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Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by QTEST007(m): 10:27am On Mar 13, 2016 |
[quote author=winner01 post=43543696]"Evolution doesn't account for consciousness, for isn't it the conscience that produced the theory of evolution?" - In other words,our conscience created(or discovered,depending on your argument) the theory of evolution,but,what created our consciousness? SPLENDID!!! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by scarred9jan(m): 10:31am On Mar 13, 2016 |
ifenes: I enjoyed the God Delusion. Very thought-provoking |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by bobkezel(m): 10:32am On Mar 13, 2016 |
Religion has nothing to prove and can't solve any problem. But science proves and solves a lot of problems. Religion and science can't agree. Science is no faith and can never be. 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 10:54am On Mar 13, 2016 |
Judas2013: "What is the definition of God?" For a person to say there is no God, he should know what is the meaning of God. If I hold a book and say that ‘this is a pen’, for the opposite person to say, ‘it is not a pen’, he should know what is the definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognise or identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to say ‘there is no God’, he should at least know the concept of God. His concept of God would be derived from the surroundings in which he lives. The god that a large number of people worship has got human qualities - therefore he does not believe in such a god. Similarly a Muslim too does not and should not believe in such false gods. If a non-Muslim believes that Islam is a merciless religion with something to do with terrorism; a religion which does not give rights to women; a religion which contradicts science; in his limited sense that non-Muslim is correct to reject such Islam. The problem is he has a wrong picture of Islam. Even I reject such a false picture of Islam, but at the same time, it becomes my duty as a Muslim to present the correct picture of Islam to that non-Muslim i.e. Islam is a merciful religion,it gives equal rights to the women, it is not incompatible with logic, reason and science; if I present the correct facts about I slam, that non-Muslim may Insha Allah accept Islam.Similarly the atheist rejects the false gods and the duty of every Muslim is to present the correct concept of God which he shall Insha Allah not refuse. QUR’AN AND MODERN SCIENCE The methods of proving the existence of God with usage of the material provided in the ‘Concept of God in Islam’ to an atheist may satisfy some but not all. Many atheists demand a scientific proof for the existence of God. I agree that today is the age of science and technology. Let us use scientific knowledge to kill two birds with one stone, i.e. to prove the existence of God and simultaneously prove that the Qur’an is a revelation of God. If a new object or a machine, which no one in the world has ever seen or heard of before, is shown to an atheist or any person and then a question is asked, " Who is the first person who will be able to provide details of the mechanism of this unknown object? After little bit of thinking, he will reply, ‘the creator of that object.’ Some may say ‘the producer’ while others may say ‘the manufacturer.’ What ever answer the person gives, keep it in your mind, the answer will always be either the creator, the producer, the manufacturer or some what of the same meaning, i.e. the person who has made it or created it. Don't grapple with words, whatever answer he gives, the meaning will be same, therefore accept it. THEORY OF PROBABILITY In mathematics there is a theory known as ‘Theory of Probability’. If you have two options, out of which one is right, and one is wrong, the chances that you will chose the right one is half, i.e. one out of the two will be correct. You have 50% chances of being correct. Similarly if you toss a coin the chances that your guess will be correct is 50% (1 out of 2) i.e. 1/2. If you toss a coin the second time, the chances that you will be correct in the second toss is again 50% i.e. half. But the chances that you will be correct in both the tosses is half multiplied by half (1/2 x 1/2) which is equal to 1/4 i.e. 50% of 50% which is equalto 25%. If you toss a coin the third time, chances that you will be correct all three times is (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) that is 1/8 or 50% of 50% of 50% that is 12½%.A dice has got six sides. If you throw a dice and guess any number between 1 to 6, the chances that your guess will be correct is 1/6. If you throw the dice the second time, the chances that your guess will be correct in both the throws is (1/6 x 1/6) which is equal to 1/36. If you throw the dice the third time, the chances that allyour three guesses are correct is (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) is equal to 1/216 that is less than 0.5 %.Let us apply this theory of probability to the Qur’an, and assume that a person has guessed all the information that is mentioned in the Qur’an which was unknown at that time. Let us discuss the probability of all the guesses being simultaneously correct.At the time when the Qur’an was revealed, people thought the world was flat, there are several other options for the shape of the earth. It could be triangular, it could be quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, spherical, etc. Lets assume there are about 30 different options for the shape of the earth. The Qur’an rightly says it is spherical, if it was aguess the chances of the guess being correct is 1/30.The light of the moon can be its own light or a reflected light. The Qur’an rightly says it is a reflected light. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/2 and the probability that both the guesses i.e the earth is spherical and the light of the moon is reflected light is 1/30 x 1/2 = 1/60.Further, the Qur’an also mentions every living thing is made of water. Every living thing can be made up of either wood, stone, copper, aluminum, steel, silver, gold,oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, oil, water, cement, concrete, etc. The options are say about 10,000. The Qur’an rightly says that everything is made up of water. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is1/10,000 and the probability of all the three guesses i.e. the earth is spherical, light of moon is reflected light and everything is created from water being correct is 1/30 x 1/2 x 1/10,000 = 1/60,000 which is equal to about .0017%.The Qur’an speaks about hundreds of things that were not known to men at the time of its revelation. Only in three options the result is .0017%. I leave it upto you, to work out the probability if all the hundreds of the unknown facts were guesses, the chances of all of them being correct guesses simultaneously and there being not a single wrong guess. It is beyond human capacity to make all correct guesses without a single mistake, which itself is sufficient to prove to a logical person that the origin of the Qur’an is Divine. CREATOR IS THE AUTHOR OF THE QUR’AN The only logical answer to the question as to who could have mentioned all these scientific facts 1400 years ago before they were discovered, is exactly the same answer initially given by the atheist or any person, to the question who will be the first person who will be able to tell the mechanism of the unknown object. It is the ‘CREATOR’, the producer, the Manufacturer of the whole universe and itscontents. In the English language He is ‘God’, or more appropriate in the Arabic language, ‘ALLAH’. QUR’AN IS A BOOK OF SIGNS AND NOT SCIENCE Let me remind you that the Qur’an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S’ i.e. a book ofayaats. The Qur’an contains more than 6,000ayaats, i.e. ‘signs’, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science. I am not trying to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God using scientific knowledge as a yard stick because any yardstick is supposed to be more superior than what is being checked or verified. For us Muslims the Qur’an is theFurqani.e. criteria to judge right from wrong and the ultimate yardstick which is more superior to scientific knowledge.But for an educated man who is an atheist,scientific knowledge is the ultimate test which he believes in. We do know that science many a times takes ‘U’ turns, therefore I have restricted the examples only to scientific facts which have sufficient proof and evidence and not scientific theories based on assumptions. Using the ultimate yardstick of the atheist, I am trying to prove to him that the Qur’an is the word of God and it contains the scientific knowledge which is his yardstickwhich was discovered recently, while the Qur’an was revealed 1400 year ago. At the end of the discussion, we both come to the same conclusion that God though superior to science, is not incompatible with it. SCIENCE IS ELIMINATING MODELS OF GOD BUT NOT GOD Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are noteliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it isLa illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).Surah Fussilat:"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in theirown souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enoughthat thy Lord doth witness all things?"[Al-Quran 41:53] 2 Likes |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by scarred9jan(m): 11:03am On Mar 13, 2016 |
winner01: You know Toffler is an atheist, right? |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by oluamid(m): 11:29am On Mar 13, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: Really? Really? Bro? Simple explanation: 1+1=2 One set of thinking says the above is correct because when you add one thing to another that makes two of that thing. Another says the above is correct because that's how it has always been from time. Besides, a certain book says a certain being says so. Now I'd leave you to actually pick the irrationality out. Atheism means being a-theist I.e you don't believe in the existence of a supreme being who controls human destiny. Let me give you another example: A governor gets huge amounts of money to make sure the people of his state have basic infrastructure that will improve their lives. But rather than use some of this money to build good roads, he decided to keep some of the money to himself and ended up using substandard products to construct the road. Many people, most of whom prayed for journey mercies before they left home, ended up dying In accidents on that same road. Now what would the theist family of the deceased say? God giveth God taketh, right? Whereas a simple investigation would link the deaths to the corruption tendencies of the governor. Now using your own words, who do you supposed lack open-mindedness and is ready to accept possibilities and new information? My point, atheism does not mean stupidy. If anything, it means the reverse because they are willing to question laws and theories, something most modern-day theist(especially the ones on this forum) do LACK. 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 11:45am On Mar 13, 2016 |
samsard: Mr logic can u explain how d universe was created from nothing with ur logic lets hear |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 11:46am On Mar 13, 2016 |
Bible has issue with modern science because it was wrote by selfish individual which some of them are even anonymous. 1 Like
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 11:48am On Mar 13, 2016 |
Out of all religions in the world atheist seems to pick more interest in Christianity most |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by oluamid(m): 11:54am On Mar 13, 2016 |
frank317: Lol. You just hit the proverbial nail on their head dammit! Theists say those who don't believe in the God of the Bible or Koran must be fools. But they can't explain how a snake talked to Eve, how Cain went to another city and married someone when the Bible only recorded 4 people being alive at that time and 3 of them men, how Noah was able to fit a pair of all the animals in the world into one ark(haba!). How a donkey suddenly starts talking, how people suddenly became healed from snake bites by looking at a snake statue, and many many other examples like that. And they wonder why a lot of people find it hard to believe in the biblical God? Mbanu. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by winner01(m): 11:56am On Mar 13, 2016 |
scarred9jan:If i cant use a neutral quote by an atheist, you should think about many of the stuffs you use daily. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by winner01(m): 11:58am On Mar 13, 2016 |
TopeEmma15:Why would anyone concern himself with a lie?. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 12:04pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
TopeEmma15: It is easier for atheist to pick Christianity because the bible was written by many selfish people which some of them are even anonymous and it's full of contradictions and mistakes. 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 12:07pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
The trinity got its start in Ancient Babylon with Nimrod - Tammuz - and Semiramis. Semiramis demanded worship for both her husband and her son as well as herself. She claimed that her son, was both the father and the son. Yes, he was “god the father” and “god the son” So Semiramis proclaimed that her husband Nimrod was a god, and she as the wife of Nimrod was a goddess. She then announced herself to be “The Queen of Heaven” and that she should be worshiped as such. She claimed that her spirit was the moon and when she died she would dwell in the moon, even as Nimrod was already in the sun. What a devilish brainstorm inspired by Satan!Satan was laying the foundation for every system of falsehood and errorthe world has ever known. They took the truth of God and turned it into a lie and “worshipped and served the creature (on a wider application also includes Satan) more than the Creator.”Romans 1:25. This system of paganism, while professing to be the true religion, is actually devil worship. It professes and claims to be the truthof God but in reality it is Satan's masterpiece, the “mystery of iniquity.” |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by davidhume1: 12:08pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
The only reason you have so many christian scientists in the renaissance period was because the church had total control over the classical works of the Greeks and Romans. So, in order to have access to these works, you HAD to be a christian. Let's also remember that the value of the knowledge of these pagan societies was only made apparent to the christians AFTER the Muslims had used pagan discoveries to advance their societies. 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:10pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
bobkezel: Did you observe evolution or panspermia or abiogenesis - they are scientific theories , assumptions that need faith . Just dont talk none sense here 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 12:11pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
The true date of the birth of Christ is most likely between July and September but since the exact date of Christ's birthday was unknown, it was suggested, “Why not call it the same date as the birth of Tammuz, which was December 25?” This was the time when the sun had reached its lowest point on the horizon and started back up into theheavens and so the sun god had come to life, so to speak. So gradually December 25 came to be known as the birthday of Christ. ThePapal Church finally instituted a special mass on that day, “Christ's Mass,” and so December 25 became “Christmas.” The yule log burning in the fire followed by the green tree lit with candles all came from the pagan worship representing Nimrod being dead, while his spirit still lived on in the sun and was alive again in Tammuz his son.Jesus was crucified and resurrected in the spring of the yearnear the time of the moon festival. The devil was at work once again to bring the idea of having a celebration at the same time as the heathen but calling it “in honor of the resurrection.” And in regards to the worship of the moon goddess Semiramis, the so called queen of heaven. The cakes to the QUEEN OFHEAVEN were round and on them was cut a cross in honor of the sun god, and they were offered to the queen of heaven and today we call them “hot cross buns.” (ReadJeremiah 7:16-18). The forty days of “weeping for Tammuz” became Lent and at the close of Lent came Easter Sunday.The prophet Ezekiel was shown even greater abominations. (ReadEzekiel 8:12-18). This goddess Ishtar (Easter) came to be known asthe goddess of springtime as in “new life,” or as history records it, the “goddess of reproduction.” Thepagans would go to some mountainside early Sunday morning and worship this goddess as the sun was rising in the east. They gave themselves to immorality and indecency of every description. The eggs and rabbits were used as symbols of fertility and germination and hence “new life.” It all came into the Church gradually and was all blessed by the Catholic Church and given to the world. And some people wonder why God calls the Catholic ChurchBabylon! |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by bobkezel(m): 12:15pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: you have no sense by saying evolution and those bla bla bla u mentioned there are science. Go read ur books ode. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by oluamid(m): 12:17pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
winner01: I hope you realise English is not the Language of the Bible nor is it the language of everyone in the world. Try your Human Be-ing ish in Yoruba and see if you'll make any sense. And yes, we are here and that's what anyone knows. Any other thing more than that is conjecture and one conjecture can't be greater than the other except when it makes absolutely no sense. Try explaining why some species go into extinction, global warming or even the internet in religious terms, will you? Should there have to be a point in living other than making the world a better place than you met it? No, we are not here to worship God like the Muslims will say. 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:19pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
bobkezel: The earlier you realise that scientific assumptions are just mere embellished guesses , the better for you . 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Edd1e(m): 12:28pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
ifenes:When u read books written by david icke and his co-satanist, i think it gets into ur head. I stopped reading those books b4 it could get to me. I guess u should stop too... |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 12:28pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: Oya bring the biblical verse that explain the evolution better. Bible is the religious book that has the highest contradictions and scientifical errors. Quran even has more scientifical facts. 1 Like
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by bobkezel(m): 12:44pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: what is this homeless goat saying. Define science and tell me how the definition relates to ur stupid evolution or ur albinogenesis. Ur mumu no get rival. Imbe |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by bobkezel(m): 12:49pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
DabELLs: don't mind the ode, he is defending what no one has ever proved, and will never prove. The wonders starts and ends in their children storybook called bible, nothing there can be proven. 2 Likes |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by santino09: 1:29pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
If you believe the end justifies the means then science n religion r same thing. However, if the means justifies the end then science and religion are the same. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by santino09: 1:40pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
DabELLs:Don't say what you don't know, the quran suggest the bible to be read for further clarification. The bible remains the most crystal clear religious book which should not be read like physics or biology books but with faith, trust, hope and righteousness. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Cyrus77(m): 2:06pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
denying the earth of a God is like denying the ur son of a dad(if u've got one)....And that a child grew up in the orphanage does make it factual that he is "fatherless";he does not just know yet his dad,which is analogous to the case of an atheist,he doesn't know yet. For the idea of atheism to capture and command full intelligence,it should intelligibly link pre-life and post -death phenomena to life and living ,in a cycle that makes sense.If not,atheism is like a blind man that describes the elephant as a tail,after he touched just the tail of the elephant. Science without God = a plant without a seed source Relax responsibly,happy Sunday 1 Like |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 2:20pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
santino09: tell me the verse of Quran that says that and I will prove to you that most pastors lies about that verse. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by Nobody: 2:31pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
santino09:First, one of the reasons Allah has sent Islam and the Noble Qur’an was because all the scriptures that came before it were either corrupted or lost. The Noble Qur’an says the following of the books that came before it:"Know they not Allah Knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal? And there are among them illiterates,who know not the Book but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture. Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,' to traffic with it for a miserable price!Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.”(The Noble Qur'an, 2:77-79)The Book refers to the book of the People of the book(aka Men of Faith), which section 9 in Chapter 2 talks about. The Noble Qur'an clearly says that the Book was corrupted by men, “those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,”. It can’t get any clearer then that!Now, as you can see from the above verses the Qur'an claims the Book of the People of the Book have corrupted their own books. With that in mind let’s move on;When I asked the Christian how did he get to this conclusion, he gave the following versesThe Noble Qur'an, 2:97)“To thee (Muhammad) We sent the scripture(Qur'an) in truth confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety. Say: Whoever is the enemy of Jibreel-- for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah's command, verifying that which IS before it and guidance and good news for the believers.”(The Noble Qur'an, 5:82)“Nearest among them in love to the believers will thou find those who say "We are Christians" because amongst these are men devoted to learning.”(The Noble Qur'an, 42:15)“I believe in the Book (of the People of the Book) which God has sent down...”(The Noble Qur'an,5:46)“And in their footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary confirming the Law that had come before him. We sent him the Gospel: there in was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law.”(The Noble Qur'an,5:47)“Let the People of the Gospel judge by what God has revealed therein”(The Noble Qur'an,5:48)“To thee (Muhammad)We sent the scripture (Qur'an) in truth confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety.”(The Noble Qur'an, 10:94)“If thou (Muhammad) are in doubt as to what we have revealed, then ask the People of the Book.”Let us examine each one;(The Noble Qur'an, 2:97)“To thee (Muhammad) We sent the scripture(Qur'an) in truth confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety. Say: Whoever is the enemy of Jibreel-- for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah's command, verifying that which IS before it and guidance and good news for the believers.”I’ve bolded the points Christians use to show their point. Without knowing that the Noble Qur'an claims that the scriptures before it were corrupted by men(2:77-79), you can easily come to the conclusion that the Noble Qur'an confirms the Bible. However, the Qur’an talks about the True scriptures He has sent to the prophets before Muhammad(pbuh), not the corrupted Bible. Let’s move on;(The Noble Qur'an, 5:82)“Nearest among them in love to the believers will thou find those who say "We are Christians" because amongst these are men devoted to learning.”Let’s look at the whole context;(The Noble Qur'an, 5:82)Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.(The Noble Qur'an, 5:83)And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses. The first verse says that the you will find Jews and Pagans hate the believers(Muslims) the most. Next it says Christians are devoted to learning and they are not arrogant. The next verse says the Christians listen to the revelation(Qur'an) received by the Messenger(Prophet Mohammed(pbuh)) and “thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth :they pray: "Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses.“To sum those verses up, some of the Jews and Pagans are arrogant and harder to show the Truth and only some care to learn about the Truth, but among Christians there are defiantly those who want to learn the truth anyways, I can’t make any contacts between the Bible and us having to read it in these verses. So let’s move on;(The Noble Qur'an, 42:15)“I believe in the Book (of the People of the Book) which God has sent down...”Again, Qur’an makes it clear that it is talking about what Allah has sent down, and not the corrupted Bible. Let me bold the part;(The Noble Qur'an, 42:15)“I believe in the Book (of the People of the Book)which God has sent down...”Let’s move on;(The Noble Qur'an,5:46)“And in their footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary confirming the Law that had come before him. We sent him the Gospel: there in was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law.”I think we are repeating a cycle. It is obvious the Gospel is not the 4 Gospels.Let me bold the important points;(The Noble Qur'an,5:46)“And in their footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary confirming the Law that had come before him. We senthim the Gospel: there in was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law.”Answer these questions to your self. Are any of the Gospels told or narrated or written byJesus(pbuh) him self? How many Gospels are there in theNT.The current Gospels are supposed tobe “inspired” byJesus(pbuh) and God. In a sense, they claim to have written about the Gospel ofJesus(pbuh). Considering what the Noble Qur’an says(The Noble Qur'an, 2:77-79), I don’t think it needs further explanation. |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by AgentOfAllah: 2:42pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
Richirich713: Newton may be one of the greatest scientists ever liveth. Alas, that doesn't imply that his knowledge of science was infallible, let alone, his knowledge of vague concepts such as god. One great example of Newton's fallacies was his assumption of an infinite, static and uniform universe. Olber's paradox, a thought experiment, complete with its own mathematical proof showed that this cannot be so! Aside from Obler's paradox, many experiments, including the discovery of microwave background, and the redshift discovered by Hubble have demonstrated that the universe is neither static nor uniform. The point here is that Newton could be wrong about the things in which he believed, even if his scientific works were remarkable in many ways. 2 Likes |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by AgentOfAllah: 3:33pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
cloudgoddess:Winner01, the quote above is correct. If you are mathematically inclined, I did a modest proof that demonstrates the equivalency between micro & macro evolution a long while back, on a thread about the subject of evolution on this very forum. I thought you might find it interesting, so I'll shamelessly plagiarise my work and post it here, complete with personalised and graphical demonstrations for your pleasure sir. So to say micro-evolution does not lead to macro-evolution is to make a mathematically illogical statement, which shifts the burden of proof on you. Hence, you must show that the LIM(t→ ΔT) (m) =/=M according to equation 5. For example, if you were accumulating brown grains of sand in a De rica can, one after the other, eventually you'll have a heap of brown sand. A heap of brown sand looks nothing like a grain of brown sand, yet you know one results in another. Supposing you continue to accumulate into another De rica container, and high winds come and mixed your brown sand with white sand, by the time your next De rica can is filled, you'll have a mixture of white and brown heap of sand, which will look nothing like the brown heap of sand or the initial brown grain. Now consider the following example: Assuming your name is Winner01 Methuselah the third, and you have been gifted with two superpowers, namely the power of longevity which will make you live for more than 10,000 years, as well as the power to make someone sleep for a long time before waking them up. Now, because you will live for so long, you wished to kill boredom, so you develop a hobby, breeding red-Birdy. Now, while you're busy with your breeding, your naughty son saw your red- Birdy and started startling it, so you sent you naughty son to sleep until your breeding experiment is done. Your breeding experiment, represented by the matrix below, is carried out with especial interest in three different features as follows: Try A: Mate only the off-springs of red Birdy with the largest bone structures. Try B: Mate only the off-springs of Red Birdy with the largest bone structures and darkest colours. Try c: Mate only the off-springs of Red Birdy with the largest bone structures, darkest colours and Biggest beaks. Find the result below: Red-Birdy Matrix 10,000 years later, you're happy with the outcome of your breeding experiment. You now have three new species of red Birdy: Big-red-Birdy (BRB), Big Black-red-Birdy (BBRB) and Big-Beaked-Black-red-Birdy (BBBRB). So you decide to wake little Winner01 up and show him your beautiful birds. Little Winner01 will say "Oh daddy, when did you buy these three different kinds of birds". But you know better, so you'll say "Son, I didn't buy them. They are off-springs of a common ancestor 'S' the red-Birdy". Your son says, "No, I don't believe that such a small red-Birdy can produce a BBBRB that looks nothing like it, unless you prove it to me at this instant". You will have no way of proving this to your son in a lab because if you take two little red-Birdies, they will never be able to produce one BBBRB. You'll need exactly the same amount of time and similar conditions to reproduce BBBRB to your son. Alternatively, you show your son that there are DNA signatures of little red-Birdy in BBBRB, and your son is thenafter, satisfied. Likewise, when you ask for instantaneous evidence for speciation, that is not a reasonable request, not only because of the length of time involved in evolution, but also the fact that many of the conditions have since changed, which cannot be replicated. For example, there once was an ice-age, which for sure, caused living organisms to evolve so as to survive the harsh climate. Such evolutionary events cannot be replicated today, without the ice-age conditions. As such, to prove evolution, we depend on DNA signatures that all living organisms share, as well as fossil records. DNA signatures and fossil records are scientifically observable and repeatable. So the question one has to ask is: Why do all living things share these signatures? The answer to that question is that the differences in the DNA of all living things were micro-evolutionary events (mutations) which were acquired over time, which then became macro-evolutionary. Everyday, we observe the micro-evolutionary events take place in the lab and in nature, and we have no reason to assume it just stops there. Since you're the one assuming it stops there, the burden of proof is on you to show that such an assumption is valid. I hope you understand evolution better now. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Christianity; The Reason For Science by MISSCONGENIALITY(f): 7:45pm On Mar 13, 2016 |
winner01:Atheism is another religion on its own. They keep criticising religion deceiving themselves that they don't believe in God or whatever, but their Characteristic of not Believing that God IS, only makes it clear that they believe in something. Just that their believe is contrary to that of christian and then they think that they are not religious people. They try as much as possible to win people to their side by attaching other religions. Making it look as if theirs isn't a religion. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
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