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Churches Turned Into Mosques - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by true2god: 5:55pm On Feb 01, 2016

The exact narration you gave above is the reason Asaari Dokubo the criminal Niger militant gave for converting to islam. He needed a religion that will endorse and support his criminal activities.
Yes, Asari Dokubo was used to be a normal non-violent person before he joined islam. He wants power and control and the only religion that can help him achieve that easily is islam. He travelled to pakistan to learn some act of terrorism under Gen sani abacha before coming back to nigeria to set up his own terrorist movement hence became rich over night.

That is how islam works, especially in an uncivilize society where there are significant number of muslim population. The most ruthless terrorist rules the land. From saudi arabia to egypt, afghanistan to pakistan, the same pattern works.

Mohammed said and I quote: 'I have been made victorious throught terror'.

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Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by true2god: 5:59pm On Feb 01, 2016
hockeyoilers don't mind this bitter christian fa.g.gots

Carry on brother.Don't let the lun.atics intimidate you with their junk
No need for name calling, respond to post rationally. I know you cant because there is no rational arguments in islam. Just believe what mohammed said and did without using your head or God-given conscience.

Stop acting like a female-terrorist if you are not one.
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 6:03pm On Feb 01, 2016
No need for name calling, respond to post rationally. I know you cant because there is no rational arguments in islam. Just believe what mohammed said and did without using your head or God-given conscience.

Stop acting like a female-terrorist if you are not one.

I'm not here to be cordial with you lunat.ics.I'm actually a gentle person on a good day but I can't watch y'all continue to bully
the muslims here

I came here for insults.If you're capable, you can engage me.If you're not capable, then go to romance or family undecided


Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Rilwayne001: 6:44pm On Feb 01, 2016


What is your comment on the above ?

You seem to be avoiding important issues, why ?

Pls don't keep deceiving yourself.

You old tout, that above was refuted here https://www.nairaland.com/2314493/why-muslims-not-afraid-death why bring it up again? Are you that dumb
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Rilwayne001: 6:52pm On Feb 01, 2016

The white people embracing islam is the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies. False prophets shall come and MANY will be deceived.

You fool, thought you opened a thread where you claimed people are embracing christ in thousands and your foolish brother named annunaki said 6million people are converting to christianity every year, does that mean you and the other fool are deceiving us or that the bible prophecy is another fraud? You can't eat your cake and have it, you fool tongue tongue


Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by xerxesII: 7:04pm On Feb 01, 2016

Obviously you are a victim of islamic al taquiya experts. My simple question to you is that what convinces you that islam is true despite the fact that it's founder has such a terrible track record and was indeed a criminal.
Obviously you are a victim of yahweh's fairy tale . My simple question to you is that what convinces you that christianity is true despite the fact that it's founder has such a terrible track record and was indeed a serial killer?

Clean the dust in your eyes negro! angry
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Annunaki(m): 7:22pm On Feb 01, 2016

Obviously you are a victim of yahweh's fairy tale . My simple question to you is that what convinces you that christianity is true despite the fact that it's founder has such a terrible track record and was indeed a serial killer?

Clean the dust in your eyes negro! angry

Stop sniffing that stuff! tongue
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by xerxesII: 7:35pm On Feb 01, 2016

Stop sniffing that stuff! tongue
_fucking hypocrite
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by yazach: 7:56pm On Feb 01, 2016
I have told this Christians (truthman2012, Annunaki, true2god and their mummy aka perishbookadict) times without number; to stop their fruitless effort and embrace Islam before it is too late
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Rilwayne001: 7:57pm On Feb 01, 2016

Stop sniffing that stuff! tongue

Mumu, answer his question.
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by yazach: 8:01pm On Feb 01, 2016

Mumu, answer his question.

abi lost sheep of Nigeria grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 8:02pm On Feb 01, 2016
Rilwayne001 and yazach

It's high time y'all start giving these kiri.yo idd.iots what they deserve. They'll keep having fun If y'all don't give it back to them

They think they have monopoly of insults
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by stonemasonn: 8:12pm On Feb 01, 2016
Well mr hockeyoilers, it is just the dawn of an era; The earth rotating, what has a beginning will have an end, what goes up must surely come down e.t.c. You can celebrate now "Mashallah" Christianity has reached its peak now and it's obeying the law of diminishing returns..law of elasticity. Islam will reach that phase too in the future- you might not be alive though to witness it but it shall surely come to pass as everything else and another religion- maybe Illuminati will take over and the adherents will celebrate just as you are doing. That's it.
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by true2god: 10:58pm On Feb 01, 2016
I have told this Christians (truthman2012, Annunaki, true2god and their mummy aka perishbookadict) times without number; to stop their fruitless effort and embrace Islam before it is too late
Reasonable people are getting the message daily and are renouncing the death cult and arab imperial religion called islam. Your being adamant in the face of glaring truth does not change the fact the more and more people have come to understand that islam is a religion formed by arab mafia for global conquest.

And as in all mafia organizations, the penalty of leaving the cult, which is here islam, is death.

I ask you again, can you renounce islam while you are in saudi arabia or iran?

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Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 11:44pm On Feb 01, 2016
Parisbookad.dict is not female.The r.etar.ded cross-dresser is a he with over 20 monikers grin grin

I'll expose him one of these days.I'm just waiting for him to cross my path
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by mmsen: 12:27am On Feb 02, 2016
Islam is growing mainly because Muslims tend to breed at an unsustainable rate.

Look at northern Nigeria as an example - grinding poverty everywhere, people send their children out to beg at yet they breed like rabbits because 'Allah will provide'.
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 12:30am On Feb 02, 2016
Islam is growing mainly because Muslims tend to breed at an unsustainable rate.

Look at northern Nigeria as an example - grinding poverty everywhere, people send their children out to beg at yet they breed like rabbits because 'Allah will provide'.

Genesis 1:28

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by unphilaz(m): 1:39am On Feb 02, 2016

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.

Islam is pure monotheism.

Haha so u think pure monotheism will do the trick to me? Aight oh,
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by unphilaz(m): 1:59am On Feb 02, 2016
@op thanks for opening the thread MashaYesu. Please direct more Muslim by liking and sharing this thread to come rejoice at how churches are converted to mosque. Biko.
And surely what made yyou go cold on your own thread will sure do the same "magic" on them Masha Yesu

Wow an idea ... Will go to my Facebook page and direct Muslim here surely they will later turturn from mashaallah to mashaYesu... Copying link
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 3:10am On Feb 02, 2016

Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 3:22am On Feb 02, 2016
The real question is what is causing Christians to abondon their religion and stop attending Church. For if this wasn't the case , we wouldn't be seeing Churches being turned into Mosques.
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by true2god: 6:20am On Feb 02, 2016
The real question is what is causing Christians to abondon their religion and stop attending Church. For if this wasn't the case , we wouldn't be seeing Churches being turned into Mosques.
Christians are not abandoming their faith bro. The west is now open to liberalism and materialism than religion or spirituality.

The west, mostly the europeans, do not care much about religion hence they do not kill each other for the sake of religion.

On the other hand the muslims\arabs still view islam as a tool for supremacy and global conquest. Hence any muslim that leaves islam will be killed, especially in saudi arabia and iran. That is why the ahmadiyyas are not allowed in mecca for being infidels. That is why is sunnis are bombing the shia mosque on a daily basis. Thats is why the saudis and the iranians would rather help a country to build mosques and madrassas than hospitals, electricity, good road, power dam, farming tools, etc.

Thats is why muslims can no longer stay in their countries but will be running to europe, the land of the infidels, for them to have a better life. That is why muslim countries are rated are the poorest on earth. That is why muslims are regarded as the least educated on earth.

So many churches in europe open their doors for islamic prayers, muslims will not appreciate or reciprocate but will see it as another victory for their idol called allahh. The europeans have now realized arab\muslim criminality hence both individuals and govt have stopped selling old and unused churches and to muslims.

And fyi, the growth of islam in the west is completely due to migration of arabs and pakistanis to europe and nothing more. Stop living in delusion.


Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by truthman2012(m): 7:56am On Feb 02, 2016
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by truthman2012(m): 8:17am On Feb 02, 2016

You old tout, that above was refuted here https://www.nairaland.com/2314493/why-muslims-not-afraid-death why bring it up again? Are you that dumb

Whenever you say nonsense you shout it is refuted. Terrorist !!!

I remember the other time you said the quran meant muslims when it says Christians. You once said Muhammad fought the pagan because they broke treaty and later you said it was the Roman that caused the war. Those are the kind of nonsense you write and shout it is refuted. Liar.

I will not respond to your posts again because I discovered you are not brought up from a good home going through your posts.What you say here is a reflection of the kind of home training you have. People like you cannot be allowed into heaven unless you repent because you will bomb it. I doubt if you are not posting from the camp of boko haram.

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Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Annunaki(m): 8:29am On Feb 02, 2016
I have told this Christians (truthman2012, Annunaki, true2god and their mummy aka perishbookadict) times without number; to stop their fruitless effort and embrace Islam before it is too late

Which right thinking human being will embrace your satanic cult today Even you yourself if you were not unfortunate enough to have been born into it, you will never have embraced islam. But let me humour you a bit, can you give me just five reasons why you believe mohamed's claims of being a prophet and why you believe islam is the right path? You may at least convince someone reading even if you don't convince me. smiley
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by truthman2012(m): 8:44am On Feb 02, 2016

You fool, thought you opened a thread where you claimed people are embracing christ in thousands and your foolish brother named annunaki said 6million people are converting to christianity every year, does that mean you and the other fool are deceiving us or that the bible prophecy is another fraud? You can't eat your cake and have it, you fool tongue tongue

Your radicality has beclouded your sense of reasoning. First, it is one of your islamic scholars that lamented the increase of muslims' conversion to Jesus in the link I gave in that thread, not me.

If something is happening in Europe and Canada, does it mean it is happening in the whole world? Again, what is the percentage of people converting to islam in Europe and Canada? When muslims trap a few ignorant Christians, who are not true Christians in the real sense of the word, they become intoxicated. What does it matter if the whole world chooses to go to hell? Does it reduce God ?
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Rilwayne001: 10:43am On Feb 02, 2016

Whenever you say nonsense you shout it is refuted. Terrorist !!!

I remember the other time you said the quran meant muslims when it says Christians. You once said Muhammad fought the pagan because they broke treaty and later you said it was the Roman that caused the war. Those are the kind of nonsense you write and shout it is refuted. Liar.

I will not respond to your posts again because I discovered you are not brought up from a good home going through your posts.What you say here is a reflection of the kind of home training you have. People like you cannot be allowed into heaven unless you repent because you will bomb it. I doubt if you are not posting from the camp of boko haram.

grin grin grin lwkmd grin
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Nobody: 3:36pm On Feb 02, 2016

grin grin grin lwkmd grin

Have you gone through that 1ddiot's posts? The guy is one hateful kiriyo lu.na.tic.

Look at him talking about someone not being brought up in a good home grin grin cheesy .rotflmao

The funny thing is Muslims hardly talk about these monkeys in the Islam for muslims section yet

they create tons of threads daily talking about Islam despite not knowing sh1t about their own religion


Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by Rilwayne001: 4:07pm On Feb 02, 2016

Have you gone through that 1ddiot's posts? The guy is one hateful kiriyo lu.na.tic.

Look at him talking about someone not being brought up in a good home grin grin cheesy .rotflmao

The funny thing is Muslims hardly talk about these monkeys in the Islam for muslims section yet

they create tons of threads daily talking about Islam despite not knowing sh1t about their own religion

Abi oo..
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by unphilaz(m): 7:25pm On Feb 02, 2016

Have you gone through that 1ddiot's posts? The guy is one hateful kiriyo lu.na.tic.

Look at him talking about someone not being brought up in a good home grin grin cheesy .rotflmao

The funny thing is Muslims hardly talk about these monkeys in the Islam for muslims section yet

they create tons of threads daily talking about Islam despite not knowing sh1t about their own religion

Aight. First of why do you people accept to live in a cave called "Muslim section" when we have religion which is open to all religion. Oh is it you guys are so insecure of your belief? If I could remember it was becos someone couldn't bear the barrage of criticism hence threaten seun. Just remove that pledge to allahh and see if we won't raise the Muslim section to be more popular than the religion section. On our stack ignorance of our belief, we are not afraid of it so 'we choose to allow all to bash us becos 'we know 'whom we have believed. But can you tolerate series of barrage?

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Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by seggzz(m): 7:54pm On Feb 02, 2016
hockey boilers:
Instead of worshiping a man the people in these buildings now worship the creator and pray as Jesus pbuh did , on their faces.
Why would a right thinking people rush to Islam where they practice the following ;

1. Allah command Muslims not to have non believers as friends and also to kill them if they see them. Quran 4:89

2. Why will a just God like Allah command promiscuous women to be imprisoned until they die? Is it not wickedness?
"Women who are guilty of lewdness.... confined them to the houses until death " Quran 4:19.

3.Why will Allah purposely put confusion in His Holy Book? Check the following contradiction in the Quran
Will Allah forgive anyone for anything?
A. YES, Allah will forgive those who seek pardon Quran 4:110,Quran 39:153
B. NO, there are some things and some people that he will never forgive Quran 4:48;4:116;4:137,Quran 9:80

4. Why will Allah command slave rape?

5. Why on earth would Allah says that you should FIGHT for him and HE would reward them with VIRGINS ? Quran 4:77. I know Allah is omnipotent, Why can't he fight for HIMSELF? AND MANY MORE.....
Re: Churches Turned Into Mosques by yazach: 8:08pm On Feb 02, 2016

Why would a right thinking people rush to Islam where they practice the following ;

1. Allah command Muslims not to have non believers as friends and also to kill them if they see them. Quran 4:89

2. Why will a just God like Allah command promiscuous women to be imprisoned until they die? Is it not wickedness?
"Women who are guilty of lewdness.... confined them to the houses until death " Quran 4:19.

3.Why will Allah purposely put confusion in His Holy Book? Check the following contradiction in the Quran
Will Allah forgive anyone for anything?
A. YES, Allah will forgive those who seek pardon Quran 4:110,Quran 39:153
B. NO, there are some things and some people that he will never forgive Quran 4:48;4:116;4:137,Quran 9:80

4. Why will Allah command slave rape?

5. Why on earth would Allah says that you should FIGHT for him and HE would reward them with VIRGINS ? Quran 4:77. I know Allah is omnipotent, Why can't he fight for HIMSELF? AND MANY MORE.....

please which site did you copy it from?

It is more than ebola virus to copy paste without thorough research

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