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Who Is Jesus? by I: 5:23pm On Jul 04, 2009
Assalamualaikum to my Muslim brothers, sisters and to my non Muslim friends, compliment of the day.

Let me start by apologizing for missing in action, this is due to the fact that am now somewhere pursuing my study which am finding it extremely difficult combining the two, even now i had to squeeze and post in some few lines. ?Hope you guys will forgive me.

Secondly, Am really sorry for what am going to write, Muslims are not against the teachings of Jesus Christ, in fact believing in Jesus and his teachings is one of the pillars of Islam, hope my christian friends will understand and reason with me.

The above question (who is Jesus) may be simple but if one ask Christians of different denominations, he will be amazed to hear different answers, some believe Jesus is God, some believe he is the only begotten son of God while others believe that he is one of the trio Gods (Waiyyazhubillah).

The answer to this question have been provided in the Holy Qur'an and the bible. I am starting by quoting a single verse from the holy Qur'an and compare it with what the bible is saying about the true personality of Jesus Christ.

"O people of the scripture( Christians)! do not exceed the limits in your religion,nor say Allah aught but the truth. The messiah Isa (Jesus), son of Mary, was a messenger of Allah and his word, which he bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by him, so believe in Allah and his messengers. Say not: Three (trinity) cease it is better for you. For Allah is only one, glory be to him above having a son. To him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. and Allah is all sufficient as a disposer of affairs."(Q 4 vs 171).

Let us now read what the bible is saying.

1.This is the way to have eternal life - to know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ the one you sent to earth.
(john 17:3)

2. Jesus said of my own self, I can do nothing as I hear I judged and my judgment is just because i do not seek my will but the will of the one that sent me. (john 5:30)

3. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do what I want. (john 6:38).

The first question I want to ask here is that, can God sent another God?

From the above verses, it is indisputable biblically and qur'anically that Jesus Christ was a prophet and a messenger who was sent by God.

Some Christians believe in Jesus as God because of the miracles he performed forgetting that Elisha also performed miracles as stated in the following verses.

1. Then Elisha prayed, o lord, open his eyes and let him see! the lord open his servant's eyes and when he looked up, he saw that hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. (2 kings 6:17).

2. And he (Elisha) stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the lord my god, please let this child's life return to him, the lord heard Elijas prayer and the life of the child returned to him and he came back to life. (1 kings 17:21-22).

For more details about Elija's miracles see 2 kings 5:14 and 2 kings 42-44.

My dear friends if performing miracles qualifies Jesus Christ to be God then Elija too should be considered as God, since he performed almost all the miracles Jesus did.

Now, let us examine the verses in the bible which Christians are basing their divinity of Jesus Christ.

1. In the beginning, was the word and the word was with God and he was God. (John 1:1).

The above verse is neither coming from God nor Jesus, it is coming from John, the historiographer who was trying to explain his understanding of the relationship between Jesus and God, unfortunately he contradicted the bible as pointed out in (John 17:3 and john 5:30). And if one examine the verse (john 1:1) he will understand that the word, with, is a conjunction, joining word and God.

The same Bible says in Isiah 44:6 and i quote, God says I am the first and the last, there is no any God besides me. (Isiah 44:6). If I may ask my dear friends, which statement is more authentic? is it the one from God or the one from John?

Another verse which christian hold as an evidence of Jesus divinity is (John 10:30) which states and i quote

The father and i are one. (john 10:30)

I want to ask my christian friends, in what context was Jesus saying they are one? there is still another verse in the bible where Jesus is saying and i quote

father is greater than i am (john 14:28).

Can any christian help me reconcile these two verses ( john 10:30 and john 14:28)? if at all Christians are reasoning well, they wouldn't have been using John 10:30 in establishing the divinity of Jesus Christ. If the oneness of Jesus according to john 10:30 qualified him to be God, the same oneness would have qualified his disciples to be God, since as stated in the same john 17:21-23, and i quote, That they may be one as we are one, i in you, they in me that we may all denote one. (John 17:21-23)

Is Jesus talking about oneness in knowledge, essence, or power? the answer is no!!! because he wouldn't have said in Mark 13:32 and i quote

However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or son himself. Only the father knows. (Mark 13:32) and Jesus says in (john 5:30) and i quote

I of my own self can do nothing (john 5:30). Again ?Mathew 19:26 says and i quote, With God all things are possible (Mathew 19:26).

My friends, if one scrutinize these verses, he doesn't have to be told that Jesus is not God.

Now to those who consider Jesus as the only begotten son of God, they accept the word 'Son' literally, which is not so, because son of God signifies love and affection, nearness to God, which according to the bible, is not applied to Jesus alone. We find such term used in reference to many others besides Jesus, examples are giving below.

1.Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God. (Mathew 5:9)
2. For all who are led by the spirit of God, are sons of God.(Romans 8:14).
See also Genesis 6:1-2 and Mathew 5:45. for more verses.

Moses told his people that, our lord is God and is alone. (Deuteronomy 6:4). Jesus also said the lord our God is the one and only Lord. ( mark 12:29) and the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) also said, He is Allah, the one, the self sufficient. Master, whom all creatures need, he begets not, nor was he begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable unto him. (Qur'an 112:1-4).

Allah Subhanahu wata'ala is telling us and I quote.

We did not send any messenger before you, Oh Muhammad (S.A.W) but we revealed to him saying none has the right to be worshiped but i (Allah) (Lailaha illa ana), so worship me (alone and none else). (Qur'an 21:25).

Moses told his people that, our lord is God and is alone. (Deuteronomy 6:4). Jesus also said the lord our God is the one and only Lord. ( mark 12:29) and the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) also said, He is Allah, the one, the self sufficient. Master, whom all creatures need, he begets not, nor was he begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable unto him. (Qur'an 112:1-4)

My dear friends, the truth is always obvious from the falsehood, so it is left for you to choose between the two. As I always say my doors are open for comments and observation because am a human being destined to make mistakes.


I some days ago posted that same thread @ Islamic Religion section. But I fear it does not serve the purpose I intended it to there. For example I see a few relies, and majority fail to answer my challenge. Here it goes again. . .
Re: Who Is Jesus? by I: 11:29am On Jul 08, 2009
What a shame? No one can try challenging/refuting/criticising, etc my post. That sounds like what I say is indisputable, isn't it? Jesus is no more than what we muslims say he is. thanks to God.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 11:35am On Jul 08, 2009
Thanks my dear, this is the bitter truth they want to avoid, banning me and locking my threads
Re: Who Is Jesus? by noetic2: 11:44am On Jul 08, 2009

What a shame? No one can try challenging/refuting/criticising, etc my post. That sounds like what I say is indisputable, isn't it? Jesus is no more than what we muslims say he is. thanks to God.

no one responded cos NLers are used to nuisances like u with posts like this.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by I: 11:48am On Jul 08, 2009

no one responded cos NLers are used to nuisances like u with posts like this.

These words only come out from your mouth, not deeper inside your mind. Blatant lie. shocked
Re: Who Is Jesus? by muhsin(m): 12:07pm On Jul 08, 2009
Very good input, I.
May Allah bless.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by dadde(m): 12:29pm On Jul 08, 2009
Go nd read other threads posted by abuzola,mushin &co. U ll find answers.
Jesus is Lord.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by bindex(m): 12:29pm On Jul 08, 2009
The question rather should be who is that fool called mohammed?
Re: Who Is Jesus? by I: 12:53pm On Jul 08, 2009

The question rather should be who is that fool called mohammed?

Is this sensible or senseless?

Back up your claim intelligently, rationally and reasonably. But that expose you are brainwashed.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by afix(m): 1:05pm On Jul 08, 2009
noectic2,bindex,dadde and co. criticize each verses stated above by 'I' from your bible independently IF YOU ARE SINCERE
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 1:07pm On Jul 08, 2009
it might interest you to know that jesus was mad according to the bible, read this

note: jesus is god

jesus when nail on the cross.
mathew 27:46 he cried with a loud voice saying 'myself myself, why did me forsake myself'

this is what we call 360 degree kolomental
Re: Who Is Jesus? by afix(m): 1:23pm On Jul 08, 2009
SIMPLE LOGIC;360 degrees KOLOMENTAL indeed
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 1:37pm On Jul 08, 2009
Here's an answer

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:7).

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Genesis 1:26-27).

The word "God" used in Genesis is a Hebrew word "Elohim" which is plural, (this might also highlight your question on the Trinity), note the US used continually as well as the fact that creation was made in the image of "US" - Elohim.

The self-existent God exists in three distinct personalities. I must admit at this point that it takes Faith and not logical reasoning to believe.

The Spirit is the first person of the God-head to be revealed in Scripture but the last to be revealed in the New Testament.

Simply put, the FATHER reigns supreme on His throne, He Speaks His WORD and His SPIRIT causes it to come to pass. See 1 John 5:7 at the top of the post.

The Spirit of God hovered on the face of the deep - Genesis 1:2
The Spirit of God is that which proceedeth from the father - John 15:26
He is Allos Parakletos - another one of the same kind as Jesus - John 14:16

You may then ask, what about Jesus?



John chapter 1

1. In the begining was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. The same was in the begining with God

3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made

14.And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

15. John bare witness of him, and cried saying. This was he of whom I spake, he that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

16. And of his fullness have all we recieved, and grace for grace.

17. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18. No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

In addition to that


Luke 1 from verse 26

26. And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth

27. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

28. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

29. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.

30. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.

31. And, behold, thou shalt concieve in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

32. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

33. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

34. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

35. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost Shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

36. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also concieved a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

37. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

38. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Jesus is the Word made flesh!

Here's the link to the full thread https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?topic=293119.msg4147866#msg4147866

@ Abuzola. . .where did you go? We were having a pleasant conversation. I missed the banter!
Re: Who Is Jesus? by muhsin(m): 2:41pm On Jul 08, 2009
I cannot see any answer to the questions posed by I, ahonohai. Retry. cheesy
Re: Who Is Jesus? by noetic2: 3:05pm On Jul 08, 2009

noectic2,bindex,dadde and co. criticize each verses stated above by 'I' from your bible independently IF YOU ARE SINCERE

what should I be sincere about?
Re: Who Is Jesus? by afix(m): 3:18pm On Jul 08, 2009
Ahonohai, from your quote you can see that your bible is faulty.compare JOHN 5;7 talking about three in one with DEUTERONOMY 6;4 talking about one GOD alone.Is Isaiah a liar when he say's GOD SAY'S 'I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST,THERE IS NO ANY god BESIDE ME' ISAIAH 44;6 by attesting to the muslim believe of 'LAILAILALAU'.Also you should realise that JOHN was partially sincere with the the verse JOHN 17;3 stating clearly that THEIR IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD AND JESUS IS HIS MESSANGER.
Finally,is Jesus insane when he said 'THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE,AND ONLY LORD' Mark 12;29 by attesting to the believe of islam 'LAILAILALAU'.Fom all critical angle you can see that your bible is faulty,FULL OF CONTRADICTION.THEN I WILL ASK YOU THAT IS IT THE MUSLIM THAT WRITE ISAIAH 44;6, JOHN 17;3, and MARK 12;29? since the christian claim that the GOSPEL OF BANABAS was written by the muslim.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by muhsin(m): 3:40pm On Jul 08, 2009
Very good, afix.

Remember; only the one who Allah, the Most Exalted, guide is guided. And who is misguided. . .

May He guide us, ameen.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 3:47pm On Jul 08, 2009
Also, in conclusion to what ahonai said, therefore Three God rule the universe, hahahaha, this remind me of ancient greek belief, that earthquake is caused by god when they fight under the ground.

How possible is it for 3 gods to rule without dispute, hatred and jealousy ? Think think think !

The first god i.e the superpower cheated on the second god who is jesus, instead of him to forgive humanity as simple as that but he make the junior god who is jesus suffer on the cross, infact severely beaten by the people and later felt the agony of death.

Kai what a trinity, the senior god must be so wicked !

Don't you think we should compose a film with this characters ?
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 3:51pm On Jul 08, 2009
i cannot understand the muslim obsession with Christ. What is it about Him that makes muslims so worked up? why are they so WORRIED about who and what He is?


Assalamualaikum to my Muslim brothers, sisters and to my non Muslim friends, compliment of the day.

Let me start by apologizing for missing in action, this is due to the fact that am now somewhere pursuing my study which am finding it extremely difficult combining the two, even now i had to squeeze and post in some few lines. ?Hope you guys will forgive me.

Secondly, Am really sorry for what am going to write, Muslims are not against the teachings of Jesus Christ, in fact believing in Jesus and his teachings is one of the pillars of Islam, hope my christian friends will understand and reason with me.

Actually this is a fraud. Muslims cant believe in a "Jesus" who NEVER at any point in time spoke to Arabs nor visited arab lands. Muslims cant claim to believe in a "Jesus" who is nothing but a made-up figure in islam . . . where are the specific words of these "Jesus" in the book of allah?

Muslims dont believe in Jesus . . . they are FORCED to because islam is itself AN OPPOSITION TO CHRIST! It is thus important for them to create an alternate version (a watered-down false idea of Jesus) of Christ while pretending all the while to "believe" in Him.


The above question (who is Jesus) may be simple but if one ask Christians of different denominations, he will be amazed to hear different answers, some believe Jesus is God, some believe he is the only begotten son of God while others believe that he is one of the trio Gods (Waiyyazhubillah).

The answer to this question have been provided in the Holy Qur'an and the bible. I am starting by quoting a single verse from the holy Qur'an and compare it with what the bible is saying about the true personality of Jesus Christ.

The quran cant even answer the question on whether mohammad went to jaanah or not . . . how can it then claim to have answers on who Christ was or is? Where did it get this answer on Christ who lived almost 1000 yrs before the first quran? How can people be so deceitful?


"O people of the scripture( Christians)! do not exceed the limits in your religion,nor say Allah aught but the truth. The messiah Isa (Jesus), son of Mary, was a messenger of Allah and his word, which he bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by him, so believe in Allah and his messengers. Say not: Three (trinity) cease it is better for you. For Allah is only one, glory be to him above having a son. To him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. and Allah is all sufficient as a disposer of affairs."(Q 4 vs 171).

This again is more proof that islam is simply the devil's fallen attempt to oppose Christ and the gospel of salvation. What does it mean to "not exceed the limits of religion"? Is allah aware that christianity is NOT a religion but a relationship with JESUS CHRIST?


Let us now read what the bible is saying.

1.This is the way to have eternal life - to know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ the one you sent to earth.
(john 17:3)

2. Jesus said of my own self, I can do nothing as I hear I judged and my judgment is just because i do not seek my will but the will of the one that sent me. (john 5:30)

3. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do what I want. (john 6:38).

The first question I want to ask here is that, can God sent another God?

First understand why and how Christ was sent.


From the above verses, it is indisputable biblically and qur'anically that Jesus Christ was a prophet and a messenger who was sent by God.

It bugs me no end when these muslims struggle too desperately to force the quranic version of events into PURELY CHRISTIAN issues. The quran has NO basis to be quoted here . . . it didnt show up until at least 1000 yrs AFTER Christ so why are we to assume it is of any importance?

The conclusion above is BIBLICALLY WRONG! It is a false attempt to force the bible to say the same as the quran. Here is what Christ REALLY IS based on the bible -

Matthew 16: 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

This isnt rocket science . . . if Christ had stopped Peter in verse 14 when he said some claimed Christ was a prophet . . . this would be the muslims no.1 quoted VERSE to prove that Jesus was nothing but a "prophet".[size=13pt] The typical muslim is a very good example in dishonesty![/size] None of them would quote this passage where Christ CLEARLY endorsed the fact that He was NOT just one of the prophets BUT the SON OF GOD!

Now how did the Jews of those days understand the term "Son of the living God"? Read here:

John 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that[b] God was his Father, making himself equal with God[/b].

Even the Jews of those days UNDERSTOOD that "Son of God" was equivalent to calling Himself GOD!

What then is the OP saying is "indisputably biblically" correct?


Some Christians believe in Jesus as God because of the miracles he performed forgetting that Elisha also performed miracles as stated in the following verses.

1. Then Elisha prayed, o lord, open his eyes and let him see! the lord open his servant's eyes and when he looked up, he saw that hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. (2 kings 6:17).

2. And he (Elisha) stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the lord my god, please let this child's life return to him, the lord heard Elijas prayer and the life of the child returned to him and he came back to life. (1 kings 17:21-22).

For more details about Elija's miracles see 2 kings 5:14 and 2 kings 42-44.

My dear friends if performing miracles qualifies Jesus Christ to be God then Elija too should be considered as God, since he performed almost all the miracles Jesus did.

this is absolute rubbish and is also egg in the faces of these fraudulent slaves of satan.

1. There is NO christian on earth who simply believes Christ is God because of miracles. Anyone with the power of the Holy Ghost can perform miracles . . . infact Christ Himself said - "greater works than these shall ye do". Does any christian believe Moses or Aaron were gods?

2. Dont these same slaves claim that mohammad was also a "prophet"? Where are his own miracles? They quote elijah's miracles, they rush to grab the miracles of moses, they embellish their words with the miracles of Christ . . . why was Mohammad IMPOTENT?


Now, let us examine the verses in the bible which Christians are basing their divinity of Jesus Christ.

1. In the beginning, was the word and the word was with God and he was God. (John 1:1).

The above verse is neither coming from God nor Jesus, it is coming from John, the historiographer who was trying to explain his understanding of the relationship between Jesus and God, unfortunately he contradicted the bible as pointed out in (John 17:3 and john 5:30). And if one examine the verse (john 1:1) he will understand that the word, with, is a conjunction, joining word and God.

This is amazingly stupid . . . the bible wasnt written in English so how then can you claim to understand EXACTLY what John was saying if you're not reading from the original greek version? Did John use a conjunction there?

John 1:1 does not contradict John 17:3 or John 5:30 EXCEPT you are a blind, unsaved muslim who simply reads LITERAL ENGLISH without a deeper understanding of the words the bible says.


The same Bible says in Isiah 44:6 and i quote, God says I am the first and the last, there is no any God besides me. (Isiah 44:6). If I may ask my dear friends, which statement is more authentic? is it the one from God or the one from John?

The same book of Isaiah says something that these dishonest slaves love to avoid - Isaiah 9: 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Did the OP ever see Isaiah's prophecy of the birth of Christ and what His name would be called?

the rest of the nauseating piffle the author had to write was the usual bla bla bla struggle to force allah into the bible. If only he could find his own bible so the rest of us holding "corrupt" versions can rest.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 3:55pm On Jul 08, 2009

it might interest you to know that jesus was mad according to the bible, read this

note: jesus is god

jesus when nail on the cross.
mathew 27:46 he cried with a loud voice saying 'myself myself, why did me forsake myself'

this is what we call 360 degree kolomental

these are the same people who claim that believing in Jesus is one of the pillars of islam? Would he EVER speak of mohammad this way?

dont be decieved brethren, NO muslim believes in Christ . . . it is nothing but a way to deny His Lordship. The devil now works in mysterious ways too.

Islam - modified form of satanism.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 4:44pm On Jul 08, 2009
@david, Poor attempt, you seems to be confusing yourself in your statements

i have this for you if you have sense.

Quran 21:26-29
and they say 'The most Gracious (GOD) has begotten a son' Glory to Him ! They jesus son of mary and ezra are but honoured. They speak not until God has spoken and they
act on His command. He knows what is before them and behind them and they cannot intercede except for him with whom He is pleased. And they stand in awe for fear of Him (GOD)'.
And if verily any of them (jesus or ezra) should say 'verily i am god besides the true God' such a one we should recompense with Hell. Thus We recompense the wrongdoers'

true talk Ya Allah. Even in their bible jesus never claim 'I AM GOD or Worship me'
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 6:45pm On Jul 08, 2009
abuzola pls spare me your quotations from that manual of hate and demonic deception. Why is allah speaking now? where was he for the over 1000 yrs AFTER Christ came and resurrected but before islam?

Who is he recompensing in hell? Didnt he make an irrevocable decree to put even you muslims there too?
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 7:48pm On Jul 08, 2009
God forbid ! You will be in hell and not we.

Here is what Allah says about people like you

Quran 3:19
truly, the religion with God is Islam. Those who were given the scriptures jews and christians did not differ except out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieve in the revealation of God, then surely, God is swift in calling to account'
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 8:52pm On Jul 08, 2009
Here is what allah says about you too - Surah 19:71
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Chrisbenogor(m): 9:00pm On Jul 08, 2009
Did someone tell these muslims there are 80 virgins for anyone who can convince a christian that Jesus is less than who they think he is?
I suspect all these new generation banks, the first virgin had better be a new jenna jameson,  grin grin grin
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 9:37pm On Jul 08, 2009
Why am i hearing 70 virgins each for a muslim every time ? This is baseless and clueless, what do you take us for ? Sex machine, hiss. The first set of muslim will be given two women each, if your wife enter paradise with you then she become ur wife and an extra woman is added. The women of paradise are called 'Hurul een', beauty upon beauty, their marrow is visible as a result of their excess beauty. no man on earth will see their feets or back but will faint not to talk of face, full breast, sexy wide eye, each day they look beautier than the previous day. Hmmm can't say No.

Jesus promise you heaven and Allah promise you paradise. Think twice and make the right choice
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 9:40pm On Jul 08, 2009

Why am i hearing 70 virgins each for a muslim every time ? This is baseless and clueless, what do you take us for ? Sex machine, hiss. The first set of muslim will be given two women each, if your wife enter paradise with you then she become ur wife and an extra woman is added. The women of paradise are called 'Hurul een', beauty upon beauty, their marrow is visible as a result of their excess beauty. no man on earth will see their feets or back but will faint not to talk of face, full breast, sexy wide eye, each day they look beautier than the previous day. Hmmm can't say No.

Jesus promise you heaven and Allah promise you paradise. Think twice and make the right choice

but your "prophet" was given the sexual strength of 30 men no? grin
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Chrisbenogor(m): 9:46pm On Jul 08, 2009

Why am i hearing 70 virgins each for a muslim every time ? This is baseless and clueless, what do you take us for ? Sex machine, hiss. The first set of muslim will be given two women each, if your wife enter paradise with you then she become ur wife and an extra woman is added. The women of paradise are called 'Hurul een', beauty upon beauty, their marrow is visible as a result of their excess beauty. no man on earth will see their feets or back but will faint not to talk of face, full breast, sexy wide eye, each day they look beautier than the previous day. Hmmm can't say No.

Jesus promise you heaven and Allah promise you paradise. Think twice and make the right choice
shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
Em can I have paradise on earth, I will sign up as a muslim ASAP
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 9:55pm On Jul 08, 2009

Why am i hearing 70 virgins each for a muslim every time ? This is baseless and clueless, what do you take us for ? Sex machine, hiss. The first set of muslim will be given two women each, if your wife enter paradise with you then she become ur wife and an extra woman is added. The women of paradise are called 'Hurul een', beauty upon beauty, their marrow is visible as a result of their excess beauty. no man on earth will see their feets or back but will faint not to talk of face, full breast, sexy wide eye, each day they look beautier than the previous day. Hmmm can't say No.

Jesus promise you heaven and Allah promise you paradise. Think twice and make the right choice

How can "excess beauty" make the MARROW visible? Do you know what the marrow is? grin cheesy This allah sef.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 10:14pm On Jul 08, 2009
@david, please present the hadith let me take you for a tour.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Nobody: 10:40pm On Jul 08, 2009

Also, in conclusion to what ahonai said, therefore Three God rule the universe, hahahaha, this remind me of ancient greek belief, that earthquake is caused by god when they fight under the ground.

How possible is it for 3 gods to rule without dispute, hatred and jealousy ? Think think think !

The first god i.e the superpower cheated on the second god who is jesus, instead of him to forgive humanity as simple as that but he make the junior god who is jesus suffer on the cross, infact severely beaten by the people and later felt the agony of death.

Kai what a trinity, the senior god must be so wicked !

Don't you think we should compose a film with this characters ?

Firstly my name is Ahonohai. . .A-H-O-N-O-H-A-I

Secondly, could you please quote the post where I stated that the universe was ruled by Three God using your very own words!

Thirdly, do you mean Three God or 3 gods? There is a clear difference between them.

Finally, where did you get the concept of a senior and junior god from? Definitely not from me!

I would also like to request that when you respond directly to my posts that you do not cast aspersions against my God as I do not and will not refer to Allah in such language. If you cannot give me such consideration then it will be rather unfortunate and I willl have to come to the unfortunate conclusion that you are unreasonable. At this point in time, I beg to differ with the popular view that you are unreasonable and not worth conversing with.
Re: Who Is Jesus? by Abuzola(m): 11:13pm On Jul 08, 2009
Oga, so can you explain how the 3 gods or trinity is ? Since you refute me

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