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How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? - Romance - Nairaland

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How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 5:26am On Jun 27, 2009
I have been in relationships and all the girls I have been with have been extremely jealous to a point where I almost can't tell what they'd do if a situation requires them to be jealous(not like I know what makes them jealous anyways). I do have a problem with some types of jealousy that I consider baseless e.g. when a another lady calls me and my girlfriend becomes jealous when she doesn't even know who's on the phone with me.

Reportedly from the ladies' corner, guys have been labeled the most jealous of all creatures. How far is this true? Please let me know. While some define jealousy to strengthen a relationship others have confirmed how much wreck it brings.

Question is, how can you manage or handle jealousy? Can it be suppressed at all? Do you think it strengthens or drives a wreck into a relationship?

What's your experience so far?
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by Tudor6(f): 7:48am On Jun 27, 2009
Well,first make sure you're not cheating then try to assure the jealous bitch/bastard that youse clean.
If them still no gree,then fash. . . cool
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 10:37am On Jun 27, 2009
Now that's what's up!
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by iice(f): 12:08pm On Jun 27, 2009
Only one has shown jealousy to the extreme of possessive angry
All i said was 'I don't look at me that way' and he got calm cheesy
He knew there was nothing to worry about cool

I'm not much of a jealous person.  Once i feel it begin to develop, i squash it. 
Don't have time for the negative energy it takes.  .  .  .
Yes it can be helpful but it can also be a detriment to the relationship.  Some people are jealous over little things - now it's up to their partner to agree or disagree with the level of jealousy.
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 12:21pm On Jun 27, 2009

Only one has shown jealousy to the extreme of possessive angry
All i said was 'I don't look at me that way' and he got calm cheesy
He knew there was nothing to worry about cool

I'm not much of a jealous person.  Once i feel it begin to develop, i squash it. 
Don't have time for the negative energy it takes.  .  .  .
Yes it can be helpful but it can also be a detriment to the relationship.  Some people are jealous over little things - now it's up to their partner to agree or disagree with the level of jealousy.

You're absolutely right on that one. The most type of jealousy I can recount to have been through is where my girlfriends have been jealous over petty things. Like talking to girls on the phone in their presence and they got unnecessarily bitchy about it. I mean it's just insane.
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by iice(f): 12:31pm On Jun 27, 2009
I know. . .i hear alot of crap from my friends about jealous gfs. And from girls - possessive bfs.
I think one has to view the situation more with the head and deem if it is necessarily to rant or throw a bitch fit like my sister says. Somethings really aren't worth the time and energy. undecided

I think sometimes people are so wrapped up in the their partners, they don't want their partners to share time with other people especially of the opposite sex. Life is more than just the two of you. . .So long as partners know their boundaries and are bound by their word, there shouldn't be case for the jealousy (sadly some people are fickle and don't know their boundaries).
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 12:40pm On Jun 27, 2009

I know. . .i hear alot of crap from my friends about jealous gfs. And from girls - possessive bfs.
I think one has to view the situation more with the head and deem if it is necessarily to rant or throw a bitch fit like my sister says. Somethings really aren't worth the time and energy. undecided

I think sometimes people are so wrapped up in the their partners, they don't want their partners to share time with other people especially of the opposite sex. Life is more than just the two of you. . .So long as partners know their boundaries and are bound by their word, there shouldn't be case for the jealousy (sadly some people are fickle and don't know their boundaries).

You are right, some guys can be annoyingly possessive. I have a few friends who I know to be very possessive and I have been successful at talking some out of it but it seems to be seated deeper in action that it just appears on the face. I can say I have got jealous a few times myself but that was when necessary and when certainly almost everyone had thought I was being a fool, then I struck. But getting pissed off over little things to me means less than being matured. People should work hard at overlooking some issues that aren't worth channeling a lot of emotional energy into just like you had suggested. I believe a relationship works more and becomes less boring when both partners have fun with people outside their relationship and always know where to put a fine line between platonic interaction and an unscrupulous romantic scandal.
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by iice(f): 12:44pm On Jun 27, 2009

You are right, some guys can be annoyingly possessive. I have a few friends who I know to be very possessive and I have been successful at talking some out of it but it seems to be seated deeper in action that it just appears on the face. I can say I have got jealous a few times myself but that was when necessary and when certainly almost everyone had thought I was being a fool, then I struck. But getting pissed off over little things to me means less than being matured. People should work hard at overlooking some issues that aren't worth channeling a lot of emotional energy into just like you had suggested. I believe a relationship works more and becomes less boring when both partners have fun with people outside their relationship and always know where to put a fine line between platonic interaction and an unscrupulous romantic scandal.

True words.
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 12:56pm On Jun 27, 2009

True words.

But on the other end, do you think a relationship seems better without jealousy than a relationship with none?
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by vickydon56: 1:04pm On Jun 27, 2009
Pls how much is the euro in naira?
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by iice(f): 1:07pm On Jun 27, 2009

But on the other end, do you think a relationship seems better without jealousy than a relationship with none?

They say some jealousy is healthy, so it's not a matter of with or without but more how much/how less.  Some relationships thrive on jealousy, others fizzle out.  I mean, it's relative - depending on the individuals involved.  Personally i don't have energy for the whole jealousy thing.  So my relationship will fizzle out in a scenario where every little thing sets off the jealousy bomb.  
Re: How Will You Handle A Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? by TheSeeker(m): 1:15pm On Jun 27, 2009

Pls how much is the euro in naira?

And what has this got to do with this thread? Huh? Now beat it!

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