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Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do - Religion - Nairaland

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Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Mrdecent(m): 6:03pm On Jan 30, 2016

It’s amazing how we have taking Christianity to a very funny stage in Nigeria or let me say Africa at large. The white men brought the religion with a free gift of the bible as a guide in our day to day activities. Funny enough with the present situation in the developed world right now, whites had moved far away from what is written in there, in fact, they will soon release another Bible if care is not taken which will be entirely different from the initial one. We can say their advancement is as a result of asking questions even from the things written in the bible (age of enlightenment ) which has enabled them to experience unimaginable development especially advancement in technology. Though some of their advancement (enlightened level) shows they are very close to the devil’s position (homosexuality legalization for instance). As for Africa , Nigeria in particular , we are still at the level of the Europeans during the mediaeval period . Those were the period when the papacy were using religion to exploit the Europeans. They moved from that that stage immediately they started asking questions. History for another day.
Let me share some Christians practices that we engage in Nigeria but whites never practice.

African Christian parents justify beating their wards by quoting the Bible verse that says "madness is in the heart of a child and only cane can dissolve it" Bible scholars should help reconstruct the verse and find it for us in the bible. Meanwhile, in the developed world if u beat your child anyhow and your child reports you or your neighbor gets to know ,you may face jail term and lose that child to the government. I never reach airport before but I was told. People abroad could shed more lights pls. My people is this not funny? What do we call this? When you see some Christian mums beating their children and at the same time quoting that particular passage in the bible ,you may be tempted to curse who put that passage their . The benefit or otherwise of such actions is a debate for another day .

Some churches in Nigeria term television set as instrument of the devil. Imagine! Meanwhile the giver of this religion produce and distribute these gadgets to all parts of the world and they still server the same God they introduce to us. I learnt they are now buying it but always well kept at the inner room from the view of visitors.

I was invited to a church one day and I discovered that as big as the church was there was no single fan their and no AC. As soon as you enter, they will hand you a hand fan . The church in actually fact was well ventilated -door like windows. Another time I was invited to same church in another town, I saw the same thing. so , I asked my friend my observation , she told me that they design the church that way so that church members wouldn’t feel so comfortable under the fan to the extent of sleeping . I was like is that the practice all over the world? she said no , that it only affects churches in most part of Africa . I was like “je-su! Funny enough this church is rich and you only have one in a town. why do we have to suffer ourselves this much ?

Some churches will never use drug. Using of drug to them is a sin. One of my friends lost her two sisters to this doctrine. My friends and I had the thought of kidnaping her and take her to a doctor sometimes ago when she was almost giving up the ghost when she had measles . Also ,its forbidden to purse a health related carrier in that church . I am sure nobody dare to do this in the western world . people abroad please we need your opinion here .

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by TrajansKong: 11:12pm On Jan 30, 2016
As for Africa , Nigeria in particular , we are still at the level of the Europeans during the mediaeval period...They moved from that that stage immediately they started asking questions.

We will take every step necessary to ensure no questions will ever be asked. Free enquiry into belief has the status of sin amongst African people.To us, blind obedience to religious authority is the purest form of freedom. The only way we will leave the mediaeval period is when Jesus comes down to carry us out of it, and we will wait forever and ever for this event - long, long after the Asians, Europeans and others have left this world for new worlds circling other suns...

Perhaps we'll wait until they finally return to Earth thousands of years later. Then we'll know for sure that Jesus has not forgotten us - that he has come back as a White or Yellow man to let us serve him once more...

...and serve we will. On bended knee.

No questions. For He is Lord...

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by ademega(m): 8:00am On Jan 31, 2016
Dominique, lalasticlala
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by ritababe(f): 10:45am On Jan 31, 2016
sorry are you a member of Jehovah Witnesses?

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Omotayor123(f): 10:45am On Jan 31, 2016
Peeping ***

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by adonbilivit: 10:45am On Jan 31, 2016
we dey interpret coz some of us no dey hear English. Englishsmart knows this
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by InstaFemiblog: 10:45am On Jan 31, 2016
Oyibo used divide and rule principle for us.

Give them Bible, take their raw materials

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Nobody: 10:45am On Jan 31, 2016
Religion was invented by the white folks to control the mind.. They used it to divide & share Africa like a piece of cake.
See, most churches in Europe have been turn to cinema houses, they were empty with no activities or purpose so had to be put to work... Let the truth be told, poverty of the mind and of course impoverishment based on economic situation makes a man embrace religion.

In most development countries,the government provides all basic needs of life for it citizens. Even welfare packages and stipend for homeless, unemployed and less privileged. They see their government as there ''GOD'' and hold them accountable.. But a pastor in naija will have a prayer point prepared for all the above listed.. Nigga, I have bad news,that man holding the mic is a scam. God doesn't construct traffic light neither will he build hospitals. Start holding your leaders accountable and stop giving your hard earned money to that crook pastor

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by NairaExam690(m): 10:46am On Jan 31, 2016
Na we by ourself go kill our self joooor

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by brunofarad(m): 10:46am On Jan 31, 2016
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by timilehing(m): 10:46am On Jan 31, 2016
Ogbeni, leave thrash for LAWMA


Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Nobody: 10:46am On Jan 31, 2016
6. Going to church to ask for your future partner. Most times bringing their names to your pastor and he would pray to it and choose one.

7. Turning church to maternity center. A lot of pregnant women have lost their lives and the foetus to this act.

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by ksstroud: 10:46am On Jan 31, 2016
Well highlighted
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by henrydadon(m): 10:47am On Jan 31, 2016
nigerian are just blinded by religion in General..it high time we wake up...who religion don help? not to talk of the amount of income these pastor generate nowadays ..every big shot pastor is now a private jet owner..whereas Jesus during his day all he had was a donkey..holier than thou attitude killing us big time

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by winner01(m): 10:47am On Jan 31, 2016
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by weblogo: 10:48am On Jan 31, 2016
Go to church..

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by smoby(m): 10:48am On Jan 31, 2016
undecided what can I say ? Them be them
We be we !!!!!.

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Mhizizzy(f): 10:48am On Jan 31, 2016
We love to overhype things in Africa...every area of our existence is overhyped .

We call it our culture.

The white oversimplifies tins...

They love to make tins easier for themselves...

Dats d difference


Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by samchem(m): 10:48am On Jan 31, 2016
same person who doesn't watch TV or take medicine has shops where he sells both #smh

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Salex007(m): 10:49am On Jan 31, 2016
It was the introduction of ReLigiOn to Africa that turns Africa to be what it is today ...

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by NairaExam690(m): 10:49am On Jan 31, 2016
Shoro niyen
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by NaLaugh: 10:50am On Jan 31, 2016

Some churches will never use drug. Using of drug to them is a sin. One of my friends lost her two sisters to this doctrine. My friends and I had the thought of kidnaping her and take her to a doctor sometimes ago when she was almost giving up the ghost when she had measles . Also ,its forbidden to purse a health related carrier in that church . I am sure nobody dare to do this in the western world . people abroad please we need your opinion here .

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Actually, people out here do.

Not sure why, but to each his own, I guess.
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by efilefun(m): 10:50am On Jan 31, 2016
Very true, could remember a man who died of ruptured appendicitis, the pastor said he would be healed by prayers and fasting. When the case got extremely worse and the stuff burst inside his stomach the pastor disappeared.

Another thing is some churches asking their followers not to undergo operation during childbirth, this and many more are the reason why lots of women die in labor after exhausting their energy "pushing"

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by Sweetcollins: 10:53am On Jan 31, 2016
the worst of it all is the use of so called church by some godforsaken opportunist pastors to exploit the poor with voracious appetite to improve their own lives and family... so painful


Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by sellYourCar: 10:53am On Jan 31, 2016
Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by encryptjay(m): 10:53am On Jan 31, 2016
The Churches that don't really know what giving is.
If pastor tells you to empty your pocket, flee!!!
What you give is between you and God.

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by twentyk(m): 10:54am On Jan 31, 2016
emancipate urself from mental slavery-none but ourselve can free our mind...bob marley(redemption song).....

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by dajan03: 10:55am On Jan 31, 2016
Every society passes through stages. I must say the western world is 300 to 500 ahead of others. Even the western world passed through what we're now going through. One of the examples that really changed things in Europe is the French Revolution of 1789
Africa hasn't reached that stage of scientific enlightenment but we're heading there.


Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by AmazingDanny(m): 10:55am On Jan 31, 2016
Nigerians will always be Nigerians. Thats what make them special.

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by davedpo(m): 10:56am On Jan 31, 2016

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Re: Some Nigeria Christian Practices That White People Don’t Do by saltoftheearth0(f): 10:56am On Jan 31, 2016
A thinking brain. You are blessed and with this mind you will go far in life.


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