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Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by eleko1: 4:51pm On Feb 18, 2016
grin grin grin I tire oo
So next time when any group go to his office during their rally he should hide in his office??
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by seaga: 4:51pm On Feb 18, 2016
Dis op is a IPOB youth. U can Cry us a river.

#istandwithbuhari# cheesy

God bless Nigeria.

On the other. ..couldn't ve agreed more
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by wazobiaN9(m): 4:51pm On Feb 18, 2016

His job is to stand with the COUNTRY, NOT his BOSS, for his boss is but a man. His allegiance is to the INSTITUTION.
Stop letting your silly partisan sentiments blind you.

You people complained when Marilyn Ogar did all she did. Why are you suddenly blind to the impunity under this government?

you conveniently cut out this part from the comment you quoted.. "PS. I gather that the anti-corruption solidarity group actually marched to EFCC's office and Magu came out to greet them. OP, you have no case."

shows you are a friggin scammer!

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by Nobody: 4:52pm On Feb 18, 2016

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by akinyeleaa: 4:52pm On Feb 18, 2016

His job is to stand with the COUNTRY, NOT his BOSS, for his boss is but a man. His allegiance is to the INSTITUTION.
Stop letting your silly partisan sentiments blind you.

You people complained when Marilyn Ogar did all she did. Why are you suddenly blind to the impunity under this government?
You dare compare Ogar with Magu?
Ogar that came out to say BH is military wing of APC.
Aswear, u no get sense

And it's even been said the protesters went to efcc, what would u rather he did, chase them?


Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by adenine02: 4:52pm On Feb 18, 2016
Impunity Reloaded.

There you have it, people. If you expect this man to be unbiased in his dealings, then your name na SORRY.
If you keep wondering why the corruption petition against Amaechi keeps getting left in the lurch, there's your reason.

Please, would anyone be kind enough to remind us again what FUCCCKING BUSINESS the EFCC Chairman has with an "iStandWithBuhari" campaign?
How professional is this?

I see Oyegun's proposal about flooding parastatals with just their loyalists was only in full swing before he even said it.

it quite unfortunate dt an educated person like u can turn dis issue like this

the organisers of the rally took it to the office of the efcc boss
even with the pix u post
if he attend d rally y is e not wearing d t shirt or atleast the cap

u dint c anytin rong in ur party making a boko haram sponsor d chairman

get a life pls

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by Deblow: 4:52pm On Feb 18, 2016
To those justifying his coming out of his office to identify with the rally, granted, that they were there on an anti-corruption rally, nothing could be more wrong than what he did. Were they there to commend him for doing his statutory job or to congratulate him for being Buhari's attack dog? For crying out loud, the inscription on their vests was most partisan, most biased and absolutely sentimental. This won't happen in saner climes. If it had read lines like "I stand by Nigeria, I stand against corruption ", it probably would have made some sense. Can they March to the schools to so commend the teachers? Or march to the parks to salute the drivers. Their action and most importantly, that of Magu reeks of politics.


Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by GoodGovernance: 4:52pm On Feb 18, 2016
An anti corruption group went to EFCC office to express their support for Buhari in respect of his fight against corruption and the mischief maker is here to mislead the public!.

Is the fight against corruption only against PDP or in favour of APC?

This is a nonsensical thread,MCMLXXVI is the one to be condemned!


Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by MCMLXXVI(m): 4:53pm On Feb 18, 2016

you conveniently cut out this part from the comment you quoted.. "PS. I gather that the anti-corruption solidarity group actually marched to EFCC's office and Magu came out to greet them. OP, you have no case."

shows you are a friggin scammer!

You're definitely a nincompoop if you can't figure out that the LRNZH fellow edited his post to add that part after I replied him.

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by Plus234(m): 4:53pm On Feb 18, 2016
This is no news pls the poster of this thread can I ask you a question

*Please who else will attend their new scamming game if not Magu or Mugu pls who else

Gej did more than this infact billion signature were singed to support him pls where is Gej now So either Magu or maga or mugu or megida, megoro, meshai and mewhatever attend it does not count buhari and apc has blew their chance and that is final, just watch how the string will be pull on him and his party, pls watch to see the shock of your life it's a natter of time same people that brought him power are already out of him but pretending they are still with him just keep watching. Don't take it personal pls just watch.

ipod yuuth
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by eleko1: 4:54pm On Feb 18, 2016
Wetin concern his mother /father in dis? angry sad

You should also add Angel Michael, Chuck Norris, Jesus and Nebuchadnezzar to the people you're reporting to, since you missed the part where the iddiot insulted ne by asking if I just recovered from immbecility.
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by dragonking2: 4:54pm On Feb 18, 2016

IPOrk will have to die cause I cannot understand how they intend to survive on bad news for 4 years.
See as you dey embarrass yourself.

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by babadem2much(m): 4:57pm On Feb 18, 2016
Dis op is a IPOB youth. U can Cry us a river.

#istandwithbuhari# cheesy

God bless Nigeria.

God bless your generation man

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by saintmark88(m): 4:57pm On Feb 18, 2016
He is fighting corruption and stands with the president in his fight against corruption, if the head of the anti corruption body doesn't stand with the one whose sole aim seems to be to fight corruption, who will stand with you, you??....what u complaining about does not make sense, hold no water, pls if u guys want to critize, critize with sense, d more u guys critizise senselessly u just mke pple like me hate d opposition the more, cos u guys seem to be looking for every loop hole to tke power back not because u care abt Nigeria......... Op just gyv urself brain abeg nd shut up

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by agabaI23(m): 4:58pm On Feb 18, 2016

Check yourself and be honest with the answer you will provide to this question.

Between Magu and Marilyn Orgar. Who would you rate as having a more professional and less partisan approach with their duties?
This is a litmus test my friend.
Are you trying to justifying this act by pointing at the actions of a government you promised to change?
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by BabaIjebuXL(m): 4:58pm On Feb 18, 2016
The EFCC boss has done what any sensible person will do

He has shown his allegiance to his boss and rightly so

Nigerians stand with Buhari 100%

IPOB Youths can go and drown in the Lagoon if they are so bitter about it

Lagos lagoon you mean? loool

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by odehman: 4:59pm On Feb 18, 2016
op a confirmed w.a.n......wailers association of Nigeria a. k.a...WANITE
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by efilefun(m): 5:00pm On Feb 18, 2016

Go and equally report to God.
You should have insulted him not his mother that's really uncalled for. #shalom
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by eleko1: 5:01pm On Feb 18, 2016
Lalasticlala, this post is a scam/slanderous.Pls,close dis useless, misinformation thread. Thank u
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by Janelstan: 5:01pm On Feb 18, 2016
For the sake of Democracy, this act should be condemed entirely. This is one of the people that have the power to investigate the president if a petition of fraud is brought against PMB. Efcc / police is supose to be impartial.

I wont be suprised if the INEC chairman is found in the crowd.
those are things u see in a one chance bus. #allcriminals#
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by lalasticlala(m): 5:03pm On Feb 18, 2016
Lalasticlala, this post is a scam/slanderous.Pls,close dis useless, misinformation thread. Thank u

Which one is a scam? The picture or what?
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by josite: 5:06pm On Feb 18, 2016
The prosecutor belongs to government in all country and is necessarily a representative of the state and Thats why you see cases titled state vs abacha.it is the judge that must not be seen on either the side of the government or the other party to a case.if buhari.needs to be investigator a private prosecutor will be enlisted as wax done for Clinton in the Lewinsky affair.it is in our interest for all of us to support buhari in this anti corruption fight.I stand with magu on this.

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Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by plaetton: 5:07pm On Feb 18, 2016
If he does not stand with his boss then with who again?

He needs it. With the kind of high profile arrests Magu has overseen, if Buhari leaves power, he may suffer the fate of Ribadu under PDP

PS. I gather that the anti-corruption solidarity group actually marched to EFCC's office and Magu came out to greet them. OP, you have no case.

You are wrong sir.

The fight against corruption, sorry, kwaruption, is supposed to be apololitcal. It should not be an APC circus show or jamboree.

When will APC ever get it that the political campaigns have been over since almost a year?

Is governance, the actual driving, so hard, so confusing, that all we are only going to be served with are circus shows for the next four years?

Buhari and Magu are slowly but surely diminishing our nascent democracy and encouraging creeping FASCISM.

These guys do not even understand the corruption they claim to be fighting.
Magu and his boss are already emboldenig corruption by taking a partisan approach.

Corruption is much more than the acts of political predecessors. It's an all-pervading system, an all-pervasive culture of which Magu himself is showcasing by his recent utterances and attacks on the sacred precincts of the rule of law.


Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by cescky(m): 5:08pm On Feb 18, 2016
lol. Don't know y dey r full of hatred. angry

Lilttle girl it's easy for u to say because ur uncle is there
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by eleko1: 5:10pm On Feb 18, 2016
The twist and fabricated story.The anti corruption solidarity group marched to EFCC office and Magu came out to great them .The Op deliberately cut this out to misled the public. Pls,do the needful

Which one is a scam? The picture or what?
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by obayaya(m): 5:11pm On Feb 18, 2016

Check yourself and be honest with the answer you will provide to this question.

Between Magu and Marilyn Orgar. Who would you rate as having a more professional and less partisan approach with their duties?
This is a litmus test my friend.

Magu is the head of EFCC.. An anti corruption agency..

Marylin was the spokesperson of DSS, Nigeria's secret police.. . A covert intelligence gathering agency answerable to the commander in chief!!!

Apples and Oranges bro..

Apples and oranges
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by tiredface: 5:11pm On Feb 18, 2016
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by ishiamu(m): 5:12pm On Feb 18, 2016
. Have you seen omenka lately?

Omenka is operating his 2nd acc which is iroh88 so don't be surprise when his old moniker goes absent check the second one which I wrote above
Re: Ibrahim Magu With The IStandWithBuhari Rally Group (Photos) by Gaskia: 5:12pm On Feb 18, 2016
He is supposed to stand with the constitution by the constitution for the country against corruption and not a public political display with any politician . His neutrality is brought to question.

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