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Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ - Romance - Nairaland

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Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Modenzy: 10:06pm On Feb 20, 2016
As a lady you may have wondered why men instinctively or not, touch their m*****d down there sometimes in public places. Well these reasons will clear your doubts.

Here are a few rather hilarious reasons why men constantly check out what’s going on down there:

1. We get itchy down there

Your junk gets itchy just like any other part of your body—and when it itches, it’s every bit as excruciating. (Even worse if you have jock itch, which is athlete’s foot on the groinal region.) It’s just a more noticeable area to scratch. I could have my eyes locked with a colleague talking about project deliverables while absent-mindedly itching my forearm, and she wouldn’t think anything of it. But substitute the forearm for my balls, and all of a sudden I’m an HR nightmare.

2. To keep it in place

I started wearing boxer-briefs around puberty to keep my junk in place, but that was only like plugging a hole in a dam with a handkerchief in that it only fleetingly solves the problem. Sometimes, it’ll be slung awkwardly to the right or the left, and it especially needs some adjusting anytime you move to cross your legs. If you cross your legs and your testicles aren’t in the right position, you’re liable to tweak something or downright crush it. I actually have this interesting situation where my balls go up into my pubic region pretty often, so I’ll have to slide my hand down my pants to push them back down from my gut. (I should probably ask a doctor about that. It seems abnormal.)

3. We sweat down there

Look: Your groin/taint area in underwear and jeans is subject to what is essentially a greenhouse effect. The groin and armpits are the warmest-running areas of the body, and when they’re encased in layers of cloth that don’t breathe very well, it perspires freely. And to try and find some modicum of comfort, we’ll shift things around down there. I call that the “Swamp Swap.”

4. We get erection in the public

When you get a boner in public and you’re standing up, you really only have two options: You can stand there with your tent pitched for everyone to see, which I would say is a bad move in about 98 percent of situations, or you can do the boner tuck. That’s when you tuck your erect member up into the waistband of your underwear and jeans so that others can’t tell that you’re hard as a rock. It’s super uncomfortable but a necessity.

5. We are used to touching it

Sometimes, there’s no reason at all for us to grab our jewels, but we do it because we’re used to doing it. (It’s like when I have a beard, I can’t help but stroke it incessantly. Or how if I meet a terrible person, I will try to date them. I do it without even noticing.) One of my friends sits around with his hand down his pants almost all the time. He says it’s just his go-to way to bask in leisure, that he knows it’s there and that it’s fine, but that he just likes to have his hand on or around it. It’s like a security blanket, I guess. Except it’s a man-hood.

6. We wanna be sure if it’s still there

Our junk is very important to us. Sometimes it’s nice to just give it a grasp so we know it’s still present and in good standing.

Let me drop my keyboard here.

Moderators over to you.

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Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Tpave(m): 10:09pm On Feb 20, 2016
Na waoooohh. I detest holding or touching it in public.
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by cutieberie1(f): 10:19pm On Feb 20, 2016
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by amiskurie(m): 10:22pm On Feb 20, 2016

#CONTUNU #GEThitchyDOWNthere

1 Like

Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Nobody: 10:26pm On Feb 20, 2016
cheesy number six na die o
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by RexKexMilann: 10:27pm On Feb 20, 2016
Most of the time, I even forget that I own a manhood. Except I want to pee OR I want to scrub it, I rarely touch "junior". He doesn't like to be touched indiscriminately!
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Nobody: 10:28pm On Feb 20, 2016
Rebranded thread angry
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Cutehector(m): 10:36pm On Feb 20, 2016
Girls touch their thing tooo cool
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Nightie(f): 10:39pm On Feb 20, 2016
Pretty funny.
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Spikkylee: 10:39pm On Feb 20, 2016
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by dikeigbo2(m): 10:52pm On Feb 20, 2016
To redirect the power source grin
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by cruzita(f): 10:56pm On Feb 20, 2016
undecided maybe to make it bigger.Because the more u touch it the bigger it gets right?
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by vickvan(m): 10:59pm On Feb 20, 2016
That itchy part ehn... In my own case, i will start dusting my trouser around that area really hard. As if say dust dey there before. Omo na to reduce the tension oo..
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by KingRex1(m): 11:15pm On Feb 20, 2016
undecided maybe to make it bigger.Because the more u touch it the bigger it gets right?
hmm, how u take no?
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by cruzita(f): 11:16pm On Feb 20, 2016
hmm, how u take no?
well I just know
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by KingRex1(m): 11:21pm On Feb 20, 2016
well I just know
ah, startin to suspect u o. You have been makin things bigger abi
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by cruzita(f): 11:23pm On Feb 20, 2016
ah, startin to suspect u o. You have been makin thing bigger abi
lol no start ooo
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Nobody: 12:07am On Feb 21, 2016
Not everyone's balls itch. Certainly not mine.
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by faith551(m): 1:31am On Feb 21, 2016
I never do that in public,not even in the presence of anyone.
all ur points are somewhat correct but a healthy clean skin dont itch,irrespective of the part of the body.
for some people is plainly a habit
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by DavidHunds(m): 2:31am On Feb 21, 2016
Not everyone's balls itch.
Certainly not mine.
that's hard to believe,
Isn't it skin?
Re: Ladies You Care To Know? 6 Reasons Why Men Always Touch Their M*****d [MUST READ by Nobody: 7:41am On Feb 21, 2016
that's hard to believe, Isn't it skin?
Does everyone have an itchy skin?

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