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Lightskinned Beauty Or Darkskinned Beauty Which Do You Want Guys - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Lightskinned Beauty Or Darkskinned Beauty Which Do You Want Guys by GuyTye(m): 5:40pm On Jan 27, 2016
I see the same conversations going on in the west and I'll tell you as a black American male I think it's bad to force these things on black women of any culture. I don't think black women walk around all day debating whose skin is prettier. I think this is something that men sit around talking about and it's disgusting. Why subject women to these types of debates as if to say their value is based on something so small as skin? You only hurt yourself when you force these silly conversations on them and when a lot of them start marrying men of other races you'll be crying! Not all men are doing this but if you are I think you are undervaluing your women and your countries and that is how you end up losing everything!

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Re: Lightskinned Beauty Or Darkskinned Beauty Which Do You Want Guys by Nobody: 6:32pm On Jan 27, 2016
I see the same conversations going on in the west and I'll tell you as a black American male I think it's bad to force these things on black women of any culture. I don't think black women walk around all day debating whose skin is prettier. I think this is something that men sit around talking about and it's disgusting. Why subject women to these types of debates as if to say their value is based on something so small as skin? You only hurt yourself when you force these silly conversations on them and when a lot of them start marrying men of other races you'll be crying! Not all men are doing this but if you are I think you are undervaluing your women and your countries and that is how you end up losing everything!
I didnt know AA men could sound like this! No offence pls.

You are somewhat correct. AA women(not really african men) sometimes.try to force this light skin dark skin shit down our necks. If only they knew that dark skin beauties in this part of the world could care less.

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Re: Lightskinned Beauty Or Darkskinned Beauty Which Do You Want Guys by SamsonJohn743(m): 11:50pm On Mar 16, 2016
darkskinned re not preety so i will go for lightskined

eg..see this darkskinned, is she pretty ...No she is not

but if she was fair damn!! she will be so hot
Don't tell me you took osogbo weed
Re: Lightskinned Beauty Or Darkskinned Beauty Which Do You Want Guys by budusky05(m): 6:15am On Oct 26, 2018
Dark skin

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