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Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness - Religion - Nairaland

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Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by Horus(m): 3:43pm On Jul 24, 2009
[size=15pt]Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Genesis. 1:26 [/size]

Who is God talking to when he said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness?
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by jagunlabi(m): 3:54pm On Jul 24, 2009
This line came out from the head of a bunch of ancient humanoid scientists who had vast knowledge about genetic engineering.They were the Annunakis or what the ancient jews termed as the, Elohim(which is plural).
These were physical beings like you and me,like humans of today( humanoids from another planet),but with scientific and technological knowledge and capability that is still far ahead of ours today.
The Elohim or the Annunakis are not what is really understood as "ALMIGHTY GOD" creator of heaven and earth by us.It is one great big confusion here.
This information is based on the tales found on the very ancient Sumerian Tablets,ofcourse.The very same tales from which the biblical genesis story was drawn.
Some hollywood movie producer should do a movie on the "Epic Of Gilgamesh" and the central character,ANU. After the myth has been thoroughly researched,ofcourse.

[size=15pt]Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Genesis. 1:26 [/size]

Who is God talking to when he said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness?
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by Tudor6(f): 4:08pm On Jul 24, 2009
God is a triune being. God the father, God the Son and God the holy spirit.

God the father was definately speaking to the son and holy spirit hence the "let us". Amen.
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by jagunlabi(m): 4:19pm On Jul 24, 2009
The other "biblical" story about the war in "heaven"(which actually means the space or cosmos here) also originated from the same source of the sumerian Annunakis' tale of the epic of gilgamesh.Here,ofcourse,is another error produced by the biblical interpretations of various interpreters over the centuries.
Many discerning theists have already come to the conclusion that such a war could never have taken place in a spritual realm they have come to understand as a place of perfection and the abode of the creator.War could never have and never can happen in a place of perfection.
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by mamagee3(f): 4:35pm On Jul 24, 2009
He said:

Let's make man in our own image and Likeness.
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by Kunbee: 11:12pm On Jul 30, 2009

God is a triune being. God the father, God the Son and God the holy spirit.

God the father was definately speaking to the son and holy spirit hence the "let us". Amen.

Very correct
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by Horus(m): 12:37am On Jul 31, 2009

This line came out from the head of a bunch of ancient humanoid scientists who had vast knowledge about genetic engineering.They were the Annunakis or what the ancient jews termed as the, Elohim(which is plural).
These were physical beings like you and me,like humans of today( humanoids from another planet),but with scientific and technological knowledge and capability that is still far ahead of ours today.
The Elohim or the Annunakis are not what is really understood as "ALMIGHTY GOD" creator of heaven and earth by us.It is one great big confusion here.
This information is based on the tales found on the very ancient Sumerian Tablets,ofcourse.The very same tales from which the biblical genesis story was drawn.
Some hollywood movie producer should do a movie on the "Epic Of Gilgamesh" and the central character,ANU. After the myth has been thoroughly researched,ofcourse.

Only you got the right answer. We Blacks/Africans are in the likness of The Elohim or the Annunakis.
The Elohim or the Annunakis have dark skin and wooly hair.
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by Annunaki(m): 8:56am On Jul 31, 2009
Mmmmmmh we are watching this thread wink
Re: Let Us Make Man In Our Image, After Our Likeness by PastorKun(m): 3:58pm On May 27, 2012
Interesting discourse, I still think Genesis next to revelation is the most misunderstood book in the whole bible.

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