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12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by annnikky(f): 7:48pm On Jan 06, 2016
What is this our 9ja turning into? bubu pls do something before ur kinsmen finish this country.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by Nossa(m): 7:48pm On Jan 06, 2016

If U r a Christian, or not, the Bible said, a son will not be judge or suffer for the sin of his parents, brother, aunty, uncle or parent judge for the sin of their son but every1 will answer fir his or her sins. SO for u to say tha.. they shld suffer for the sin of his father Gowon, U r wrong. Thats why he, the boy is alive to show God's greatness.

the same bible also says that the sins of a man shall be visited unto his children and his children's children, until his third and fourth generation. for reference purpose; check your catechism.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by waveskaaya(m): 7:54pm On Jan 06, 2016
irunoboooo u sef dey hia?, quot author=irunoobo post=41718988]God embarassed[/quote]
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by Commentator333: 8:14pm On Jan 06, 2016
Why are Fulani herdsmen so heartless? This is man's inhumanity to man!
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by Dino4458: 8:53pm On Jan 06, 2016
While the president is the grand patron of Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria. He has never ever tried to plead with his kinsmen to thread with caution and eschew violence
how do u knw dat it is the handwork of fulani? People should learn how to agree with such baseless post.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by Dino4458: 8:58pm On Jan 06, 2016
Fulani again?

Why has the government not said anything about disarming this people? Or is it now legal to walk around with Ak47's?

how do they know that it Is handwork of fulani? Are they in scene during the happening? This is just accusation without evidence don't be deceived.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by chiedu7: 9:31pm On Jan 06, 2016
Something needs to be done about these fulani people.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by jonathanOz: 9:32pm On Jan 06, 2016

when was the last tym u travelled out of your room, internet traveller may u or someone close to u never be visited by the fulanis
pls travel up north so u get a feel of them.
blessed be
Don't let me call you a fool. FYI i presently reside the part of the middle belt in the centre of this "fulani attacks" so i know what I'm saying. FYI also, I'm not from the north so I'm not taking sides. The fact is that the Nigerian media is biased
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by sunnyb0b0(m): 9:35pm On Jan 06, 2016
Omenka, this is terrible.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by bbjummy: 9:59pm On Jan 06, 2016
Speedy healing in Jesus name
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by obiak4(m): 10:37pm On Jan 06, 2016

Don't let me call you a fool. FYI i presently reside the part of the middle belt in the centre of this "fulani attacks" so i know what I'm saying. FYI also, I'm not from the north so I'm not taking sides. The fact is that the Nigerian media is biased
take a chill pill mr benue is not a hot-bed except agatu in idomaland, ayinlamo a tiv land anyiin also a tiv dorminated area in logo lga,markudi near the cattle market and airforce base
if u don't reside in any of this place you r nt in any hot bed chill

the media has even encourage the fulanis by under reporting killing carried out by them,
probably u have not seen them in action,i pray u witnessed it firsthand.
Blessed be
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by Martmore: 5:53am On Jan 07, 2016
when will the military raid Fulani camps the way they raided shittes in zaria.coward zoo army that kills unarmed people and call it a clash.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by glossy6(f): 11:00am On Jan 07, 2016
Fulani this Fulani that. I don't hold any brief for the Fulanis but the rate at which many attacks is reported to be caused by the Fulanis of recent is so appaling. Whether confirmed or not, the Nigerian media both online and offline accuse the Fulanis. This is bad

Just pray they don't come to your village. We chased them out of my village years back when one of them raised a class against my mum for cautioning them against destroying our farmlands. We are not anti-fulani, my late father though an Igbo man, speaks and read in Fulani.

Those people are heartless.
Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by MicKaro: 12:48pm On Jan 07, 2016
You hear stuffs like "America gun control" and the likes. When are we going to have this fulani herds men put under control by making the right laws in our national assembly? Senators allot abt N48 billion for the purchase of foreign cars when Innoson is still manufacturing cars in Nigeria and can not make common laws to curtain the excesses of these fulani herds men. No checkmate and this is why they keep on perpetrating all forms of evils ranging from high way robbery, rape to murder.
Last year, farmers in my LG were afraid of going to the farm after reoccurring fulani herds men raids. They destroy our farm lands and collect our money in exchange for meat. Will Nigeria forfeit her arable land for meat? Nigeria pls wake up!
The fulani herds men have done us more harm than good
My brother God bless You.

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Re: 12-year-Old Shot In The Jaw & Upper Lips By Fulani Herdsman In Jos (Graphic Pics by kodlins(f): 1:03pm On Jan 07, 2016
I don't understand why we can't ranch our cattles.
See Holland and Netherlands and Australia.
They export beef to d world tru ranching

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