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Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family - Education (4) - Nairaland

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Peter And Mary Odili's PAMO University Of Medical Sciences, Port Harcourt (Photo / Chris Imafidon: Autism Didn't Stop Me From Making It In Life / Anne-Marie Osawemwemze Imafidon To Be Decorated By Queen Of England (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by liongirl: 11:30pm On Mar 25, 2016

this goes a long way to show that the creator of the world did not creat the white folks to be our superior, Nigerian can produce and invent anything that the white can do if only we have the right mentors.

Its a pity we find ourselves in a messed up dungeon called Nigeria.

If those kids were to be in Nigeria I doubt if they would had attained these greatness.
in Nigeria today national open university of Nigeria can produce such persons. I assure you
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by martha89: 11:31pm On Mar 25, 2016
ogun kill you. Go and die. You're looking for customers here on nairaland but guess what you won't get me. Go and do what you know how to do best.
Well I am not your Benin ashawo mother. You are the one that need to go get a life!
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by kaziblake(f): 11:34pm On Mar 25, 2016
They are from Esan. Esan is the only tribe in Edo State answering "Imafidon". I am from Esan. I grow up in Esan also.
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by esejessy(f): 11:34pm On Mar 25, 2016
she opened a thread insulting other tribes from the great Edo nation. Is it fair? Aren't we supposed to celebrate each other? That girl might even be an ipob rascal.
I really try to calm myself when I hear the rubbish they speak of Edostate.And some haven't met any Edo peeps they talk because others are opening thier worm infested mouth to blab rubbish!
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by martha89: 11:39pm On Mar 25, 2016
Benin's can't ever be this ill -mannered.
That is a lie and you know this!

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Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by chara019: 11:40pm On Mar 25, 2016
The bini and d ishan tribe in Edo are d most lazy people in Nigeria but other tribe in Edo are hardworking.
..this kids grew up in different environment made this to be possible otherwise it wud have bn prostitution 4 d female and alcohol with dreadlock/shit locks on the head of the male.
I read this and i shake my head.sorry you hear.
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by inaiduna(m): 11:43pm On Mar 25, 2016
I commend your maturity and the way you view things, proud that the imafidons are doing great exploits internationally, there are more "imafidons" in our dear Edo state looking for the right grooming and opportunity to bring out the best in them how do we nurture them? For those that have turned a thread of praise to one of war, please sheath the weapon,we are one.

I really try to calm myself when I hear the rubbish they speak of Edostate.And some haven't met any Edo peeps they talk because others are opening thier worm infested mouth to blab rubbish!

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Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by Shymm3x: 11:44pm On Mar 25, 2016
“If you really want a child to learn anything, find out the best way that child learns,” says Imafidon. “Every human being has a unique way of learning.”

Nice. The best way to learn.

This exemplifies why folks need to start breeding with good women - not the owanbe types who just want to lead fake lives on instagram. Missy89, this is one of examples I was citing when you said white people can claim superiority over black folks in terms of intelligence.

We're naturally the smartest race of people - we just need the right method, approach, and system to excel. Hence the reason we need to create our own. These kids were mostly home schooled via a system created by their parents. Apart from the Imafidon, the youngest person ever to pass the GCSE exam, is a black kid from Peckham. There are tons of stories out there and most of the kids were home-schooled.

Can you see the oldest with cornrows on his head? He's also big hip-hop head. Hip-hop stay winning. grin
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by kaziblake(f): 11:46pm On Mar 25, 2016
That guy started this nonsense!
let learn to tolerate each other.Life is too short abeg. smiley
Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by baum1: 11:47pm On Mar 25, 2016
its obvious u were damn drunk before writing this.no point wasting time with a mentally derailed person.your impecunious state might ave triggered u to write dis outrageous rubbish.my candid advice is for u to download sense from Google play store it will help u alot! (OZUOR)

Lol, that guy is hilarious...Hahahaha...Look at the way he seriously articulated his views..Some people will take him seriously like that..Kai, Nairaland giving voice to everybody.

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Re: Peter And Paula Imafidon Are Britain's Smartest Family by esejessy(f): 11:49pm On Mar 25, 2016
But the guy brought my parents in !
calm down dear!

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