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Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 9:52pm On Jul 04, 2009
Compiled by Abuzola

This has been a crucial question many are asking.

You have come to the right place.

Hadith 959 of sahih Bukhari
from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said 'some people said 'O Allah's Apostle ! Meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animal.)' Allah's Apostle said to them 'mention the name of Allah on it and eat it'


Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by papagiddy(m): 6:13am On Jul 11, 2009
Just plead the "BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST" on the meat then eat it. simple!

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Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 6:49am On Jul 11, 2009
Really ? And you are proud that your god die and blood spilled. Why not drink your pastor's blood since jesus is absent to pierces him and seek for the blood. Miserable people

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Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Tudor6(f): 9:35am On Jul 11, 2009
Yes, is it not the same way terrorists scream the name of allah before they blow up innocent women and children. Allah really loves slaughter!
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by littleb(m): 11:17am On Jul 11, 2009
[center]Ruling on eating cheese if the source of the rennet is not known
What is the ruling on the presence of rennet in most of the cheeses we buy, when we do not know where it is derived from?.

Praise be to Allaah.

The substance that is put in cheese is rennet; it is a yellowish white substance in a vessel of skin which is extracted from the stomach of a calf or nursing lamb. A little of it is added to the milk, which curdles and becomes cheese.

See al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (5/155).

The ruling on rennet varies according to where it is taken from. If it is taken from an animal that has been slaughtered in accordance with sharee’ah, then it is pure and may be eaten. If it is taken from an animal that died of natural causes or an animal that was not slaughtered in accordance with sharee’ah, then there is a difference of opinion among the fuqaha’ concerning it. The majority of Maalikis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis are of the view that it is najis. Abu Haneefah and Ahmad, according to the other report narrated from him, were of the view that it is taahir. This is the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him). He said in al-Fataawa (21/102): It is more likely that their cheese -- referring to the Magians -- is halaal and that the rennet from a dead animal (one that died of natural causes) and its milk are taahir. End quote.

He also said (35/154): With regard to cheese that is made with their rennet – i.e., from some of the baatini sects who are regarded as kaafirs – there are two well-known views concerning that among the scholars, as in the case of rennet from dead animals and rennet from animals slaughtered by the Magians and Franks, of whom it is said that they do not slaughter meat properly. The view of Abu Haneefah and of Ahmad according to one of the two reports narrated from him is that this cheese is permissible, because the rennet of dead animals is taahir according to this view, because then it does not die when the animal dies. The view of Maalik and al-Shaafa’i, and of Ahmad according to the other report, is that this cheese is najis because in their view the rennet is najis, because the milk and rennet of the dead animal are najis according to them. If meat slaughtered by a particular person cannot be eaten, then meat slaughtered by him is like dead meat. Those who hold both views quoted as evidence reports that were narrated from the Sahaabah. Those who hold the first view narrate that the Sahaabah ate the cheese of the Magians, and those who hold the second view narrate that they ate what they thought was cheese of the Christians. This issue is subject to ijtihaad and one may follow the view of the Shaykh he asks. End quote.

This is the correct opinion. Whether you know the source of the rennet and that it comes from an animal that was slaughtered properly or otherwise, or you do not know, there is nothing wrong with eating cheese that has been made with it.

And Allah knows best.

Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 3:27pm On Jul 11, 2009
@littleb, may Allah bless you for that sheding light on cheese.

@tudor, you are my favourite atheist, i dey feel ya. I won't slaughter you if you don't oppress islam, and am sure you are inbetween, not animus with islam and not a sympathizer to Islam. Well done, atheist
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by ronkeenuf(f): 1:05pm On Jul 13, 2009
what about frozen chicken( and other imported frozen birds), can one pronounce Allah's name on them to make them halal for consumption? reason I ask this is because they are killed en masse with machines which could be violent and violently killed or gored meats are haram for consumption.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 12:58am On Jul 14, 2009
Say Bismilahi and eat your thing, but if you can buy the animal and slaughter it yourself it would be better
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by theseeker2: 4:34pm On Oct 13, 2009
Allah is great!

Just ysterday i was watching a documentry about a series of experiment conducted on animal slaughter by some syrian scientists. They selectively pronounced loudly 'Allahu akar' on some animals before slaughtering and on some they did not. They finally carried out series of test on the meats of these animals. The results were amazing!

100% of the samples on which Allah's name was called showed no trace of tissue poisoning or bacterial growth. While those on which Allah's name was not called showed very high level of bacterial growth and blood poisoning and when consumed it is likely to cause sickness and disease. This experiment was repeated by leading medical scientist across the world and the results were overwheminly identical.

It was discovered that once the animals heard the name of Allah pronounced they calm immediately and their blood pressure droped to nearly zero and tissue contraction ensued immediatly. This way, the animal is completly drained of of blood and no poisoning of tissue occured. It was as if the animal were happy to fulfil a convenant they had made with Allah to serve as food for mankind. Even to the extent that these animals willingly entered the slaughter train without any struggle once thay heard 'Allahu akbar'

this experiment is simple and repeatable. I challenge anyone who denies the signs of Allah to try it. HE will never fail in his promise


Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by alimat2(f): 5:27pm On Oct 13, 2009
ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 6:07pm On Oct 13, 2009
alhamdulilah am a muslim.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by morpheus24: 8:25pm On Oct 13, 2009

Yes, is it not the same way terrorists scream the name of allah before they blow up innocent women and children. Allah really loves slaughter!

Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 12:01am On Oct 14, 2009
Mopo or wetin be ur name
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Nobody: 5:40am On Oct 14, 2009
so whats the final verdict on rennet cheese? Before I dig into my sandwich here.

@ topic

you cant go wrong with kosher meat. Practically the same thing unless you're unnecessarily picky.

On the other hand, just say bisimillahi as was mentioned before.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Abuzola(m): 6:34am On Oct 14, 2009
I guess you just spoke in tongue coz i understand not a line
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by decode55(m): 2:23am On Sep 05, 2012
the_seeker: Allah is great!

Just ysterday i was watching a documentry about a series of experiment conducted on animal slaughter by some syrian scientists. They selectively pronounced loudly 'Allahu akar' on some animals before slaughtering and on some they did not. They finally carried out series of test on the meats of these animals. The results were amazing!

100% of the samples on which Allah's name was called showed no trace of tissue poisoning or bacterial growth. While those on which Allah's name was not called showed very high level of bacterial growth and blood poisoning and when consumed it is likely to cause sickness and disease. This experiment was repeated by leading medical scientist across the world and the results were overwheminly identical.

It was discovered that once the animals heard the name of Allah pronounced they calm immediately and their blood pressure droped to nearly zero and tissue contraction ensued immediatly. This way, the animal is completly drained of of blood and no poisoning of tissue occured. It was as if the animal were happy to fulfil a convenant they had made with Allah to serve as food for mankind. Even to the extent that these animals willingly entered the slaughter train without any struggle once thay heard 'Allahu akbar'

this experiment is simple and repeatable. I challenge anyone who denies the signs of Allah to try it. HE will never fail in his promise
smh.. Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊'re so dumb and daft! Jeez! Do people ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ still exist?
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by amareodalah: 12:45pm On Nov 07, 2012
decode55: smh.. Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊'re so dumb and daft! Jeez! Do people ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ still exist?

the right ting to do is pray
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by ghazzal: 2:10pm On Nov 09, 2012
i have heard a lot on this. but i prefer to kill if i want to eat. so i eat more of sea foods.

sometimes i fall out of line to eat this kind of meat, but im sure it is minimal. unlike praying before eating where i will eat anything.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by azharuddin: 3:04pm On Nov 11, 2012
Islamic Legal Rulings on Slaughtered Animal -Mufti Taqi Usmani :

Download Pdf:
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by tpia1: 6:46pm On Nov 12, 2012
I assume the thread is for muslims.

In any case, either eat kosher or just say your prayer before eating the meat.

Or dont eat meat.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by theseeker2: 3:07pm On Mar 14, 2013
decode55: smh.. Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊'re so dumb and daft! Jeez! Do people ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ still exist?

There is no need being silly here. All you need do is to prove me wrong
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Nobody: 1:16am On Apr 26, 2013

There is no need being silly here. All you need do is to prove me wrong
What's the name of the documentary? And is there a place where I can watch it online?
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by Nobody: 6:14am On Apr 26, 2013
Abuzola: Compiled by Abuzola

This has been a crucial question many are asking.

You have come to the right place.

Hadith 959 of sahih Bukhari
from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said 'some people said 'O Allah's Apostle ! Meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animal.)' Allah's Apostle said to them 'mention the name of Allah on it and eat it'


papa giddy: NO!!
Just plead the "BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST" on the meat then eat it. simple!

grin grin grin grin.
Re: Buying Meat Without Knowing If Allah's Name Is Called Before Slaughter by tunde1200(m): 11:36am On Apr 28, 2013
thanks @OP nice one, though you are no more on NL but i missed you so much.

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