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How To Conceive A Baby Boy - Health - Nairaland

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How To Conceive A Baby Boy by yemibabe4(f): 6:30pm On Jun 13, 2009
Trying to choose the sex of your baby, boy or girl, is a very old practice. Old customs were centered around the woman, because it was not understood that the determination really lay with the man. Though as wisdom grew, the practices changed to include men in the process of deciding, but the methods were still really out there, like tying up one testicle, believing that boys had one side, girls the other; sleeping with certain objects under the bed to influence the sex of the baby; or even medicines and poultices of odd combination including animal feces. The desire to choose the sex was that strong.

Today's desire is just as strong. In fact some places report that up to 90% of people would choose the sex of their baby if it were easier. The biggest change in the minds of sex selection is that girls are a high priority in some locations now, previously there was a high need for a boy. In fact, in some countries they still have very high preferences for boys. There are even places that have banned ultrasound determination of the sex of a baby to prevent sex selection via termination.

How Sex Selection Works

Each parent contributes half of a baby's genetic make up. The female or mother is genetically an XX, so she is only able to contribute an X to the future baby. The father of the baby is XY and can contribute either an X or a Y. This means that sperm is the deciding factor in how your baby's sex is determined.

Over 200 million sperm are ejaculated into the vagina during intercourse, a mixture of X and Y. Most likely only one will be the one to penetrate the ovum.

Shettles Method

Dr. Landrum Shettles is known for his popular book on how to use low tech ways to conceive a baby of a particular sex, but particularly baby girls. Though the method can be used for a girl or a boy. The theory behind this method for having a baby boy is that Y bearing sperm are faster but die more quickly. This means that by the time the egg is released you should have no sperm near the egg and quickly have intercourse to have the biggest concentration of Y bearing sperm. The basics are as follows:

    * First you must know your menstrual cycle and chart it using your basal body temperature (BBT) charts.
    * Once you have done this for a few months you can more accurately pinpoint ovulation.
    * Men should avoid ejaculation for 4-5 days before ovulation.
    * Your goal would be to time sexual intercourse about 12 hours prior to ovulation, based on your basal body temperatures, or other methods.
    * Use positions to place the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, including rear entry positions.
    * Females should have an orgasm to help move the sperm towards the egg.

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Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by dominique(f): 8:57pm On Jun 13, 2009
doesnt matter if its boy or girl. . .a child is a blessing cool


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Sissy3(f): 2:06am On Jun 14, 2009
First you must know your menstrual cycle and chart it using your basal body temperature (BBT) charts.
    * Once you have done this for a few months you can more accurately pinpoint ovulation.
    * Men should avoid ejaculation for 4-5 days before ovulation.
    * Your goal would be to time sexual intercourse about 12 hours prior to ovulation, based on your basal body temperatures, or other methods.
    * Use positions to place the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, including rear entry positions.
    * Females should have an orgasm to help move the sperm towards the egg.

Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by tpiah: 5:37am On Jun 14, 2009
thank you!

so everything else leads to a girl, right?

i do wonder if anyone has tried this and what were the results.
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Sissy3(f): 6:06am On Jun 14, 2009

thank you!

so everything else leads to a girl, right?

i do wonder if anyone has tried this and what were the results.

i was reading a review of the doctors book and saw how ppl were saying it worked for them and others say it didn't work, it could all have been a coincidence for all i care. they did the crap and coincidentally they had a boy or girl which they were destined to have anyways and they attributed it to this crap they did.  i don't believe this gibberish either do i buy the crap undecided loads of bs if u ask me.
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by yemibabe4(f): 9:06pm On Jun 15, 2009

The opposite doesnt really follow for female child conception. You can read more about that and much more by visiting the site all about women issues mention below.

@ Sissy

A trial will convince you! smiley
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by pek(m): 9:43am On Jun 17, 2009
what is the essence of this write up? nobofy van dtermine the sex of a baby before hand. stop deceiving people and giving them false hope.
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Sissy3(f): 9:46am On Jun 17, 2009

@ Sissy

A trial will convince you! smiley

no need to try cox i personally dont believe this BS.
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by bsanya(f): 11:26am On Jun 17, 2009
God uses the little things of this world to convince the wise.
Who are u to determine the sex of a child except God has hand in it
Every child is a blessing. there are some female child that are better off than a male child tis days


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by yemibabe4(f): 6:16pm On Jun 17, 2009
Thank you all for your responses which is highly appreciated.

Even has we all know that every child is a blessing,statistics have shown that some of we women silently wish for one particular gender over the other especially women who already have all female children praying for a male child or all male children praying for a female child.

This write up is just for enlightnment purpose because i still believe that Man proposes but God disposes. smiley

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Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by aieromon(m): 9:55am On Jun 24, 2009
Your thread is too sexist.it should have read "How to determine the sex of your baby".
That way,you leave the door open for readers to make their choice/s


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Rogo: 3:52pm On Jun 24, 2009
this topic is for the dity nigerian man who is insane of having male child


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by dyoung: 5:46pm On Jun 24, 2009
To conceive a baby boy or girl,the parent will come together to agree on the sex of the child before sexsual intercause.
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by dyoung: 5:53pm On Jun 24, 2009
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by eniolape: 6:37pm On Jun 24, 2009
Is God that determines the sex of baby? Whether girl or boy. We should give thanks to God, he give us. Some doesn’t have any at all.


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Nobody: 8:03pm On Jun 24, 2009
Girl or boy, just be grateful.


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by clemcykul(f): 10:20am On Jun 25, 2009
nice one ibkaye, may u have twins amen
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by yemibabe4(f): 10:39pm On Jun 27, 2009
Hi all,

Read more interesting articles at the site below. smiley
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by rampurhaat: 3:56am On Jun 30, 2009
Forget the gender of your child - the child in itself is the best gift you have.

Why manipulate the helpless beautiful child, boy or girl, who is totally dependent upon you and treats you as the next God? Oh no, be a human, and be a human.
Get ex back Online literature
Collaborative Welfare Group Infrared Sauna
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by drchucks: 5:24pm On Jul 02, 2009
God no dey sleep
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by drchucks: 5:33pm On Jul 02, 2009
Why is the gender a

Forget the gender of your child - the child in itself is the best gift you have.

Why manipulate the helpless beautiful child, boy or girl, who is totally dependent upon you and treats you as the next God? Oh no, be a human, and be a human.
Get ex back Online literature
Collaborative Welfare Group Infrared Sauna

Why is the gender an issue in Nigeria
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by joeyfsage: 6:10pm On Aug 23, 2010
The opposite doesnt really follow for female child conception. i got this link from google
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by joeyfsage: 6:15pm On Aug 23, 2010
[iurl=http://econceiveaboy.com/how-to-conceive-a-baby-boy/]how to conceive a boy[/iurl]
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by Candid2011: 3:29pm On Oct 27, 2011
Hello Nairalanders is there anyone who is still interested in knowing how to select the GENDER baby of his/her choice?whether BOY or GIRL through
NATURAL means and simple: We all know that God is the giver of babies either BOY or GIRL, at times you need to look in depth and work it out with God.
Now my question is:
Are You Desperately Searching For A Baby Boy Or Baby Girl (Specifically) Included In Your Family?
Discover The Easiest Way To Conceive The Gender Of Your Choice  With A Natural, Safe And Guaranteed ( Oh yes! I mean a guaranteed) Method.
If you are interested please call 08037828205 or send an email to phesty4u@yahoo.com (Tested and Guaranteed )
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by coolviv: 9:20am On Nov 06, 2011
Well its true dat only God gives but d reality is dat most men, especially African n even Whites sometimes prefer a boy not because they hate girls but because only a boy can continue to carry their name n keep their legacy going. In d eastern nigeria, it is called Afamefuna ie my name shld not b lost cuz girls marry n leave d home bearin their husband's names but boys wil always remain at home.so poster is correct n lots of homes will remain intact wit dis information by d special grace of God
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by dprince042(m): 1:25am On Oct 17, 2013
coolviv: Well its true dat only God gives but d reality is dat most men, especially African n even Whites sometimes prefer a boy not because they hate girls but because only a boy can continue to carry their name n keep their legacy going. In d eastern nigeria, it is called Afamefuna ie my name shld not b lost cuz girls marry n leave d home bearin their husband's names but boys wil always remain at home.so poster is correct n lots of homes will remain intact wit dis information by d special grace of God
Na true talkoo0 buh in this civilized world, females can inherit and still take care of their father's property without any stress.


Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by JadeWilliam(f): 6:35am On Oct 17, 2013
tpiah: thank you!

so everything else leads to a girl, right?

i do wonder if anyone has tried this and what were the results.
Me I tried it&it didn't work 4me.2 of my other frnds tried it&it didn't work 4dem.My sister tried it&it worked 4her.Don't knw if its science dat worked 4my sister or God but bottomline is;wen u tel God u hav an alternative 2him;he'l show u his power.If anyone wants a particular sex;pray abt it then use faith&buy baby cloths 4dat particular sex u want&God wil surprice u.

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Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by tpia5: 8:27pm On Nov 18, 2013
dyoung: To conceive a baby boy or girl,the parent will come together to agree on the sex of the child before sexsual intercause.

hmm, interesting.

any testimonials, feedback, etc?
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by aylaLynCoope: 4:35pm On Aug 29, 2014
with your roots and herbs you have enveloped my frown face with smile, slung to stand,tube tie burned alive, i used your herbs and root according to the instruction given it materialized,i have conceive now and delivered a baby boy,from letter A-z can't speak how joyful i'm. contact him via on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye)
Re: How To Conceive A Baby Boy by alvinmarina: 6:51pm On Oct 01, 2014
I want to use this means to appreciate a herbalist man called Dr. Ogbefun who assist me in getting pregnant with roots and herbs drugs after 28days of using it and today am pregnant after been looking for baby for the pass 12years of been married to my husband without no child and after spending so much money in medical check up and it didn't work until i met this man online on miracletemple11@gmail.com who provide me with roots and herbs through DHL this is real and i never believe good people like this man still exist after sending him money and i really receive my parcel from with 2days i thought it was a joke until i open and see the drugs and i use it according to the instruction inside and it work for me, if you are out there having problems in getting pregnant or conceive contact him now for your solution

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