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Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? - Romance - Nairaland

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Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Maximip(m): 10:29am On Jul 12, 2009
Would you login into your lovers email, or facebook without their knowledge just to know more about them. I'm not asking if i should cos i already did. And guess what i discovered, that she's still dating her supposed ex and even sending him money. she was also meeting a lot of random guys, sending them her number and saying she was single. I know a lot of you guys will be screaming that its wrong to invade someone's privacy but the truth is that it saves everybody a lot of trouble and time. I guess the US governmet does something similar too for terrorists. It's like a pre-serious-dating check and it worked well.

Yes, i know some others will say you should'nt be with someone if you can't trust them but again, people change and you can't trust anybody. For real. So, would you do the same?
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Czarskit(m): 11:23am On Jul 12, 2009
Nope! I won't! I don't want to receive the shock of my life!!!
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by sexyLeamon(f): 11:49am On Jul 12, 2009
not at all why would I do such thing? he's my boyfriend I don't have to check his profile on the net to know more about him.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Maximip(m): 12:10pm On Jul 12, 2009

Nope! I won't! I don't want to receive the shock of my life!!!
I feel the earlier you get shocked, the less intense it is, and the better for you.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by ThoniaSlim(f): 12:16pm On Jul 12, 2009
I've learnt that what you don't know won't hurt you. . .and nothing is hidden under the sun. . .the truth definitely reveals itself at the right moment!
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Nobody: 12:37pm On Jul 12, 2009
No, I wouldn't.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Maximip(m): 1:36pm On Jul 12, 2009

I've learnt that what you don't know won't hurt you. . .and nothing is hidden under the sun. . .the truth definitely reveals itself at the right moment!

Maybe not psychologically but physically


No, I wouldn't.

Wait, I'm i the only abnormal person here.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by iice(f): 2:18pm On Jul 12, 2009
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by patwhizkid(f): 3:11pm On Jul 12, 2009
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by topup: 3:23pm On Jul 12, 2009
I would and I have, but only because I don't have much self-control in that area. Once I'm committed to someone, I won't be checking anything of theirs, I'll leave it to their conscious to do the guilt and nagging for me.

On the other hand, if I'm dating someone and they break my trust I will probably just stop wasting my time with them. It takes a lot to get me mad, and if I've decided to leave, usually it's because I'm thinking with my rational brain - doing what's best for me. I would have given them enough chance to redeem and prove to me, I will only leave if the situation does not improve.

About checking personal information. I actually have lines drawn at different areas, not one giant line drawn for personal stuff, I will never look at bank accounts - because I trust he will tell me everything I need to know if we're married or together long term, I will never read letters or emails. However, something like facebook or hi5, if given the password I'd probably log in a few times just to be nosey.

If we break up for any reason, I'm the type to still try and log onto or gain access to his personal details, find out his whereabouts e.t.c.
I've been trying to deal with this, but I just can't help it, I just want to have a heads up, who I'm bumping into, whether the story corrolates, because I've had a lot of people tell me things to try and not hurt my feelings, like exs telling me that they cry because they know they've lost the best thing, but then on their profile they've got a girl kissing them on the cheek and are flirty with several girls e.t.c.

I have this habit of checking the confirmed guests of an event I'm planning on attending, just to make sure where I stand. I don't do it all the time, but if I remember, I'll do it.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Nesia: 5:52pm On Jul 12, 2009

Would you login into your lovers email, or facebook without their knowledge just to know more about them. I'm not asking if i should cos i already did. And guess what i discovered, that she's still dating her supposed ex and even sending him money. she was also meeting a lot of random guys, sending them her number and saying she was single. I know a lot of you guys will be screaming that its wrong to invade someone's privacy but the truth is that it saves everybody a lot of trouble and time. I guess the US governmet does something similar too for terrorists. It's like a pre-serious-dating check and it worked well.

Yes, i know some others will say you should'nt be with someone if you can't trust them but again, people change and you can't trust anybody. For real. So, would you do the same?

how can u hack into an account, it mite b useful 4 me 2 see or have more ideas y dis heartless bf of mine could brek up wit me.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by platinumnk(f): 6:06pm On Jul 12, 2009
@poster, I don't blame u, things are revealed in mysterious ways. snooping is not good but if ur gf/bf is supposedly clean, what is there to hide??
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Maximip(m): 6:13pm On Jul 12, 2009

how can u hack into an account, it mite b useful 4 me 2 see or have more ideas y dis heartless bf of mine could brek up wit me.

I used hack to mean checking without their knowledge or permission. I was just able to guess the password correctly from a finite number of options. Something you're most likely to find out if you're still with the person. When you break up, it might be too difficult to get.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by bluespice(f): 8:35pm On Jul 12, 2009
im not insecure
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by TheSeeker(m): 8:59pm On Jul 12, 2009
If you are spying, drill or doing whatever on your partner's online account, what do you intend to find out? Aren't you just doing that to find out what might surprise you? Well, that's what you get when you try to find out beyond what you should know. I'm flying in the face of checking my girl's accounts online or wherever. If she thinks I should know, then she will tell me --- it's just as if you're asking your girlfriend how many men she has slept with, believe me no matter what she tells you will be too hot for you to handle.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by EshuKemi: 9:09pm On Jul 12, 2009
I hack into their profiles anyhow. I even hack into profiles of women i see and get their names or those i meet through blind dates or phones. Its always good 2 get a woman's secret so as to use it against her while i make sure i sanctify, protect and firewall any thing about me so that she is kept in the dark!

Its better that way so that your always on top and one step above that LovePeddler!
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Nobody: 9:11pm On Jul 12, 2009
@ Poster- You're living proof as to why nobody should be trusted.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by topup: 11:49pm On Jul 12, 2009

how can u hack into an account, it mite b useful 4 me 2 see or have more ideas y dis heartless bf of mine could brek up wit me.

Lol, if he's heartless. . then isn't that you're answer?


I hack into their profiles anyhow. I even hack into profiles of women i see and get their names or those i meet through blind dates or phones. Its always good 2 get a woman's secret so as to use it against her while i make sure i sanctify, protect and firewall any thing about me so that she is kept in the dark!

Its better that way so that your always on top and one step above that LovePeddler!

Wow, that's degrading. The only thing about hacking is the guilt - even when they are guilty, there is no way for you to really defend an argument because technically you're not supposed to know about the 20 other boyfriends or the sexy pictures she's been sending to her sugar daddies.

If only people were honest, we wouldn't have these problems.

I have found out so much that has given me insight into people. I don't currently hack, or have done for years now, however, I have asked friends about what they've seen (behind my back) of certain guys.

I've also found out things that have given me insight into why a certain guy is having commitment problems. I call it research. I don't like it when I'm being honest and the other person is being dishonest, and just don't want to seem psycho if I break up, but don't have any concrete reason.
I guess people who hack are skeptical, they want to be reassured, as it's that whole situation of 'fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, '

Although I don't hack I do still check the profile of my ex's facebook account, but that has helped me A LOT!!

Hacking confirms or discards suspicions, it's like feedback.

Am I insecure. . well yes, aren't we all to some extent - be it checking a page that's been left on the computer, or asking for some kind of proof from the spouse, or answering their mobile, we've all done things along the same line. . I think
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by rhufffryda(m): 3:30pm On Jul 13, 2009
Hehehe, Hell yeah
grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by wandecoal(m): 6:28pm On Jul 13, 2009
I've already done it.infact it was three days ago.being a jealous guy,i recieve the worst emotional breakdown of my life.SHE WAS DATING HER EX-BOYFRIEND
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by 009kk: 7:57pm On Jul 13, 2009

Would you login into your lovers email, or facebook without their knowledge just to know more about them. I'm not asking if i should cos i already did. And guess what i discovered, that she's still dating her supposed ex and even sending him money. she was also meeting a lot of random guys, sending them her number and saying she was single. I know a lot of you guys will be screaming that its wrong to invade someone's privacy but the truth is that it saves everybody a lot of trouble and time. I guess the US governmet does something similar too for terrorists. It's like a pre-serious-dating check and it worked well.

Yes, i know some others will say you should'nt be with someone if you can't trust them but again, people change and you can't trust anybody. For real. So, would you do the same?

i feel you. as for me and my gurl, we don't hide anything from each other. recently i gave my gf my password to my facebook profile when i needed something from there.after sending me what i wanted, i guess she snooped through my inbox and she was so surprised at me the way i refuse gurls that show interest in me and she was like i am too harsh in turning down girls that and that i shud be polite with them.
to me, if you are sincere with your partner it is not a big deal for them to have your password and id. it is only when you have something to hide that you will refuse your partner your password
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Maximip(m): 4:38am On Jul 14, 2009

i feel you. as for me and my gurl, we don't hide anything from each other. recently i gave my gf my password to my facebook profile when i needed something from there.after sending me what i wanted, i guess she snooped through my inbox and she was so surprised at me the way i refuse gurls that show interest in me and she was like i am too harsh in turning down girls that and that i shud be polite with them.
to me, if you are sincere with your partner it is not a big deal for them to have your password and id. it is only when you have something to hide that you will refuse your partner your password

That's how it should be
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by biola44: 10:13am On Jul 14, 2009
i would check if i'm able 2 hack grin or if she gives me d password, its better 2 find out whatever she's hiding asap cos i'm very curious n quite nosey, i dont believe in blind trust, no one should be trusted automatically, trust is earned and humans can never be trusted completely cos everyone has something 2 hide, only few are willing 2 share, yes, what u dont know doesnt hurt but d surprise u get when u find out shocks, no partner will ever tell u all u need 2 know u just av 2 check somethings out on ur own
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by sexyLeamon(f): 10:18am On Jul 14, 2009
curiosity kill quicker than rat poison
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by biola44: 10:36am On Jul 14, 2009
if not controlled

many of u guys r only scared of what u might find out! wink
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by tosyne007(m): 12:06pm On Jul 14, 2009

if not controlled

many of u guys r only scared of what u might find out! wink

i believe wat u dont know wont hurt you.

there are somtins that are better imagined.

so, i wouldn't do it if IT'S POSSIBLE!!!
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by biola44: 12:31pm On Jul 14, 2009
wats d use of imagination in cases like dis, u sound like u'll try 2 resist d invasion.
we all av trust issues, its d degree dat varies
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by coolblue(m): 3:04pm On Jul 14, 2009
Its kinda wierd when everyone says once there is trust and all that bla bla bla,
well considering that everyone here i am sure would say that every once in a while you ask your friends and people what they think about your BF or GF, i'm assuming that its because you are looking for another perspective on him or her. Its pretty Simple, asking around for information is something we all do, so i say it again, YES. its not because i dont trust her, truth is everyone feels there is just some info you cant handle and all that.
That being said, if you go digging, the only thing you will find is dirt. what you hav to decide is how much dirt can you handle.
So peeps, if you have access to info take it and digest it wrt the context-
YES, YES YES- i will
its just as ok to go thru data as it is to find out what your friends think. grin
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by iice(f): 3:13pm On Jul 14, 2009
Sometimes, people trust you because you have the capacity to understand.  It's people who feel like their partners would never understand, they are usually the ones who get lied to.  Well those and the ones who have the fear of their partners in them grin  Oh and those who don't really care what their partners think cheesy
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Nobody: 3:38pm On Jul 14, 2009
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Greycells(m): 5:06pm On Jul 14, 2009
May be not.
Re: Would You Hack Into Your Gf/bf Web Profile To Know More About Them? by Nobody: 5:41pm On Jul 14, 2009
there are too many tools out there to get a person's password on ANY of their profiles and know what they are up to. the deal is to be aware that what you might find could shock you.
i have and i will snoop inside a person's emails, profiles, msn etc IF i feel that this person is not being completely honest with me. if i have no reason to believe foul play then i will let it be. people generally dont delete old emails and they are a goldmine for infos.
i have taken msn passwords before and even chatted with people who thought it was them.
i remember once i had a girl who would stay at my crib while i was at work and chat on msn on my computer but always delete her chat history, not knowing that i had a software that took a picture of the screen (every30sec) and everything she typed was saved. perfect for the msn chats. my home is booby trapped from the basement to the roof.
once i had an ex who fukced with my "prized possession" because she was a sick fukc. i changed the passwords to ALL her life (msn, yahoo, facebook, myspace) and deleted all her contacts. till this day she thinks it was a virus, dumbass!
ps: if you do that, dont forget to change the security question as well as the alternate email.

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