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Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 4:42pm On Jun 10, 2009
Are you a Muslim who wants to come to the saving Grace of the Lord Jesus and know that you are loved and have an assurance of salvation?
Do you want to know the peace of God that passes all understanding.
Watch these 68 testimonies of fellow Muslims who encountered the saving Grace in the Lord and if you have any questions please contact me on babyosisi@hotmail.com

You too can call him father.

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 5:06pm On Jun 10, 2009
From Darkness To Light

I was born and raised in a conservative Muslim family. Ever since I was ten years old I’ve been reading the Quran on a daily basis and performing my Islamic duties such as fasting and prayer. Then when I was twelve, I started going to the Friday prayer at the mosque next door every week.

As years passed by, my knowledge in Islam increased. I was extremely religious but I had no true relationship with the God I was worshipping; for I always had felt that there’s a barrier separating me from God. That’s why I tried to reach him by performing those duties such as prayer and fasting.

In spite of my religiousness, I felt that there was a great void within me filling me completely. I never knew what my fate was after death…. For I worshipped God on the outside only. But on the inside, I was a slave to many bad habits and lusts. I couldn’t break free from those habits by fasting, praying or trying to lead a spiritual life. What I truly needed was a heavenly force which would free me and break me loose from the bondage of sin.

[b]Through reading the Quran I discovered the greatness and uniqueness of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ. He was wonderful and magnificent… for he’s the Word of God… a Spirit of God… and our intercessor in this life and the life to come…. he is close to God… he is the pure sinless child… he came to this world miraculously, for he was born of a Blessed Virgin untouched by man. Add to all that the fact that he lived a life free of sin and lusts – for the Quran says that all Prophets have sinned and asks for forgiveness from God, that is except for our master "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ. The Quran also says that he performed great miracles unmatched by anyone else. All of that made me wonder…. Who is this "Isa (Jesus)? Is he a mere Prophet? Or is he something greater? Why has the Quran given him all these privileges?

With all the confusion I had I though I ought to search for the truth no matter what it would cost! So I endeavored on reading the Quran from beginning to end deeply. That was when I came upon a verse there, "If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt. [Quran, Yunus 10:94, Yusuf Ali’s translation]".[/b]This verse was the key of answering all my questions and removing all my doubts… so I wondered, who are those who were reading "the Book" before the Muslims?

The answer came to me from the Quran itself! Those are the Jews and Christians
– for the Quran calls them "the People of the Book" because they have the Torah and the Injeel (Gospel), and the Quran orders every Muslim who doesn’t understand it to go back to the Torah and the Injeel (Gospel).

That very day, I hurriedly bought a copy of the Holy Bible. I started reading it… in it I felt that the words of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" cannot be the words of men; for no man or prophet dare say that he is the Way, Truth and Life… "No one comes to the Father except through me [John 14:6]"… "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. [John 8:12]"… I decided that I should study the life of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ in more depth, for I was overwhelmed by great passion to know more about his unique character.

I read in the Holy Bible that our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ came to the world to save man from sin, and to set him free from bondage to the Devil. I realized the truth of the Gospel in my personal life, and I found in the sinless person of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ… well, I found in his sacrifice the solution to the problem of sin in my life. For in his crucifixion is the atonement for all my sins and iniquities. I decided to seek him and his precious blood for shelter because he is the one who died instead of me and shed his holy blood for me!

I couldn’t achieve salvation on my own, not by doing good words or my duties or anything else for that matter. So I decided to submit my life to him. On that very day, I bowed my head and asked the Lord to forgive me my transgressions. Finally, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.

Monthir Abdulatiff

My Muslim friend, if you have any question concerning Issa El-Massih, please write me at monthirabdulattif@yahoo.com
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by Nobody: 5:43pm On Jun 10, 2009
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

by any means necessary

if not with honey then with vinegar

do you really think we can't play the same game cheesy cheesy

My Experience:
by Mr. Stephen Huber

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Dear Webmaster [www.aaiil.org],

I will write a few lines about my experience:

I grew up in New Jersey, just a few minutes from New York City. My father, who died in 1982 was a non practicing Catholic. My mother was, and still is a strong Protestant. I have one younger brother. It was my mother who had the most influence over my brother and me when we were young. Her religious views were what we were told to accept. Over the years, this seemed to work out well for my brother, but not for myself. I struggled for a very long time with Protestant Christianity, but I never found peace. I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I went to college and got a Bachelor of Science Degree, with a Social Work Major. My college years helped me to realize that it was ok to challenge what I had been taught. I studied other faiths, and philosophies. I found many of them very interesting, but not what I was looking for. I guess what I was actually seeking was truth. I always believed that when I found it, I would somehow realize it inside me. During my senior year at college, I got married. My wife and I have been together for twelve years. She has always been very supportive of my spiritual search. A little over a year ago, I began reading about Islam. It wasn't until I purchased The Holy Qur'an, translated by Maulana Muhammad Ali (with his commentary) that I began to discover the truth about Islam. I was so blessed by this wonderful book, that one day I decided to look up the publisher on the Internet. It was then, by the grace of Allah, that I discovered the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. The information that it gave me was wonderful. I gradually came to realize that Islam was what I had been searching for all my life. I am so grateful to everyone involved with the movement, because if it wasn't for them, I would probably never have discovered the truth about Islam. I am so grateful that I can honestly say that I know that there is no god besides Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. I was so happy to mail my Pledge Forms into The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. I pray to Allah that my life will bring glory to Him. I know that I have much to learn. I look forward to the process.

Conversion Story:
by Aasim Izzatul Islam
[The American Roman Catholic Christian-turned-Sunni Muslim brother (29-year-old male) who became a Lahore Ahmadi Muslim on 12th November 2001]

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Dear Webmaster,

I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic tradition. My family was devoted to the pre-Vatican II liturgy, and refused to attend Mass. Consequently, my religious education was more of tradition rather than true catechism.

I had always held in my heart a boyish wonder and awe for God. I knew God was important, and with the eyes of a child, I sought Him wherever I went. I usually found Him in quiet old men, or in the voice of a gentle mother.

When I turned eighteen, I chose to complete my religious education and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Because of my zealous studies, I was usually the "teacher" when I went to class. This made me flush with pride.

After I was confirmed, I continued to teach catechism. When I turned twenty, I entered the Society of Jesus, popularly known as the Jesuit Order. As a novice in the Order, my views of religion and Christianity would change forever.

I studied comparative religion and chose Islam. As I compared the two, Christianity made less sense, and the message of the Prophet (pbuh) was bright and clear. This, of course, frightened me! I feared that an atom of doubt would cast me into the fire. I stopped reading about Islam, and continued on.

I left the Order after two brief years. I returned home. I did not attend Mass. I did not pray! I was completely disillusioned with my faith and devastated by what I had conceived as a failure. I no longer believed in the dogma and the many teachings of the Church. In my heart I knew many of the teachings were false and were an obstacle to my relationship with God.

I covered myself in the secular world and lived as a secular man. No prayer. No faith. I hid my pain and my doubts and my fears. Finally, after eight years, I broke down. I needed God. I had always needed Him. So I began to search.

I remember the amazement I felt when reading the Quran. This time, I was not afraid. I started reading about Islam. I discovered so many new and beautiful truths. Truths that Allah (swt) had known all along. Truths He was trying to tell me. Finally, I was listening.

I met a Muslim a little more than a year ago. We never spoke of religion. Yet I watched him with fascination. He was devoted to salat [prayer] and had a kind and gentle personality. He was an excellent example for me.

I listened to my mind, and it said "yes". I listened to my heart, and it said "yes". So I made Shahada and became a Muslim. Now, I wish everyone could experience the life of a Muslim. Islam is Allah's (swt) greatest gift. It is a gift of peace, love, tolerance and unity. From these wonders you will find community, charity, support, equality and justice.

For those of you who are relatively new to Islam, like myself, or are contemplating becoming a Muslim, fear nothing. Allah (swt) will allow no spiritual harm or disbelief to come to you. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not only the last Messenger of Allah (swt), but was the most noble and just among men. Yet, he was humble before his people and loving to his family. This is the kind of person I aspire to be. Insha-Allah [Allah willing], I will serve Allah (swt) to my fullest, and will serve his cause, the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement to the greatest of my abilities.

Remember, there is nothing to fear. We are with Allah (swt) Almighty.

Your brother in Islam,
Aasim Izzatul Islam

Finding the Path Towards Truth: Why I became a Muslim
Published by Aamir71 on 2004/4/21 (5036 reads)
USA/Christian background - "I had felt that a change would take place in my life, but only Allah knew what it was. I feel like a new person and know my decision was right"

By W. Christopher Busch

I have always believed in God and a higher being who created all things. I was brought up as a Christian all of my life, though my family rarely attended church services except on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas Eve. You could say I was a Christian in name only. The thought was if your not Jewish, well then you MUST be a Christian. I have always sought to have a spiritual bond with God, but never could fully submit myself for some reason. I started to attend church services when I met my first wife because she was a Christian and there was no way she could date someone who was not. So, for the sake of the relationship I became a church going Christian.

At the age of 19 I even went as far as being “saved” (being witnessed to in the middle of a grocery store) right after an Easter service. Even as I said that I accepted Jesus (pbuh) as my “Lord and Savior”, I didn’t feel it in my heart. I knew I was lying to my future wife as well as to myself. During my marriage and ultimately my divorce, my wife’s spiritual beliefs eased and we did not attend church at all. I still however searched for a personal relationship with my Creator, but could not find the path that would lead me there.

A year after the end of my marriage I met and fell in love with a beautiful woman who was deep into her Christian faith. After a two and a half year relationship, the question of marriage arose. Because of her beliefs in her church, she could not marry me unless I was to join her church. This weighed heavily on my heart. I loved her very much, but couldn’t bring myself to “lying” to myself again. I needed answers.

Months before my 33rd birthday, I was doing some research into Islam on the Internet. The belief that there is a single, indivisible God (Allah, the creator, is just, omnipotent and merciful), the fact that Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet and not a deity, and that all people are considered children of Adam (Islam officially rejects racism) all intrigued me. I knew from that point on I wanted to be a Muslim. I also knew that I was going against what I had been taught all my life about Jesus (pbuh), the crucifixion, and the Holy Trinity. It would be a bumpy path indeed.

My first step would be to get a copy of the Qur’an and study the words that were revealed to Muhammad (pbuh). A week later I left a message for a friend of mine (and the only Muslim I knew) and told him of my plans to convert. He had converted to Islam eight years earlier and had experienced some of the things that I was going through. When he called me back, he said he wanted to meet with me and pass along some information. When we met at my apartment I showed him the two copies of the Qur’an that I purchased from the local bookstore chain. He told me that the copies I chose weren’t the best translations and preceded to give me a copy he had. He explained that Arabic is a very difficult language to translate, and many believe the Noble Qur’an is untranslatable into other languages.

After answering and explaining some questions I had, my decision was clearer than ever. Now I wanted to take the shahadah and become a Muslim officially. I work in a US Army medical center that has an all purpose chapel within the hospital. They held a Ju’mah service, and so I made plans to attend. These plans fell through however due to work related issues. I didn’t want to wait, so I contacted my friend and asked him if there was another way to recite the testimony of faith. He told me I didn’t have to wait and that I could take the shahadah over the phone. After reciting in Arabic and then English, on April 21, 2004, I became a Muslim.

I always felt close to ‘God’ and prayer was a way of life for me. Deep in my mind, for I could never voice any doubts, I had some misgivings; some things that didn’t make sense to me but as a missionary I felt I was calling to God, not to that particular church.

I was raised in a house where we prayed every night and morning. We were not taught set prayers but to pray from the heart. We went to church every Sunday and were active participants in the activities held there. By the time I was in my late teens I was a missionary.

I always felt close to ‘God’ and prayer was a way of life for me. Deep in my mind, for I could never voice any doubts, I had some misgivings; some things that didn’t make sense to me but as a missionary I felt I was calling to God, not to that particular church. I knew God, to be the Infinitely Powerful Being Who had created all there is. I could recognize a harmony and structure in all the nature around me, yet I found an absence of order wherever I looked around people. I learned to love Jesus as a messenger of God but it seemed strange to me, that God would require a sacrifice in order to forgive us. I believed that God was above having any need. I felt I could communicate with God as I was, without the necessity of an intermediary because, again, God didn’t need any help to hear what I said.

One day I moved into a flat and met my neighbors who were Muslims. I thought I would try out some missionary work on them. They listened to me patiently and then I too, listened to them . They didn’t try to explain any complicated issues, they just read to me from the Qu’ran. First they read in Arabic, then in English. It was Sura (Chapter) Maryam. I listened in silence. The beautiful sound of the Arabic recitation touched my heart and then the plain and direct language of the English translation struck a chord within. The beautiful story of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) and his miracle birth to the virgin Mary was a marvel of simplicity. God, or as I learned to call Him, Allah s.w.t. had provided mankind with Prophets and Messengers since the beginning of time. From Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all) and many others. They were all sent with God’s message to disdain all worship except, worship of the One true God and to submit to His Will. Such is the meaning of Islam. A Muslim is one who bows to the will of Allah s.w.t. refusing the worship of anyone or anything else and seeking to establish piety on earth.

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by Abuzola(m): 6:51pm On Jun 10, 2009
@Osisi, that man was a liar he is just simple ignorant person and isn't a practising muslim-
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 8:16pm On Jun 10, 2009
Like almost any other Muslim, my original reaction to the claims of Christians about Jesus Christ was that of utter shock. These claims not only seemed like plain blasphemy but also quite nonsensical. How could any rational being believe such things about an honored prophet of God? Despite my fundamental theological differences with my friends, there was something about their life and faith that impressed me a great deal. There was a sincerity in their relationship with God and with other people that I had not encountered. So I would often tell them that I did not want to deny their faith but I just wanted to find a compromise so that I could hold to the truth of Islam and they could continue to hold to their faith.

However, I was in no doubt that their belief about Jesus was based on statements that the prophet Jesus had never actually claimed for himself. My difficulty in understanding Christian belief was very much along the lines that have historically separated Islam from Christianity.

I did not grant in any way that the Bible, especially the New Testament documents, were reliable when it came to reporting the words of Christ. Anything in the Bible that disagreed with the Qur'an was automatically rejected as being a corrupt teaching in the Bible.

My spiritual journey went on for months. Oftentimes I did find comfort in the Qur'an, but I was encountering more questions in that book than answers. For example, the violent tone of many of the Qur'anic passages (especially against the unbelievers but also against the Jewish and Christian people) began to bother me, when compared with the emphasis on love in the New Testament. One particular passage that troubled me, especially in light of my good friendship with many Christians, was in Sura 5:51.

"O ye who believe! Take not Jews and Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust."

However, the most troubling section of the Qur'an had to do with the character of the prophet Muhammad himself. According to Sura 33:37, God sanctions Muhammad's desire to marry the divorced wife of his own stepson, "in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And God's command must be fulfilled."

I vivdly remember the first time that I came across that verse in my study of the Qur'an. I began to sob with great sorrow and shame. All my life I had been told that Muhammad was the most perfect and ideal moral example for mankind and yet the Qur'an had a good number of examples of how the "revelations" could be so self-serving to the prophet himself!

Christianity or Islam
I immediately wrote a letter to my mother back home with some of these troubling questions that I was encountering. The response that I received to my letter from one of the most prominent religious leaders in my country was that I should just continue my secular studies and not focus too much on religion. On the other hand, as my understanding of the Bible was increasing many of my questions were beginning to get answered. Even as a Muslim I came to believe that the crucifixion of Christ was an undisputable historical fact that no honest person that deals with evidences of history could deny.

The character of Christ himself, as manifested for example in his beautiful Sermon on the Mount, was gradually making a great impression on me. But for me the most impressive factor about Christ was the multitude of Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. Some of these prophecies were so specific and they were fulfilled in the life of Jesus to such a detail that it amazed me to see how God had taken hundreds of years of Jewish history to prepare the coming of the Messiah; prophecies ranging from Messiah's ancestery, his manner and place of birth, his life and ministry to the circumstances surrounding his death by crucifixion. I was very attracted to Christ and yet I could not deny my own tradition and past. Becoming Christian seemed a definite betrayal of my own family and Islamic heritage. The tension in my life was so strong that I felt torn asunder between these two faiths.

But I still could not bring myself to accept that Jesus was anything more than a human being. Since he had never explicitly said, "I am God and you must worship me," the Christian claim about Jesus was based on speculation and historically unreliable Gospels. Surely the incredible statements attributed to Jesus were invented by later Christians and put in the mouth of Jesus.

A Muslim Converts
In the midst of all this anxiety of thought, I woke up one morning and was suddenly struck by the meaning of a verse written by the prophet Isaiah in his ninth chapter. I had read this verse several weeks prior to that morning, but I had never understood its meaning. In Isaiah 7:14 we read,

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."

Isaiah then goes on to write in chapter 9,

"[, ] in the future he (God) will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan the people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned [, ] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne [, ] from that time on and forever."

I could not believe it! The fact that the Messiah was not going to be just a prophet but Mighty God himself, was therefore a truth that had been prophesied seven hundred years before Christ in the Old Testament, and not something that had been made up by Christians many years or centuries after Christ! It was God's own promise that he will come in flesh (Immanuel = God with us) and will establish a kingdom that will last forever.
I came to trust in Christ, the next day on January 20, 1985. I cried uncontrollably as I was praying and turning to Christ in faith. I did not know why, and though I had never felt much burden of guilt, I was feeling a great sense of peace and relief from the burden of my sins. A greater satisfaction was the sense of rest in finally finding the truth about God and His revelation of love to mankind in Jesus Christ. A book that helped me (and several other Muslim friends of mine who became Christians around the same time that I did) tremendously in answering many of my questions about the deity of Christ and the reliability of the New Testament documents was Josh McDowell's "Evidence That Demands A Verdict." I highly recommend it.

Soon after my own conversion, I decided to dedicate my entire life to promoting the Good News of Christ among Muslims and especially the people of my own country. I later came to the United States and received my undergraduate and graduate degrees in Biblical and Theological Studies. I also co-authored a book called Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross.
Abdul Saleeb, Ramadan of 1996
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 8:39pm On Jun 10, 2009
The Sermon on the Mount
by Jesus of Nazareth

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Rejoice, and be glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full now, for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now, for ye shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Ye are the salt of the earth. But if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it again be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot by men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you: till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, "thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of judgment". But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of judgment, and whosoever shall abuse his brother, shall be in danger of the council. But whosoever shall say "Thou fool", shall be in danger of hell fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way. First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him, lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Ye have heard that it was said "thou shalt not commit adultery". But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye causeth thee to offend, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

And if thy right hand causeth thee to offend, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

Again, ye have heard that it hath been said to them of old time, thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths. But I say unto you: swear not at all, neither by heaven, for it is God's throne, nor by the Earth, for it is his footstool, neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Ye have heard that it hath been said "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth". But I say unto you that ye resist not him that is evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, pray for them that persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven, for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the tax-gatherers the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the Gentiles so? And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what gain have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Most High: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Take heed that ye do not your good works before men, to be seen of them, otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms may be in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee.

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy inner chamber, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee. And when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be sound, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be not sound, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and riches. Therefore I say unto you, Be not concerned for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not of much more value than they? Which of you by being concerned can add one hour to his life?

And why are ye concerned for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Therefore be not concerned, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seeksmiley for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Have therefore no concern for the morrow: for the morrow shall have concern for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the trouble thereof. Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom .38 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how canst thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. But strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand, and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by Nobody: 10:25am On Jun 11, 2009
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

i doubt if the above apply to 90% of the Christians i see on NL . going by this, most of them are bound for hades

considering the bolded, why do you people keep bitching about being persecuted i Islamic nations etal ? why are you bent on denying your god's blessings ? you should be calling for more of the same, if you are sincere christians cheesy
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by ZAINABABY: 10:52am On Jun 11, 2009




let them who have ear hear and take heed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by olabowale(m): 11:37am On Jun 11, 2009
@$Osisi: I am ot even from a conservative Muslim home. My mother was a Christian for over 70 years before she reverted to Islam. She is now in her 80s. And not once did I considered Christianity for myself. And it is common knowledge at least in africa that mothers raise children. My mother raised me and later in life, I raised her to Islam! Alhamdulillah.

My Original Igbo woman from Owerri is now Muslim with her 6ft frame! Ali Isong from Calabar is Muslim in Brooklyn. You want more; Osis, open your eyes and look around Houston, Texas! You see home grown yanks; blacks and all the way to whites. Its in there. Its Ragu Spagetti sauce, baby.

In New York, California, Massachussetts, Nevada, New Jersey and even my old stomping ground; wild and wonderful West Virginia (Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf?), and others, Trinidad and Tobago, etc, England, Ireland, Scotland, etc, people are trooping in into Islam! And you know I told you long time ago that Islam will overrun Igbo land. Like it or not. If you dont, InshaAllah it will mull you over in its path. Its like an avalanche. No bigger, its like a glacier flow; it rolls the biggest boulders like "dice!"

I have also encouraged you to try putting on Hijab and kimar and see how sensuous it will make you. Ask oga when you do it.

While you have to span the globe like Jim MacCain of ABC Wild World of Sports, to get a handful of rejecters of truth, all you have to do is to go to the Gallarias of Texas; I am talking about the residential areas, you will find muslims in their uppitty homes. Islam allows wealth. But there is room for not so wealthy people, too. Islam does not snob, and there is no need to have your nose in the sky, since you have to stand shouder to shoulder anyway!

You better come to Islam, before its too late. Others and I have warned you enough. Hell fire is no joke. Just see how much you suffer in the sweltering heat of Houston Summer months? You can escape into the abode and turn on the air conditioner. That type of opportunity is not available in Hell.

David and Noetic2; You too. You hear!

And Eloi, Eloi, does not in no way remotely resemble; Aba, aba! If he was a son, I wonder why he did not say father, instead of saying God, uh? And there is no where Yahweh or Jehovah could be taking to mean Eloi, or is there? You see, I am giving you guys to fish your way out. Maybe so that the whole world, or at least NL readers can just wonder if you were ever sincere in thoughts.

And it is true that Paul and his gang of writers were able to enter their own opinions in the Bible; NT in our discussion. This allowance is a proof in itself that the Bible is a means of leading astray those whose hearts will not accept truth, regardless. It is a good thing that some of you agreed that Paul has a hand in your Bible. This is why the Bible is no more authentic and deemed corrupt. Allah did not reveal the Bible. Allah revealed Torah, Psalm, Gospel. You made up Bible from part of them, while parts of the Bible are from your leaders; your idols without you saying they are your idols. But your actions and reverence of them let us know where your hearts are.

And Allah will not destroy a people until He allows arrogance in their hearts. The arrogance will increase and people will adopt it, until it becomes the norm. Who can then defend you against your Creator? Jesus can't defend himself against a rag tag mobs with nothing to arrest and prosecte him with, except their shear population/number! You copy the prosecutors of your god to a "T". Your advantage is no more than your number, but you have no substance!

Osisi, go to Igbo land and see how Islam is eating it up. Sooner or later (hope its sooner), catholic faith will dwindle down to nothingness in that tribe. Ndo.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by olabowale(m): 12:31pm On Jun 11, 2009
@Zainababy: « #7 on: Today at 10:52:56 AM »


"Has made" is an after the event of crucifixion. One would have to ask, since this is a statement from "acts", how the speaker came up with it? But never the less, the house of Israel's will was accepted while the will of Jesus of the Bible was rejected. Think about that for a moment. This is the only reason the "Jews" were able to get him. Afterall it was recorded in the Bible that he prayed against being killed as he asked that the cup be taking off from his head! He prayed to "God". God's will prevailed. God did not accept his prayer. Now Zainababy, who is in authority between God and Jesus, if youmake your decision from the act 2 verse 36? Definitely not Jesus, because God just made him lord and christ, by your statement. Before then he was not even christ!


Zainababy, is Zainab your name? If it is, since you are not a Muslim anymore, please change it to say Virginia or Veronica! Zainab is from Muhammad (AS), whom you do not want to hear anything about. For example, if I was named Paul, I would have, upon acceptig Islam changed it to something Islamic. But definitely would not remain a moment as Paul. People legally change their names. Do it, because Zainab is a beautiful name and no disbelieving heart should bear it!

Again, your act verse is like the lies of Dick Cheney; he repeated it often enough that he himself began to believe! You are suckered in to believing a lie. Yet you did not see fit to leave Islamic name, Zainab alone.Jesus has not be acepted or the cornerstone of the Jewish people to this day! Go to a Jewish community, anywhere on earth! Israel is a glearing example! Brookly is one or Lower east side in the days, now upper east side of Manhattan! Continue to believe in a lie Zainababy. The day of decisison is fast approaching. The neon lights of the Churches in Nigeria have blinded you. There is nothing to it, except emptiness and pardition, you hear me?


Noah came and it was apparent that thosewho were in the ship with him were saved. Ibrahim did not do badly either, since he is known as Friend of God. All of you disbelievers always want to associate your religions; Judaism and Christianity with his name! What a load of crock! If you believe he was not a path to salvation, why not leave his name alone, hypocritical souls? Moses saved his people, from Pharaoh, and from being perished after they have made for themselves a gold calf as their idol (its like the virgin Mary statue of the Catholics, and the crucibles and crosses of the christian faiths), and from starvation and hunger and thirst! To have considered all of these men to be unworthy of being a means of safety for their devoted followers in the Eye of God, is shear nonsensical. Jesus of the Bible could not even save his own skin as we read that he was hooked up on the wooden cross. You must be joking if you depend on him to save you as you are to him a pagan, who disobeyed him in every which way, including calling him a deity!

Your mere involvement in an organization that you coined out of his name taking it as a religion or way or relationship, is not enough. You have started from the wrong premise! Go back to the foundamentals; you will have to reject Christianity, if you truly obey Jesus. Your case is like the case of the Jews who rejected Jesus and still continue to clamor to Moses. The time of Moses was gone when Jesus arrived. The time of Jesus was gone when Muhammad (AS) arrived. Duuh!


The fact that Jesus made such a statement shows tahat he did not know the future. Proof; He was asked about the time of the hour. His reply was that he does not know it, and the Sole Knower is Eloi, alone. (not Yahweh, not Jehovah, not Aba. YOu need to swallow the bitter truth). It was after that the Creator Himself raised the last elect, as a messenger to all mankind from the most unlikely place; Makka al Munawarra. The man was Muhammad (AS). Allah called him "Rasul, Muzzammil, Mudathir, Ahmad, Anabiyu." He is Mustapha and many other names. And its been over 1400 years and no man has come with a noble message, overcoming any other messages, including Islam! Christianity has close to 600 years head start, and see the many bruises it has suffered. For sure, in 600 years or less, InshaAllah, Islam will leave Christianity in the dust. The same way Judaism is in the dust, now. Allah says this in His Quran, which He has personally guaranteed to protect. This is the difference between it and the Bible, which Allah did not guarantee its continued purity. No wonder Paul and his crew were able to put their two cents in it. Come to think of it, Douwy Catholic Bible is fuller than the Protestants! Why? Discuss this among yourself, Christians!

let them who have ear hear and take heed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take your own advise. If you want to die as a Christian, please take off Islamic identity. Live your life to the fullest as a Christian. But no Islamic tag, please. People like you are hypocritical, at best.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 9:20pm On Jun 12, 2009
Ex-Muslim Scholar's Book Refutes Islam

( CHARISMA) -- A former leading Muslim scholar has written a book refuting the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion, despite fears for his life.

While many people have been arguing that those behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks do not represent true Islam, Mark Gabriel has been putting the finishing touches to a study that analyzes Muslim history and looks at what he says are the roots of violence in the Quran.

The author of the forthcoming "Islam and Terrorism" (Charisma House) writes with authority, as a former professor of Islamic history and culture at the most prestigious Muslim institution in the world -- Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

Raised to be a devout follower of Muhammad, Gabriel began reciting the Islamic holy book at age 6 and had memorized the entire writings by the time he was 12. After studying Islam at the University of Cairo, he graduated second in a class of 6,000.

But his scrutiny of his faith led him to discover Islam's dark underside. He could not understand why Islamic nations had been so violent toward one another through history, and he wrestled with the many contradictions he found in the Quran. "I became very confused between the teachings of Islam and the Muslim practice of Islam," he recalled. "This was a very big issue to me, but I was not allowed to question anything. No one is."

Gabriel's questioning led to his suspension from the school and eventual imprisonment. "I didn't know where to turn," he said. "I had always been told that Christianity is the wrong faith because they believe in three gods. So, for a year I was without a god."

While working for his father, Gabriel developed chronic headaches and started visiting a local pharmacy for help. The pharmacist, a Christian, finally asked what was wrong because she feared that he was becoming addicted to the medication.

He told her he had been searching for the true God. "She smiled and said, 'I don't think this is something you can deal with by taking tablets,'" he said. "She handed me her Bible and made me promise not to take any more tablets until I had at least read some of it."

He took the Bible home and started reading in the book of Luke. "I lost all track of time," he remembered. "It felt like I was sitting on a cloud above a hill, and in front of me was the greatest teacher telling me about the secrets of heaven and the heart of God."

Gabriel gave his life to Christ. But when his father learned of the conversion, he tried to shoot his son. Gabriel's sister and mother helped him flee the country. He made his way to South Africa, where he received discipleship training with Youth With a Mission. Because of continued threats on his life, he was forced to move to the United States last year, seeking religious asylum.


His Testimony : http://www.arabicbible.com/testimonies/gabriel.htm

Dr. Mark Gabriel has written some excellent books on the topic of his conversion and the problem of terrorism in Islam.

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 9:31pm On Jun 12, 2009
His testimony

The Story of M A Gabriel
The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt[/b]Disillusioned at Al-Azhar

[b]Fifteen years ago I was the imam of a mosque in the city of Giza, Egypt, which is where the famous Egyptian pyramids are located. (Imam of a mosque is a position similar to pastor of a Christian church.) I preached the message of the week on Fridays from 12 to 1 in the afternoon, as well as performed other duties.

One Friday the topic of my message was jihad. I told the two hundred fifty people seated on the ground before me: Jihad in Islam is defending the Islamic nation and Islam against the attacks of the enemies. Islam is a religion of peace and only will fight against one who fights it. These infidels, heathens, perverts, Christians and Allah’s grievers, the Jews, out of envy of peaceful Islam and its prophet—they spread the myth that Islam is promulgated by the sword and violence. These infidels, the accusers of Islam, do not acknowledge Allah’s words. At this point I quoted from the Quran: And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause. —Surah 17:33, The Noble Quran When I spoke these words, I was just freshly graduated from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt —the oldest and most prestigious Islamic university in the world. It serves as the spiritual authority for Islam worldwide. I was teaching at the university, and I was an imam on the weekend at this mosque.

I preached my sermon on jihad that day according to the philosophy of the Egyptian government. Al-Azhar University focused us on the politically correct Islam and purposely overlooked areas of teaching that conflicted with the authority of Egypt . I was preaching what they taught me, but inside I was confused about the truth of Islam. But if I wanted to keep my job and my status at Al-Azhar, I needed to keep my thoughts to myself. After all, I knew what happened to people who differed from Al-Azhar’s agenda. They would be fired and would not be accepted to teach at any other university in the nation.

However, I knew that what I was teaching at the mosque and at Al-Azhar was not what I’d seen in the Quran, which I had memorized in its entirety by the age of twelve. What confused me the most was that I was told to preach about an Islam of love, kindness and forgiveness. At the same time, Muslim fundamentalists—the ones who were supposed to be practicing true Islam—were bombing churches and killing Christians.

At this time the jihad movement was very active in Egypt. Reports of bombings and attacks against Christians were common. It was such apart of everyday life that one time I heard a bomb go off at a church as I was riding the bus. I looked and saw a plume of smoke rising up a quarter mile away.

I had been raised in a family that was well established in Islam, and I had studied Islamic history. I was not involved in any radical groups. But one of my Muslim friends was a member of an Islamic group that was actively slaughtering Christians. Ironically, he was a chemistry student and had only recently become serious about his faith. Nevertheless, he was active in jihad. One day I asked him, “Why are you killing our neighbors and countrymen whom we grew up with?”

He was angry and astonished at my challenge. “Out of all Muslims you should know. The Christians did not accept the call of Islam, and they are not willing to pay us the jizyah (tax) to have the right to practice their beliefs. Therefore, the only option they have is the sword of Islamic law.”

Seeking the Truth

My conversations with him drove me to pour over the Quran and the books of the Islamic law, hoping to find something to contradict what he said. I couldn’t change the reality of what I read. As a Muslim, I realized I had two options:

I could continue to embrace the “Christianized” Islam—the Islam of peace, love, forgiveness and compassion, the Islam tailor-made to fit Egyptian government, politics and culture—thereby keeping my job and status.

I could become a member of the Islamic movement and embrace Islam according to the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. Muhammad said, “I left you with something [the Quran]. If you hold on to what I left with you, you will not be led astray forever.”

Many times I tried to rationalize the kind of Islam I was practicing by saying to myself, well, you are not too far out. After all, there are verses in the Quran about love, peace, forgiveness and compassion. You only need to ignore the part about jihad and the killing of the non-Muslims. I went to every interpretation of the Quran trying to avoid jihad and killing non-Muslims, yet I kept finding support of the practice. The scholars agreed that Muslims should enforce jihad on infidels (those who reject Islam) and renegades (those who leave Islam). Yet jihad was not in harmony with other verses that spoke of living at peace with others. All the contradictions in the Quran were really causing a problem for my faith. I spent four years to earn my bachelor’s degree, graduating second out of a class of six thousand. Then there was another four years for my master’s and three more for my doctorate—all studying Islam. I knew the teachings well.

In one place alcohol was forbidden; in another it was allowed(compare Surah 5:90–91 with Surah 47:15). In one place it says Christians are very good people who love and worship one God, so you may be friends with them (Surah 2:62, 3:113–114). Then you find other verses that say Christians must convert, pay tax or be killed by the sword (Surah 9:29 ). The scholars had theological solutions to these problems, but I wondered how Allah, almighty and all powerful, could either contradict himself so much or change his mind so much.

Even the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, practiced his faith in ways that contradicted the Quran. The Quran said Muhammad was sent to show the mercy of God to the world. But he became a military dictator, attacking, killing and taking plunder to finance his empire. How is that showing mercy? Allah, the god revealed in the Quran, is not a loving father. It says that he desires to lead people astray (Surah 6:39 , 126). He does not help those who are led astray by him (Surah 30:29) and desires to use them to populate hell (Surah 32:13).

Islam is full of discrimination—against women, against non-Muslims, against Christians and most especially against Jews. Hatred is built in to the religion.

The history of Islam, which was my special area of study, could only be characterized as a river of blood.

Dangerous Questions

Finally, I reached the point where I was questioning the faith and the Quran with my students at the university. Some of them were members of terrorist movements, and they were enraged: “You can’t accuse Islam. What has happened to you? You have to teach us. You have to agree to Islam.” The university heard about it, and I was called in for a meeting in December 1991. To summarize the meeting, I told them what was in my heart: “I can no longer say that the Quran comes directly from heaven or from Allah. This cannot be the revelation of the true God.”

These were very blasphemous words, in their opinion. They spat in my face. One man cursed me, “You blasphemer. You bastard.” The university fired me and called the Egyptian secret police. The Secret Police Kidnapped Me to understand what happened next; you need to have a picture of how my family lived. My father had a very large home that was three stories tall. My whole family lived together in this house—my parents, my four married brothers with their families, my unmarried brother and myself. Only my sister lived elsewhere because she was married and lived with her husband. The house was divided into many apartments, and we were very comfortable. On the first floor were my parents’ apartment and an apartment I shared with my brother. On the floors above us were apartments for my other brothers. At three o’clock in the morning on the very same day that the university kicked me out, my father heard knocking at the door of our house. When he opened the door, fifteen to twenty men rushed in carrying Russian Kalashnikov assault weapons. They were not wearing uniforms, just regular clothes. They ran upstairs and all through the house, waking people up and looking for me. I think so many men came in at once so that I couldn’t run away before they found me.

They were all over the house before one of them found me asleep in my bed. My parents, brothers, spouses and children were awake, weeping and terrified, as they dragged me away. Everybody in the area heard the commotion.

I was taken to a place that looked like a prison and was placed in a cell. In the morning my parents frantically tried to figure out what had happened to me. Right away they went to the police station and demanded, “Where is our son?” But nobody knew anything about me. I was in the hands of the Egyptian secret police.

The Egyptian Prison

Spending time with the Egyptian secret police is much different than a visit to an American prison. They put me in a cell with two radical Muslims accused of committing terrorist acts. One was Palestinian and the other Egyptian.

For three days I was given no food or water. Every day the Egyptian man asked me, “Why are you here?” I refused to answer because I was afraid he would kill me if he knew that I had questioned Islam. On the third day, I told him I was a teacher at Al-Azhar University and an imam in Giza . Immediately he gave me a plastic bottle of water and some falafel and pita that were brought to him by his visitors, but he told me that the police had warned him not to give me anything. On the fourth day, the interrogation began. For the next four days the goal of the secret police was to make me confess that I had left Islam and to explain how it happened.

The interrogation began in a room with a large desk. My interrogator sat behind the desk, and I sat on the other side. Behind me were two or three police officers.

They were sure that I had been evangelized and converted to Christianity, so the interrogator kept badgering me, “What pastor did you talk to? What church have you been visiting? Why have you betrayed Islam?” He asked many questions. One time I hesitated too long when I answered. He nodded to the men behind me. They grabbed my hand and held it down on the desk. My interrogator held a lit cigarette. He reached over and extinguished it into the top of my hand. I still have this scar. I also have the scar on my lip where he did the same thing. Sometimes he used the cigarettes when he got angry; other times the officers just hit me across my face.

As my interrogation continued, the pressure grew stronger. One time they brought a fire poker into the room (the iron rod that you use to move burning wood in a fire). I wondered, what is that for? The next time the interrogator wanted to make his point, I found out. The poker was red hot, and one officer pressed it into the flesh of my left arm.

They wanted me to confess that I had been converted, but I said, “I didn’t betray Islam. I just said what I believe. I am an academic person. I am a thinker. I have a right to discuss any subject of Islam. This is part of my job and part of any academic life. I could not even dream of converting from Islam—it is my blood, my culture, my language, my family, my life. But if you accuse me of converting from Islam for what I say to you, then take me out of Islam. I don’t mind to be out of Islam.”

The Whip

My answer was not what they wanted to hear. I was taken to a room with a steel bed in it. They tied my feet to the foot of the bed and then put heavy stockings on them, almost like oven mitts.

One officer had a black whip, about four feet long, and he began whipping my feet. Another officer sat down next to me at the head of the bed with a pillow in his hands. When I cried out, he pushed the pillow into my face until I was quiet. I could not stop crying out, so a second officer came to put an extra pillow over my face.

As I was beaten I went unconscious, but when I woke up the officer was still whipping my feet. Then he stopped and they untied me, and one officer commanded, “Stand up.” I couldn’t at first, but he took the whip and beat my back until I stood.

Then he showed me a long passageway and said, “Run.” Again, when I couldn’t do it, he whipped my back until I ran down the passageway. When I got to the end, there was another officer waiting for me. He whipped me until I ran back to where I came from. They made me run back and forth. Later, I learned why they did that. The running was so that my feet wouldn’t swell. The stockings were so I wouldn’t have marks on my feet from the whipping. I assume the pillows were so nobody could hear my cries. Next I was taken to something that looked like a small, aboveground swimming pool. It was filled with ice-cold water. The officer with the whip said, “Get in,” so I got in. It was so cold that I tried to get out, but he whipped me every time I made a move.

I have low blood sugar, and it wasn’t very long before I passed out from the cold. When I woke up I was lying on my back in the bed where they whipped my feet, still in my wet clothes.

A Night in the Dark

One evening I was taken outside behind the building. I saw what looked like a small, concrete room with no windows or doors. The only opening was a skylight on the roof. They made me climb a ladder to the top and demanded, “Get in.” When I sat on the edge and put my feet down in the opening, I felt water. I could also see there was something swimming on the top of the water. This is my grave, I thought. They are going to kill me today. I slid down into the opening and felt the water rise up over my body, but then to my surprise I felt solid ground under my feet. The water only came up to my shoulders. Then rats, which were what I saw swimming in the water, started crawling all over my head and face. These rats had not been fed for a very long time. My interrogators were being clever. “This guy is a Muslim thinker,” they said, “so we will have the rats eat his head.” I was very scared for the first minute after they closed the skylight. They left me there all night and then came back the next morning to see if I were alive. When the skylight opened and I saw the sunlight, it was hope for me that I had survived and was still alive.

All that night not one rat bit me. They climbed all over my head and in my hair and played with my ears. One rat stood on my shoulders. I felt their mouths against my face, but it almost felt like kisses. I never felt a tooth. The rats were utterly faithful to me. Even today when I see a rat, I have a feeling of respect. I cannot explain why the rats behaved this way. Meeting with a Dear Friend The interrogation was not over. Later the officers took me to the door of a small room and said, “There is someone who loves you very much who wants to meet with you.” I asked, “Who is this?” I was hoping it was one of my family members or a friend to visit me or get me out of prison. They said, “You don’t know him, but he knows you.” They opened the door to the room, and inside I saw a big dog. There was nothing else in the room. Two people took me inside and then left me and shut the door. This was the first time my heart cried out. In my heart I cried to my Creator, You are my father, my God.You are to look after me. How can you leave me in these evil hands? I don’t know what these people are trying to do to me, but I know you will be with me and one day I will see you and meet you.

I walked to the middle of the empty room and slowly sat down cross-legged on the floor. The dog came and sat down in front of me. Minutes went by as this dog looked me over. I watched his eyes move from top to bottom over and over again. I went in my heart to prayer to the God I did not yet know. The dog got up and started walking in circles around me, liken animal about to eat something. Then he came to my right side and licked year with his tongue. He sat down by my right side and just stayed there. I was so exhausted. After he just sat there for a while, I fell asleep. When I woke up, the dog was in the corner of the room. He ran to me, as if to say good morning. Then he licked my right ear again and sat down again at my right side.

When the officers opened the door they saw me praying with the dog sitting next to me. I heard one say, “I can’t believe this man is a human being. This man is a devil—he’s Satan.” The other replied, “I don’t believe that. There is unseen power standing behind this man and protecting him.” “Which power? This man is an infidel. It’s got to be Satan because this man is against Allah.”

Someone watching over me they took me back to my cell. While I was gone, my Egyptian cellmate had asked the police, “Why are you persecuting this man?” They told him, “Because he is denying Islam.” That made my cellmate furious. As soon as I got back in the cell, he was ready to kill me. But I had only been in there fifteen to twenty minutes when a police officer came with transfer papers for this man and took him away. I had to ask myself, What is going on here? What power is protecting me? At that time, I did not know the answer. I did not spend much time wondering about it. In a short while my own transfer papers came through. I was to be taken to a permanent prison in southern Cairo . At this point I did not think that my interrogators were even human. I had been arrested for merely questioning Islam. Now my faith was really shaken. And I was on my way to another prison.

The next week I spent in a prison in southern Cairo . It was relatively relaxed time. God sent me a prison guard who did not agree with radical Islam. All during this time my family was trying to find out where I was. They had no success until my mother’s brother, who was a high-ranking member of the Egyptian Parliament, returned to the country after traveling overseas. My mother called him, sobbing, “For two weeks we have not known where our son is. He is gone.” My uncle had the connections that were needed. Fifteen days after I was kidnapped, he came to the prison personally with the release papers and took me home.

Later, the police gave my father this report: We have received a fax from Al-Azhar University accusing your son of leaving Islam, but after an interrogation of fifteen days, we found no evidence to support it. My father was relieved to hear this. Out of all my brothers and sisters, I was the only one who had studied Islam at the university, and he was very proud of me. He could not even imagine I would ever leave Islam, so he attributed the whole incident to a bad attitude toward my scholarship on the part of the people at the university.

“We don’t need them,” he said, and he asked me to start work immediately as a sales director for his factory. He owned a successful business that produced leather jackets and men’s and women’s clothing.

A Year without Faith

For one year I lived without any faith. I had no God to pray to, to call to, to live for. I believed in the existence of a God who was merciful and righteous, but I had no idea who He was. Was He the God of the Muslims, the Christians or the Jews? Or was He some animal—like the cow of the Hindus? I had no knowledge of how to find Him.

You have to understand that if a Muslim comes to the conclusion that Islam is not the truth and he has no religion to turn to, it is the most difficult time in his life. Faith is in the fabric of the life of a Middle Eastern person. He cannot imagine how to live without knowing his God. During this whole year, my physical body expressed the pain that was in my spirit. Though I had every material thing I needed, I was plagued with a deep tiredness from constantly trying to use my mind to figure out the identity of the true God. I suffered constantly from headaches. I went to a doctor who was a relative of the family. He did a scan of my brain, but heeded not find anything wrong. He prescribed some tablets that helped.

The Sermon on the Mount

I ended up visiting a nearby pharmacy one or two times a week for packets of tablets, getting a small number of tablets each time, hoping the headaches would just go away for good. After I had been coming for a while, the pharmacist asked me, “What is going on in your life?” I told her, “Nothing is going on. I have no complaint except for one thing: I am living without God. I don’t know who is my God, who created me and created the universe.”

She said, “But you were a professor at the most respected Islamic university in Egypt . Your family is very respected in the community.” “That is true,” I replied, “but I have discovered falsehoods in their teachings. I no longer believe my home and family are built on a foundation of truth. I had always clothed myself in the lies of Islam. Now I feel naked. How can I fill the emptiness in my heart? Please help me. ” “OK,” she said. “Today I will give you these tablets, and I will give you this book—the Bible. But please promise me not to take any tablets before you read something from this book.” I took the book home and opened it at random. My eyes fell on Matthew 5:38: You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

My whole body began trembling. I had studied the Quran my whole life—not once did I find words as inspiring as this. I had come face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I lost all track of time. It felt as if I were sitting on a cloud above a hill, and in front of me was the greatest teacher in the universe telling me about the secrets of heaven and the heart of God. I could easily compare the Bible to what I had learned from my years of studying the Quran, and there was no doubt in my mind that I was finally encountering the true God. I was still reading in the early hours of the next day, and by dawn I gave my heart to Jesus.

Ambushed I only told the pharmacist and his wife that I had accepted Jesus, but in Egypt, if anyone left Islam, it was automatically assumed that he had become a Christian and therefore must be killed. Because of this, fundamentalists sent two men to ambush me and kill me. It happened when I was walking home from visiting a friend. It was only a fifteen- or twenty-minute walk through Giza . I was on Tersae Street , near my home, when I saw two men standing in front of a grocery shop. They we redressed traditionally with the long, white robes, long beards and head coverings. I thought they were just customers. I never imagined they would do anything to me.

When I reached the shop, they stopped me, and then suddenly both pulled out knives and began trying to stab me. I had no weapon, and because it was a hot day, I was just wearing a T-shirt and pants. I put up my hands to protect myself. Again and again the blades struck me and cut my wrists. There were other people on the street, but no one helped me. They just gathered to watch. This was typical for those years. People would intervene if it was just a fistfight, but they wouldn’t get involved with knives. They also didn’t want to be in the way if someone pulled a gun. The first attacker was trying to stab my heart. He almost did it, but I moved. He missed by about five inches and got me in the shoulder instead. When he pulled the knife out, I remember looking down and seeing the blood come out in a stream.

I fell to the ground and just curled up in a little ball, trying to protect myself. Then the other attacker tried to stab me in the stomach, but the blade turned, and he stabbed me in the shin instead. By this time I had lost so much blood that I passed out. There was no hope for me until two police officers arrived on motorcycles and my attackers ran away. I was taken to the hospital and treated. In the hospital, the police asked if I knew why I was attacked. I said I did not. Again, my father rejected any evidence that I was abandoning Islam. He just could not think in those terms.

My Father Learns the Truth I continued to work for my father and did not speak of my new faith. In fact, he sent me to South Africa in 1994 to explore business opportunities for him. While there, I spent three days with a Christian family from India .When we parted, they gave me a small cross on a necklace to wear. This small cross marked the turning point in my life. After a little more than a week, my father noticed the chain on my neck and became very upset because, according to Islamic culture, only women are allowed to wear jewelry around their necks. “Why do you wear this chain?” he demanded.

It seemed as if my tongue spoke on its own as I replied,” Father, this is not a chain. This is a cross. It represents Jesus, who died on a cross like this for me, for you and for everybody in the whole world. I received Jesus as my God and Savior, and I pray for you and for the rest of my family to also accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.”

First, my father fainted right there in the street. Some of my brothers rushed out to him, and my mother started crying in fear. I stayed with them as they bathed my father’s face with water. When he came to, he was so upset he could hardly speak, but he pointed at me. In a voice hoarse with rage he cried out, “Your brother is a convert. I must kill him today!”

Wherever he went, my father carried a gun under his arm on a leather strap. (Most wealthy people in Egypt carry guns.) He pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. I started running down the street, and as I dived around a corner, I heard the bullets whining past me. I kept running for my life. Leaving My Home Forever I ran to my sister’s house, which was about half a mile away. I asked her to help me get my passport, clothes and other documents from my father’s house. She wanted to know what was wrong, and I told her, “Father wants to kill me.” She wanted to know why, and I said, “I don’t know. You must ask Father.”

When I ran away, my father knew exactly where I was headed because my sister and I were very close, and her house was nearby. My father had walked to my sister’s house, and he arrived while she and I were talking. He banged on the door, crying with tears streaming down his face, “My daughter, please open the door.” Then he shouted, “Your brother is a convert! He has left the Islamic faith. I must kill him now!”

My sister opened the door and tried to calm him down. “Father, he is not here. Maybe he went to another place. Why don’t you go home and relax, and later we can talk about this as a family.” My sister had mercy on me and gathered my things from my parents’ house. She and my mother gave me some money, and I got in my car and drove away on the evening of August 28, 1994.

For three months I struggled to travel through Northern Egypt, Libya, Chad and Cameroon. I finally stopped in the Congo. At that point I had malaria. They found an Egyptian doctor to examine me. He said that I would be dead by morning, and they made arrangements to get a coffin from Congo ’s Egyptian embassy to send me back home.

To their shock, I woke up the next morning. I left the hospital after five days and started to tell people everywhere about what Jesus did for me. Life as a Follower of Jesus Ten years have gone by since I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior. He called me and gave me a personal relationship with Him—something that Islam never offered.

I have never stopped crying for my Muslim people, whom I left behind, asking the Lord to deliver them from the darkness of Islam. As you read the pages of this book, you will come to understand how great this darkness is. It is the teachings of Islam that have produced terrorists who seem capable of any kind of evil in the name of Allah. Now the whole world wants to understand what Islam teaches. A great amount of misinformation has been shared in the media and on the Internet. My goal is to help you see plainly why these people do what they do. I don’t want to motivate you to anger, however. I want to motivate you to believe—to believe for the fall of Islam and the release of its captives, in Jesus’ name
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by olabowale(m): 4:08pm On Jun 13, 2009
This woman dont even know when to stop peddling her lies. Woman rest abit. Ndo. Daa lu.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by noetic2: 6:15pm On Jun 13, 2009

This woman dont even know when to stop peddling her lies. Woman rest abit. Ndo. Daa lu.

your heart is as hard as stone. thou pathetic slave of allah.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by dankol: 11:20pm On Jun 13, 2009
hmmmmmmmm, Olabowale thinks they are lies, Abuzola calls them lazy muslims. Well, they have been saved, it remains you?

1 Like

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by Graxie(f): 7:40pm On Jun 15, 2009
To God be the glory, JESUS IS LORD.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 8:01pm On Jun 15, 2009
WASHINGTON, June 23 /U.S. Newswire/ -- This week in Cairo, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice criticized Egypt's use of emergency decrees. Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is protesting the arrest and continued imprisonment of Bahaa-Eldin El-Akkhad, a former Islamic preacher from Al Talebiya, Giza, in Lower Egypt.
El-Akkad, 46, was arrested on April 6, 2005 under Egypt's Emergency Security Law for endangering national unity by converting to Christianity. Egyptian State Security Prosecutor Tarek Abdelshakour focused his interrogation of El-Akkad on allegations that he had "defamed Islam."

After 45 days of incarceration, El-Akkad was transferred to Mazra'at Tora Prison in Cairo where political prisoners are held. Human rights activists have described Tora Prison as the worst prison in Egypt, because of its rampant torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners.

Though Egypt signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which calls for the freedom of religion, the government continues to arrest Christian converts who leave Islam.

"The Egyptian government has pledged to the international community that it will work for democratic reform, yet it continues to violate its own rule of law when it comes to Christians and the free exercise of conscience," says Fr. Keith Roderick, CSI's Washington Representative.

Amnesty International and the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights have provided extensive documentation on the use of torture against those detained because of emergency legislation.

CSI is demanding the immediate release of Bahaa El-Din El- Akkad and an end to the Egyptian government's policy of targeting those who convert from Islam, apostates, as political prisoners.

El-Akkad is married and has three children. Prior to his conversion, he was associated with the Tabligh and Da'wa Committee in Al Telabiya. The movement, known for its propagation and preaching, began in India and was founded by Imam Muhammad Kandahlawey in 1867.

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 8:03pm On Jun 15, 2009
Simon Altaf a former Muslim from Pakistan, now based in London, who writes books to alert Christians to the dangers of ignoring or underestimating Islam.

Abrahamic Faith Ministries was founded by Simon Altaf who discovered God's love for Israel.

Simon Altaf : "I am an Ex-Muslim Convert of the dominant Sunni sect from Lahore, Pakistan. I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ back in September 1998 after reading the testimony of an Egyptian convert while browsing the internet one day. Later Walid and I both decided to create a website on the internet, http://www.abrahamic-faith.com, to propagate the truth to the world about what is coming to pass. Our aim is not to spurn hatred or draw enemy lines, far from it, our aim is to show all people the deception that they have been lured into, whether they be Muslims who do not recognise the path of self-destruction that they have chosen so that all may be touched by the light of life and Christians who have not discerned the signs of the times. As Ephesians 6:12 quite rightly states: ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ Our fight is against the spiritual forces of Islam not flesh and blood, Walid being an Arab and me being a Pakistani we can fight against what is in effect our own flesh and our own blood and for this reason we strive to expose the fallacy of fundamentalist Islam and the threat that it poses to the world. Our testimonies can be found at the end of this book.

"I believe in the God of Israel (YHWH) who re-established Israel in her original land in 1948 as he promised in the Bible (Isaiah 66:, I proclaim that (Jesus of Nazareth) of Israel is Yeshua who died for my sins and became my sin offering. It is time for people to look at the Hebrew Scriptures to discover the truth. I am offering these numerous articles explaining why the Bible alone is God's written word and Yeshua is the only one who is Messiah of Israel."

His Website : www.abrahamic-faith.com

His testimony can be found in his book "This is our Eden, This is our End" (Co-authored with Walid Shoebet(Ex-Islamic PLO Terrorist)

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 8:26pm On Jun 15, 2009
While the service is nothing out of the ordinary, the story of how Zak came to his present vocation as a Christian pastor is a tale worth telling. The story involves a change in religion, running for his life and putting faith in God. Along the way there is a series of bumps and experiences that teach him God indeed does work in some mysterious ways.

Zak, 44, was born in the West African country of Nigeria and subsequently raised in Ghana West Africa. Growing up in a family of six boys, Zak said that for some reason he was selected to attend an Islamic school. Zak, his parents decided, was to become a Muslim minister - called an Imam.They teach you Arabic, you come to understand the Koran more, learn how to lead a Muslim worship - that type of thing, he explained. Zak followed through with his studies and attended a normal school as well. Finally, at the age of 26, he became an Imam at his local mosque. The job meant providing spiritual leadership and counsel to approximately 300 people. At the same time Zak was getting his feet wet as a Muslim leader, he also worked another job. Zak was an inventory controller for an international company in the agriculture sector.

At the age of 27, he said, his secular work resulted in a transfer to Nigeria. Zak moved to 1987. "I got there, joined a mosque and started to get in touch with the community", he said. But after about a year - in which time Zak became an Imam at the Nigerian mosque - the first of his troubles started. "I had friends, Christians, who I really liked. We would debate the Bible and Koran", he said. Zak recalled that one day his friends asked him to give them a lift to a Christian crusade at a stadium. "I agreed but there was a problem. I also had to look after my landlady's 12-year-old girl, who was paralyzed from the waist down. She used crutches to get around", he said. Zak recalled that he forgot about his chauffeur responsibilities until the friends showed up for their lift. As a result, the group decided the girl would ride with them and she could return home with Zak. "So I drove them to the stadium, about 45 minutes away, and something happened. I got struck", he said. Getting stuck is an accurate description. "In Nigeria people don't park in lots using yellow lines as a guide", Zak said. "So there I was blocked in by all of these cars and there was nothing I could do because everyone was in the stadium".

Zak said after pondering the situation for a while he decided to walk with the girl to a nearby bench, where they'd sit until the stadium emptied. While walking there though the girl leaned on her crutches and one broke and then she leaned on the other and it broke too, he said. At the same time, over a nearby speaker, the two could hear a Christian healing ceremony taking place inside the stadium. Zak said what happened next is something he'll never forget. The girl's limbs started to move and she demanded to be put down. "All around me I heard Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and then this happened. I thought it was witchcraft or Voodoo", he said. The girl continued demanding Zak put her down so she could walk. "I wouldn't do it and so she bit me", he said, rolling up his left shirtsleeve and pointing towards scarred tissue shaped like a bite.

The bite caused him to drop the girl and moments later, he said, "she started walking. So now I have a problem. I'm going home with a girl who is walking. The second problem is I'm an Imam and what am I going to tell her (Muslim) parents? That night the girl's mother fainted when she saw her daughter walking", he said, adding the family, luckily, didn't create problems for him. "[b]My biggest problem was that night I went to the mosque. We are reciting the prayers and I say Jesus Christ of Nazareth and it echoes across the mosque. To this day I don't know where that came from - I wasn't thinking about it". Still the remark caused mosque officials to kick Zak out. "They wanted to kill me, harm me. So I started going from village to village and staying with (Christian) people I knew," he said. The Muslim community, Zak noted, not only removed him from his mosque duties, but also took away his secular job, his car and his apartment. It was a small community and people knew each other. "Everyone knew what I said", he explained. "In a mosque you don't say `Jesus Christ` out loud". While staying with his Christian friends Zak said he started asking them questions. "I wanted to know who Jesus Christ was - that was my quest. I was searching for the truth", he said. Later that year Zak said thankfully he obtained a student visa allowing him to study in Canada. He arrived here May 4, 1987. "My older brother was here so I came over to live", he said.[/b]
Zak studied human resources and computer sciences program at Ottawa University and said North American life soon caused him to forget about Christianity. Ten years later, on Jan. 23, 1997, the faith he pursued briefly crept back into his consciousness. I finished my job at a company in Kanata, where I worked as a shift supervisor, and came home. I was fed up with my life and so I went to bed. At 3 a.m. I heard a banging on the door of my town house. I went to investigate but no one was there. Zak said the knocking happened several times but whenever he opened the door no one appeared. Then I heard a voice and it said: "If your mother and father forsake you I will be there for you". Psalm 27:10. A voice then said: "Before you were born I knew you and called you by your name". The sentence is from Jeremiah 1:5. Zak said he thought that maybe God was trying to tell him he should become a pastor. I ended up applying to 50 Bible schools but all of them turned me down, he said. So I started reading the Bible and going to church in Ottawa .

Finally, in 2000, Zak said he was accepted at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Bible School. At the school he met Karen-Marie and the two married in December 2003 in her native Scotland. In April 2003, he started as a pastor at Gateway Harvest Fellowship in Barrie.

Looking back on his journey and the experiences he went through Zak said the thing he's learned more than anything is love. "Love you cannot buy. Love you cannot earn. Love comes from knowing who God really is. God is love and he gives us love to love other people", he said. As a Muslim Imam, Zak explained love wasn't something he encountered. "So I was just a hardcore person. I was working hard to prove myself and work my way to heaven. But the Bible says heaven is free and I don't have to work hard", he said. Zak and Karen Marie's next worship service is at7 p.m. on April 16 [2005]. Prince of Peace Anglican Church is located at 565 Mosley Street. The couple says anyone is welcome to attend. They started the service after meeting the church's rector, Rev. Jim Seagram, at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Bible School.

Zak said Seagram, who is also the minister at the Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Stayner, invited them to speak and that subsequently they have felt a calling to return monthly. The non-denominational service gives area Christians a chance to unite. "Unity is very important. In everything Jesus Christ did there was unity. Without unity there is no hope. You can¹t have a marriage without unity. You can¹t have a church without unity", he said. The service at Prince of Peace itself focuses on praise and worship, Prayer and healing. For more information, call Rev. Jim Seagram at 428-3465.

[Originaly published in the Wasaga Sun newspaper on March 30, 2005 and re-published in the Stayner Sun on April 13, 2005. The article was written by Michael Gennings.]
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by noetic2: 9:14pm On Jun 15, 2009
osisi please keep it coming. , . . .I m loving this.

where are the mohammedans?
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 10:20pm On Jun 15, 2009

osisi please keep it coming. , . . .I m loving this.

where are the mohammedans?

The testimony above where the imam went into the mosque and was shouting Jesus Christ of Nazareth was probably the same one I heard from a relative in the north many years ago.Glad to read from the horses mouth.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 10:27pm On Jun 15, 2009
Abdullahi Jibril - Former Muslim Extremist Now Faces Persecution in Nigeria

The Miraculous Journey of a Former Persecutor of the Church

There was a time when Abdullahi Jibril seized every opportunity to persecute Christians in Nigeria. Now that he has converted to Christianity, he has become one of the persecuted.

"I was a great Muslim fundamentalist, waging war against Christians and Christianity," Jibril, 28, told Compass. "I commanded a group of 15 fellow anti-Christians and we went about disrupting church crusades in Kano."

While still a Muslim, Jibril acquired voodoo powers from witch doctors. These occult powers, he said, assisted him greatly in his persecution of Christians, and protected him physically during attacks.

However, on December 14, 1996, everything changed.

"There was this crusade going on in Koki Local Government Area in Kano state, and my group and I were determined to stop it," Jibril said. "When we got to this crusade ground, I was supposed to order my group to swing into action, being the leader. But as I stepped on the ground, I immediately became weak in the spirit, and physically I began to shake," he explained.

Confused by what was happening, Jabril left the crusade ground and returned home. There the problem worsened. He became restless and was shaking as if demon-possessed, he said. Then, for some unexplainable reason, Jabril picked up the Bible he'd used in arguing with Christians, and began to read. Conviction for his "crimes" gripped his heart.

"I then shouted, Lord Jesus help me!" he said, and suddenly experienced peace of mind. The confusion and shaking were gone.

Returning alone to the crusade ground, Jabril met secretly with a pastor, confessed his sins, and received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

"I began to go to church secretly, but went to the mosque openly," he said, because he was afraid of his parents and others Muslims.

Two months later, in February 1997, he decided to fully embrace Christ and abandon his Islamic faith. He stopped going to the mosque and devoted his time to attending church activities. His parents noticed and asked him, "Are you now a Christian?" Deciding to be bold, Jabril confirmed his parents' fears.

"The battle with my parents continued until April this year, when my parents could not tolerate me anymore," he said. "They have disowned me, and so l have been forced to leave home. Since then, l have been moving around the country, trying to escape persecution and preaching the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ to others.

"Many Muslims have also threatened to deal with me. Some have said they will kill me. I am not afraid to die for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ," Jibril says.

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 10:41pm On Jun 15, 2009
The life of Dr. Jeremiah Cummings is so much like the life of the apostle Paul in that he too opposed Christianity as a Minister and Student under Minster Louis Farrakhan of the nation of Islam for nine and a half years.

But in 1997 Minister Jeremiah Fard Muhammad came to know Christ as his Savior in a mighty way. After thirteen months of intense study and forty-three days of fasting and prayer, God filled Jeremiah Fard Muhammad with the Holy Ghost. God called Jeremiah Cummings to be an Evangelist to the world and a teacher that will reach the 1.2 billion Muslims whom the Bible calls the seed of Ishmael.

After reading in the book of Psalms 18:3 which says, "I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised," Jeremiah changed his name from Muhammad to Cummings because the name "Muhammad" also means "one who is worthy to be praised." Evangelist Cummings realized that only God is worthy to be Praised, so he became known as Evangelist Jeremiah Cummings, an Ambassador for Christ.

Prior to Islam in the 1970’s Jeremiah Cummings was the first tenor for the world renown group Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes and recorded on three gold and two platinum albums including "If You Don't Know Me by Now" and "Wakeup Everybody".

Reveals the Bible and the Koran scriptures and openly reveals Jesus as the Messiah from the Koran. Over 100,000 Muslims have converted to Christ, and counting.


His Books,

Testimony : http://www.wicctv.org/home/index.cfm?page=testimony

Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by olabowale(m): 11:27pm On Jun 15, 2009
@$Osisi: We have known each other (on this board) for sometime, now. I have always admired your conviction and your strenght in yor belief, right belief or wrong belief, whatever it may be. But in all of this time, since 2006, late, have you been able to put a "dent" on Islam, among the nairalanders? No!

For you now to be so "frustrated", in my opinion, to now be peddling "Nation of Islam" as authentic part of Islam, is far out, indeed! Let me give you what is siimilar to what you are doing with the "Farrakhan" people, above; Its like a man in name only, neither active nor seek the remedy for his impotency, all of a sudden, when faced with reality proclaims that he is the father of a "still birth" baby.

The woman who is grieved by the lost, may not comment on the "false claim", but she does know for sure that if the baby had lived, will sure not have the man's last name, and will not look like anybody in his bloodline, because their is no family ties, whatsoever!

A muslim, if you do not know, is not just by name. If it has been just by name, Pilgrim, whose family name is still islamic, if we go by her grandfather, will be muslim!

Islam, in itself, is the two Kalimas; Oneness of Allah and that Muhammad (AS) is the last link of the chain of Messengers and or Prophets (AS). Then it means you cant regress to take Jesus and ignore Muhammad. It truly means that you can take only Muhammad and the others, Jesus, Moses, etc come under Muhammad. For example it is not permissible to copy Jesus when it comes to marriage, since he was not married! And it is not permissible to forbid something for yourself, if its made allowable, like the forbidding of hindquarter meat that Jacob (AS) forbade himself.

Finally, you must pray 5 times, the compultory required daily prayers. Now this one separates the Muslims from the nonMuslims! Do the nation of Islam people make Salah? The answer is no! I know, because I have mistakingly gone to them, thinking I can make Salah, since some of them have the decal "Mosque", in front of their buidings!

Stop fronting, woman. If you are so sure of Christianity and your 1 god in 3 personalities; Jesus, Ghost and Father: Who is it that you pray to? All of them? That will be polytheism. No? Just one of them? That will amount to disregarding the other two. No?

Either way, you are between a rock (boulder) and a hard place (Concrete cement slabs with stell reinforcement). You will lose, for sure.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by noetic2: 11:47pm On Jun 15, 2009

@$Osisi: We have known each other (on this board) for sometime, now. I have always admired your conviction and your strenght in yor belief, right belief or wrong belief, whatever it may be. But in all of this time, since 2006, late, have you been able to put a "dent" on Islam, among the nairalanders? No!

For you now to be so "frustrated", in my opinion, to now be peddling "Nation of Islam" as authentic part of Islam, is far out, indeed! Let me give you what is siimilar to what you are doing with the "Farrakhan" people, above; Its like a man in name only, neither active nor seek the remedy for his impotency, all of a sudden, when faced with reality proclaims that he is the father of a "still birth" baby.

The woman who is grieved by the lost, may not comment on the "false claim", but she does know for sure that if the baby had lived, will sure not have the man's last name, and will not look like anybody in his bloodline, because their is no family ties, whatsoever!

A muslim, if you do not know, is not just by name. If it has been just by name, Pilgrim, whose family name is still islamic, if we go by her grandfather, will be muslim!

Islam, in itself, is the two Kalimas; Oneness of Allah and that Muhammad (AS) is the last link of the chain of Messengers and or Prophets (AS). Then it means you cant regress to take Jesus and ignore Muhammad. It truly means that you can take only Muhammad and the others, Jesus, Moses, etc come under Muhammad. For example it is not permissible to copy Jesus when it comes to marriage, since he was not married! And it is not permissible to forbid something for yourself, if its made allowable, like the forbidding of hindquarter meat that Jacob (AS) forbade himself.

Finally, you must pray 5 times, the compultory required daily prayers. Now this one separates the Muslims from the nonMuslims! Do the nation of Islam people make Salah? The answer is no! I know, because I have mistakingly gone to them, thinking I can make Salah, since some of them have the decal "Mosque", in front of their buidings!

Stop fronting, woman. If you are so sure of Christianity and your 1 god in 3 personalities; Jesus, Ghost and Father: Who is it that you pray to? All of them? That will be polytheism. No? Just one of them? That will amount to disregarding the other two. No?

Either way, you are between a rock (boulder) and a hard place (Concrete cement slabs with stell reinforcement). You will lose, for sure.
This is absolutely ridiculous.

Is this all u have to say to the informative testimonies that rubbishes ur sacred islamic beliefs? I am not disappointed, but the least I expected from u was that u start a new thread showing testimonies of christians who converted to islam.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by olabowale(m): 12:40am On Jun 16, 2009
Noetic I dont have to open a thread about Christians converting to Islam. Your mind is gone and your blindness is worse than that of the proverbial blindness of the bats!

You live in England, at least whats what you said and I have no reason to doubt you. Look around the British "Englishmen; white people." Is there anyone of them who is a muslim, without any reason at all, except conviction? YOu bet. You cant be whiter than a 1970's Rocker; Singer "Cat Stevens" in his disbelieving era! Unfortunately, you didn't know anything about the 70's, so!

Here in America, coming into Islam, is nothing new that it becomes a novelty! No, sir. Go to black communities of America. And many did not convert in Prison, two. There are 3 and 5 and 5 generations Black people who are Muslims. And they are not Nation of Islam's Farrakhan type, either.

And it is you, noetic who is rubbish, because you think you can escape reality by just saying "everything you don't agree with is Rubbish!" Yet you dont have the "standing up" to refute any of the statement, and you can't logically defend your position, too.

And I will be ready to provide verses of Mercy, Kindness, Forgiveness, etc in the Quran, against your supposed " evil verses talking about punishment", except that you are confusing Justice with Evilness.
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 5:01pm On Jun 24, 2009
Gabriel Ali (former Muslim)
Testimony of Leaving Islam

I was born in Bangladesh. One of six children and extremely lucky to have received my education in the UK. Growing up for me was a constant battle between the Islamic world-view and the Christian/Secular world-view. We were constantly told in our home and in mosque how vile and immoral the Christians were and how we should not even consider eating from a plate that had been touched by one of them. We were very scared of our father and this was reason enough for us to accept his words without question. Unfortunately for us, some people are harder to please than others, but we never hated him for how he treated us. We were punched, kicked, beat with metal bars, pieces of wood, whipped with curtain wire, he also had a habit of lifting us up above his head and throwing us against walls. I'm sure this may surprise some Westerners, but my father was not viewed as an abuser, in fact he was well-known and respected by our Islamic community for his particularly harsh treatment of us, but this harsh treatment is not uncommon or unique to my family; many of my old friends went through similar treatment as kids and the so-called discipline was handed-out openly in front of guests.

If it were not for the fact that I have lived the majority of my life here in the UK then I probably would not have viewed his actions as any different from how many view spanking their kids. Of course there is a massive difference between those two actions, but culturally and religiously they're both the same, they're both ways of “disciplining” children. The only time we ever felt anger towards him was when he would beat our mother. We hated it but my mother would always defend his actions, "It is his right. He is my husband". When he passed away, I cried for months on end. It was only as the years passed by that I started to hate him a little for some of the things he did to us, but upon reflection; it was not him but Islam and its skewed view of morality which were to blame for his behaviour. He beat me out of love, that is something I cannot deny; he beat me out of his love for me and out of his love for the commands of Mohammad and his god “Allah”.

It was after the horrific events of 9/11 and what transpired, when I first started to question my faith. People in my “moderate” Islamic community were overjoyed by this “judgement of Allah” sent upon the “immoral” Americans. Of course, you would have to be Muslim and living in a Muslim community to know this. The younger generation partied while the older generation praised Allah for remaining faithful to his people. I began to look at Islam with a critical eye and through a Christian I received a copy of the New Testament.

When I converted to Christianity from Islam, the abuse I received from my community was disgusting. I was spat upon and struck by many, some of whom I went to school and grew up with. All my mothers friends would tell her ‘Your children deserve to die for turning away from Allah. Its good for a Christian to turn into a Muslim but to turn into a Kaafir (infidel) is unthinkable'. Eventually I (along with two of my siblings who also left Islam) were disowned by my mother (and most of our relatives) if only to retain her life-long Muslim friends and her standing in the community. We have not spoken to her in years and live nowhere near our old community.

Being kicked and spat upon can be demoralising but considering the Islamic ruling for Apostasy is death, I find myself to be very lucky. I've been a Christian for a few years now and consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian, although I attend and was also Baptised in an Anglican church first built during the 16th or 17th century so I have a strong connection to them and love their Christ-like attitude, the traditional vestments, Gothic structure of the building etc. I have to admit that I attend the church that I do now because it was the first church building that I entered. Being someone who previously attended mosque, it was pretty daunting; taking my first steps inside a church building. It's not a sight that most church-goer's are use to over here, so I was expecting an icy reception. What happened was the complete opposite, they welcomed me with open arms. I've been attending that same church for about two years now and was baptised in March of last year. Retrieved from "http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/Gabriel_Ali_(former_Muslim)"
Re: Testimonies Of Muslims Who Came To Christ by sosisi(f): 5:04pm On Jun 24, 2009
It was after the horrific events of 9/11 and what transpired, when I first started to question my faith. People in my “moderate” Islamic community were overjoyed by this “judgement of Allah” sent upon the “immoral” Americans. Of course, you would have to be Muslim and living in a Muslim community to know this. The younger generation partied while the older generation praised Allah for remaining faithful to his people. I began to look at Islam with a critical eye and through a Christian I received a copy of the New Testament.

And they tell us Islam is a peaceful religion.
Which set of people rejoice at such calamity except heartless inhuman beasts

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