferable for children to be among adults, especially when listening to Islamic lectures. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would often put children in the front row when he spoke to the people.

5. Make them feel important

Consult them in family matters. Let them feel they are important members of the family and have a part to play in the growth and well-being of the family.

6. Go out as a family

Take family trips rather than allowing your children to always go out only with their friends. Let your children be around family and friends from whom you want them to pick up their values. Always remember that your children will become who they are around with most of the time. So, watch their company and above all give them YOUR Company.

7. Praise them

Praise is apowerfulwerful tool with children, especially in front of others. Children feel a sense of pride when their parents’ praise them and will be keen to perform other good deeds. However, praise must be limited to Islamic deeds and deeds of moral value.

8.Avoid humiliation

Similarly, do not humiliate them in front of others. Children make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes occur in their efforts to please the parents. If you are unhappy with your children, tell them in private.

9. Sports

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged sports such as swimming, running and horse riding. Other sports that build character and physical strength are also recommended, as long as the children maintain their Islamic identity, wear appropriate clothes and do not engage in unnecessary mixing.


Have faith in their abilities to perform tasks. Give them chores to do in line with their age. Convince them that they are performing an important function and you will find them eager to help you out again.

11. Don’t spoil them

Children are easily spoiled. If they receive everything they ask for, they will expect you to oblige on every occasion. Be wise in what you buy for them. Avoid extravagance and unnecessary luxuries. Take them to an orphanage or poor area of your city once in a while so they can see how privileged they are.

12. Don’t be friends

It is common in the West for parents to consider their children as friends. In Islam, it doesn’t work that way. If you have ever heard how friends talk to each other, then you will know that this is not how a parent-child relationship should be. You are the parents, and they should respect you, and this is what you should be teaching them. The friendship part should be limited to you and them keeping an open dialog so they can share their concerns with you and ask you questions when they have any.

13.Pray with them

Involve them in acts of worship. When they are young, let them see you in act of salaah (salat). Soon, they would be trying to imitate you. Wake them up for Fajr and pray as a family. Talk to them about the rewards of salaah so that it doesn’t feel like a burden to them.

14.Emphasize halal

It is not always good to say “this is haraam that is haraam”. While you must educate them on haram things, Islam is full of halaal and tell your children to thank Allah (SWT) for the bounties He has bestowed on them- not just for food and clothes.

Tell them to be thankful for having eyes that see, ears that hear arms and legs and, the ultimate blessing, Islam in their hearts.

Set an example: As parents, you are the best example the children can have. If you talk to your parents rudely, expect your children to do the same to you. If you are disrespectful to others, your children will follow too. Islam is filled with Divine advice on the best ways to bring up your children. That makes it an obligation upon parents to be good Muslims so their children will try to emulate them. If you don’t take Islam seriously, neither will your children. It goes back to our third point, which is to give them Islamic heroes. As a parent, you should be their number one hero.

Source: http://islam.ru/en/content/story/14-tips-raising-great-children

40 Likes 10 Shares

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Omotayor123(f): 8:32am On Dec 11, 2015
Noted...Nice one OP! Let the fathers and mothers come and learn.

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Ahmed4002(m): 9:54am On Dec 11, 2015
Raising a caring, respectful, ethical child is and always has been hard work. But it’s something all of us can do. And no work is more important or ultimately more rewarding.


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by ArikeAriyo(f): 11:39am On Dec 11, 2015
Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Judas2013: 11:49am On Dec 11, 2015
Marry them out early for loads of cash

15 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by bash4us(m): 11:51am On Dec 11, 2015
Good one. jazakallahu khairan

1 Like

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by FiftyFifty(m): 11:55am On Dec 11, 2015
Marry them out early for loads of cash

Judas indeed!

@Op: educating piece. Jazakillah bi khair.

@all: Jumu'at Kareem.
Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by monakii: 11:59am On Dec 11, 2015
allahu alam..... jazakallahu khairan

1 Like

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by jamislaw(m): 12:06pm On Dec 11, 2015
Nice post I hope people will learn from this.


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by bankot123: 12:10pm On Dec 11, 2015
Jazakallah kyran. May Allah reward you abundantly for that educative piece. It's serves as a reminder to us all.

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Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by simsbi(f): 12:13pm On Dec 11, 2015
Way to go

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Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by mugabe75: 12:13pm On Dec 11, 2015
Masha Allah.


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Jaymaxxy(m): 12:19pm On Dec 11, 2015
Great tips

1 Like

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by juniour4u(m): 12:27pm On Dec 11, 2015
Tell me where jusus made mention of christianity in ur so called bibbe and then u cn try to convince me IDIOT
Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by yahyamay(m): 12:28pm On Dec 11, 2015
JazakumuLah kayran

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Nobody: 12:28pm On Dec 11, 2015
Thanks sis.

1 Like

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by ashjamu(f): 12:30pm On Dec 11, 2015
U pple shuld give ur life to Jesus and stop decieving urself in islam. Islam is an evil cult that is bent on causing problems in d world, every were islam exist there is trouble wat kind of silly religion is dat.
Pls giv ur lives to christ b4 its too late
keep ur stupid advice, must u comment or did u miss ur way, y can't u guy leave d Muslim n concentrate on ur religion. God help u 2day na Friday


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by abuhubaidah: 12:37pm On Dec 11, 2015
Jaza'ki llahu kula kayr...jumhatun muba'raka


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by kentrowiz(m): 12:38pm On Dec 11, 2015
Marry them out early for loads of cash
judas iscariot indeed. jumuah Mubarak brothers and sisters ...
Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by HCF(m): 12:39pm On Dec 11, 2015
@Op. That's quite educative. Parenting is an onerous task. And it is becoming more and more difficult by the day. May Allah make it easier for us all.
Jumma'ah Mubaraq!!


Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Ismukha: 1:16pm On Dec 11, 2015
May Allah reward you abundantly for this useful tips. And may He make easy for us to emulate. Mashallah.

1 Like

Re: 14 Tips for Raising Great children by Nobody: 1:30pm On Dec 11, 2015
U pple shuld give ur life to Jesus and stop decieving urself in islam. Islam is an evil cult that is bent on causing problems in d world, every were islam exist there is trouble wat kind of silly religion is dat.
Pls giv ur lives to christ b4 its too late
you shut th Bleep up. check your profile, you also believe in Allah.

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