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These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira - Business (3) - Nairaland

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by dastudent(m): 6:22am On Feb 19, 2016
It's gonna be stupid for the governement to devalue the naira because then the currency will just go in a free fall and then that's when Nigerians will hear 'wen'. So 'koninu' begging them to devalue it oo.

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by playtheblues(f): 6:22am On Feb 19, 2016
Lies are better when told to others...

mumu that cocoa is more than enough. Beside yorubas can also export palm products, bitumen, etc. So pity ursef first
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Realdeals(m): 6:23am On Feb 19, 2016
You forgot to add BLOGGERS
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Originalsly: 6:24am On Feb 19, 2016
Banks gives you naira equivalent not dollars.
True...but banks?....with the huge disparity in the bank and street rate the ones receiving would be shouting at the senders demanding that they not send via banks...but some other means where the street rate would be received!
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by mycar: 6:29am On Feb 19, 2016

Was it Buhari that emptied the foreign reserve when a barrel of oil was trading for over $100 a barrel
How much was being paid in subsidy then, how many roads were being construct, how much was being used to serviced our FX?
And to add that some were being splashed on some citizen.
Now buhari is there, any new federal road been constructed, monies are ported not been stolen, no subsidy but rather profit on petroleum products upon all these, still no money to service our FX. And they are blaming GEJ, even GEJ had left $100 trn, the same thing would have happened, buhari would have finished it on foreign trips and wife shopping.

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Localamos(m): 6:32am On Feb 19, 2016

You think this government caused this?
do you know the story of our economy for the past decades,that it's been a monoeconomy and our past leaders have been clueless about how to diversify?
if it's going to get better, it has to get this bad

Let's narrate a short story to help them understand.

Oga John is a Banker. He earns a fat salary and gets quick promotion on his job. Life has never been so good. He built a very big house and has five cars in his fleet. Apart from maintaining his family, he also caters for other people's needs. A very generous man he was.

He is so sure that his salary would come at the end of the month, so he blows hos money on exotic drinks, women and all the pleasures of life. He never cared to invest. He never even saved for a rainy day.

One day, the bank had to restructure, and sacked top management staff. Oga John was affected.

Barely two weeks later, Oga John could hardly pay his bills. Debts are accumulating and things are falling apart.

Now relate Oga John's Story to Naija's case. Who is to blame? Do you blame a new government that has come at a perilous time or do you blame the generality of past governments and our poor mentality of "eating national cake"?

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by olajizz01(m): 6:33am On Feb 19, 2016

And u think coco n cola is nothing?
Dont mind that fool,had it been he knows the price of cocoa per kilo as of today,he wouldnt have said that.


Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Chuksyno(m): 6:34am On Feb 19, 2016
God pls help the poor and the needy of this country because they are at the receiving end of this crisis. Nigeria is really sinking.
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by CyberWolf: 6:35am On Feb 19, 2016
True...but banks?....with the huge disparity in the bank and street rate the ones receiving would be shouting at the senders demanding that they not send via banks...but some other means where the street rate would be received!
Unless it's sent via dom account but you know, the transaction charge is usually very high. So the sender always prefer direct wire transfer to your local account and with that, bank will give you naira. Even through other means like WU, MG, Express money, etc, bank will still give you naira..What they normally do now is to send it through courier service with other items..with that, you just get your $$$$ without stress..
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by sexyjob(m): 6:41am On Feb 19, 2016
Unless it's sent via dom account but you know, the transaction charge is usually very high. So the sender always prefer direct wire transfer to your local account and with that, bank will give you naira. Even through other means like WU, MG, Express money, etc, bank will still give you naira..What they normally do now is to send it through courier service with other items..with that, you just get your $$$$ without stress..
And that one is money laundering


Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Nobody: 6:41am On Feb 19, 2016
Next time when u hear "change", ask very well which type of change are they talking about.. I only pity my yoruba prothers who have nothing to produce apart from cocoa and cola
And iPod can export inosson and aba made product to Europe and oda part of the world?
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by stephnie1(f): 6:42am On Feb 19, 2016
ok o
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by ICEFLAME419ja(m): 6:44am On Feb 19, 2016
Why did you vote your cow to aso rock? Shey u voted for change, keep blaming goodluck until u ain't got no 100naira to load ur daily data u go know wats up,, u neva c chum chin angry grin grin grin grin change in chains
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Nobody: 6:44am On Feb 19, 2016
I remember this statement by GEJ during election period he said and i quote "The election before us is a choice between going forward or backward, goodluck or backluck, digital or analog,"

Even GEJ who they said he was corrupt things are not bad as this. If the APC led government dose not know what to do i think i better, they tell us let stop hoping on them.

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by olajizz01(m): 6:48am On Feb 19, 2016
Next time when u hear "change", ask very well which type of change are they talking about.. I only pity my yoruba prothers who have nothing to produce apart from cocoa and cola
You can only pity your people,do you know the price per kilo of cocoa as of today.
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Teespice(f): 6:50am On Feb 19, 2016
all of you blaming Buhari no get sense I swear

this is a matter of simple economics. it would still be the same thing even if your so called messiah was still president.

if he had saved and diversified the economy, thereby not making oil our mainstay, the effect won't be this bad.

this is not a matter of politics abeg.

it is not only Nigeria as an oil producing country that is going through this problem. but you won't hear anything because other countries put measures in place since one day, oil prices would most definitely fall and there would be need to cushion the hard effects it would have on the economy.

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by blackboy2star(m): 6:51am On Feb 19, 2016
You sleep typing or what? Nothing to produce and yet you mentioned two out of many
[quote author=PoliticalThuG post=43052775]Next time when u hear "change", ask very well which type of change are they talking about.. I only pity my yoruba prothers[b] who have nothing to produce apart from cocoa and cola[/quote[/b]]
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Nobody: 6:51am On Feb 19, 2016
I remember this statement by GEJ during election period he said and i quote "The election before us is a choice between going forward or backward, goodluck or backluck, digital or analog,"
Even GEJ who they said he was corrupt things are not bad as this. If the APC led government those not know what to do i think i better, they tell us let stop hoping on them.
I love PDP,i made a cool $5000 (mint $100 bills) in the last presidential election, just for attending a meeting at VI in which GEJ was present, i wonder how much the other heavy weight at the meeting made grin grin grin God bless GEJ, and his family. He was indeed a good man and a cheerful giver. To those complaining of dollar scarcity, una never see anything ,just wait till inflation kicks in on a mega scale!

My trip from Canada to Nigeria just before the election was really worth it cheesy

@Saxywale, how far.... u still dey Saskatchewan? Hit me up bro.

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Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Samuellawale(m): 6:51am On Feb 19, 2016
#500 soon
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by CyberWolf: 6:52am On Feb 19, 2016

And that one is money laundering
Sure but if you understand how the system works, you gats no problem.. Man gats survive!
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Okemmuo(m): 6:56am On Feb 19, 2016
This is BUHARINOMICS. And to think that we have a Finance Minister and CBN governor. By the time it gets to NGN1,000 to a dollar, maybe Nigerians will wake up and use the CHANGE they deceived us with to pursue this govt out of Aso rock. Hope it would not be too late by then.
. Duuddeee...SMH u dnt evenn no why we are experiencing dis economic slide...when our past leaders were ennjoying Oyel Money...dey dint no dat the "stone wich d builders accepted will one day becom d cursed stone"...?
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by creamylicious(f): 7:00am On Feb 19, 2016
How about people who receive free cash In dollars and pounds from their folks abroad
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Okemmuo(m): 7:00am On Feb 19, 2016
all of you blaming Buhari no get sense I swear

this is a matter of simple economics. it would still be the same thing even if your so called messiah was still president.

if he had saved and diversified the economy, thereby not making oil our mainstay, the effect won't be this bad.

this is not a matter of politics abeg.

it is not only Nigeria as an oil producing country that is going through this problem. but you won't hear anything because other countries put measures in place since one day, oil prices would most definitely fall and there would be need to cushion the hard effects it would have on the economy.
. Bae u geh sense I swear
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Originalsly: 7:01am On Feb 19, 2016
What they normally do now is to send it through courier service with other items..with that, you just get your $$$$ without stress..
Now we're talking dollars n sense!... new ways of doing old things!
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by modik(m): 7:02am On Feb 19, 2016

.===>>>> Buhari = shld = do = magic = abi? = Smh==>>>>>>

Hmmm. But he knew the Magnitude of the job he applied for?

Just wondering aloud!
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by ipledge10(m): 7:04am On Feb 19, 2016
Ipledge10 oya let's start pumping dollars to Naija, time to collect our own share of the national cake of *falling Naira* grin
lol...make I send that kind gush I got today....I don't know anybody going home....western union still do N197
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by biookuta(m): 7:04am On Feb 19, 2016
I have totally lost hope in this government, what a mess.
govt of only some months na u sabi ooo
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by hucienda: 7:08am On Feb 19, 2016
I have totally lost hope in this government, what a mess.

chai... ee don red.
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by modik(m): 7:10am On Feb 19, 2016
lol...make I send that kind gush I got today....I don't know anybody going home....western union still do N197

PM me for expert advise on better/safest way to send your money to your people at home avoiding N197 rate.
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Coldfeets: 7:12am On Feb 19, 2016

So what solution have u proposed other than wailing What shld buhari be doing that he is not doing? I think many years of being spoon-fed has led to unpatriotism, greed, laziness and irresponsibility. You just sit at home and nag, and yet go ahead to buy expensive phones, cars and other imported products. Buhari shld do magic abi? Smh

Don't mind them. It's always easier to complain.
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by Nobody: 7:14am On Feb 19, 2016

PM me for expert advise on better/safest way to send your money to your people at home avoiding N197 rate.
Local exchange rate businesses are springing up fast everywhere in North America. This is the time to make a kill before prices of goods and services becomes inflated back home in naija. The sad thing is that salary would not increase, and people would would get less value for their money undecided
Re: These Are The Nigerians Benefiting From The Fall Of The Naira by ifyan(m): 7:16am On Feb 19, 2016
Presidency and his ministers.

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