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Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? - Romance (8) - Nairaland

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He Killed His Wife After Going Through this Picture. / GOING THROUGH A DEVASTATING BREAK UP. Please Help Me Friends!! Am Dying Silently / Snooping On Your Partner's Phone (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Corn99(m): 8:20am On Dec 17, 2015
my papa only dey check my mama fone towards d end of d month 4 alerts!

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 8:38am On Dec 17, 2015

One of the first rules I clearly define in my relationship: You don't touch my phone(s) and I dont touch yours...Use passwords,pattern lock,voice lock if you wish,Am not interested in your phone(s)...My friends, colleagues n family members can go through my phone,if I have a password,I will give them.But a man am romantically involved with be you boyfriend/fiance/husband has no business going through my phone neither do I have anything to do with his phone.

Why can't you allow someone you're romantically involved with even your husband check your phone yet you don't have a problem with other persons checking your phone? Aren't you supposed to be open to each other?
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 8:41am On Dec 17, 2015
You guys talking about trust and not snooping I really don't get it. ...I dated this guy and he is everything a woman would want.the first time we met, he told me outright that he had a baby mama. .I was somehow cool with it. I still felt there was something I didn't know. ..For over a year I couldn't find any thing..until last month I used his phone to call my sister and bam! I saw his call log....I was stored with the name absu. ..I wan die that day..fortunately for me I wasn't into him anymore so I no too vex...If I snoop the thing since e for no reach 1year
Holy shiit! grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Praisekizz(m): 8:52am On Dec 17, 2015
It is an end time habit
what kind mumu reply is dis?

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 8:56am On Dec 17, 2015

Lol. I just wan clear myself make all these amateur feminists no face me ni.

If babe cannot pick call in my presence, I normally keep quiet. I try not to bring it up until I see other corresponding signs. It's too much stress to be investigating a woman. They will always meet more interesting guys who are richer, more fascinating and more handsome. Normal tin. Once the signs are obvious to me, I'll prepare my mind for a break up.
I love your principles, I think it's a suicide mission trying to investigate his girlfriend, my girlfriend is perfect in doing such act, she'll always move away to pick her calls, I'm even tired..

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by MrLeno(m): 9:02am On Dec 17, 2015
Me I have not done it before. I nor wan see wetin go pain me. My phone is accessible to my babe. But she too doesn't care about my messages and chats.

She be woman. I know there are guys who would be toasting her, sending love messages and all and me I don't want to see that nonsense make I no I vex curse somebody destiny. grin (just kidding).

My chairman, the problem is not in the receiving of such messages by your babe, but in the replies that such messages will elicit

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by McTobe(m): 9:07am On Dec 17, 2015

done grin
kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa

ndukwu pischure dey gif you erection abi tonguetongue
D Ndukwu lily captivate my eyes o. now that it has gone let me go back to my ghost mode where I will kip monitoring u on my magic mirror. No forget share me anytime fight start o. Missy Spicy u be BODMAS grin grin
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by SleekyPosh(m): 9:14am On Dec 17, 2015
Well if he or she is cheating, its beta to know very early, than to go two three years in the relationship and find out they have been cheating.. There is nothing like insecure nonsense.. She can check my phone if she want, and i can check hers.. The earlier u find out the better, am always a fan of; make sure u break up with me, if you want to cheat. Just be matured about it. undecided

GBAMZ!! cool
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by McTobe(m): 9:16am On Dec 17, 2015

@bolded,thank you for that word,I think that is what its mostly about

lol@violated,tonguetongue God catch you,you cannot help but be drawn to our lomance banter gringringrin

BTW wch section do you belong?
I dey come Lomance thread on Ghost mode & observe with my magic mirror so tay I shock say Lomance enter my most visited on my profile but I be Politics major, religion minor & flirt any thread with good Tory but NEVER on Celebrity abi celebration.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by misspicy(f): 9:23am On Dec 17, 2015
D Ndukwu lily captivate my eyes o. now that it has gone let me go back to my ghost mode where I will kip monitoring u on my magic mirror. No forget share me anytime fight start o. Missy Spicy u be BODMAS grin grin
lol gringrin

this assignment you want to gif me so,I will charge you o tongue
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by misspicy(f): 9:25am On Dec 17, 2015
I dey come Lomance thread on Ghost mode & observe with my magic mirror so tay I shock say Lomance enter my most visited on my profile but I be Politics major, religion minor & flirt any thread with good Tory but NEVER on Celebrity abi celebration.
ehen you are a spy right,

Fara.no come and see one,he is spying on us undecided
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by ileogbenfidel(m): 9:43am On Dec 17, 2015
Except you want heart attack of all time
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 9:47am On Dec 17, 2015
there's no point in communication, if your partner is a liar or not ready to communicate. It's
It's also not insecurity, its just to make sure. It evens helps you understand the type of person you are with from the type of chats he/she has with friends.

Someone who has nothing to hide will not password or hide his/her phone from his/her partner. Whoever does that certainly doesn't want the partner to find out something he/she is hiding. Simple.

I wouldn't be dating a liar in the first place.

Yes! It's insecurity! I don't mean like insecure about yourself or not confident in yourself. But that's 100% insecurity in the relationship.

Ehm no. Does it mean I should put a password on my phone when I leave my house and when my partner is around I should remove it ? Not everyone has ulterior motives. My partner can use my phone to do whatever he pleases, what I don't like is that he's going through my phone expecting to find something negative about me.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by jasysandra(f): 9:50am On Dec 17, 2015
Checked his phone once and found out he was cheating on me with his student but then if I hadn't found that out,he wouldn't have changed into the man he is today.

I think it's important to check once in a while.No matter the trust,your man could be making a mistake only you can help correct.Temptation everywhere oooooo grin
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by khadupsie(f): 9:50am On Dec 17, 2015
Never liked it. Never gonna like it. I can't even find my way 'round other people's phone so leave mine alone!
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:00am On Dec 17, 2015
Every time I have ever checked it, I have seen stuff that will save me from a lifetime of deceit and misery, so I'm gonna keep checking.

Very funny grin
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 10:33am On Dec 17, 2015
My bf is permitted to touch my phone 2/4/7....nothing to hide.... That's transparency in a relationship.
more like this..
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 10:35am On Dec 17, 2015
Mr. Timbuktou I know you have something to say.. looking forward to ur reply
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 10:38am On Dec 17, 2015
Every time I have ever checked it, I have seen stuff that will save me from a lifetime of deceit and misery, so I'm gonna keep checking.
Check o.. as far it will save you from deciet..

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 10:41am On Dec 17, 2015
there's no point in communication, if your partner is a liar or not ready to communicate. It's
It's also not insecurity, its just to make sure. It evens helps you understand the type of person you are with from the type of chats he/she has with friends.

Someone who has nothing to hide will not password or hide his/her phone from his/her partner. Whoever does that certainly doesn't want the partner to find out something he/she is hiding. Simple.
oh lawd.. You are Jus wonderful babe..

Communication can never stop a cheating partner That's what she doesn't know.. atimes taking action is necessary .

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by creamylicious(f): 10:49am On Dec 17, 2015

very true.. I have seen cases where people who think they are in love with the best person only to discover their partners are actually cheatz.

Honestly if you didn't discovered that, you have a higher risk to be dump, contact STD as a result of several partners ,Heartbroken too..

My opinion is simple, I don't hide anything from friends not to talk more about partner, only those who have a skeleton will hide their fones from their partner..
this issue is complex. Very very complex. They may have a skeleton and it may not be on their phones. D name of the other partner is not stored, d dude is not on any social network so you can't find chat messages......
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by cheerycoco(f): 10:51am On Dec 17, 2015
Well,i go through my boyfriend's phone like every second i have an opportunity,i read his messages,watsapp,facebook,vault messages,and the truth is that i do it mostly involuntarily,sometimes i try so hard not to touch his phone but i can't control it. I know he luvs me and i luv him but he cheats on me,he tries to hide it by using vault to hide all the calls and messages but i still unlock them,sometimes i stay awake all night when i visit him to browse the phone and i don't know how to stop,i get hurt everytime i go tru his phone. I called 2 of those girls and warn them to leave him alone and i know they reported it to him but he will never ask me and he will still behave normal as if he didn't hear anything.I know u guys will advice me to leave him but i can't because i have a phobia of loneliness.and i am so used to him and i love him.

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 10:55am On Dec 17, 2015
The last time i checked my husband phone dat was when i realised i av been living in fool paradise. wat i discovered almost broke our home even up til now i stil find it hard to believe him.

All d same i stil snoop once in a while to check if he has kept his promise.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by walezy14(m): 11:04am On Dec 17, 2015
To be specific, a married couple should not hide, lock or prohibit each other from accessing their phones except if skeleton is on their cupboard. Know that 1+1 in marriage is 1. protecting your phone from your partner is 95% cheat and infidelity
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 11:04am On Dec 17, 2015
Going through your partners phone, in my opinion is amoral.its neither right nor wrong. Its d motive with which its done that judtes it right or wrong.
I feel compelled to share my story, it mite save someone from a bad relationship.
As a young teenager, going through my dad's files and my mom's wardrobe was my pastime. I discovered a lot of family history that i mite never have been told through the habit.
When i started having girlfriends, before the days of mobile phones, i usually would checm their bags and purses, not looking for anything,just fiddling.

Lately, i had a relationship for more than 2 years, and you can guess that my habit continued and i would check fones.
I had grounds not to trust her.

Our first disagreement was because i noticed she didn't av any of my pics on her fones. I had countless of hers on all my devices. Stories of network failure would come up if i use her pic as dp and ask dat she uses mine.

she self confessed to a dirty past with countless men. That was heart breaking.

There was dis colleague (she's a colleague too) that would send romantic messages to her and she claimed there was nothing between them. It turned out she's been screwing him. She later self confessed of the deed which happened when i was out of town and we had a slight disagreement. I forgave her.

She got pregnant and aborted it against my wish.

Later, we broke up cos i felt the relationship was heading nowhere..she's ibo, am yoruba...she won't introduce me to her people or come for my family functions..a indices of a serious relationship were lacking except sex.

after 4 months we made up. I told her i was seeing someone else who did not reside in our cityscapes (with whom i have immediately started having marriage plans...had met the family and all), she said she didn't mind. I asked if she was seeing someone and she said no. I travelled and disengaged with the other lady.

The relationship seemed back on track until after abt 3 weeks. I had noticed a flirtatious gesture between her and a newly recruited guy at work who by all standards cannot be a threat to me. I told her of my observation and she denied any possibility, d guy is just being a friend.

Days later, she forgot one of her fones at work and asked me to hell her pick it up. I did and opened d fone cos i knew her password. Actually, she is said i shd switch off d fone but i didn't, acting on instincts.

I was just checking call logs, pics and all. And so i stumbled on a picture of her and d guy she denied together, in an undeniable posture. I put it to her and who can deny a picture ?

Needless to say that was the end of the relationship. She went public with the guy claiming she didn't cheat on me cos we broke up. It turned out she's met guy before his recruitment, before we broke up. Guy was sacked. End of story.

Moral Lesson : If i didn't av an evidence frkm her fone, she would have kept on srewing me along guy, and probably many others.

If two partners are meant to become one, then there's nothing to hide from each other.
Good you saved urself from lies and deciets
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by repogirl(f): 11:06am On Dec 17, 2015
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by repogirl(f): 11:06am On Dec 17, 2015

I wouldn't be dating a liar in the first place.

Yes! It's insecurity! I don't mean like insecure about yourself or not confident in yourself. But that's 100% insecurity in the relationship.

Ehm no. Does it mean I should put a password on my phone when I leave my house and when my partner is around I should remove it ? Not everyone has ulterior motives. My partner can use my phone to do whatever he pleases, what I don't like is that he's going through my phone expecting to find something negative about me.
you have refused to get it, I am not saying one should be paranoid, just quite aware of who one is with.

This is a win win situation...you don't find anything, Great you have a good partner and if you find some incriminating things then you will save your self a whole lot of heartbreak and whatnot.

You might not agree with it fine, I guess experience will be your best teacher.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by anumide(f): 11:08am On Dec 17, 2015
sad my man will not touch my phone with a ten metre pole. look picture sef, na wahala.
but he will leave his phone with me and travel sef, beg me to respond to his IMs and the likes. grin
strange huh
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 11:12am On Dec 17, 2015
you have refused to get it, I am not saying one should be paranoid, just quite aware of who one is with.

But I guess experience will be your best teacher.

I've enough experience to last me forever and a day.

Yes. But you are aware of the guy before you started dating him. The only reason you're snooping is cause you don't trust him. If you find nothing the trust won't just suddenly develop. It's so much more effective if you just told the guy you're uncomfortable and why. And if he loved you enough he'd change .

No oo! I think it's utterly disrespectful. I know the kind of person I am and if I ever had a man snoop on me to find out something bad about me I'd 100% be done with him. Because trust will not be the biggest thing we will encounter. We're not on a battlefield. We're on the same side of the team. We will have other problems and are you going to solve them by spying on me ? What? It's such atrocious behavior. Will you ask for a DNA test to verify our child is ours ?
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 11:13am On Dec 17, 2015
Mr. Timbuktou I know you have something to say.. looking forward to ur reply

Nna, you must check o. Forget all that trust talk. Trust, but verify. Nigerian girls are not playing. Believe them at your own peril. Any man that doesnt fùck a Nigerian babe with a condom is either very brave or very naive. It will end on tears.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by sinistermind(m): 11:21am On Dec 17, 2015
The truth is that wetin u dey find for ur partner phone, u go see am. What I don't know cannot hurt me. My smartphones are on passwords tho. My chats are mine alone. grin
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Odunharry(m): 11:23am On Dec 17, 2015
you have refused to get it, I am not saying one should be paranoid, just quite aware of who one is with.

This is a win win situation...you don't find anything, Great you have a good partner and if you find some incriminating things then you will save your self a whole lot of heartbreak and whatnot.

You might not agree with it fine, I guess experience will be your best teacher.
she's still getting it wrong by saying she won't be dating a liar in the first place..

A liar, thief, fraudster, woman beater and what have you won't tell you they are all those..
Make she leave matter for Matthias

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