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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by ideatoprince18(m): 3:31pm On Mar 20, 2016
this story make sense

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:32am On Mar 25, 2016

1. And Deganis, a homo of the land of Chaleb began to increase in his mental ability. And he began to make a vessel from the gopher wood.

2. For the wood was gotten from the lightest tree on earth named the gopher tree.

3. Deganis got the gopher wood from the garden of Nymphidis while he was away in a fight with Ephradite.

4. And the wood was so light that a log of it could float totally on water. Nymphidis got this tree by planting the seed of Caravas and the seed of Melamis tree together.

5. And the gopher tree measured up to two hundred cubits in height and ten cubits in width.

6. And Deganis had made a great invention to cut down the tree. And he did this in no time at all.

7. The aim of Deganis was to traverse the oceans with it to fetch Mother Earthus.

8. For he strongly believed that she had returned to the ocean with Eartum.

9. But Eartum and Earthus were still in the desert where they had escaped to. And Earthus said, Eartum, my soul desires to return to the water. What do we wait for in this place?

10. Our creatures would be now weary of our absence. Let us return to the ocean, for we are safer there than here.

11. And at the third year of the pleadings of Earthus did he listen to her. And they returned into the water.

12. And Deganis had assembled a thousand homos. And Nymphidis thought to lead the war. But he knew not where Deganis got the wood for the large vessel.

13. And Nymphidis doubted if the large vessel of Deganis would float on water. And Deganis said, my lord, Nymphidis, the vessel had been tested on the four rivers which flowed into your garden.

14. Apenas was there as well as Cirius when I put the vessel on the rivers and it stood.

15. And when Nymphidis asked where he got the wood from, he said he got it from the land of Chimides (for Chimides was the creator of many trees).

16. And Nymphidis himself carried the vessel in his hands and led them to the continent of oceans.

17. And the vessel was so light in the arms of Nymphidis that he doubted if it would be able to carry their weight.

18. The weight of the vessel was about eighty-two shekels. But the weight of Nymphidis alone was about thirty-eight thousand shekels.

19. The weight of Deganis was nine-thousand four hundred and eighty two shekels. And the weight of Cirius was eight-thousand five hundred and two shekels. And the weight of Apenas was seven thousand and one shekel.

20. And the weight of Aeriel was six thousand four hundred and eight shekels. And the weight of Chapetan was six thousand two hundred shekels.

21. And altogether, the weight of all the homos and Nymphidis was in millions. But the weight of the gopher wood was only eighty-two shekels.

22. Then Nymphidis would not accept that they travel in the vessel because it would be destroyed by their weight.

23. And Deganis said, my lord Nymphidis, I have made a lot of findings and I know that the waters will support us with its own force.

24. For when I pushed my hands inside the river Euphrates, it pushed it back.

25. Our weight shall not break the vessel of gopher because the force of the ocean shall support it.

26. And again, Nymphidis said, we are so many. Our weight shall sink the vessel and Eartum shall have us by surprise.

27. Again Deganis replied him and said, we shall spread throughout the vessel, for it is large enough to contain everyone of us such that no two people shall be together at a spot in it.

28. So did Nymphidis listen to Deganis and they entered the large vessel through the ocean called phiph.

29. And they sailed for many days and soon came to the ocean called phidarth. And when they came to the ocean eartum later, they got set to trap mother Earthus, for Deganis sent a loud noise down the ocean and from the response he got, he told them all to get ready to catch Earthus with a huge harpoon crafted by Marad.

30. Then Rauel entered into the harpoon and they let him down into the ocean, right at the centre where Earthus and Eartum lay.

31. And when Earthus saw the harpoon and Rauel trapped in it, she felt pity for him.

32. Then did Earthus persuade Eartum that they should come to the rescue of Rauel, for she knew him by his name.

33. And Eartum said, let us hold our peace because Rauel is a follower of Nymphidis.

34. And what is our concern if Nymphidis has intended to punish one of his followers by drowning him in the ocean?

35. Then did Earthus continue to adjure him, but Eartum gave no ear.

36. And Earthus said, my lord Eartum, only this once shall I disregard you. For you know not what pain I carry in my heart whenever a homo has died.

37. I shall rescue Rauel from this great cage and he shall be one of us in the oceans.

38. Then Earthus leapt forward and caught the harpoon with the intent of opening it for Rauel to come forth.

39. But she knew not that he had begun to cleave her long strand of hair with the harpoon.

40. And in a twinkling of an eye, Nymphidis lifted up the harpoon from the waters when he felt that it had become heavier.

41. And Earthus followed the lifting up because her hair had been entwined with it.

42. And when Eartum saw this, he leapt in the water and caught the limbs of Earthus.

43. And the vessel shook greatly for the forces of the sons of God.

44. And Earthus cried for pain, but none of the sons of God was ready to leave her.

45. Nymphidis pulled her by the abdomen while Eartum pulled her legs, which was the only place left for him to pull.

46. And the pulling continued for a whole day, from the rising of the sun to another rising of the sun.

47. And Earthus' body was dissected by the forces of the two sons of God.

48. And Eartum parted with her two legs while Nymphidis got her torso, besides her hands.

49. And the water of the ocean was turned into blood.

50. And in anger, Eartum reached out for the vessel from beneath the ocean and struck it with a great force.

51. Then did the vessel break into pieces but Nymphidis had flown out of it before the wreckage.

52. For he had taken away the body of Earthus with her, except her legs which were in the ocean with Eartum.

53. And Eartum wept greatly. This was the first weeping of a son of God.

54. And his tears filled the ocean, tasting like the tepex with which Reverad made his priests.

55. Thus did every water into which the ocean eartum flow begin to taste tepex until these days.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by adsami1: 12:38pm On Mar 28, 2016
Amen? What a doctrine! Lol
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 2:50pm On Mar 30, 2016

Antispambot doesn't want it uploaded.

However here is the summary of it:

Nymphidis went to hunt for Earthus in the ocean. He went there with some homos and they got her through a large ship they made. In the struggle for her, she losts her two legs. Then her body was taken to a tree and hung there. But Eartum came for her and got her back to the moon.

Later, Jasheb, who was one of those who trapped Earthus, began to change his lifestyle. And many of the people followed his teaching. Then Nymphidis was annoyed and he wanted to kill him. Then Jasheb ran into the ocean.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 3:01pm On Mar 30, 2016

1. And Jasheb came out of the ocean alive at the third week.

2. For he had been helped by one of the fishes in the oceans.

3. And the fish looked beautiful and fresh in all manner to him.

4. Then Jasheb, when he had come out of the waters, began to think of disguising himself to look as beautiful as the fish itself.

5. For the fish itself had eaten up all the furs on his body such that he now appeared naked.

6. And Jasheb felt the need to cover up himself like the sons of God. And he went to the land of Phidis and found there some strands of the hair of Earthus on the tree where she was hanged.

7. Then did he weave the hair on his own head and his countenance was fair to look upon. And he was like Earthus in appearance. He also stuck some saps from the bark of the tree upon his lips; this thing was what Earthus always did while she was on earth.

8. And Jasheb saw a nut from a tree. And when he broke it, he found oil in it.

9. And he anointed his body all over with the oil to make his skin look smooth like Earthus' and like the friendly phibiosis in the ocean which had helped him get to land.

10. Then Jasheb walked gracefully like Mother Earthus. For he had also pierced his ears through and fixed some gold in them, all for the intent of looking like mother Earthus. He had also stuff some soft fruit of tacamid in his chest to make them appear like breasts.

11. And at that time did Nymphidis pass by and saw him.

12. And he curiously approached him, because he looked like Earthus.

13. And Jasheb was scared when he saw him. And he felt to make light his feet and flee.

14. But Nymphidis commanded him to remain because he meant no hurt.

15. And Jasheb remained, trembling; because he feared that Nymphidis would know him for who he was exactly.

16. And when Nymphidis had approached him, he yelled, Waldis!

17. Then did Jasheb understand what Nymphidis meant, because he had read of her in the book of Eartum the son of God.

18. And Jasheb mimicked the voice of Earthus saying, how do you know my name?

19. And Nymphidis was amazed when he heard the voice. And he said, are you truly Waldis?

20. Then Jasheb replied, yes I am. I have been lost in the desert for ages. My brother left me when I was surrounded by an unknown flame, but I was not burnt by the flame.

21. And when Nymphidis heard this, he fell into an embrace with him.

22. And he wept bitterly, but did not weep for a long time so that he would not be discovered to be weeping, for the homos may count it as a weakness to him.

23. Then did Nymphidis take her home with gladness of heart, thinking he was his daughter, Waldis.

24. And when Jasheb saw Faulkin, he was afraid that his secret would be discovered.

25. Then did Faulkin do exactly as Nymphidis had done, because he cried Waldis! when he also saw him.

26. And in those days, Faulkin began to demand of Jasheb those things he had been doing with him while they were away millions of years back.

27. (In those days, the homos made by birth do not grow more than the appearance of a youth).

28. And Jasheb said, "Faulkin my brother, my memory has been partially lost by the heat of the flame. Tell me what it was that I have been doing for you and I will do it again."

29. And Faulkin whispered into his ear.

30. Then Jasheb began to rub his long hair on Faulkin's feet, pouring ointment on his feet, according to what he had been told by Faulkin.

31. This same thing was what Waldis his sister had been doing with him because he loved her so much. And he took pleasure in the softness of her mammary glands which rested on his feet whenever she was doing that to him.

32. And the affair of Faulkin
and Jasheb continued for a space of a year until he asked him that he would see his unclothedness.

33. And Jasheb was afraid because he feared that his secret would be discovered.

34. And Faulkin said, "You are my sister, Waldis. Let us have the taste of what our fathers also had for I perceived it is the sweetest thing one could have on earth.

35. Was it not for this purpose I stole you away while you were yet a baby? Because I said in my heart, Waldis shall grow up to have the beautiful countenance of Mother Earthus and our fathers shall fight to take her as their wife.

36. And for this did I take you away to nourish you until a time like this. But at a time I thought you were ripe to be deflowered, the flame of my father engulfed you, but you did not die because you are the begotten daughter of the consuming fire himself.

37. And when Jasheb heard this, he was sore afraid, thinking he would flee the house of Nymphidis by night.

38. And when Jasheb was about to flee, he ran into the hand of Faulkin.

39. And Faulkin stripped him naked in his chamber. And he was shocked when he saw it.

40. And Jasheb was sore afraid, shaking violently on a spot.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 3:03pm On Mar 30, 2016

1. Faulkin was shocked when he saw the manhood of Jasheb.

2. The two fruit of tacamid had also fallen off his chest.

3. And Faulkin required to know who he was. And he replied, Jasheb.

4. And Faulkin's wrath waxed hot against him. And he threatened to take him to Nymphidis to torture him.

5. Then Jasheb vehemently pleaded for mercy. And Faulkin said, you shall only be granted mercy on one condition, that we continue in the affair.

6. And Jasheb said, impossible! For where in me shall your rod go through?

7. And Jasheb gathered confidence and said, Faulkin, you have a secret to keep than myself. I shall tell your father how you did fare with Waldis while she was alive.

8. Now I adjure you, stay away from me.

9. But Faulkin would not hear. And when he did not let Jasheb have a rest of mind, he allowed him to pass his manhood into him through his anus.

10. And this affair continued for a long time, but Nymphidis knew not what they were doing.

11. And as knowledge increased, the homos began to discover what was hid in the earth.

12. And Dadoni of the land of Ephradite was the one who discovered iron.

13. But Nymphidis was greatly displeased by this discovery, for his soul hated iron greatly.

14. And he sought to kill Dadoni, but could not because Dadoni had made a chariot with iron. And he escaped to Ephradite in his chariot.

15. And Tetrucan of the land of
Nymphidis was the one who discovered sulphur.

16. And at the discovery of it was Nymphidis glad because it supported his fire.

17. And Nymphidis had heaps of sulphur, but no one knew what he intended to do with it.

18. And it came to pass, that Nymphidis was weary at the continuous visit of the homos to the ocean to worship Earthus who was no more in the ocean.

19. And in anger, he killed a thousand and twenty-five of the homos made by his own hands.

20. For he poured out fire and brimstone upon them and they died.

21. And this did not stop the remaining homos from visiting the ocean to bow their knees.

22. And Nymphidis declared, if you will worship at all, then worship me. For I deserve to be worshipped than any of the sons of God.

23. How do you do your worship to Earthus who by now should be spending his second life in the chumorld? For she was but dead before Eartum rescued his body.

24. And the people began to make gates of brass and bars of iron for protection. For the fear of Nymphidis had engulfed them.

25. And Nymphidis commanded his men to go forth and break every gate of brass and destroy every bar of iron. But himself would not go with them because his soul hated brass and iron.

26. And Faulkin led the war. And they broke down many structures made with brass and iron.

27. They also destroyed the brazen images of mother Earthus which many homos worshipped.

28. And Nymphidis went forth into the continent of Ephradite, for he heard that Dadoni was there.

29. And Nymphidis struck stones together to make fire in the midst of the land.

30. And when they saw the fire, they were amazed because they did not know that stones could make fire.

31. For since the existence of many of the homos, they had been going from one place to the other to get ready-made fire without knowing the origin of it.

32. And Nymphidis burnt about two hundred thousand homos of the land of Ephradite and took away about one thousand worms which Ephradite had kept for the purpose of knowledge.

33. And Ephradite could not overcome Nymphidis and his homos who had invaded his continent.


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by ebiagtales: 11:34am On Apr 01, 2016


1. Faulkin was shocked when he saw the manhood of Jasheb.

2. The two fruit of tacamid had also fallen off his chest.

3. And Faulkin required to know who he was. And he replied, Jasheb.

4. And Faulkin's wrath waxed hot against him. And he threatened to take him to Nymphidis to torture him.

5. Then Jasheb vehemently pleaded for mercy. And Faulkin said, you shall only be granted mercy on one condition, that we continue in the affair.

6. And Jasheb said, impossible! For where in me shall your rod go through?

7. And Jasheb gathered confidence and said, Faulkin, you have a secret to keep than myself. I shall tell your father how you did fare with Waldis while she was alive.

8. Now I adjure you, stay away from me.

9. But Faulkin would not hear. And when he did not let Jasheb have a rest of mind, he allowed him to pass his manhood into him through his anus.

10. And this affair continued for a long time, but Nymphidis knew not what they were doing.

11. And as knowledge increased, the homos began to discover what was hid in the earth.

12. And Dadoni of the land of Ephradite was the one who discovered iron.

13. But Nymphidis was greatly displeased by this discovery, for his soul hated iron greatly.

14. And he sought to kill Dadoni, but could not because Dadoni had made a chariot with iron. And he escaped to Ephradite in his chariot.

15. And Tetrucan of the land of
Nymphidis was the one who discovered sulphur.

16. And at the discovery of it was Nymphidis glad because it supported his fire.

17. And Nymphidis had heaps of sulphur, but no one knew what he intended to do with it.

18. And it came to pass, that Nymphidis was weary at the continuous visit of the homos to the ocean to worship Earthus who was no more in the ocean.

19. And in anger, he killed a thousand and twenty-five of the homos made by his own hands.

20. For he poured out fire and brimstone upon them and they died.

21. And this did not stop the remaining homos from visiting the ocean to bow their knees.

22. And Nymphidis declared, if you will worship at all, then worship me. For I deserve to be worshipped than any of the sons of God.

23. How do you do your worship to Earthus who by now should be spending his second life in the chumorld? For she was but dead before Eartum rescued his body.

24. And the people began to make gates of brass and bars of iron for protection. For the fear of Nymphidis had engulfed them.

25. And Nymphidis commanded his men to go forth and break every gate of brass and destroy every bar of iron. But himself would not go with them because his soul hated brass and iron.

26. And Faulkin led the war. And they broke down many structures made with brass and iron.

27. They also destroyed the brazen images of mother Earthus which many homos worshipped.

28. And Nymphidis went forth into the continent of Ephradite, for he heard that Dadoni was there.

29. And Nymphidis struck stones together to make fire in the midst of the land.

30. And when they saw the fire, they were amazed because they did not know that stones could make fire.

31. For since the existence of many of the homos, they had been going from one place to the other to get ready-made fire without knowing the origin of it.

32. And Nymphidis burnt about two hundred thousand homos of the land of Ephradite and took away about one thousand worms which Ephradite had kept for the purpose of knowledge.

33. And Ephradite could not overcome Nymphidis and his homos who had invaded his continent.

Enjoying every bit of this doctrine. I got ur reply. Thanks.

1 Like

Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:21pm On Apr 01, 2016

1. After three years of the dwelling of Eartum and Earthus in the moon, she told him;

2. Eartum, I can no more bear it. Let us go back into the ocean and take charge of all our creatures;

3. The whales, the phibioses, the tergunis- they shall all die for our absence.

4. And Eartum said, why do you worry all the time over the creatures made by my own hand and the ones made by the bang?

5. You do not consider your own safety over theirs.

6. If they die, can we not make others to replace them?

7. But if we die, how shall we be replaced?

8. Moreso, Apollyon your son have we kept in this moon with us until a time he would be able to withstand the turbidity of the ocean.

9. Why do you even bother, O! Earthus? Have I not sent down my force from the moon into all the oceans and seas and water bodies on the face of the earth to protect them?

10. So keep your peace O! Earthus! For it was because of your great care for the homos that you lost your limbs.

11. And Earthus said, my limbs are nothing to me in this matter. I shall even offer to lose my life if need be.

12. And for Apollyon, did Knoliud not appear to us last night to tell us that he will grow up to rule the earth with a rod of iron? But this thing I am against.

13. Let us depart into the oceans immediately, for I can no more forbear it.

12. With this, Eartum knew that her heart was fixed. And he said, O! Earthus, mother of great Apollyon, (also called Apollo) I can perceive in my spirit that in a distant world, the spirit of Apollyon shall lead some homos here.

13. And when they shall explore this moon, their findings shall put Nymphidis to shame, because he has assumed that the moon is a light and therefore not explorable.

14. So Eartum and Earthus were set to leave the moon.

15. And he made a satellite like the stars of the great bang. Then he kept Apollyon in the satellite to grow therein.

16. Now Nymphidis had released his dragon upon the homos on earth who kept on visiting the ocean to worship Earthus.

17. And the dragon flew across the continents, putting the life of many worshippers of Earthus to death.

18. And Petunia discovered an element called Publum. And Nymphidis was glad at the discovery because he thought he would feed it to the worms of Ephradite which he had taken.

19. Nymphidis made a molten lead with his fire and fed them to the worms of Ephradite.

20. Immediately the worms had tasted the publum, they fell dead like a grass dried up by the sunlight.

21. And Nymphidis called one of his homos and fed him with a molten publum cooked in oil, disgusing it like pottage.

22. Then the homo died.

23. When Nymphidis saw this, he was very pleased within his heart. And he named the molten plubum wormwood, because it was what killed the worms of Ephradite which even fire and sulphur could not kill.

24. Then he arranged his followers to go round the continents to declare peace, saying, let us be at peace with one another again.

25. And Nymphidis said, let everyone worship whosoever he chose to worship.

26. Go into the seas and the oceans and the rivers and drink of the waters.

27. Worship the image of Earthus if you wish, for at the beginning she was charged with the control of this planet.

28. Hearing this, everyone on the face of the earth was glad. And they hailed Nymphidis again, saying, Alsadur! Alsadur! you are the greatest among the sons of God.

29. You are Peace and the god of it. You are not the god of war, but the god of peace.

30. Then Faulkin arose amidst them and said, I am the Prince of Peace. Therefore let peace reign in this planet.

31. And these deeds of Nymphidis and Faulkin were the fulfillment of the divine prophecy of Knoliud, saying, "And one of you sons of God shall give himself a name. He shall be called Peace. And his adopted son shall be called the Prince of Peace."


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:30pm On Apr 01, 2016

1. After three years of the dwelling of Eartum and Earthus in the moon, she told him;

2. Eartum, I can no more bear it. Let us go back into the ocean and take charge of all our creatures;

3. The whales, the phibioses, the tergunis- they shall all die for our absence.

4. And Eartum said, why do you worry all the time over the creatures made by my own hand and the ones made by the bang?

5. You do not consider your own safety over theirs.

6. If they die, can we not make others to replace them?

7. But if we die, how shall we be replaced?

8. Moreso, Apollyon your son have we kept in this moon with us until a time he would be able to withstand the turbidity of the ocean.

9. Why do you even bother, O! Earthus? Have I not sent down my force from the moon into all the oceans and seas and water bodies on the face of the earth to protect them?

10. So keep your peace O! Earthus! For it was because of your great care for the homos that you lost your limbs.

11. And Earthus said, my limbs are nothing to me in this matter. I shall even offer to lose my life if need be.

12. And for Apollyon, did Knoliud not appear to us last night to tell us that he will grow up to rule the earth with a rod of iron? But this thing I am against.

13. Let us depart into the oceans immediately, for I can no more forbear it.

12. With this, Eartum knew that her heart was fixed. And he said, O! Earthus, mother of great Apollyon, (also called Apollo) I can perceive in my spirit that in a distant world, the spirit of Apollyon shall lead some homos here.

13. And when they shall explore this moon, their findings shall put Nymphidis to shame, because he has assumed that the moon is a light and therefore not explorable.

14. So Eartum and Earthus were set to leave the moon.

15. And he made a satellite like the stars of the great bang. Then he kept Apollyon in the satellite to grow therein.

16. Now Nymphidis had released his dragon upon the homos on earth who kept on visiting the ocean to worship Earthus.

17. And the dragon flew across the continents, putting the life of many worshippers of Earthus to death.

18. And Petunia discovered an element called Publum. And Nymphidis was glad at the discovery because he thought he would feed it to the worms of Ephradite which he had taken.

19. Nymphidis made a molten lead with his fire and fed them to the worms of Ephradite.

20. Immediately the worms had tasted the publum, they fell dead like a grass dried up by the sunlight.

21. And Nymphidis called one of his homos and fed him with a molten publum cooked in oil, disgusing it like pottage.

22. Then the homo died.

23. When Nymphidis saw this, he was very pleased within his heart. And he named the molten plumbum wormwood, because it was what killed the worms of Ephradite which even fire and sulphur could not kill.

24. Then he arranged his followers to go round the continents to declare peace, saying, let us be at peace with one another again.

25. And Nymphidis said, let everyone worship whosoever he chose to worship.

26. Go into the seas and the oceans and the rivers and drink of the waters.

27. Worship the image of Earthus if you wish, for at the beginning she was charged with the control of this planet.

28. Hearing this, everyone on the face of the earth was glad. And they hailed Nymphidis again, saying, Alsadur! Alsadur! you are the greatest among the sons of God.

29. You are Peace and the god of it. You are not the god of war, but the god of peace.

30. Then Faulkin arose amidst them and said, I am the Prince of Peace. Therefore let peace reign in this planet.

31. And these deeds of Nymphidis and Faulkin were the fulfillment of the divine prophecy of Knoliud, saying, "And one of you sons of God shall give himself a name. He shall be called Peace. And his adopted son shall be called the Prince of Peace."
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 11:14pm On Apr 01, 2016

1. Eartum and Earthus tarried in the moon until it was directly over the continent of the oceans.

2. Then Eartum said, it is time to plunge into the ocean eartum.

3. And Eartum had made a device for seeing afar. And with this he knew that the moon was over the oceans.

4. Then did Eartum balance Earthus on his wings and flew with the speed of the earth.

5. And the force was so much that Earthus fell off the back of Eartum and got stuck within the body of a phibiosis.

6. And the head of the great fish went apart from his body.

7. Then Earthus appeared to be naturally possessed with the body of a fish.

8. And Earthus wept greatly when he saw this. And she said, Eartum, take me out of this phibiosis.

9. And Eartum laughed, saying, you looked perfectly framed in it, o Earthus!

10. I would that you remain in it forever. And let her tail and body make up for your lost legs.

11. But this thing displeased Earthus. And she pleaded day and night for Eartum to pull her out of the body of the phibiosis and put the phibiosis together again.

12. Then Eartum said, do you think the phibiosis does not know what she did?

13. I can perceive that she willingly waited for you to plunge into her body, else you will break your head against the crystals of tepex beneath the ocean.

14. Or against the ice that are hiding their bodies in here.

15. The phibiosis gave its life for you, such as one of them also helped Jasheb to escape the ocean.

16. Did you not see this through the satellite? Did you not see how the phibiosis ate up all the furs on his body and left his skin as smooth as yours?

17. But Earthus insisted that Eartum should take her out of the body of the phibiosis.

18. Then Eartum obliged her and began to pull her with all her strength, but she cried in pain because she felt her skin tearing apart.

19. And it became impossible to take Earthus away from the body of the phibiosis, lest her body would be rented apart.

20. Then Earthus succumbed and ordered for the gathering of all the phibioses in the oceans.

21. Then he blessed them, saying, for helping me, an helper of homos shall you be forever.

22. And whenever you hurt yourself or whenever you are being hurt by any external force, your wound shall heal up in no time at all.

23. Immediately she said this, the phibiosis stuck to her body began to close more on her flesh.

24. And the cut on her body healed up.

25. Then her blood mixed with the blood of Earthus and her nerves connected with the nerves of Earthus. And the brain of Earthus began to control it immediately, such that whenever Earthus thought to move her legs, the tail of the phibiosis shook as though it was part of her from creation.

26. Thus did Earthus have the torso of a homo and the tail of a fish and also her offsprings thereafter.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otem4eartum: 3:53am On Apr 27, 2016
Summary of next chapters:

Nymphidis poisoned the waters and some homos of the land of Ephradite were deceived to drink them. And they all died, including a famous homo called Lacrus.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otem4eartum: 3:54am On Apr 27, 2016

1. When Lacrus had died, Ephradite was angry because he loved him so much, more than the rest of his homos because he was clever.

2. Then Ephradite said, now shall I arise and fight back for the lives of all my homos wasted by Nymphidis.

3. Then did Ephradite go to the land at the dead of the night to make tunnels in the land of Nymphidis.

4. These tunnels did he make with iron.

5. And Ephradite filled the tunnels with one of his deadly breeze which could incite fire.

6. And it came to pass that the heat of the layer beneath the earthcrust began to increase day by day in the land of Nymphidis.

7. And no one suspected this for a space of a year.

8. Then did the land of Nymphidis explode at the seventh hour of the day of rest.

9. And the homos of Nymphidis began to run helter-skelter because there was great fire in their land.

10. And the bones of the dead bodies buried under the land of Nymphidis millions of years ago were all burnt up.

11. Then did much ash pour out of the earth and burnt many alive.

12. And much poisonous breeze was released into the earth. Then did many die of the poisons of the breeze such as many also died of fire outbreak from beneath the crust.

13. And Nymphidis knew at once that it was the handiwork of Ephradite because he had said before that there were poisonous breezes.

14. Then the land of Nymphidis was greatly battered, but he kept silent and observed, but in his heart he sought to attack him back.

15. Then did Nymphidis ask the homos to assemble, as well as all the sons of God.

16. And when they did (with the exception of Eartum), Nymphidis declared saying, the soul of Earthus is haunting the earth.

17. For she was the one who cast down a star into the river Euphrates, killing thousands of our homos.

18. And in her anger again did she let her hidden pulling force pull itself out of the crusts beneath my own land, because I have offended her most.

19. And fire and sulphur and poisonous gases did she release out of the ground at the pulling away of her force from my land.

20. Behold, only a few of my homos are left.

21. Now let us find Eartum in the depth of the oceans, perhaps he would be able to appease Earthus on our behalf that peace may reign on earth again.

22. Then did the homos begin to praise Nymphidis for his wise speech, yelling Alsadur! Alsadur!

23. And the other sons of God loved Nymphidis for this.

24. Even Ephradite who blew up the land of Nymphidis was convinced by the deception of Nymphidis, but could not utter a word.

25. And Ephradite began to think in his mind to dry up the oceans as a revenge for what the soul of Earthus had done.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:22pm On Apr 28, 2016

1. My soul is thirsty for you, O! Mother of the earth.

2. You are the rightful owner of the earth if at all the earth has a owner.

3. Who can stand you in your beauty?

4. Who among all living is like you? You are unique above all creatures.

5. You are the true mother of peace.

6. Alsadur himself cannot gainsay your peaceful nature.

7. He is the creator of violence and evil in this planet.

8. O mother of the earth, keeper of her children! Hearken to my words and preserve your children from the hand of Alsadur.

9. He is the author of confusion. God of war! God of peace! God of what?

10. What shall we believe, o Earthus?

11. For Alsadur said he is the creator of evil and good.

12. For what reason did Alsadur create evil?

13. Mother of the earth, let me do my worship to your soul, though you demand no worship from us.

14. Let me pass my worship unto you, since Reverad demanded no worship of any living being.

15. Earthus, when shall your soul avenge us?

16. For the Consuming Fire will not cease to wipe us off. He will not relent at his effort of making an unquenchable fire.


1. What is the hope of the homos on earth?

2. What is our hope when the jealous son of God has promised to make unquenchable fire?

3. Now who can stop Alsadur from making his fire?

4. How shall the soul of the dead go to rest in the clumoid and chumorld when Nymphidis is bent on capturing their souls in his unquenchable fire?

5. Give us hope, O! Earthus.

6. For we are threatened to death by the fire of Nymphidis.

7. For this cause has many of us become weak in heart.

8. For our brains are tormented by the thought of it.

9. Did Faulkin his son not tell us that the fire of Nymphidis is real?

10. And he has embellished it with sulphur.

11. He has garnished it with the never-dying worms of Ephradite and he has promised to take more worms with him from the land of Ephradite.

12. The breeze which supports life in the ocean has Nymphidis trapped.

13. This he said shall sustain his fire forever.

14. Now are the waters of the oceans and seas left with little or no breeze to sustain the creatures of the waters.

15. Did Nymphidis not secretly tell Faulkin that he will take the land of Ephradite by surprise?

16. Now am I sick.

17. Now is my soul terrified for the fear of the fire of Nymphidis.

18. O Earthus! plead for our cause before Reverad.

16. Tell him to prevent Nymphidis from making the fire that shall capture our souls.

17. I would rather I am not created than to spend the rest of my life in the fire of Nymphidis.

18. And whom has Alsadur blamed for the invention of the fire?

19. Who has Nymphidis blamed for causing him to make this unquenchable fire?

20. He has blamed it on the old serpent of Ephradite. He has blamed it on the dragon which he made of his own hands.

21. Watch if he would not blame it on his friends in the future.

22. For Largas is now the closest friend of Nymphidis.

23. But shall I live to see how long their friendship shall last?
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by dwilliams: 3:01am On Apr 29, 2016
please which books are these?


Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:12am On Apr 29, 2016
please which books are these?
Got it from Eartum. He told me that they are all the sealed scrolls which have been kept for our own world.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:25am On Apr 29, 2016

1. At the seat of meditation I sat.

2. My doors I opened and my windows I spread out.

3. This is for the cool breeze to come into my brain, for Knoliud said, Reverad does lives in the brain and not in the heart.

4. And this way I sat for hours, meditating.

5. And my consciousness was gone out of me.

6. Then I saw the valley of the shadow of death.

7. I saw souls hovering as they got set to be recycled and cast into the chumorld and the chlumoid.

8. Did I not see Waldis, the daughter of Earthus amidst multitude of souls?

9. Her appearance was set like Earthus. But I called at her, saying, Mother Earthus!

10. And Waldis looked at me and smiled.

11. And she said to me, where do you come from?

12. But when I would open my lips to speak, she said to me, hold your peace, Jasheb.

13. I am not Earthus but her offspring.

14. I am dead on earth by the cruelty of Yahweh.

15. And when I heard this, I asked her, saying, what do you mean? Who is Yahweh?

16. And Waldis said, is Yahweh not one of the sons of God?

17. He is also my father who is the creator of evil on earth.

18. Then I said, who do you speak of?

19. Then did Waldis say to me, Nymphidis is his name. He is the originator of evil.

20. For he sent his fire upon me through the dragon he created. And I was burnt to ashes, separating my soul from my body.


1. Now did Waldis take me round the world of the hovering souls where she has been for years.

2. And she told me how her eyes were opened and how she saw all her own mistakes.

3. In her own very words, she said: my eyes got opened and the range of my vision was widened limitlessly.

4. And I saw at once all my life; my mistakes and the corrections of them all.

5. When Faulkin told me to caress his feet and his laps and his bare body with my long hair, I gave it no second thought.

6. My mistake was that I gave it no second thought.

7. When Faulkin told me the story of how he was my creator, I gave it no second thought.

8. Again, my mistake was that I gave it no second thought before accepting it.

9. I worshipped him until my death and my mistake in this also was that I gave it no second thought. I did not apply the spiritual part of my brain to decipher the truth.

9. Now Faulkin led me far away from my home and there when I was caught up in the fire, he fled from my sight.

10. And his promises to me were all gone in flames.

11. Did Faulkin not promise to die for me because of the love he has for me?

12. Did he not tell me that I shall live forever and not die?

13. But when death came, Faulkin himself fled.

14. Now I can tell what Faulkin shall choose to do in the future.

15. I shall make my guess by his past behaviours. I shall make my guess now, O Jasheb!

16. Faulkin shall appear peaceful outwardly, but in the depth of his heart he shall be filled with indignation against the homos.

17. I see Faulkin as one who shall think himself equal as the sons of God.

18. He shall not get married but he shall be hoping to get married to both the male homos and the female homos which I guess shall exist many years from now.

19. I see Faulkin as a great conjuror because he has begun it while I was with him.

20. Then he turned stone to food and fed me, claiming that he was taught by Nymphidis his father. But the food did not hold my hunger for an hour.

21. Now my belief in this was also counted to me as a mistake, because I did not give it a second thought that Faulkin did not truly turn stones to bread.

22. But he played with my vision and perception as the sun played illusion on our eyes to make us see water where it is not.

23. The sun makes us see no stars up there in the day and deceived our eyes and brains to think that the moon is a light of its own at night.

24. Who is the greatest illusionist if not the sun itself? For it has deceived even all the sons of God to think that the moon is a light and not explorable. This is even counted to me as my mistake because I did not give it a second thought while I was on earth.

25. But whosoever shall explore it shall be faced with trials. For the people of Nymphidis shall not accept it.

26. Now I shall advise the homos that shall later exist in this; when they shall feed on the bread of Faulkin and when they shall drink his wine, let them check if their hunger is satisfied for a space of an hour and if their thirst is quenched. If not, then these are also illusions.

27. And those that would believe it are those who are poor in the spirit (those who do not use the spiritual part of their brain).

28. Now I asked Waldis to tell me more of what shall happen in the future and she said, I have made my guesses.

29. No one can tell the future as it would be exactly except Reverad.

30. Every living being, including the sons of God can only use the past happenings to predict the future, except Knoliud the knowledge of Reverad, who can give a divine prophecy that can never fail.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:26am On Apr 29, 2016
The Urim of Jasheb

1. The word of Waldis rang in my brain when I came to consciousness.

2. I shut my door and my windows for it was already dark.

3. My hatred for Nymphidis and Faulkin began to take root.

4. Then did I scribble as much as I could remember inside a scroll.

5. I shall teach the homos to worship Earthus.

6. I shall lead people into meditation, perhaps they will also find the truth.

7. I shall let them know that Nymphidis does not deserve the name Alsadur.

8. I shall not let Faulkin achieve all his aims. I shall fight him as the soul of a homo fights against the unseen creatures of Chaleb.

9. I shall turn the hearts of the homos away from Nymphidis and his faithful followers.

10. I shall teach the homos the knowledge of Knoliud.

11. And no homo shall be a slave to Nymphidis who called them his children while he played the role of a master to his slaves on them.

12. I, Jasheb, shall not permit the stiff rule of Nymphidis over us.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:29am On Apr 29, 2016

1. After my consciousness has been altered to see Waldis, I was gifted with inner strength.

2. And I began to write into a scroll.

3. And when I was done with my writings, I showed it to my fellows and to Chimides my creator.

4. And Chimides said, if that which you have written is the truth, then go and make it known.

5. For discovery is the purpose of existence.

6. Every son of God knows this, but Nymphidis is trying by all means to suppress knowledge and discovery.

7. And Chimides said, Knoliud has said that our power lies in three things--the spoken word, the written word and meditation.

8. Therefore I shall advise you O! Jasheb to write down every thing you saw in your meditation.

9. Who knows if Urim shall breathe on it one day such that it would save this world or the world to come from their excessive fear of Nymphidis.

10. When Chimides had said this, I asked him to explain further.

11. Then he said, the spoken word is propelled by the power of coincidence.

12. When you speak a word, positive or negative, chances are that it would come to pass.

13. But in speaking a word about the future, apply the conscious parts of your brain--the parts which connects with all the sense organs on your head.

14. And for the written words, this is propelled by the power of Urim, the priest of Reverad who honours the ink.

15. For Urim taught that written words are more potent for directing the affair of the living beings than the use of force and swords.

16. Most words written down are honoured by Urim, the priest of wise words.

17. And the third is the power of meditation. This is the one most honoured by Reverad who sits right in the brain.

18. When you critically use the brain, the answers come.

19. O Jasheb, do you think that the inventions and findings of all the homos and sons of God came just by coincidence?

20. I tell you No! For almost all of it came through the power of meditation.

21. Though Nymphidis knows this, yet he wants all his homos to think that he is the giver of knowledge.

22. I predict that a time will come when he will wash off the seat of Reverad from the heads of all his homos.

23. And all they shall be made to believe is the Urim of his own words, whether they be right or they be wrong.

24. As soon as Chimides has ended his explanation, I paid him homage and left to fulfill those things which I have written.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by dwilliams: 9:43am On Apr 29, 2016
Got it from Eartum. He told me that they are all the sealed scrolls which have been kept for our own world.

can I av a soft copy
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 9:44am On Apr 29, 2016

1. In the redness of the moon did I creep into the tent of Nymphidis.

2. And it was very large than I ever thought. He has a court which was two thousand cubit long and one thousand and fifty cubit wide with a great hill like a mountain standing at the centre of the court. Then I climbed the hill to its top and I was amazed at what I saw on it.

3. I found seven large boxes on the hill. They were moulded with clay. Then I found seven white candles upon seven candlesticks.

4. I was curious to know what was in the boxes. Then I checked them and found stones and soil.

5. I wondered what Nymphidis was doing with these stones and with the sand. Then I tasted the stones and sands and they had the taste of my sweat, tears and urine, which I had also tasted before.

6. The seven candlesticks were as huge as an arm length. They have no fire on them.

7. Then I saw different objects moulded with clay. The statues of dragons also stood in the court. And I thought, saying, why did Nymphidis mould this?

8. Then I saw a very big seat also made of clay and twenty-four seats surrounded it.

9. Then I saw four images moulded like beasts having wings, but I did not understand what I saw.

10. And I proceeded to the chamber of Nymphidis, for I was sure he was now asleep.

11. The walls of the chamber of Nymphidis were red like crimson. I crept to his store room and there I found the image of Mother Earthus which he had taken forcefully.

12. The weight of the image was so much that I fell with it to the floor and I was very much afraid that Nymphidis would get up from sleep.

13. For he has declared to his homos that he does not sleep at all. But Eartum had taught us that they all go to sleep like us too.

14. I left the court of Nymphidis with the image and I set the image before me to worship it.

15. And when the sun has risen, I went forth into the lands to proclaim a feast of worship for the image of Earthus.

16. And the homos in their multitude came after it to worship and to beg for pardon of their sins against her.

17. This thing continued for the space of thirty-one days.

18. And the followers of Nymphidis gathered, declaring to clean us all from the surface of the earth.

19. And they killed many of us with fire which Nymphidis had taught them to make.

20. And it came to pass, that Nymphidis himself swore to catch me and burn me in his fire.

21. And I was afraid.

22. Then did I say in my heart: I would rather die in the ocean than for me to fall into the hands of Nymphidis.

23. Then I set out for the ocean, an eight-day journey, from the day of rest unto another day of rest. And my furs were very black and dirty on me.

24. And Nymphidis was told how I was fleeing to the ocean on the eighth day.

25. And he flew after me, and in a twinkling of an eye, he was behind me. But I was already at the bank of the ocean called phiph.

26. Then Nymphidis stretched his long arm to get hold of me, but he missed because I had plunged into the water.

27. Then did he think in his heart that I would be drowned by the ocean, for now the breezes needed for life under the ocean has been taken away by Nymphidis to keep his unquenchable fire burning somewhere.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by philfearon(m): 12:13pm On Apr 29, 2016
I still dey look...

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otemanuduno: 12:16pm On Apr 29, 2016

1. As soon as I landed into the water of phiph was I swallowed by a great fish.

2. And the fish was a phibiosis, for I have read in the book of Eartum how mother Earthus has sung the praise of her phibioses.

3. Then was I unconscious in the belly of the phibiosis for days, but I woke up into the valley of the shadow of death again.

4. And I saw the big seat of Nymphidis which I have first seen in his court. And I saw the twenty-four seats surrounding it as I have first seen in the court of Nymphidis.

5. Then did I see the seven candles as I saw it in the court, standing on the seven candlesticks.

5. Then I saw four graven images of beasts with wings. And they have the appearances of wild beasts. But everywhere was partially dark as it were before in his court.

6. And I trembled, for I thought I have been caught and taken to the court of Nymphidis again.

7. And when I thought to yell, a bright light from the sky fell into the court and I saw clearly now. The bright light was from the sun. And I saw Nymphidis on the big seat surrounded by twenty-four seats.

8. And on the twenty-four seats sat his twenty-four faithful followers: Deganis, Liphet, Nadis, Melchisedec and others. For these followers had eaten of the tree of knowledge planted by Nymphidis in his garden and their nature had changed to be like that of the sons of God. And they perceived things the way Nymphidis wanted.

9. And all the seven candles turned golden and began to burn brightly. And thunders and lightning manifested and the cloud began to pour down rain, yet the sun shone.

10. Then did I see Nymphidis as though he was made of jasper. His head did I see like it was fixed in a rainbow, which was the illusion of the sun above.

11. And at that hour did the four beasts fly about (for they were but graven images earlier) and sang the praise of Nymphidis who puts words into their mouths. For before has no beast spoken, except we the homos who were taught to speak by the sons of God.

12. And the twenty-four elders worshipped Nymphidis, praising him as the creator of all things.

13. And Nymphidis said, I shall end all souls which I have created and raise stones to represent them.

14. Then did I remember the stones and sand I saw earlier, which were in his court in multitude.

15. And I trembled with fright, for the fear that they have noticed me.

16. But they did not as though they saw me.

17. Then did the seven candles turn into the form of homos, but they had their forms like as of shadows.

18. And Nymphidis said, I have parted my spirit into seven. They shall go round the world to increase confusion.

19. They shall be monitoring spirit upon the earth; the Evil Spirit shall be he which shall torment those who have disobeyed my commandments. And the Spirit of Lying shall be he which shall be sent into the mouths of my representatives on earth. This shall give them lying tongues, lying prophecies and lying wonders that shall be helped by the power of illusion.

20. The Spirit of Deception shall be he which shall make the people see my prophets in their dreams and hear their voices in their dreams curing them of all their sicknesses and giving them hope of healing, but only in their dreams.

21. This shall keep them gathering at my courts to worship. For they shall be hopeful for miracles and wonders in real life, but they shall not see it until their death. Behold, if they see and hear of wonders and miracles, it shall not be to any of their own people, but to people which they knew not where they came from.

22. And the Spirit of Fear and Destruction shall I send to hide in the hearts of those who I have marked for destruction.

23. And the Spirit of Falsehood shall follow after. This is the spirit that will make them dream dreams and see visions and prophesy of things which is only the product of their thinkings.

24. And the Spirit of Poverty and Hell shall I send on them also. This shall be reserved for those who thought to follow my laws as I shall state it word for word.

25. And they shall be swallowed up in poverty for the rest of their lives. And in any land where my Word is mostly taken serious by the people who are poor in the spirit, such a land shall not cease to wallow in poverty forever. And they shall pray to me for the good of their land from their childhood unto their death, but their land shall only get worse.

26. And the Spirit of Death shall be the one to set wars in the lands and capture their souls from going to the Clumoid or the Chumorld made by Reverad.

27. For multitude of my worshippers are doomed for my fire which burns with sulphur and in which the worms of Ephradite shall live in forever. They willingly gave their souls to me when they shall drink the blood of Faulkin and eat his flesh also.

28. But only a few of this worshippers shall be with me in the paradise which I am making.

29. As soon as the thundering voice of Nymphidis has stopped, I ceased to see anything.

30. And everywhere became dark. Then I heard my name, Jasheb!

31. This is the voice of Waldis who told me that what I saw was only a prediction of the future which she has made into a form of vision for me.

32. And Waldis said: we dead homos have power to give vision as far as we are still in the valley of the shadow of death.

33. But take not our visions as perfect because we only make it up based on the wider knowledge we have after getting corrections to all our errors on earth.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otem4eartum: 1:30pm On Apr 29, 2016
I still dey look...
I still dey look...
Oh... I'm always busy 24/7, should I send it to you in form of Recharge card? Anyway, for the past one month, the spirit of Eusebius was wrestling with me because he does not want the world to know the truth.

U can as well send either a zenith, UBA, GTB, First bank or Stanbic Acct to that email I gave u earlier and u will get it today. Send to same e-mail.

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by otem4eartum: 4:19pm On Apr 29, 2016

1. As soon as I landed into the water of phiph was I swallowed by a great fish.

2. And the fish was a phibiosis, for I have read in the book of Eartum how mother Earthus has sung the praise of her phibioses.

3. Then was I unconscious in the belly of the phibiosis for days, but I woke up into the valley of the shadow of death again.

4. And I saw the big seat of Nymphidis which I have first seen in his court. And I saw the twenty-four seats surrounding it as I have first seen in the court of Nymphidis.

5. Then did I see the seven candles as I saw it in the court, standing on the seven candlesticks.

5. Then I saw four graven images of beasts with wings. And they have the appearances of wild beasts. But everywhere was partially dark as it were before in his court.

6. And I trembled, for I thought I have been caught and taken to the court of Nymphidis again.

7. And when I thought to yell, a bright light from the sky fell into the court and I saw clearly now. The bright light was from the sun. And I saw Nymphidis on the big seat surrounded by twenty-four seats.

8. And on the twenty-four seats sat his twenty-four faithful followers: Deganis, Liphet, Nadis, Melchisedec and others. For these followers had eaten of the tree of knowledge planted by Nymphidis in his garden and their nature had changed to be like that of the sons of God.

9. And all the seven candles turned golden and began to burn brightly. And thunders and lightning manifested and the cloud began to pour down rain, yet the sun shone.

10. Then did I see Nymphidis as though he was made of jasper. His head did I see like it was fixed in a rainbow, which was the illusion of the sun above.

11. And at that hour did the four beasts fly about (for they were but graven images earlier) and sang the praise of Nymphidis who puts words into their mouths. For before has no beast spoken, except we the homos who were taught to speak by the sons of God.

12. And the twenty-four faithful followers worshipped Nymphidis, praising him as the creator of all things.

13. And Nymphidis said, I shall end all souls which I have created and raise stones to represent them.

14. Then did I remember the stones and sand I saw earlier, which were in his court in multitude.

15. And I trembled with fright, for the fear that they have noticed me.

16. But they did not as though they saw me.

17. Then did the seven candles turn into the form of homos, but they had their forms like as of shadows.

18. And Nymphidis said, I have parted my spirit into seven. They shall go round the world to increase confusion.

19. They shall be monitoring spirit upon the earth; the Evil Spirit shall be he which shall torment those who have disobeyed my commandments. And the Spirit of Lying shall be he which shall be sent into the mouths of my representatives on earth. This shall give them lying tongues, lying prophecies and lying wonders that shall be helped by the power of illusion.

20. The Spirit of Deception shall be he which shall make the people see my prophets in their dreams and hear their voices in their dreams curing them of all their sicknesses and giving them hope of healing, but only in their dreams.

21. This shall keep them gathering at my courts to worship. For they shall be hopeful for miracles and wonders in real life, but they shall not see it until their death. Behold, if they see and hear of wonders and miracles, it shall not be to any of their own people, but to people which they knew not where they came from.

22. And the Spirit of Fear and Destruction shall I send to hide in the heart of those who I have marked for destruction.

23. And the Spirit of Falsehood shall follow after. This is the spirit that will make them dream dreams and see visions and prophesy of things which is only the product of their thinkings.

24. And the Spirit of Poverty and Hell shall I send on them also. This shall be reserved for those who thought to follow my laws as I shall state it word for word.

25. And they shall be swallowed up in poverty for the rest of their lives. And in any land where my Word is mostly taken serious by the people who are poor in the spirit, such a land shall not cease to wallow in poverty forever. And they shall pray to me for the good of their land from their childhood unto their death, but their land shall only get worse.

26. And the Spirit of Death shall be the one to set wars in the lands and capture their souls from going to the Clumoid or the Chumorld made by Reverad.

27. For multitude of my worshippers are doomed for my fire which burns with sulphur and in which the worms of Ephradite shall live in forever. They willingly gave their souls to me when they shall drink the blood of Faulkin and eat his flesh also.

28. But only a few of this worshippers shall be with me in the paradise which I am making.

29. As soon as the thundering voice of Nymphidis has stopped, I ceased to see anything.

30. And everywhere became dark. Then I heard my name, Jasheb!

31. This is the voice of Waldis who told me that what I saw was only a prediction of the future which she has made into a form of vision for me.

32. And Waldis said: we dead homos have power to give vision as far as we are still in the valley of the shadow of death.

33. But take not our visions as perfect because we only make it up based on the wider knowledge we have after getting corrections to all our errors on earth.
Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by philfearon(m): 8:12pm On Apr 29, 2016
Oh... I'm always busy 24/7, should I send it to you in form of Recharge card? Anyway, for the past one month, the spirit of Eusebius was wrestling with me because he does not want the world to know the truth.

U can as well send either a zenith, UBA, GTB, First bank or Stanbic Acct to that email I gave u earlier and u will get it today. Send to same e-mail.
I use Fidelity Bank... But I will send you a first Bank account number for it..

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Re: The Doctrine Of The Ufos by philfearon(m): 8:18pm On Apr 29, 2016


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