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Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:05pm On Jul 30, 2010 |
KAG: You may be right that Karl Marx didn't utter those words at his death bed but the fact remains that he did say those words after he became a socialist and eventually a communist if not a satanist. It is not on record that he retracted those words before he died. What is on record is this quote that he said to his housekeeper shortly before he died: Go on, get out - last words are for fools who haven't said enough. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:20pm On Jul 30, 2010 |
This is how they all set out from their youth and how they end up.
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:47pm On Aug 01, 2010 |
Thomas Alva Edison, inventor, d. October 18, 1931 It is very beautiful over there. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:56pm On Aug 01, 2010 |
George Washington, US President, d. December 14, 1799 I die hard but am not afraid to go. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Rhino3dm: 2:22am On Aug 03, 2010 |
![]() ![]() |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:26pm On Aug 04, 2010 |
American businessman in Boston declared, "Before I die I mean to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I’m gonna climb Mount Sinai. And when I’m up there I’m gonna read the Ten Commandments aloud at the top of my voice!" A listener, Mark Twain quipped, “I got a better idea. Stay in Boston and keep them”. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:44am On Aug 09, 2010 |
Malcolm X, Black leader, d. 1966 Let's cool it brothers . . . Spoken to his assassins, 3 men who shot him 16 times. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:38pm On Mar 09, 2011 |
Sir Thomas Scott, once President of the English Lower House, said on his deathbed: "Up until this time, I thought that there was no God, neither hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am delivered to perdition by the righteous judgment of the Almighty" . |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:58pm On Mar 10, 2011 |
Voltaire, the famous skeptic who died a terrible death. His nurse said: "For all the money in Europe I wouldn't want to see another unbeliever die!" All night long he cried for forgiveness. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:24pm On Mar 11, 2011 |
David Hume, an atheist, his desperation was a horrible scene. He cried: "I am in flames!" |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 1:55pm On Mar 12, 2011 |
^^^^^ While the hangmen of bagdad were yelling al sadah. . . . the reformed Saddam Hussaine calmly declined the handkerchief to be wrapped around between his neck and the noose. he said Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahumma salli ala Rasulullah. Laa illa ha Ilallah. This is a great affirmation of Mercy from the Merciful. The One Who deserves all worship, total submission and Who we must depend upon. This is not the same as what you put forward, whereby your believers died on their lips associating god with God. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:18pm On Mar 12, 2011 |
"By Allah, though I am the apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me" -- Vol.5 No.266 Who made the statement above and when? |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 12:20am On Mar 19, 2011 |
@olaadegbu: i heard jesus said at the dinner table long before the 'crucifixion' that he finished all that God sent him to do. but the below is your task, unless you wanna put more pressure on your ego. Who among the three spoke one or both of the last words below; Jesus the anointed or Simon who carried the cross to the end after Jesus stumbled or Jesus the son of the father {bar abbas mean "son of the father"}? 1]. It is finished 2]. Father [Or God] to your Hands i commit my spirit. @All; I want to know the truth, if olaadegbu is too timid to tackle this simple task. trip over one another in giving us which words were spoke by which person. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:39pm On Apr 18, 2011 |
Anton Lavey -- satanist. [flash=500,400][/flash] |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 12:58pm On Apr 18, 2011 |
Allahu Akbar Kabira! OLaadegbu avoided by question, above. No christian is coming to help him, either. o ga o. Is "my God, my God, why thou forsaken me?" not a bad statement from a believer? |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:07pm On Apr 18, 2011 |
Sweetnecta: Those were not the last words of Jesus Christ. Sorry o! |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 5:15am On Apr 19, 2011 |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is it 'it is finished' or 'in your hand do i commit my spirit'? which one after it he gave up the ghost? ghost again? is one ghost 'holy ghost' enough? olaadegbu, what will you give up; ghost or soul? |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:15am On Apr 19, 2011 |
Sweetnecta: Those words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 were the fulfilment of David's prophecy in Psalm 22:1, and if you read verse 3 you will find out why God the Father forsook Jesus the only begotten Son on the cross "But you are holy . . . " A holy Creator cannot have fellowship with sin. When Jesus was on the cross, the sin of the entire world, including yours and mine, was laid on Him (Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21), but the Bible says God is "of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on iniquity" (Habakkuk 1:13). |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 12:38pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
^^^^^^^^^^ you sing too much of a sad song. your topic is last word[s of famous people. your bible recorded two different words for jesus. jesus is famous. i asked which is the last words. i know i could have said 'are or were', but 'words' here is sentence. now, Olaadegbu, you skipped around before without answering. you turn around later to not answering still, but give me explanation of obviously a bad dose of 'my God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?'. as if it will justify an obvious disbelieving statement! imagine if David or any prophet or even when John son of Zacharias was going to be beheaded say this words. he will be correct in the my God, my God part. but people in christendom will point it out that the 'why has thou forsaken me?' part is a statement of low or unsure faith in God! until you can apply this to jesus, you will stay in your confusion. yet, you cant even just tell me which of the two is the last words of jesus on the cross! continue to kid yourself. 30 years ago, it may have been cute or funny that you kidded yourself. you are now 30 years older. the same principle does not apply to you, but somebody 30 years younger/ in another 30 years you will have to accept that someday,you will die while you mr. invincible now is not thinking about it today, when the deadline of rapture expires many times on you, and you die as very old man. at death reality will set in; you will able to see jesus son of mary [as], as who he was, a messenger of his Lord. like pharaoh, it will be unacceptable and serves as a regret when you finally realize that you have left guidance of God for the seductive way of satan who made the concept of trinity, man God, death on the cross, etc very attractive and plausible to you. satan is truly a deceiver. but his ways are weak if you have guidance from God Almighty. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 12:51pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
Olaadegbu say am holy as if that will make me look bad. it is obvious that i am not, if jesus said no one is good except God. my prayer however is that God will give me strength when death comes to me as my last word to say there is no deity along with God. this will be head and shoulders above why has thou forsaken me, which is exactly saying why are you letting me die. if you come to existence you must also perish from existence. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:54pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
@Sweetnecta, It's either you couldn't read or wouldn't read earlier posts before asking uninformed questions. Let's find out whether you can decipher the answer to your question in SeanT21's quote that was posted more than two years ago: SeanT21: |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by PastorAIO: 2:33pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
OLAADEGBU: I wonder if you are just a deliberate liar or if you are just terribly misinformed. when you read stuff in whatever websites where you get your information it would help you immensely if you then did some follow up research on the things you read. You know, like looking up sources etc, stuff like that. The Death Of David Hume |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by PastorAIO: 2:36pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
Sweetnecta: The prophet Mohammed: "O Allah! Pardon my sins. Yes,[size=14pt] I am coming[/size]." I've always felt that dying in mid orgasm is the best way to go. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 2:47pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
@Olaadegbu; the God of christianity is truly an unforgiven God, or it is the christians who are lacking in what 'forgiveness' is. saddam hussaine [ra], if your thought is that he is destined for fire, then truly you did not realize how what he said is more superior to 'my God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?' or you did not consider how direct and decisive that statement from saddam was compared to what the others in your list said, coupled with what the al sadda hang men were saying during the hanging? no one except whom The Almighty had forgiven will be calm as saddam was, on the day of id facing death will have the consciousness of Allah and remembrance of the Messenger [as], letting death capture his soul with the Kalimah of shahadah 'laa illa ha ilAllah' on his tongue. this is a big victory on him, while others die that there is closed casket on their funeral because the bodies are horror to see! even a shia who hated saddam with person will want to die with the same exact words that Allah made easy for saddam to say effortlessly while the thugs of bagdad were yelling al sadr as if al sadr will not want to say the same thing saddam said. [b]There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is God's messenger. Executed by hanging, at Camp Justice in the Baghdad suburb of Khadimiya ~~ Saddam Hussein d. December 30, 2006[/b] anyone who believes that hanging is a sign of hell fire should consider the biblical jesus as the christian relates his end to us. anyone who believes camp justice is true justice does fail in acknowledging that God Almighty holds 'Justice'. a person must die in the time and manner God chooses for him. it is pure ignorance that one can say that God cant forgive a man who before death camp seek repentance. in islam, it is the last deed that counts. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:55pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
Pastor AIO: It will do a lot of people good if you can point out the last saying of David Hume in the letter you posted. The last time I checked I even found the one you quoted about Mo in the link below: David Hume, the Atheist, |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by PastorAIO: 3:26pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
OLAADEGBU: yessir, that must be because that is the website I got it from. When I was looking for the information source, I found it. That I quoted the mohammad saying is not an argument because it was obvious that I was only making a jibe and I was not expected to be taking with scholarly seriousness. Having said that, I ought to be more restrained with my criticisms of you, it could be that you are only joking too. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 5:54pm On Apr 19, 2011 |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ such untruth from olaadegbu and others about the messenger [as]. if we give time line of his passing, we will see that the Angels of his Lord came to honor him and asked if he wished to remain on earth, by Allah's permission. but what must a messenger do when his mission is already completed, if he opted for such worldly dwelling? would he not be going against his own mission which states 'all souls shall taste death' and messengers have died in the past? moses [as] was allowed to take as many years as his wide palm could cover of hairs on the back of his mount. and when it was told to him after that he will die, he said death now. yet moses is stationed in the 6th heaven, while ibrahim [as] is on seventh and muhammad is the noblest of all. if jesus in the second heaven, awaiting his final death on earth says the below [i wonder if it is story they are repeating to us, or the last 'word"?], should what muhammad [as] be less, based on how Allah has elevated him from the Quran? can anyone make a statement about muhammad, except it must agree with the Quran, hadith, sirah [the hadith and sirah as related by his companions [as]]? how do the occidentals get what muhammad [as] said? were they there, or they got it from his wife on whose laps his head rested as he passed? 'Allah forgive my sin, i am coming to you' is not a bad statement because it shows humility and eagerness of wishing to meet. do sinners want to meet the one who will be harsh with him? when you wish to me the one you love, it is a manifestation of that love. honest dialogue would have contacted the islamic sources and them know that it will never be less noble than the below. Jesus Christ: Jesus, after a long morning of torture and a 3 hour lasting excruciating crucifixion, He first forgave his Roman enemies from the cross, saying: "Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they do!" Then he granted eternal life to a repentant thief that was crucified beside him, saying, "Today you shall be with me in Paradise" After the Father's Spirit left Him as He died for the sins of the world, he said, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!" Then He said "It is finished!" and after He had cried out with a loud voice, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"—He gave up the ghost! ^^^^^^^^^^^ i wonder when the 'then' will finally give us the final word? from what i read here, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me is a sign of disbelief, when before that he granted eternal life and after that finally Father into your hands i commend my spirit. this all thing seems as if going and coming out of belief. a true prophet of God will not be such a disbeliever in action and speech. imagine the 'only' way to God showing such a disbelief? i think the whole thing need a retake. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:46am On Apr 20, 2011 |
Sweetnecta: It appears that you could not see what SeanT21 posted, see how the link Pastor AIO suggested and read what Jesus said before He died and rose again because it doesn't appear that you are true Muslim going by the way you ridicule your supposed "prophet". Jesus Christ: |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:51am On Apr 20, 2011 |
Pastor AIO: Alhaji-paistor-oluwooo ![]() |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 5:47am On Apr 21, 2011 |
@Olaadegbu; [Quote]It appears that you could not see what SeanT21 posted, see how the link Pastor AIO suggested and read what Jesus said before He died and rose again because it doesn't appear that you are true Muslim going by the way you ridicule your supposed "prophet".[/Quote]whatever i write is not in criticism of Injil or Seyiddina Isa bin Maryam [as]. this you already know, if you didn't here is it for you. pastoraio in my opinion lacks manners the reason i dont care about his wayward style of responses. what your topic is as far as i see it is the last sentence of famous people. if in the case of biblcal jesus you wanted to flip the script and tell a story instead of the last sentence, we can see why you will not say anointed when it comes to jesus but will not say massiah about others when anointed and massiah is the same exact thing. read the below excerpt, while i will not say Jesus did not get hang except that the evidence of it is in the Bible, agreeing with what the Quran says, unless you wanna forget Simon of Cyrene and Jesus son of the father [bar abbas], and the dead does not have flesh and bone; [b]One day Ka'b Akbar asked the Second Caliph "What did the Prophet say just before his death?" The Caliph pointed to the Commander of the Faithful, who was also present in the meeting, and said: "Ask him". Ali said: "While the head of the Prophet was resting on my shoulder, he said: "Prayers. Prayers." Ka'b Akbar then said: "This has been the way of the previous Prophets also''. Tabaqat, vol. II, page 254. During the last moments of his life the Prophet opened his eyes and said: "Call my brother so that he may come and sit by my side. All those present understood that he meant no one other than Ali. Ali sat by the side of his bed but felt that he wanted to rise from his bed. He therefore lifted the Prophet from his bed and made him rest on his own chest. Tabaqat, vol. II, page 263. Soon afterwards signs of death began to appear in his sacred body. Someone asked Ibn Abbas: "In whose lap did the Prophet breathed his last?" Ibn Abbas replied: "The Prophet departed while his head was in the lap of Ali." That person added: "Aisha claims that when the Prophet breathed his last his head was resting on her bosom. Ibn Abbas contradicted her claim and said: "The Prophet breathed his last in the lap of Ali and Ali and my brother Fadl bathed his body." Tabaqat, vol. II, page 263. In one of his sermons Imam Ali has mentioned this matter in these words: "The Prophet breathed his last when his head was on my chest. I bathed his body while the angels were assisting me". Nahjul Balaghah. A number of the traditionalists have quoted that the last sentence which the Prophet uttered before breathing his last was: "No. With the Divine Companion”. It appears that at the time of his last breath the Archangel Jibreel gave him the option either to recover from the illness and return to this world or the Angel of Death might take out his soul and he might proceed to the next world, and lead his life there along with the persons, who have been alluded to in this verse: These are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favour from among the Prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and they are the best friends that one can have. (Surah al-Nisa, 4:69) The Prophet uttered the above sentence and passed away. A'lamul Wara' page 83.[/b] |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by Sweetnecta: 6:07am On Apr 21, 2011 |
No; i do not want to remain on earth and To the Divine Companion; i want to go to God are not statements you expect to hear from the one who does not love his Creator and his Creator does not love him greatly. such a person who was washed by the like of Ali bin Abi Talib [ra] and assisted by Angels, could not have anyone who ever walked this earth having a higher ranking of nobility than him in the Sight of The Most Merciful. @olaadegbu; the prophet [as] did not complain or lament. you need to see wisdom in that. |
Re: Last Words Of Famous People -- Anton LeVey by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:20am On Apr 26, 2011 |
Alexander the Great, who had conquered land from Macedonia to Pakistan, died at the age of 33, with his boots on, weeping: "There are no more other worlds to conquer!" |
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