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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible (2342 Views)
Hi / A Very Critical Alert!the Niv Bible Has Now Removed 64,575 Words From The Bible. / Why You Should Do Away With Your NIV Bible For Good (2) (3) (4)
Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by ducramsey99(m): 10:24pm On Dec 13, 2015 |
Was in church today when our minister called a bible verse and a man was about to read when the minister asked him the version of. The bible he said NIV. BIBLE and our minister told the man to change the bible that it was not from GOD. For example NIV in John 3:16 where Jesus is no longer proclaimed as the “only BEGOTTEN Son of God.”NIV was written by a homosexual and it satanic....NIV is the best selling BIBLE in the world today....DEvil is at work cos bible is the only way to destroy christains......BEWARE.... Go online and see for ursef...... |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by ifenes(m): 10:26pm On Dec 13, 2015 |
King Jame is Bisexual English King wrote the KJV tho 1 Like |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by Nobody: 10:54pm On Dec 13, 2015 |
NIV is a distorted concoction by some dangerous fellows. I got one sometime ago and dumped it shortly after. Burn it! |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by Nobody: 10:58pm On Dec 13, 2015 |
ducramsey99: If your pastor truly said this, then I would like to say that he is spiritually sensitive. Stick with him. His spiritual senses are active still. Some many spiritually numb pastors can't differentiate truth from false. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by henry255: 11:04pm On Dec 13, 2015 |
I need more proof |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by bittertalk1993(m): 12:08am On Dec 14, 2015 |
henry255: google search it n U'll see a lot of proof dt it's truelly bad. D bible actually glorified satan n his deeds, same wit NKJV, n d rest like dat. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by bittertalk1993(m): 12:10am On Dec 14, 2015 |
In short @ d end of my research, it was on KING JAMES VERSION dt was certified 2 b gud. NOTE: not NKJV, dt 1 too was written by an agent of satan. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 12:33am On Dec 14, 2015 |
Many Bibles are translated differently to each other but I don't have much of a problem with any except the New World Translation it should be avoided at all costs read this short article: |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by italo: 8:24am On Dec 14, 2015 |
When the Catholic Church was trying to prevent the adulteration of the Bible, protestants said they were preventing people from knowing the truth. Now protestants are confessing that they have adulterated their 'bible.' (NIV, KJV). ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by CoolUsername: 10:44am On Dec 14, 2015 |
Politicos:He probably found out through some Whatsapp chainmail. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 11:19pm On Dec 14, 2015 |
italo: The New World Translation is the only adulterated bible version that I know off, and the so called Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian, no matter what they say. I for one have no problem with NIV and KJV |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 11:31pm On Dec 14, 2015 |
italo: @bold, I agree with those protestants. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by italo: 10:14am On Dec 15, 2015 |
johnw74: johnw74: You say the NWT is adulterated. Your fellow Protestants say NIV, KJV and other versions are adulterated. So which "truth" have Protestants known that the Catholic Church was preventing you from knowing? 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 11:54pm On Dec 15, 2015 |
italo: You should ask those protestants, I have said I don't have a problem with those two Bibles you talk about. I believe the jw bible is adulterated, i don't believe jw's are christians. I haven't read any rcc bible so I cannot comment on that, but by the rcc unbibilical traditions perhaps your bible is adulterated too. But I will give you one example of what the rcc have tried to prevent people from knowing: The catholic church have tried to prevent people from knowing the Truth of being able to pray to Almighty God Himself, and they taught people to pray before statues, and to Mary the mother of Jesus instead off to God Himself, i think they still do teach that. rcc even have statues of Joseph, Jesus's step Father in their churches, and statues of angels and so on. Exo 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me. Exo 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Exo 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, catholics kneel down and pray before statues, they even kneel and pray before the statues of popes, dead men. they obviously don't believe the Bible(above verses) |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by italo: 7:30am On Dec 16, 2015 |
johnw74: And you Protestants have found the truth that the bible teaches you to eat snakes and drink Petrol in your "churches?" Meanwhile Anglicans and some other Protestants also have statues in their "churches" like the statues in Joshua 7:6 in their bibles. Are their Bibles (KJV and others) also adulterated by Catholic tradition? Now that Protestants have "found the truth," why are you all teaching contradictory doctrines (even those of you reading the very same version e.g King James)? E.g one "church" say eat snakes, the other says don't. One "church" tells his female members to come naked to "church," the other says don't. One "church" says NWT is adulterated, the other says KJV and NIV are adulterated. One So where is this truth that you claim the Catholic Church was hiding? |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 10:42pm On Dec 16, 2015 |
italo: Then like I said go and tell them protestants, I don't believe any of that rubbish you talk about. So where is this truth that you claim the Catholic Church was hiding? I gave you one example, are you blind? go back and read my posts. [/quote] |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by italo: 7:08am On Dec 17, 2015 |
johnw74:You're a Protestant because you use the Protestant "bible." And you and your fellow Protestants can't agree on the truth. Some of you eat snakes, others don't. Some drink petrol, others don't. Some have statues, others don't. Some say Jesus is God, others say he is man. Some go to Church naked, others don't. Some of your pastors teach your wives/sisters/mothers to such "anointed milk" from their pastors penis, others teach that 'anointing' will come when the pastors penetrate your wives/mothers/sisters vaginas... ...and you want to tell me about "truth." ![]() |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by johnw74: 11:23pm On Dec 17, 2015 |
italo: No, I don't want to tell you anything as to your description of protestants: even the worst Christian is better than an italo rc but you go on continuing to pray before the statues of dead people, that's the good little girl. |
Re: Secret Of Why Christains Should Not Use The Niv Bible by italo: 5:52am On Dec 18, 2015 |
johnw74:These are your opinions, not God's. |
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