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Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man - Crime - Nairaland

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Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by BeClever: 6:38pm On Mar 01, 2016
Even as Nigerians are still keenly observing the case of Ese Onuru who was allegedly kidnapped and taken to Kano for a forceful marriage, another case of child abduction has come to the fore.

One Paul Adaji has complained to the Police that his year old sister, Patience was kidnapped by two men who reportedly took her to Sokoto where she is to be convered to Islam.

The brother claims she is in the Sultan of Sokoto’s palace.

Here is the exceprt of the police report as shared on Facebook:

“BENUE people let’s help our own. Keep sharing until she gets help. SUMMARY Subject matter: Forceful abduction Name of complainant: Paul Isaac Adaji, from ohimini L.G area of Benue state. Reasons complain about: Forcefully abduction of my younger sister by two of our neighbours (Monde & Suleiman) and the Hisbah group in gidan kukah, Runjin sambo area sokoto, with the intention of converting her to Islam. They confirmed to the police that they took the girl to the sultan’s palace, but the police later said nothing but ask the complainant to go and maintain peace. Date missing: Since on the 12th of August 2015. Name of the Girl: Patience Paul. Her age Now: 15 years. Language spoken: Idoma Her whereabouts: In the Sultans palace. GSM Number of the Hisbah commander’s or abductors: Ilyasu Muhammed Gsm No. 08169317038 Umar Dauda Gada Gsm No. 08035584277 Dr. Kasarawa (GSM Num. not known) Thanks and hope to hear from you soon. N.B

Source: http://www.theheraldng.com/another-young-girl-kidnapped-taken-to-sokoto/?utm_source=nnd&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=nnd

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Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by BeClever: 6:38pm On Mar 01, 2016
My people, here come the breeze and "Bam!" the fowl nyash don open ohh!

Everyone should cross check the way about of their teenage sisters ohh!

79 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by ORACLE1975(m): 6:42pm On Mar 01, 2016
So it has come to this now! Adopting girls of 13 for marriage well not your fault I all blame YARIMA

27 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by IdomaLikita: 6:44pm On Mar 01, 2016
In 1996, Maria, the most pious Girl in St Rita's Catholic Church, Badarawa, Kaduna left her house under suspicious circumstances and 3 months later, she was found in the House of some Muslim Igbira Teacher somewhere in one "Angwar"...she was in SS2 then. The father attempted to bring her home by force but was stiffly resisted by the Muslims Youth within the Area with the full backing of the Mai Angwar...the last person that saw Maria is a colleague who met her in the ANC all "Niqabbed up" with black gloves and stocking and black shoes..but Sadness in her voice couldn't be covered by the black drab apparel.
Fast forward to 2014, a very good friend of mine from Abia state lost his 15yr old sister who was kidnapped to a State in the North from Umuahia....the Perpetrator was a Sniper in the Nigerian Military then,....this family went through Hell to get her back but gave up when they saw Pictures of their Last born with a Child on the abductor's Facebook page..I know what they went through in the Hands of the Police to even trace her whereabouts...they solely relied on her last Facebook posts and traced her FB friends to eventually track her down.she had refused to make contact or respond to contact from her family..In desperation, they moved on(they've been hit with multiple tragedies within a short time)
Then The Ese Story! And then this!
Truth is there'll always be an excuse! An excuse for Impunity, An Excuse for Retrogression, An Excuse for Barbarity, An excuse for Fundamentalism..An Excuse for Violence! Same excuse they are giving today to justify the ongoing genocide in Agatu...same excuse why my fellow country man can move about with an Automatic Rifle unchallenged while I get busted for carrying a Laptop in by bag,

May the Blood of all the People Killed since Usman Dan Fodio stepped foot in Nigeria continue to haunt his descendants forever and forever..

#StoptheAgatuMassacre, #StoptheKillings.

153 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Frankiss44(m): 6:45pm On Mar 01, 2016
Na wah oh.. Na new trend this abokis wan start so oh...
The English really did us great Injustice by merging us with this people oh

200 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by meforyou1(m): 6:48pm On Mar 01, 2016
Not again! Please let us bombard those islamist paedophiles with phone calls until they will know no peace and return the innocent child back to her family

35 Likes 1 Share

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by meforyou1(m): 6:48pm On Mar 01, 2016
Lalasticlala pls do the needful. The world needs to hear this


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by nnachukz(m): 6:48pm On Mar 01, 2016
Why are they forcing these children into marriage and forcefully converting them into Islam? Bad to hear that even their Emirs are involved in this. Is joining a particular religion supposed to be by force?

47 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by meforyou1(m): 6:50pm On Mar 01, 2016
Why are they forcing these children into marriage and forcefully converting them into Islam? Is joining a particular religion supposed to be by force?
I tire o. There are already so many almajiri girls in the far north that are islamists, why not marry those ones off

50 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Nobody: 6:55pm On Mar 01, 2016
Lalasticlala pls do the needful. The world needs to hear this

3 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by obasiken: 6:55pm On Mar 01, 2016
He even has the name and number of the abductors?

1 Like

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by allcomage: 7:07pm On Mar 01, 2016
What again?

What is happening in this country? They want christian girls but they should first go school,get circumcised . Christian girls have become a war booty to be won.this is barbaric.

36 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by DauraDullard0(m): 7:20pm On Mar 01, 2016
What is happening in this country? They want christian girls but they should first go school,get circumcised . Christian girls have become a war booty to be won.this is barbaric.
The Jihad is already on us. We warned people about the dangers inherent in having an Islamic fundamentalist as a president but they wouldn't listen. The dance has already begun. Let us see how far this macabre dance of shame will go.

95 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by drss(m): 7:24pm On Mar 01, 2016
The Jihad is already on us. We warned people about the dangers inherent in having an Islamic fundamentalist as a president but they wouldn't listen. The dance has already begun. Let us see how far this macabre dance of shame will go.
correct talk. jihad in progress.
Cc: lalasticlala

33 Likes 1 Share

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by drss(m): 7:32pm On Mar 01, 2016
dis christian girls kidnap by malos saga no be today o. wetin una dey see don dey happen teh teh.
dis is anoda form of JIHAD!!!

esu is not d first christian girl to be kidnapped n forced into islamic religion by northern extremist n jihadist. dere ar many oda christian girls like esu. kidnapped n taking to d north. northerners have been doing dis evil ting for years. for those who never know, dis evil is encouraged n sanction by their malams. d aim is to promote their religion. they encourage their young boys to rape, impregnate n marry christian girls. d major goal is to depopulate christian girls in nigeria n sow seed of islam in dem by making dem pregnant. dem malos (abo.kis) believe say if dem reduce christian girls, e go hard for christian men to marry. northerners never allow dem daughters marry christians. so in d end christian men will have no choice dan to join islam for dem to marry muslim women. una eva see christian man marry muslim woman for north lai lai e no dey happen! dat is how northerners plan to depopulate christians.
to dem, any muslim who impregnate a christian girl, d baby automatically becoms muslim whether dem marry d girl or not. as long as d father is a muslim, d baby is a muslim. dis is how dem plan to populate nigeria with almajiri children, ready to spread islam all ova d con3. n they call their religion a religion of peace. sad
una dey see why we kanu supporters dey call nigeria zoo one nigeria na scam!!! we ar not one. make every region go him way.

93 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by naijaking1: 7:35pm On Mar 01, 2016

What is happening in this country? They want christian girls but they should first go school,get circumcised . Christian girls have become a war booty to be won.this is barbaric.

That's what Biafra has been telling you guys since 1966

53 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by slimpoppa(m): 7:44pm On Mar 01, 2016
too bad
Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by drss(m): 7:45pm On Mar 01, 2016

That's what Biafra has been telling you guys since 1966
no mind dem. their eyes go soon clear.


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Firefire(m): 7:45pm On Mar 01, 2016
wetin naa ? angry

1 Like

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by francizy(m): 7:45pm On Mar 01, 2016
Am tired and exhausted. No longer know what to say. I've lost hope in this damnation pit called Nigeria...


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by iyaka2344: 7:46pm On Mar 01, 2016
Dem dis aboki people sef... Make bullhari and e mallams no spoil this country oh


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Shehucom(m): 7:46pm On Mar 01, 2016
What happened to Ese Oruru is something that
happens every other time in cities and villages
of south south, young girls of secondary school
age moving into men's house without their
parents' consent. They don't tell them they are
too young. The only thing they tell them is: "you
can go to anywhere you want but no bring belle
come my house" (lolz). If Ese Oruru was to be
'abducted' by one peter or James and taken for
honeymoon in sambisa forest, we won't get
public outrage. All you'll hear is, 'that is the
power of love' and it only ends as another tale
of two lovers who fell in love and nollywood will
be there to release part one to five. And
activists will be there to bark 'its her choice'.
While we expect that she is returned to her
parents soon, i hope our human rights activists
will also be there to protect her choice and
rights of being a muslim while she is in Bayelsa.
I hope they will also voice for her when she is
18 and expresses her interest to return to her
'husband' in kano.
@activists: always maintain balance in your
quest for justice and fairness to all.
@activists : stand up against evils happening
within your immediate community and not
always waiting to bark when 'outsiders' commit
those evils against 'your own'. Charity begins at
@journalists : be balanced in your reports and
stop the hypocrisy ;even when you heard the
audio recording of the girl, you kept reporting
that she was kidnapped, abducted, forcefully
converted and forcefully married off
@general public : learn to be a JUDGE, every
good judge will always listen to BOTH parties
before taking a stance.

I know the biased and sentimental mind would abuse and quote me. You can bash me all you want but I just spoke my mind... Iree o

32 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Nobody: 7:47pm On Mar 01, 2016
Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by iyatrustee(f): 7:47pm On Mar 01, 2016
Since August 2015?

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Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by akike: 7:47pm On Mar 01, 2016
This is no longer funny!

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Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Nobody: 7:47pm On Mar 01, 2016
The islamization of Nigeria has just started. The blind will never see, the dumb never talk and the lame never walk.

Nigerians shine your eyes.
May God keep exposing them.


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Integrityfarms(m): 7:47pm On Mar 01, 2016
Let my imaginations of all these Northern abduction and eloping of teenage girls not come to pass! Because this is getting more distasteful and annoying.

But all these -people complaining about their sisters kidnaps are funny o. At times desperate times calls for desperate measures. No one has the monopoly of violence in this nation o


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by tintingz(m): 7:48pm On Mar 01, 2016
The police force need to do something about teenage girls kidnappings.

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Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by Ucheosefoh(m): 7:48pm On Mar 01, 2016
Nawa oh .
Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by omoijesa(m): 7:49pm On Mar 01, 2016
Why is it that is nothern region dat perform all dis thrash.....can any good thing come out of this north dough.....just reasoning


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by sanandreas(m): 7:49pm On Mar 01, 2016
Jihad is here oooo.


Re: Benue Girl Kidnapped, Taken To Sultan-Of-Sokoto’s Palace –Benue Man by julioralph(m): 7:50pm On Mar 01, 2016
angry angry

Emir of kano

now Sultan of Sokoto, who's next

Emir of Gwandu lipsrsealed


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