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Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Jamesrock(m): 12:23pm On Dec 16, 2015

catholic have levies and receipts/forms that they tick off as you pay those levies be it harvest levy, CMO levy etc.

All the churches are the same when it comes to money matters.
Well its not compulsory as Pentecostals.... if u no pay, ure still a bonafide member

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Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Tamarauebi1: 12:31pm On Dec 16, 2015
Hmmmm........the Lord is good, all the time!
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Aremu01(m): 12:34pm On Dec 16, 2015
A true believers should know that tithe is compulsory but I don't believe it's right for you to be forced to pay it
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Nobody: 12:35pm On Dec 16, 2015

please explain "...in order nt to be removed frm the shush roll, and the amount needed to retain your membership"

Removal from church roll might suggest that said person who the letter was sent to isnt just a member but also a worker in the church therefore not being able to fulfil financial obligations might have a considerable effect on the roll of the said member in church.

If you are a church member and not just an attendee there are various roles you are tasked with amongst them is paying church dues, and also being able to participate in electing church officials to oversee the church affairs, contributing to the growth and development of the church also comes with being a bonafide member.

However being a church attendee does not give you these priviledges, you come to church only on sundays does not make you a member, there is a difference.

The fact that you can attend lectures in a university but you havent fulfilled all statutory and financial obligations of that university, does that make you a student?
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Nobody: 12:36pm On Dec 16, 2015
So True !!

Same here,i cant just leave Anglican.Most of the new generation churches are just money driven.its all about prosperity
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Spanner4(m): 12:37pm On Dec 16, 2015
angry angry
Churches been striping ppl of there money since 1800
Season of madness is here cheesy
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by macfish101(m): 12:43pm On Dec 16, 2015
Na so na......u tink say pastor come do charity service for una.....sometimes u nid to remind ur members to pay up or else, hungry go scatter all the anointing wey u don get. Pay ur money joor! Evry worker has got a pay day.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by wunmi590(m): 12:50pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches

I tell you my brother.


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Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by edekoln: 12:50pm On Dec 16, 2015
Any pastor that collects tithe from his clients is a thief because Christ did not promise to bless his followers if they pay tithe. So, He cant deliver on a promise he didnt make in the first place. But he has made a better promise to hisfollowers in Jn 10:10 & Jn 3:16: A LIFE OF ABUDANCE AND EVERLASTING LIFE, which are way better than the blessings of open heaven that is based on tithe. Believe in Christ and have eternal life plus a life of abudance or believe in tithe and hope for windows of open heaven blessings Christnever promised christians. Make the right chioce today and stop being decieved these pulpit pimps.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by slap1(m): 12:51pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
Catholics don't pay tithes?
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by SIRmuel86(m): 12:54pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
Shey u dey drink ORIGIN? cool
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by excel101(m): 12:54pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
. Because u dnt want to about tithe, right?
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by cytellProperty: 1:12pm On Dec 16, 2015
Catholic na church?
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by kunledegreat(m): 1:26pm On Dec 16, 2015
One of the reasons I left Christianity for Agnosticism. Not surprised!
grin grin grin
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Caliph69: 1:41pm On Dec 16, 2015
. Even though they deny the dead for not fulfilling the rites, it didn't stop them for burying the dead!
You didn't get my point. The church won't hold burial rites because the deceased was in didn't pay up levies/dues while alive.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by DedeNkem: 1:56pm On Dec 16, 2015
That's what religion is all about - MONEY.
And s*uckers fall for it.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by mildflame: 2:00pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches

Catholic wetin! Is it not a Priest in one of the catholic churches in Amuwo Odofin who openly gave out is account details during service all in d name of special prayer.
All of 'em are same, catholic or not
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by goodnewscliff(m): 2:27pm On Dec 16, 2015
This reminds me of the scripture of John where God destroyed the cruel men who turned the house of God to a hub of business centres...
.....hey, it wasn't God...twas jesus..bsides they where not destroyed buh flogged wit a whip 4 making d houx of God a merchandize

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Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by mitchyy(f): 2:54pm On Dec 16, 2015
I remember when a friend in my hostel then in school had his expensive wristwatch seized because he couldn't sell all his daily manna books given to him to sell by the church. And funny enough, he didn't see anything wrong in that. Churches shouldn't be a burden on people.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by francescainnoce(f): 3:11pm On Dec 16, 2015
.....hey, it wasn't God...twas jesus..bsides they where not destroyed buh flogged wit a whip 4 making d houx of God a merchandize
Hey hun.. In as much as I appreciate your comment but can I kindly tell you that in my faith, I believe Jesus is LORD and in that context I can literally call him God and hey you don't have to believe me and feel free to go against me but respect my belief and I gladly Would.
Again my dear, read your bible very well or better still get a visual display of that; you can find that out on YouTube.
A good reference is titled
Having said that, need I say that I still stand firm with my initial assertion that GOD through Jesus punished destroyed the people who turned his fathers temple to a business hub....
Destroy in this context is in line with the traditional practice that where a man works, there he eats so if JESUS let out the birds to fly and turn over tables and have their money scattered all over.... What then is the definition of DESTRUCTION.
I appreciate you wanted to put me right* but be ready for an educative debate.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by pmjg(m): 3:13pm On Dec 16, 2015
make the man self go pay naa
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Nobody: 3:14pm On Dec 16, 2015
Born catholic, raised catholic, die catholic
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Alezy(m): 5:27pm On Dec 16, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
And who said Catholic churches don't demand cash??

the thing is, money is always needed to run a church. The honest truth
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Alezy(m): 5:29pm On Dec 16, 2015
I remember when a friend in my hostel then in school had his expensive wristwatch seized because he couldn't sell all his daily manna books given to him to sell by the church. And funny enough, he didn't see anything wrong in that. Churches shouldn't be a burden on people.
God forbid bad thing. The first person to get close to me will receive a bang that has never hit him or her before
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by uzoronwusa: 5:37pm On Dec 16, 2015
theres no mention of tithe here ooo.looks more like development levy of the fellowship.op pls stop misleading people and staining the name of the church. theres judgement oo.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Apina(m): 6:43pm On Dec 16, 2015

catholic have levies and receipts/forms that they tick off as you pay those levies be it harvest levy, CMO levy etc.

All the churches are the same when it comes to money matters.
We aren't all the same. At least we don't get to send you a letter
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Nobody: 8:13pm On Dec 16, 2015

You didn't get my point. The church won't hold burial rites because the deceased was in didn't pay up levies/dues while alive.
oh, that you mean. but even though, if they understand the situation of the person or his background they still go ahead with the burial. Catholic traditions are not so strick to the call!
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Billygee2u: 1:09am On Dec 17, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches
Catholic worst.
we all are from Catholic
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Billygee2u: 1:10am On Dec 17, 2015
Things of God is not by force.. Its willingly... God doesn't force people to praise him... Thereby this letter is useless... U don't nid ur name to be in the book of. Church and missed in the book of life..
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by Virgo22: 3:09am On Dec 17, 2015
I think the church is damn broke too. For them not to have cut the man some slack.. lol. let's pray for the church grin
My Nairalander, Let me know what you make of this letter. I will like to read your toughts on it grin grin


Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by akinladejo: 3:54am On Dec 17, 2015
Founder must be from Nigeria.
Re: Church Sends Man Letter For Refusing To Pay Dues by vooks: 3:57am On Dec 17, 2015
That is why I will always remain catholic.

No time for these end time churches

Keep your cash and lose your soul to paganism,idolatry and devil worship

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