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Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 12:32am On Feb 22, 2016

That's right! People such as Missy89, Valeriansteel, vedaxcool, OBAGADAFFI, etc are unfortunately being greatly misled and misinformed. Like the majority of the American populace, they are zombies regurgitating whatever the govenrment feeds them. God will help them sha

What has brought about this different tune from the U.S. media I wonder? Is it because the SAA, NDF, Hezbollah, the Kurds and the Iranian Republican Guards have Uncle Sam's "moderate" rebels surrounded like rats in Aleppo? hmmmmm

[size=18pt]The media are misleading the public on Syria[/size]

New recruits trained to fight alongside opposition in Aleppo, Syria.

By Stephen Kinzer FEBRUARY 18, 2016
COVERAGE OF the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why.

For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin.” Then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it.

This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers of hope. The Syrian army and its allies have been pushing militants out of the city. Last week they reclaimed the main power plant. Regular electricity may soon be restored. The militants’ hold on the city could be ending.

Militants, true to form, are wreaking havoc as they are pushed out of the city by Russian and Syrian Army forces. “Turkish-Saudi backed ‘moderate rebels’ showered the residential neighborhoods of Aleppo with unguided rockets and gas jars,” one Aleppo resident wrote on social media. The Beirut-based analyst Marwa Osma asked, “The Syrian Arab Army, which is led by President Bashar Assad, is the only force on the ground, along with their allies, who are fighting ISIS — so you want to weaken the only system that is fighting ISIS?”

This does not fit with Washington’s narrative. As a result, much of the American press is reporting the opposite of what is actually happening. Many news reports suggest that Aleppo has been a “liberated zone” for three years but is now being pulled back into misery.

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Americans are being told that the virtuous course in Syria is to fight the Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian partners. We are supposed to hope that a righteous coalition of Americans, Turks, Saudis, Kurds, and the “moderate opposition” will win.

This is convoluted nonsense, but Americans cannot be blamed for believing it. We have almost no real information about the combatants, their goals, or their tactics. Much blame for this lies with our media. [Lol! grin

Under intense financial pressure, most American newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks have drastically reduced their corps of foreign correspondents. Much important news about the world now comes from reporters based in Washington. In that environment, access and credibility depend on acceptance of official paradigms. Reporters who cover Syria check with the Pentagon, the State Department, the White House, and think tank “experts.” After a spin on that soiled carousel, they feel they have covered all sides of the story. This form of stenography produces the pabulum that passes for news about Syria.

Astonishingly brave correspondents in the war zone, including Americans, seek to counteract Washington-based reporting. At great risk to their own safety, these reporters are pushing to find the truth about the Syrian war. Their reporting often illuminates the darkness of groupthink. Yet for many consumers of news, their voices are lost in the cacophony. Reporting from the ground is often overwhelmed by the Washington consensus.

Washington-based reporters tell us that one potent force in Syria, al-Nusra, is made up of “rebels” or “moderates,” not that it is the local al-Qaeda franchise. Saudi Arabia is portrayed as aiding freedom fighters when in fact it is a prime sponsor of ISIS. Turkey has for years been running a “rat line” for foreign fighters wanting to join terror groups in Syria, but because the United States wants to stay on Turkey’s good side, we hear little about it. Nor are we often reminded that although we want to support the secular and battle-hardened Kurds, Turkey wants to kill them. Everything Russia and Iran do in Syria is described as negative and destabilizing, simply because it is they who are doing it — and because that is the official line in Washington.

Damn! This journalist must have been paid by the Kremlin! Senator McCain won't like this. Whaddayathink, Missy89, Valeriansteel, vedaxcool, OBAGADAFFI?

Inevitably, this kind of disinformation has bled into the American presidential campaign. At the recent debate in Milwaukee, Hillary Clinton claimed that United Nations peace efforts in Syria were based on “an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva.” The precise opposite is true. In 2012 Secretary of State Clinton joined Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel in a successful effort to kill Kofi Annan’s UN peace plan because it would have accommodated Iran and kept Assad in power, at least temporarily. No one on the Milwaukee stage knew enough to challenge her.

Politicians may be forgiven for distorting their past actions. Governments may also be excused for promoting whatever narrative they believe best suits them. Journalism, however, is supposed to remain apart from the power elite and its inbred mendacity. In this crisis it has failed miserably.

Americans are said to be ignorant of the world. We are, but so are people in other countries. If people in Bhutan or Bolivia misunderstand Syria, however, that has no real effect. Our ignorance is more dangerous, because we act on it. The United States has the power to decree the death of nations. It can do so with popular support because many Americans — and many journalists — are content with the official story. In Syria, it is: “Fight Assad, Russia, and Iran! Join with our Turkish, Saudi, and Kurdish friends to support peace!” This is appallingly distant from reality. It is also likely to prolong the war and condemn more Syrians to suffering and death.

Stephen Kinzer is a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. Follow him on Twitter @stephenkinzer.

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by seagulsntrawler: 9:56am On Feb 25, 2016
Americans are amongst the most ignorant and ill-informed populace in the world.

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 11:23pm On Feb 26, 2016
Americans are amongst the most ignorant and ill-informed populace in the world.

Tell me 'bout it! undecided

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by seagulsntrawler: 3:22am On Feb 27, 2016

Tell me 'bout it! undecided

The signs are already there for the whole world to see. It is a runaway train with no brakes, and poses a big threat not only to its occupants but others. If they are half as smart as they think they are, then the politicians will answer to them and not some lobbyist group.
We are looking at the biggest and most sophisticated criminal organisation that ever existed in the history of the world.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 4:53am On Feb 27, 2016
This article has been dismantled by Kyle Orton here:


Read and emancipate your brain here

some excerpts :

Kinzer writes that “we have almost no real information about the combatants”. Again, it just isn’t true. The U.S.’s ex-ambassador in Syria explained in mid-2014 that the U.S. had known who the rebels were “for years“. Others—myself included—have tried to give more granular detail on not only the composition of the insurgency by numbers but its ideological distinctions and the connections between various groups.

Kinzer allegedly quotes an Aleppine saying that “only” Assad and his “allies” “are fighting ISIS,” a flat-out lie. As adumbrated above the regime has largely left IS alone (as has Russia) and focussed on eliminating the nationalist rebels, who actually have been fighting IS. Kinzer also conveniently leaves out the fact that these “allies” are Iranian-run sectarian jihadists—including three listed terrorist organizations: the Quds Force, Lebanese Hizballah, and Kataib Hizballah.

Kinzer also accuse the Western media of covering up what has really happened in Syria. “Where is the establishment media in this debacle?” Sachs asks rhetorically. “Much of the American press is reporting the opposite of what is actually happening,” writes Kinzer. While Kinzer lauds the “astonishingly brave correspondents in the war zone,” he says that “their voices are lost in the cacophony …[,] overwhelmed by the Washington consensus,” which is taking its instructions from “the power elite and its inbred mendacity.”

That Kinzer has not himself reported from Syria need not have damaged his case, but his attempt to ventriloquize those who have when they so obviously oppose his point of view does seriously undermine Kinzer’s argument. Marie Colvin, Austin Tice, James Foley, Sam Dagher, Mike Giglio, Rania Abouzeid, David Enders—it’s hard to think of anybody who has been inside Syria who supports the regime’s narrative as peddled by Sachs and Kinzer.

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:06am On Feb 27, 2016


Published on 2 Dec 2015

Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN yesterday, U.S. Rep. tulsi Gabbard clearly explained how the U.S. fixation on overthrowing Syrian President Bashir al-Assad is putting us in direct conflict with Russia which has been an ally of Assad’s for 40 years. tulsi asks: What is so important about overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad that justifies risking a nuclear war with Russia? tulsi argues the U.S. must end its illegal war to overthrow the government of Assad and instead focus on defeating ISIS and other Islamic extremists who are waging war against the West. She cites recent history of Libya when the United States overthrew Gaddafi and now we have ISIS with headquarters in Libya, continuing to expand. The very same thing will happen in Syria if the United States is successful in its objective of overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad. ISIS will walk in the front door, take over all of Syria and pose that very direct and greater threat to the region and increase the humanitarian crisis there ten-fold.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:07am On Feb 27, 2016

The War Party hates tulsi Gabbard. The US Congresswoman continues to criticize the illegal effort to overthrow the Syrian government

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:12am On Feb 27, 2016

Congresswoman tulsi Gabbard in Oct 2015
In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington’s effort to oust Assad “counterproductive” and “illegal” before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are “sworn enemies.”

In short, Gabbard all but tells the American public that the government is lying to them and may end up inadvertently starting “World War III.” –


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:21am On Feb 27, 2016
Saudi Arabia & Turkey are greatest dangers to world peace – VA state Senator
Published time: 12 Jan, 2016 04:29

Republican Virginia state Senator Dick Black said Saudi Arabia and Turkey are the greatest threats to world peace in an interview with RT, adding that Saudi Arabia’s “absolute barbarity” is overlooked because of its long-standing relationship with the US.
“I believe that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are the two greatest dangers to world peace,” Senator Black told RT. “It is Saudi Arabia, through the Wahhabist doctrine, that is spreading terrorism across the globe. It’s not Iran, it’s not Syria or any other country.”

Saudi Arabia’s state-sponsored teachings of Wahhabism promote an ultra-conservative, austere version of Sunni Islam. Meanwhile, Black told RT that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan intends to impose an absolute dictatorship.

“Erdogan has a dream of becoming a new Ottoman Empire,” Black said. “He’s a very calculating, very vicious individual and, I think, a great danger. Erdogan won an absolute majority of the Turkish parliament, which will enable him to rewrite the constitution. Once he had that total power to impose an absolute dictatorship – which he intends to do – and he publicly said that his model is that of Adolph Hitler.”

At its height in the 16th and 17th centuries, the Ottoman Empire encompassed southeast Europe, western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa and the Horn of Africa. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire declared a military jihad on France, Russia, and Great Britain, but ultimately lost.

The Adolph Hitler comment Black referred to comes from an interview back in January when Erdogan told journalists that he wanted to transform his office into a US-style executive “super-presidency,” through constitutional reforms.

“In a unitary system (such as Turkey’s) a presidential system can work perfectly,” said Erdogan, according to Agence France-Presse. “There’s already examples in the world and in history. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany.”

After that analogy caught news headlines, the president’s office said in a statement that it was “unacceptable” to interpret Erdogan’s remarks as endorsement of Nazism.

“Our president…has declared that the Holocaust and anti-Semitism, along with Islamophobia, are crimes against humanity,” a press statement read, adding that Hitler’s Germany "had disastrous consequences” for the political system and could not be held up as a model.

Erdogan’s party, while controlling a majority of seats in the parliament, does not command the required two-thirds necessary to change the constitution without the support of other parties.

Senator Black thinks the civil war in Syria would never have happened without the efforts of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He said the war in Syria was not a domestic uprising or part of the Arab Spring, with civilians seeking democracy. Instead, he called it an uprising of hardcore jihadists, aided by the CIA and MI6, with the help of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Saudi Arabia was able to control governments across the world with its financial strength, and the Turks had their own agenda with regard to Europe, Black argued.

“Virtually all arms, ammunition, equipment, supplies, jihadists, medical support – all of it comes from Turkey. Right now, ISIS sends 44,000 barrels of oil per day – stolen barrels, most of it from Syria – across the border into Turkey,” said Black. “The State Department has publicly said that there’s only a trickle of oil that gets into Turkey, but I have personally spoken to Kurdish activists … [who] observed hundreds of ISIS oil tankers carrying stolen Syrian oil into Turkey on a daily basis.”

Black said Turkey is “actively assisting the ISIS rebels,” and also “helping the Al-Nusra rebels which are linked with Al-Qaeda.”

“In both places we’ve got terrorists, and in both places their major support comes out of Turkey. And it comes out of Turkey with approval from the highest levels of government.”

As for Saudi Arabia, Black believes the latest spike in tensions between the Saudis and Iran is proof of how Washington has been turning a blind eye to Riyadh’s actions.

“The US has been so in bed with the Saudi Arabians for so long. The Bush family – Herbert Walker Bush, George Bush, Jeb Bush – all of them have been closely tied with the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia,” he said. “The same thing with the Clintons – Bill, Hillary – very closely tied to the money from Saudi Arabia. And because of this Saudi Arabia has been able to do the most outrageous things,” said Black.

“We tend to condemn various secular nations in the Middle East because they do don’t do this quite right, or that quite right. And yet we overlook the absolute barbarity of the Saudi Kingdom, their absolute dictatorship.”

Black said that there is not a single Christian church in Saudi Arabia, but the US is quick to condemn other countries lacking in religious freedoms.

“What’s happening is that they [the Saudi family] are trying to restore some of the hostility between Shiites and the Sunnis. The Saudis massacred 47 people,” Black told RT. “I’m sure some of them were genuine criminals, but many of them were simply political opponents. And then there was an inevitable reaction which they knew there would be. And the Saudis, in typical fashion, have now shown a sense of outrage that people would be angered by the level of their debauchery – and this is typical of the Saudis.”

Black served in the US Marine Corps and retired as a Colonel in the Judge Advocate General (JAG) corps before being elected to the Virginia legislature. He maintains that the Assad government is effectively fighting against Islamic State and protecting the remaining Christians of Syria. Its fall, he says, would allow IS to quickly seize Jordan and Lebanon, and continue its drive westward.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:26am On Feb 27, 2016
Apart from bombing the crap out of #Libya via #NATO the British planned the war with Syria in 2009 2 yrs before the "Arab Spring" using “moderate” terrorists. Think Al Qaeda aka “The Database.”

In a live TV interview the Ex French Foreign Minister, Roland Dumas, reveals all:


Fake Gov't propaganda via #MSMLies tries to convince us the UK/US et al are fighting IS except they're using them to topple Assad:

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Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:27am On Feb 27, 2016

Wesley Clark ( US 4 Star General ) US will attack 7 countries in 5 years. - YouTube.flv


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:28am On Feb 27, 2016


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:30am On Feb 27, 2016
[size=14pt]2007[/size], The New-Yorker, The Re-Direction by Pulitzer winner and respected investigative journalist Seymour Hersh:

"To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."



Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 8:32am On Feb 27, 2016
Ultimate meltdown grin
Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:35am On Feb 27, 2016
Ultimate meltdown grin

grin. Tactic 3. being utilized by Missy89. Oya, refute these na.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:36am On Feb 27, 2016
In case you are harbouring any lingering doubts whether these fairy tale "moderate" rebels really do exist in the midst of these rampaging jihadist and that perhaps Russia is targetting bonafide and "vetted" "freedom fighters" that are rebelling for a good cause (democracy, freedom and rule of law) against the "brutal regime" of Al-Assad, then wonder no further.

See as reported by the short-shighted Western media itself:

The corporate media has reported numerous instances of supposedly “vetted” CIA mercenaries cooperating with ISIS and other jihadist groups:

In May The Wall Street Journal reported SRF had joined al-Qaeda in the Golan.
In July Al Jazeera reported an ISIS leader as saying he purchases weapons from the FSA.
In August 2014 [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/43-un-peacekeepers-abducted-in-golan-heights/2014/08/28/2c968976-7d90-48d6-b5ef-354f349a6e18_story.html?Post+generic=%3Ftid%3Dsm_twitter_washingtonpost]The Washington Post[/url] said al-Nusra worked with unnamed CIA-backed rebel groups to capture the Quneitra border crossing with Israel and abduct a large number of Fijian peacekeepers.
Last September Harakat Hazm reportedly fought alongside al-Qaeda in Aleppo, according to The Los Angeles Times.
The same month, the SRF declared a peace truce with the Islamic State and the following month SRF members defected to ISIS.
In November a number of FSA members also defected to the Islamic State and condemned US airstrikes.
In December a German journalist embedded with the Islamic State told France 24 the group receives U.S. arms from the FSA.
Also in December, The New York Times admitted the FSA is under the control of ISIS.
In April, Reuters reported the U.S.-armed FSA is allied with al-Nusra in northern Syria.

The Russians are targeting jihadists in Syria and most are supported directly and indirectly by the United States.

The U.S. will continue to insist the threat in Syria is limited to ISIS and Bashar al-Assad and will argue, despite a large amount of evidence to the contrary, that the proxy war in Syria is a radical Islamist operation and there are virtually no moderate “rebels” involved in the fighting.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 8:38am On Feb 27, 2016

grin. Tactic 3. being utilized by Missy89. Oya, refute these na.

Really? Take it easy men. Seems like you are in over your head. I posted a rebuttal for ur article already.

Stop spaming the thread and post ur counter argument based on the link I gave you

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:48am On Feb 27, 2016

Really? Take it easy men. Seems you are in over your head. I posted a rebuttal for ur article already.

Stop spaming the thread and post ur counter argument based on the link I gave you

1. Your job as you have stated is to counter my "propaganda". I have provided several "propaganda" to keep you busy. You will notice that the sources of this "propaganda" isn't from the Kremlin. Get to work please.

2. Counter argument ko, counter proposal ni. You have clearly stated that it takes an "uninformed person to take me seriously." And since you are still eagerly awaiting my response - which I will no longer bother to provide - what will that make you, an uninformed person?

Go and tango with Appleyard or someone that has time for your twaddle. I got a quota to fulfill


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 8:59am On Feb 27, 2016
This was [size=14pt]2014[/size]:

It appears that even US Vice President Joe Biden and CNN and BBC have been working for the Russian propaganda for a while now it seems.

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 9:04am On Feb 27, 2016
Off for a run. Enough provided to chew on
Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 9:21am On Feb 27, 2016

1. Your job as you have stated is to counter my "propaganda". I have provided several "propaganda" to keep you busy. You will notice that the sources of this "propaganda" isn't from the Kremlin. Get to work please.

2. Counter argument ko, counter proposal ni. You have clearly stated that it takes an "uninformed person to take me seriously." And since you are still eagerly awaiting my response - which I will no longer bother to provide - what will that make you, an uninformed person?

Go and tango with Appleyard or someone that has time for your twaddle. I got a quota to fulfill


Nice Cop out grin

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by vedaxcool(m): 11:25am On Feb 27, 2016

Really? Take it easy men. Seems like you are in over your head. I posted a rebuttal for ur article already.

Stop spaming the thread and post ur counter argument based on the link I gave you

grin grin grin He spams his own thread because he cannot defend lies he paste

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by NairaMinted: 11:28am On Feb 27, 2016
Still waiting on a rebuttal..... Prove that Joe Biden, Tulsi Gobbard, etc are "Kremlin trolls"


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Underground: 1:42pm On Feb 27, 2016
Ultimate meltdown grin

How so? All he has done is provide numerous articles and videos buttressing, re-affirming, corroborating, cementing, etc the original article which is the massive war of disinformation which from the looks of things is falling apart.

Are you now going to refute the other reports and articles or you will wait till Kyle Orton pens a rebuttal of each one?


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Underground: 2:15pm On Feb 27, 2016

Really? Take it easy men. Seems like you are in over your head. I posted a rebuttal for ur article already.

Stop spaming the thread and post ur counter argument based on the link I gave you

Kyle Orton by the way - in the words of Paul Craig Roberts -is a presstitute who would write what his masters pay him to write. Have you even bothered to look up who is backers are and which of the think-tanks (in the mold of AEI, Brookings Institute, IRI, etc) he belongs to? He is an associate fellow with Henry Jackson Society.

Who are the Henry Jackson Society? Excerpts:

HJS is actually a little known but powerful right-wing British think-tank set up with the support of American neoconservatives, understanding begins to dawn.

Except, just how much influence HJS wields in policymaking circles is an open question, the fact that it is extremely well-connected with the financial, business, political, security and energy industry elite in the US and UK speaks volumes about their agenda and objectives.

While touting their support for freedom, liberalism and democratisation as their core organisational remit, in practice they appear to be a neocon trojan horse for the very opposite: state-expansionism, state-militarisation, interventionism, rampant market deregulation and privatisation in the interests of Western investors, coupled with anti-Muslim hostility and white supremacism.

Initial signatories to HJS' principles include William Kristol, James Woolsey, Richard Perle (all members of Project for the New American Century), and other hard core neo-cons.

This is Nairaminted's thread by the way...How is he spamming it for you?

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 2:38pm On Feb 27, 2016

Kyle Orton by the way - in the words of Paul Craig Roberts -is a presstitute who would write what his masters pay him to write. Have you even bothered to look up who is backers are and which of the think-tanks (in the mold of AEI, Brookings Institute, IRI, etc) he belongs to? He is an associate fellow with Henry Jackson Society.

Who are the Henry Jackson Society? Excerpts:

HJS is actually a little known but powerful right-wing British think-tank set up with the support of American neoconservatives, understanding begins to dawn.

Except, just how much influence HJS wields in policymaking circles is an open question, the fact that it is extremely well-connected with the financial, business, political, security and energy industry elite in the US and UK speaks volumes about their agenda and objectives.

While touting their support for freedom, liberalism and democratisation as their core organisational remit, in practice they appear to be a neocon trojan horse for the very opposite: state-expansionism, state-militarisation, interventionism, rampant market deregulation and privatisation in the interests of Western investors, coupled with anti-Muslim hostility and white supremacism.

Initial signatories to HJS' principles include William Kristol, James Woolsey, Richard Perle (all members of Project for the New American Century), and other hard core neo-cons.

This is Nairaminted's thread by the way...How is he spamming it for you?


How about you deal with his counter argument and not his resume? Tell me what is wrong with what he said. I am not interested on who he works for. I can easily dig up conflict of interests on steven kinzer as well. But I decided not to.

And what so u mean this is his thread? You should read his first post and tell me how many time he tagged me.

Are we not suppose to post our own understanding of events on threads anymore now?

This is a very weak argument.

Come on now
Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 2:42pm On Feb 27, 2016

grin grin grin He spams his own thread because he cannot defend lies he paste

Underground is here to give him moral support
Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Underground: 2:49pm On Feb 27, 2016

Underground is here to give him moral support

On the contrary I am not. I can tell that he can handle himself just fine. I only aired my own views.

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by vedaxcool(m): 3:34pm On Feb 27, 2016

Underground is here to give him moral support

Seeing the trashing he is recieving he need to summon scummy to chant Zionist zionist like broken record.
Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Underground: 4:01pm On Feb 27, 2016


How about you deal with his counter argument and not his resume? Tell me what is wrong with what he said. I am not interested on who he works for. I can easily dig up conflict of interests on steven kinzer as well. But I decided not to.

And what so u mean this is his thread? You should read his first post and tell me how many time he tagged me.

Are we not suppose to post our own understanding of events on threads anymore now?

This is a very weak argument.

Come on now

Of course his resume has everything to do with what he writes. Come on! In this case, he serves the goal of his neocon paymasters. It's that simple. You can't have the likes of Richard Perle, William Kristol and write anything contrary to their agenda. On that note please feel free to dig up conflict of interest on Kinzer and please do make sure you share.

That he tagged you also doesn't mean you have to reply him and on top of that, dictate how many posts he should make in a certain time.


Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Underground: 4:07pm On Feb 27, 2016

Seeing the trashing he is recieving he need to summon scummy to chant Zionist zionist like broken record.

Calm down. What trashing? Don't see any here. Apparently people don't seat around the internet all day debating. I for instance can only find time mostly on weekends to check nairaland out.
Perhaps he's out, perhaps he's sleeping, perhaps he's busy, perhaps he's ignoring you. I don't see Appleyard around as well, do you? People have lives away from here brah.

Whilst we await the next round, I would really like you and Missy89 to refute the allegations (lies you call them) ofTulsi Gobbard, Joe Biden, Wesley Clark, Roland Dumas, Senator Black and all

1 Like

Re: Boston Globe - The Media Are Misleading The Public On Syria by Missy89(f): 4:23pm On Feb 27, 2016

Of course he's resume has everything to do with what he writes. Come on! In Thai case, he serves the goal of his neocon paymasters. It's that simple. You can't have the likes of Richard Perle, William Kristol and write anything contrary to their agenda. On that not please feel free to dig up conflict of interest on Kinzer and please do make sure you share.

That he tagged you also doesn't mean you have to reply him and on top of that dictate how many posts he should post in a certain time.

Kinzer argument has been shredded to pieces by the "neo con" already. There is no need to start digging for his pay master. That will be an overkill

Maybe If he write something else.

Your logic is a double edge sword. On one hand, if we can disregard everything by comparing the writer to who they work for, do you agree that his post where rt is cited should be dismissed based on the same principle and his cnn's link should be striked out based on his conventional wisdom that everything on that channel is western propaganda?

On the other hand, are you going to focus on the message and deal with it without citing the conflict of interests so we can talk about it based on the facts we know and things we can verify

Which one do u prefer?

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